blob: 1454d8f05fa222f815032cbdb8cc5413842a2c39 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:xml/xml.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import '../src/convert.dart';
import 'android/gradle_utils.dart' as gradle;
import 'base/common.dart';
import 'base/error_handling_io.dart';
import 'base/file_system.dart';
import 'base/logger.dart';
import 'base/utils.dart';
import 'bundle.dart' as bundle;
import 'cmake_project.dart';
import 'features.dart';
import 'flutter_manifest.dart';
import 'flutter_plugins.dart';
import 'globals_null_migrated.dart' as globals;
import 'platform_plugins.dart';
import 'template.dart';
import 'xcode_project.dart';
export 'cmake_project.dart';
export 'xcode_project.dart';
class FlutterProjectFactory {
required Logger logger,
required FileSystem fileSystem,
}) : _logger = logger,
_fileSystem = fileSystem;
final Logger _logger;
final FileSystem _fileSystem;
final Map<String, FlutterProject> projects =
<String, FlutterProject>{};
/// Returns a [FlutterProject] view of the given directory or a ToolExit error,
/// if `pubspec.yaml` or `example/pubspec.yaml` is invalid.
FlutterProject fromDirectory(Directory directory) {
assert(directory != null);
return projects.putIfAbsent(directory.path, () {
final FlutterManifest manifest = FlutterProject._readManifest(
logger: _logger,
fileSystem: _fileSystem,
final FlutterManifest exampleManifest = FlutterProject._readManifest(
logger: _logger,
fileSystem: _fileSystem,
return FlutterProject(directory, manifest, exampleManifest);
/// Represents the contents of a Flutter project at the specified [directory].
/// [FlutterManifest] information is read from `pubspec.yaml` and
/// `example/pubspec.yaml` files on construction of a [FlutterProject] instance.
/// The constructed instance carries an immutable snapshot representation of the
/// presence and content of those files. Accordingly, [FlutterProject] instances
/// should be discarded upon changes to the `pubspec.yaml` files, but can be
/// used across changes to other files, as no other file-level information is
/// cached.
class FlutterProject {
FlutterProject(, this.manifest, this._exampleManifest)
: assert(directory != null),
assert(manifest != null),
assert(_exampleManifest != null);
/// Returns a [FlutterProject] view of the given directory or a ToolExit error,
/// if `pubspec.yaml` or `example/pubspec.yaml` is invalid.
static FlutterProject fromDirectory(Directory directory) => globals.projectFactory.fromDirectory(directory);
/// Returns a [FlutterProject] view of the current directory or a ToolExit error,
/// if `pubspec.yaml` or `example/pubspec.yaml` is invalid.
static FlutterProject current() => globals.projectFactory.fromDirectory(globals.fs.currentDirectory);
/// Create a [FlutterProject] and bypass the project caching.
static FlutterProject fromDirectoryTest(Directory directory, [Logger? logger]) {
final FileSystem fileSystem = directory.fileSystem;
logger ??= BufferLogger.test();
final FlutterManifest manifest = FlutterProject._readManifest(
logger: logger,
fileSystem: fileSystem,
final FlutterManifest exampleManifest = FlutterProject._readManifest(
logger: logger,
fileSystem: fileSystem,
return FlutterProject(directory, manifest, exampleManifest);
/// The location of this project.
final Directory directory;
/// The manifest of this project.
final FlutterManifest manifest;
/// The manifest of the example sub-project of this project.
final FlutterManifest _exampleManifest;
/// The set of organization names found in this project as
/// part of iOS product bundle identifier, Android application ID, or
/// Gradle group ID.
Future<Set<String>> get organizationNames async {
final List<String> candidates = <String>[];
if (ios.existsSync()) {
// Don't require iOS build info, this method is only
// used during create as best-effort, use the
// default target bundle identifier.
final String? bundleIdentifier = await ios.productBundleIdentifier(null);
if (bundleIdentifier != null) {
if (android.existsSync()) {
final String? applicationId = android.applicationId;
final String? group =;
if (applicationId != null)
if (group != null)
if ( {
final String? applicationId =;
if (applicationId != null) {
if (example.ios.existsSync()) {
final String? bundleIdentifier = await example.ios.productBundleIdentifier(null);
if (bundleIdentifier != null) {
return Set<String>.of(<String?>(_organizationNameFromPackageName).whereType<String>());
String? _organizationNameFromPackageName(String packageName) {
if (packageName != null && 0 <= packageName.lastIndexOf('.')) {
return packageName.substring(0, packageName.lastIndexOf('.'));
return null;
/// The iOS sub project of this project.
IosProject? _ios;
IosProject get ios => _ios ??= IosProject.fromFlutter(this);
/// The Android sub project of this project.
AndroidProject? _android;
AndroidProject get android => _android ??= AndroidProject._(this);
/// The web sub project of this project.
WebProject? _web;
WebProject get web => _web ??= WebProject._(this);
/// The MacOS sub project of this project.
MacOSProject? _macos;
MacOSProject get macos => _macos ??= MacOSProject.fromFlutter(this);
/// The Linux sub project of this project.
LinuxProject? _linux;
LinuxProject get linux => _linux ??= LinuxProject.fromFlutter(this);
/// The Windows sub project of this project.
WindowsProject? _windows;
WindowsProject get windows => _windows ??= WindowsProject.fromFlutter(this);
/// The Windows UWP sub project of this project.
WindowsUwpProject? _windowUwp;
WindowsUwpProject get windowsUwp => _windowUwp ??= WindowsUwpProject.fromFlutter(this);
/// The Fuchsia sub project of this project.
FuchsiaProject? _fuchsia;
FuchsiaProject get fuchsia => _fuchsia ??= FuchsiaProject._(this);
/// The `pubspec.yaml` file of this project.
File get pubspecFile => directory.childFile('pubspec.yaml');
/// The `.packages` file of this project.
File get packagesFile => directory.childFile('.packages');
/// The `package_config.json` file of the project.
/// This is the replacement for .packages which contains language
/// version information.
File get packageConfigFile => directory.childDirectory('.dart_tool').childFile('package_config.json');
/// The `.metadata` file of this project.
File get metadataFile => directory.childFile('.metadata');
/// The `.flutter-plugins` file of this project.
File get flutterPluginsFile => directory.childFile('.flutter-plugins');
/// The `.flutter-plugins-dependencies` file of this project,
/// which contains the dependencies each plugin depends on.
File get flutterPluginsDependenciesFile => directory.childFile('.flutter-plugins-dependencies');
/// The `.dart-tool` directory of this project.
Directory get dartTool => directory.childDirectory('.dart_tool');
/// The directory containing the generated code for this project.
Directory get generated => directory
/// The example sub-project of this project.
FlutterProject get example => FlutterProject(
FlutterManifest.empty(logger: globals.logger),
/// True if this project is a Flutter module project.
bool get isModule => manifest.isModule;
/// True if this project is a Flutter plugin project.
bool get isPlugin => manifest.isPlugin;
/// True if the Flutter project is using the AndroidX support library.
bool get usesAndroidX => manifest.usesAndroidX;
/// True if this project has an example application.
bool get hasExampleApp => _exampleDirectory(directory).existsSync();
/// The directory that will contain the example if an example exists.
static Directory _exampleDirectory(Directory directory) => directory.childDirectory('example');
/// Reads and validates the `pubspec.yaml` file at [path], asynchronously
/// returning a [FlutterManifest] representation of the contents.
/// Completes with an empty [FlutterManifest], if the file does not exist.
/// Completes with a ToolExit on validation error.
static FlutterManifest _readManifest(String path, {
required Logger logger,
required FileSystem fileSystem,
}) {
FlutterManifest? manifest;
try {
manifest = FlutterManifest.createFromPath(
logger: logger,
fileSystem: fileSystem,
} on YamlException catch (e) {
logger.printStatus('Error detected in pubspec.yaml:', emphasis: true);
} on FormatException catch (e) {
logger.printError('Error detected while parsing pubspec.yaml:', emphasis: true);
} on FileSystemException catch (e) {
logger.printError('Error detected while reading pubspec.yaml:', emphasis: true);
if (manifest == null) {
throwToolExit('Please correct the pubspec.yaml file at $path');
return manifest;
/// Reapplies template files and regenerates project files and plugin
/// registrants for app and module projects only.
/// Will not create project platform directories if they do not already exist.
Future<void> regeneratePlatformSpecificTooling() async {
return ensureReadyForPlatformSpecificTooling(
androidPlatform: android.existsSync(),
iosPlatform: ios.existsSync(),
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Revisit the conditions here once the plans for handling
// desktop in existing projects are in place.
linuxPlatform: featureFlags.isLinuxEnabled && linux.existsSync(),
macOSPlatform: featureFlags.isMacOSEnabled && macos.existsSync(),
windowsPlatform: featureFlags.isWindowsEnabled && windows.existsSync(),
webPlatform: featureFlags.isWebEnabled && web.existsSync(),
winUwpPlatform: featureFlags.isWindowsUwpEnabled && windowsUwp.existsSync(),
/// Applies template files and generates project files and plugin
/// registrants for app and module projects only for the specified platforms.
Future<void> ensureReadyForPlatformSpecificTooling({
bool androidPlatform = false,
bool iosPlatform = false,
bool linuxPlatform = false,
bool macOSPlatform = false,
bool windowsPlatform = false,
bool webPlatform = false,
bool winUwpPlatform = false,
}) async {
if (!directory.existsSync() || hasExampleApp || isPlugin) {
await refreshPluginsList(this, iosPlatform: iosPlatform, macOSPlatform: macOSPlatform);
if (androidPlatform) {
await android.ensureReadyForPlatformSpecificTooling();
if (iosPlatform) {
await ios.ensureReadyForPlatformSpecificTooling();
if (linuxPlatform) {
await linux.ensureReadyForPlatformSpecificTooling();
if (macOSPlatform) {
await macos.ensureReadyForPlatformSpecificTooling();
if (windowsPlatform) {
await windows.ensureReadyForPlatformSpecificTooling();
if (webPlatform) {
await web.ensureReadyForPlatformSpecificTooling();
if (winUwpPlatform) {
await windowsUwp.ensureReadyForPlatformSpecificTooling();
await injectPlugins(
androidPlatform: androidPlatform,
iosPlatform: iosPlatform,
linuxPlatform: linuxPlatform,
macOSPlatform: macOSPlatform,
windowsPlatform: windowsPlatform,
webPlatform: webPlatform,
winUwpPlatform: winUwpPlatform,
/// Returns a json encoded string containing the [appName], [version], and [buildNumber] that is used to generate version.json
String getVersionInfo() {
final String? buildName = manifest.buildName;
final String? buildNumber = manifest.buildNumber;
final Map<String, String> versionFileJson = <String, String>{
'app_name': manifest.appName,
if (buildName != null)
'version': buildName,
if (buildNumber != null)
'build_number': buildNumber,
return jsonEncode(versionFileJson);
/// Base class for projects per platform.
abstract class FlutterProjectPlatform {
/// Plugin's platform config key, e.g., "macos", "ios".
String get pluginConfigKey;
/// Whether the platform exists in the project.
bool existsSync();
/// Represents the Android sub-project of a Flutter project.
/// Instances will reflect the contents of the `android/` sub-folder of
/// Flutter applications and the `.android/` sub-folder of Flutter module projects.
class AndroidProject extends FlutterProjectPlatform {
/// The parent of this project.
final FlutterProject parent;
String get pluginConfigKey => AndroidPlugin.kConfigKey;
static final RegExp _applicationIdPattern = RegExp('^\\s*applicationId\\s+[\'"](.*)[\'"]\\s*\$');
static final RegExp _kotlinPluginPattern = RegExp('^\\s*apply plugin\\:\\s+[\'"]kotlin-android[\'"]\\s*\$');
static final RegExp _groupPattern = RegExp('^\\s*group\\s+[\'"](.*)[\'"]\\s*\$');
/// The Gradle root directory of the Android host app. This is the directory
/// containing the `app/` subdirectory and the `settings.gradle` file that
/// includes it in the overall Gradle project.
Directory get hostAppGradleRoot {
if (!isModule || _editableHostAppDirectory.existsSync()) {
return _editableHostAppDirectory;
return ephemeralDirectory;
/// The Gradle root directory of the Android wrapping of Flutter and plugins.
/// This is the same as [hostAppGradleRoot] except when the project is
/// a Flutter module with an editable host app.
Directory get _flutterLibGradleRoot => isModule ? ephemeralDirectory : _editableHostAppDirectory;
Directory get ephemeralDirectory =>'.android');
Directory get _editableHostAppDirectory =>'android');
/// True if the parent Flutter project is a module.
bool get isModule => parent.isModule;
/// True if the Flutter project is using the AndroidX support library.
bool get usesAndroidX => parent.usesAndroidX;
/// Returns true if the current version of the Gradle plugin is supported.
bool get isSupportedVersion => _isSupportedVersion ??= _computeSupportedVersion();
bool? _isSupportedVersion;
bool _computeSupportedVersion() {
final FileSystem fileSystem = hostAppGradleRoot.fileSystem;
final File plugin = hostAppGradleRoot.childFile(
fileSystem.path.join('buildSrc', 'src', 'main', 'groovy', 'FlutterPlugin.groovy'));
if (plugin.existsSync()) {
return false;
final File appGradle = hostAppGradleRoot.childFile(
fileSystem.path.join('app', 'build.gradle'));
if (!appGradle.existsSync()) {
return false;
for (final String line in appGradle.readAsLinesSync()) {
if (line.contains(RegExp(r'apply from: .*/flutter.gradle')) ||
line.contains("def flutterPluginVersion = 'managed'")) {
return true;
return false;
/// True, if the app project is using Kotlin.
bool get isKotlin {
final File gradleFile = hostAppGradleRoot.childDirectory('app').childFile('build.gradle');
return firstMatchInFile(gradleFile, _kotlinPluginPattern) != null;
File get appManifestFile {
return isUsingGradle
? globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(hostAppGradleRoot.path, 'app', 'src', 'main', 'AndroidManifest.xml'))
: hostAppGradleRoot.childFile('AndroidManifest.xml');
File get gradleAppOutV1File => gradleAppOutV1Directory.childFile('app-debug.apk');
Directory get gradleAppOutV1Directory {
return, 'app', 'build', 'outputs', 'apk'));
/// Whether the current flutter project has an Android sub-project.
bool existsSync() {
return parent.isModule || _editableHostAppDirectory.existsSync();
bool get isUsingGradle {
return hostAppGradleRoot.childFile('build.gradle').existsSync();
String? get applicationId {
final File gradleFile = hostAppGradleRoot.childDirectory('app').childFile('build.gradle');
return firstMatchInFile(gradleFile, _applicationIdPattern)?.group(1);
String? get group {
final File gradleFile = hostAppGradleRoot.childFile('build.gradle');
return firstMatchInFile(gradleFile, _groupPattern)?.group(1);
/// The build directory where the Android artifacts are placed.
Directory get buildDirectory {
Future<void> ensureReadyForPlatformSpecificTooling() async {
if (getEmbeddingVersion() == AndroidEmbeddingVersion.v1) {
Your Flutter application is created using an older version of the Android
embedding. It's being deprecated in favor of Android embedding v2. Follow the
steps at
to migrate your project.
if (isModule && _shouldRegenerateFromTemplate()) {
await _regenerateLibrary();
// Add ephemeral host app, if an editable host app does not already exist.
if (!_editableHostAppDirectory.existsSync()) {
await _overwriteFromTemplate(globals.fs.path.join('module', 'android', 'host_app_common'), ephemeralDirectory);
await _overwriteFromTemplate(globals.fs.path.join('module', 'android', 'host_app_ephemeral'), ephemeralDirectory);
if (!hostAppGradleRoot.existsSync()) {
gradle.updateLocalProperties(project: parent, requireAndroidSdk: false);
bool _shouldRegenerateFromTemplate() {
return globals.fsUtils.isOlderThanReference(
entity: ephemeralDirectory,
referenceFile: parent.pubspecFile,
) || globals.cache.isOlderThanToolsStamp(ephemeralDirectory);
File get localPropertiesFile => _flutterLibGradleRoot.childFile('');
Directory get pluginRegistrantHost => _flutterLibGradleRoot.childDirectory(isModule ? 'Flutter' : 'app');
Future<void> _regenerateLibrary() async {
ErrorHandlingFileSystem.deleteIfExists(ephemeralDirectory, recursive: true);
await _overwriteFromTemplate(globals.fs.path.join(
), ephemeralDirectory);
await _overwriteFromTemplate(globals.fs.path.join('module', 'android', 'gradle'), ephemeralDirectory);
Future<void> _overwriteFromTemplate(String path, Directory target) async {
final Template template = await Template.fromName(
fileSystem: globals.fs,
templateManifest: null,
logger: globals.logger,
templateRenderer: globals.templateRenderer,
final String androidIdentifier = parent.manifest.androidPackage ?? 'com.example.${parent.manifest.appName}';
<String, Object>{
'android': true,
'projectName': parent.manifest.appName,
'androidIdentifier': androidIdentifier,
'androidX': usesAndroidX,
printStatusWhenWriting: false,
overwriteExisting: true,
AndroidEmbeddingVersion getEmbeddingVersion() {
if (isModule) {
// A module type's Android project is used in add-to-app scenarios and
// only supports the V2 embedding.
return AndroidEmbeddingVersion.v2;
if (appManifestFile == null || !appManifestFile.existsSync()) {
return AndroidEmbeddingVersion.v1;
XmlDocument document;
try {
document = XmlDocument.parse(appManifestFile.readAsStringSync());
} on XmlParserException {
throwToolExit('Error parsing $appManifestFile '
'Please ensure that the android manifest is a valid XML document and try again.');
} on FileSystemException {
throwToolExit('Error reading $appManifestFile even though it exists. '
'Please ensure that you have read permission to this file and try again.');
for (final XmlElement metaData in document.findAllElements('meta-data')) {
final String? name = metaData.getAttribute('android:name');
if (name == 'flutterEmbedding') {
final String? embeddingVersionString = metaData.getAttribute('android:value');
if (embeddingVersionString == '1') {
return AndroidEmbeddingVersion.v1;
if (embeddingVersionString == '2') {
return AndroidEmbeddingVersion.v2;
return AndroidEmbeddingVersion.v1;
/// Iteration of the embedding Java API in the engine used by the Android project.
enum AndroidEmbeddingVersion {
/// V1 APIs based on
/// V2 APIs based on
/// Represents the web sub-project of a Flutter project.
class WebProject extends FlutterProjectPlatform {
final FlutterProject parent;
String get pluginConfigKey => WebPlugin.kConfigKey;
/// Whether this flutter project has a web sub-project.
bool existsSync() {
&& indexFile.existsSync();
/// The 'lib' directory for the application.
Directory get libDirectory =>'lib');
/// The directory containing additional files for the application.
Directory get directory =>'web');
/// The html file used to host the flutter web application.
File get indexFile =>
Future<void> ensureReadyForPlatformSpecificTooling() async {}
/// The Fuchsia sub project.
class FuchsiaProject {
final FlutterProject project;
Directory? _editableHostAppDirectory;
Directory get editableHostAppDirectory =>
_editableHostAppDirectory ??='fuchsia');
bool existsSync() => editableHostAppDirectory.existsSync();
Directory? _meta;
Directory get meta =>
_meta ??= editableHostAppDirectory.childDirectory('meta');