blob: c5e1d26e7426333934abfe0044f41a8da821a0ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:developer';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
/// Interface for drawing an image to warm up Skia shader compilations.
/// When Skia first sees a certain type of draw operations on GPU, it needs to
/// compile the corresponding shader. The compilation can be slow (20ms-200ms).
/// Having that time as a startup latency is often better than having a jank in
/// the middle of an animation.
/// Therefore, we use this during the [PaintingBinding.initInstances] call to
/// move common shader compilations from animation time to startup time. By
/// default, a [DefaultShaderWarmUp] is used. Create a custom [ShaderWarmUp]
/// subclass to replace [PaintingBinding.shaderWarmUp] before
/// [PaintingBinding.initInstances] is called. Usually, that can be done before
/// calling [runApp].
/// This warm up needs to be run on each individual device because the shader
/// compilation depends on the specific GPU hardware and driver a device has. It
/// can't be pre-computed during the Flutter engine compilation as the engine is
/// device agnostic.
/// If no warm up is desired (e.g., when the startup latency is crucial), set
/// [PaintingBinding.shaderWarmUp] either to a custom ShaderWarmUp with an empty
/// [warmUpOnCanvas] or null.
abstract class ShaderWarmUp {
/// Allow const constructors for subclasses.
const ShaderWarmUp();
/// The size of the warm up image.
/// The exact size shouldn't matter much as long as it's not too far away from
/// the target device's screen. 1024x1024 is a good choice as it is within an
/// order of magnitude of most devices.
/// A custom shader warm up can override this based on targeted devices.
ui.Size get size => const ui.Size(1024.0, 1024.0);
/// Trigger draw operations on a given canvas to warm up GPU shader
/// compilation cache.
/// To decide which draw operations to be added to your custom warm up
/// process, try capture an skp using `flutter screenshot --observatory-
/// port=<port> --type=skia` and analyze it with
/// Alternatively, one may run the app with `flutter run --trace-skia` and
/// then examine the GPU thread in the observatory timeline to see which
/// Skia draw operations are commonly used, and which shader compilations
/// are causing janks.
void warmUpOnCanvas(ui.Canvas canvas);
/// Construct an offscreen image of [size], and execute [warmUpOnCanvas] on a
/// canvas associated with that image.
void execute() {
final ui.PictureRecorder recorder = ui.PictureRecorder();
final ui.Canvas canvas = ui.Canvas(recorder);
final ui.Picture picture = recorder.endRecording();
final TimelineTask shaderWarmUpTask = TimelineTask();
shaderWarmUpTask.start('Warm-up shader');
picture.toImage(size.width.ceil(), size.height.ceil()).then((ui.Image image) {
/// Default way of warming up Skia shader compilations.
/// The draw operations being warmed up here are decided according to Flutter
/// engineers' observation and experience based on the apps and the performance
/// issues seen so far.
class DefaultShaderWarmUp extends ShaderWarmUp {
/// Allow [DefaultShaderWarmUp] to be used as the default value of parameters.
const DefaultShaderWarmUp();
/// Trigger common draw operations on a canvas to warm up GPU shader
/// compilation cache.
void warmUpOnCanvas(ui.Canvas canvas) {
final ui.RRect rrect = ui.RRect.fromLTRBXY(20.0, 20.0, 60.0, 60.0, 10.0, 10.0);
final ui.Path rrectPath = ui.Path()..addRRect(rrect);
final ui.Path circlePath = ui.Path()..addOval(
ui.Rect.fromCircle(center: const ui.Offset(40.0, 40.0), radius: 20.0)
// The following path is based on
final ui.Path path = ui.Path();
path.moveTo(20.0, 60.0);
path.quadraticBezierTo(60.0, 20.0, 60.0, 60.0);
path.moveTo(60.0, 20.0);
path.quadraticBezierTo(60.0, 60.0, 20.0, 60.0);
final List<ui.Path> paths = <ui.Path>[rrectPath, circlePath, path];
final List<ui.Paint> paints = <ui.Paint>[
..isAntiAlias = true = ui.PaintingStyle.fill,
..isAntiAlias = true = ui.PaintingStyle.stroke
..strokeWidth = 10,
..isAntiAlias = true = ui.PaintingStyle.stroke
..strokeWidth = 0.1 // hairline
// Warm up path stroke and fill shaders.
for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i += 1) {;
for (ui.Paint paint in paints) {
canvas.drawPath(paths[i], paint);
canvas.translate(80.0, 0.0);
canvas.translate(0.0, 80.0);
// Warm up shadow shaders.
const ui.Color black = ui.Color(0xFF000000);;
canvas.drawShadow(rrectPath, black, 10.0, true);
canvas.translate(80.0, 0.0);
canvas.drawShadow(rrectPath, black, 10.0, false);
// Warm up text shaders.
canvas.translate(0.0, 80.0);
final ui.ParagraphBuilder paragraphBuilder = ui.ParagraphBuilder(
ui.ParagraphStyle(textDirection: ui.TextDirection.ltr),
)..pushStyle(ui.TextStyle(color: black))..addText('_');
final ui.Paragraph paragraph =
..layout(const ui.ParagraphConstraints(width: 60.0));
canvas.drawParagraph(paragraph, const ui.Offset(20.0, 20.0));