blob: 7ac1e9906a0709b20d56256917cffce1a9ba2ae3 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:isolate';
import '{{projectName}}_bindings_generated.dart' as bindings;
/// A very short-lived native function.
/// For very short-lived functions, it is fine to call them on the main isolate.
/// They will block the Dart execution while running the native function, so
/// only do this for native functions which are guaranteed to be short-lived.
int sum(int a, int b) => bindings.sum(a, b);
/// A longer lived native function, which occupies the thread calling it.
/// Do not call these kind of native functions in the main isolate. They will
/// block Dart execution. This will cause dropped frames in Flutter applications.
/// Instead, call these native functions on a separate isolate.
/// Modify this to suit your own use case. Example use cases:
/// 1. Reuse a single isolate for various different kinds of requests.
/// 2. Use multiple helper isolates for parallel execution.
Future<int> sumAsync(int a, int b) async {
final SendPort helperIsolateSendPort = await _helperIsolateSendPort;
final int requestId = _nextSumRequestId++;
final _SumRequest request = _SumRequest(requestId, a, b);
final Completer<int> completer = Completer<int>();
_sumRequests[requestId] = completer;
return completer.future;
/// A request to compute `sum`.
/// Typically sent from one isolate to another.
class _SumRequest {
final int id;
final int a;
final int b;
const _SumRequest(, this.a, this.b);
/// A response with the result of `sum`.
/// Typically sent from one isolate to another.
class _SumResponse {
final int id;
final int result;
const _SumResponse(, this.result);
/// Counter to identify [_SumRequest]s and [_SumResponse]s.
int _nextSumRequestId = 0;
/// Mapping from [_SumRequest] `id`s to the completers corresponding to the correct future of the pending request.
final Map<int, Completer<int>> _sumRequests = <int, Completer<int>>{};
/// The SendPort belonging to the helper isolate.
Future<SendPort> _helperIsolateSendPort = () async {
// The helper isolate is going to send us back a SendPort, which we want to
// wait for.
final Completer<SendPort> completer = Completer<SendPort>();
// Receive port on the main isolate to receive messages from the helper.
// We receive two types of messages:
// 1. A port to send messages on.
// 2. Responses to requests we sent.
final ReceivePort receivePort = ReceivePort()
..listen((dynamic data) {
if (data is SendPort) {
// The helper isolate sent us the port on which we can sent it requests.
if (data is _SumResponse) {
// The helper isolate sent us a response to a request we sent.
final Completer<int> completer = _sumRequests[]!;
throw UnsupportedError('Unsupported message type: ${data.runtimeType}');
// Start the helper isolate.
await Isolate.spawn((SendPort sendPort) async {
final ReceivePort helperReceivePort = ReceivePort()
..listen((dynamic data) {
// On the helper isolate listen to requests and respond to them.
if (data is _SumRequest) {
final int result = bindings.sum_long_running(data.a, data.b);
final _SumResponse response = _SumResponse(, result);
throw UnsupportedError('Unsupported message type: ${data.runtimeType}');
// Send the port to the main isolate on which we can receive requests.
}, receivePort.sendPort);
// Wait until the helper isolate has sent us back the SendPort on which we
// can start sending requests.
return completer.future;