| #!/usr/bin/env bash |
| # Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| set -e |
| |
| function script_location() { |
| local script_location="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" |
| # Resolve symlinks |
| while [[ -h "$script_location" ]]; do |
| DIR="$(cd -P "$( dirname "$script_location")" >/dev/null && pwd)" |
| script_location="$(readlink "$script_location")" |
| [[ "$script_location" != /* ]] && script_location="$DIR/$script_location" |
| done |
| cd -P "$(dirname "$script_location")" >/dev/null && pwd |
| } |
| |
| function generate_docs() { |
| # Install and activate dartdoc. |
| # NOTE: When updating to a new dartdoc version, please also update |
| # `dartdoc_options.yaml` to include newly introduced error and warning types. |
| "$DART" pub global activate dartdoc 5.0.1 |
| |
| # Install and activate the snippets tool, which resides in the |
| # assets-for-api-docs repo: |
| # https://github.com/flutter/assets-for-api-docs/tree/master/packages/snippets |
| "$DART" pub global activate snippets 0.3.0 |
| |
| # This script generates a unified doc set, and creates |
| # a custom index.html, placing everything into dev/docs/doc. |
| (cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/tools" && "$FLUTTER" pub get) |
| (cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/tools" && "$DART" pub get) |
| (cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT" && "$DART" --disable-dart-dev --enable-asserts "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/tools/dartdoc.dart") |
| (cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT" && "$DART" --disable-dart-dev --enable-asserts "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/tools/java_and_objc_doc.dart") |
| } |
| |
| # Zip up the docs so people can download them for offline usage. |
| function create_offline_zip() { |
| # Must be run from "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs" |
| echo "$(date): Zipping Flutter offline docs archive." |
| rm -rf flutter.docs.zip doc/offline |
| (cd ./doc; zip -r -9 -q ../flutter.docs.zip .) |
| } |
| |
| # Generate the docset for Flutter docs for use with Dash, Zeal, and Velocity. |
| function create_docset() { |
| # Must be run from "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs" |
| # Must have dashing installed: go get -u github.com/technosophos/dashing |
| # Dashing produces a LOT of log output (~30MB), so we redirect it, and just |
| # show the end of it if there was a problem. |
| echo "$(date): Building Flutter docset." |
| rm -rf flutter.docset |
| # If dashing gets stuck, Cirrus will time out the build after an hour, and we |
| # never get to see the logs. Thus, we run it in the background and tail the logs |
| # while we wait for it to complete. |
| dashing_log=/tmp/dashing.log |
| dashing build --source ./doc --config ./dashing.json > $dashing_log 2>&1 & |
| dashing_pid=$! |
| wait $dashing_pid && \ |
| cp ./doc/flutter/static-assets/favicon.png ./flutter.docset/icon.png && \ |
| "$DART" --disable-dart-dev --enable-asserts ./dashing_postprocess.dart && \ |
| tar cf flutter.docset.tar.gz --use-compress-program="gzip --best" flutter.docset |
| if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then |
| >&2 echo "Dashing docset generation failed" |
| tail -200 $dashing_log |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function deploy_docs() { |
| case "$LUCI_BRANCH" in |
| master) |
| echo "$(date): Updating $LUCI_BRANCH docs: https://master-api.flutter.dev/" |
| # Disable search indexing on the master staging site so searches get only |
| # the stable site. |
| echo -e "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /" > "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs/doc/robots.txt" |
| ;; |
| stable) |
| echo "$(date): Updating $LUCI_BRANCH docs: https://api.flutter.dev/" |
| # Enable search indexing on the master staging site so searches get only |
| # the stable site. |
| echo -e "# All robots welcome!" > "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs/doc/robots.txt" |
| ;; |
| *) |
| >&2 echo "Docs deployment cannot be run on the $LUCI_BRANCH branch." |
| exit 0 |
| esac |
| } |
| |
| # Move the offline archives into place, after all the processing of the doc |
| # directory is done. This avoids the tools recursively processing the archives |
| # as part of their process. |
| function move_offline_into_place() { |
| # Must be run from "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs" |
| echo "$(date): Moving offline data into place." |
| mkdir -p doc/offline |
| mv flutter.docs.zip doc/offline/flutter.docs.zip |
| du -sh doc/offline/flutter.docs.zip |
| if [[ "$LUCI_BRANCH" == "stable" ]]; then |
| echo -e "<entry>\n <version>${FLUTTER_VERSION_STRING}</version>\n <url>https://api.flutter.dev/offline/flutter.docset.tar.gz</url>\n</entry>" > doc/offline/flutter.xml |
| else |
| echo -e "<entry>\n <version>${FLUTTER_VERSION_STRING}</version>\n <url>https://master-api.flutter.dev/offline/flutter.docset.tar.gz</url>\n</entry>" > doc/offline/flutter.xml |
| fi |
| mv flutter.docset.tar.gz doc/offline/flutter.docset.tar.gz |
| du -sh doc/offline/flutter.docset.tar.gz |
| } |
| |
| # So that users can run this script from anywhere and it will work as expected. |
| SCRIPT_LOCATION="$(script_location)" |
| # Sets the Flutter root to be "$(script_location)/../..": This script assumes |
| # that it resides two directory levels down from the root, so if that changes, |
| # then this line will need to as well. |
| FLUTTER_ROOT="$(dirname "$(dirname "$SCRIPT_LOCATION")")" |
| |
| echo "$(date): Running docs.sh" |
| |
| if [[ ! -d "$FLUTTER_ROOT" || ! -f "$FLUTTER_ROOT/bin/flutter" ]]; then |
| >&2 echo "Unable to locate the Flutter installation (using FLUTTER_ROOT: $FLUTTER_ROOT)" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| DART_BIN="$FLUTTER_ROOT/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin" |
| FLUTTER="$FLUTTER_BIN/flutter" |
| DART="$DART_BIN/dart" |
| |
| # Make sure dart is installed by invoking Flutter to download it. |
| # This also creates the 'version' file. |
| FLUTTER_VERSION=$("$FLUTTER" --version --machine) |
| |
| # If the pub cache directory exists in the root, then use that. |
| if [[ -d "$FLUTTER_PUB_CACHE" ]]; then |
| # This has to be exported, because pub interprets setting it to the empty |
| # string in the same way as setting it to ".". |
| fi |
| |
| generate_docs |
| # Skip publishing docs for PRs and release candidate branches |
| if [[ -n "$LUCI_CI" && -z "$LUCI_PR" ]]; then |
| (cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs"; create_offline_zip) |
| (cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs"; create_docset) |
| (cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs"; move_offline_into_place) |
| deploy_docs |
| fi |