blob: f544f6f40cc2c654b272b0c08138ff2754c8434b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import '../../base/file_system.dart';
import '../../base/project_migrator.dart';
import '../../xcode_project.dart';
const String _kDisableMinimumFrameDurationKey = 'CADisableMinimumFrameDurationOnPhone';
const String _kIndirectInputEventsKey = 'UIApplicationSupportsIndirectInputEvents';
/// Update Info.plist.
class HostAppInfoPlistMigration extends ProjectMigrator {
IosProject project,
) : _infoPlist = project.defaultHostInfoPlist;
final File _infoPlist;
Future<void> migrate() async {
if (!_infoPlist.existsSync()) {
logger.printTrace('Info.plist not found, skipping host app Info.plist migration.');
String migrateFileContents(String fileContents) {
String newContents = fileContents;
if (!newContents.contains(_kDisableMinimumFrameDurationKey)) {
logger.printTrace('Adding $_kDisableMinimumFrameDurationKey to Info.plist');
const String plistEnd = '''
const String plistWithKey = '''
newContents = newContents.replaceAll(plistEnd, plistWithKey);
if (!newContents.contains(_kIndirectInputEventsKey)) {
logger.printTrace('Adding $_kIndirectInputEventsKey to Info.plist');
const String plistEnd = '''
const String plistWithKey = '''
newContents = newContents.replaceAll(plistEnd, plistWithKey);
return newContents;