| description: Tools for building Flutter applications |
| homepage: http://flutter.io |
| author: Flutter Authors <flutter-dev@googlegroups.com> |
| analyzer: '>=0.26.1+17' # see note below |
| # A note about 'analyzer': |
| # We don't actually depend on 'analyzer', but 'test' does. We aren't |
| # compatible with some older versions of 'analyzer'. We lie here, |
| # saying we do depend on it, so that we constrain the version that |
| # 'test' will get to a version that we'll probably be ok with. (This |
| # is why there's no upper bound on our dependency.) |
| # See also https://github.com/dart-lang/pub/issues/1356 |
| # Add the bin/sky_tools.dart script to the scripts pub installs. |