blob: f7453c59912bacc78de4bd436ce3e16865c4673f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:package_config/packages_file.dart' as packages_file;
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/platform.dart';
const String kPackagesFileName = '.packages';
Map<String, Uri> _parse(String packagesPath) {
final List<int> source = fs.file(packagesPath).readAsBytesSync();
return packages_file.parse(source,
Uri.file(packagesPath, windows: platform.isWindows));
class PackageMap {
static String get globalPackagesPath => _globalPackagesPath ?? kPackagesFileName;
static String get globalGeneratedPackagesPath => fs.path.setExtension(globalPackagesPath, '.generated');
static set globalPackagesPath(String value) {
_globalPackagesPath = value;
static bool get isUsingCustomPackagesPath => _globalPackagesPath != null;
static String _globalPackagesPath;
final String packagesPath;
/// Load and parses the .packages file.
void load() {
_map ??= _parse(packagesPath);
Map<String, Uri> get map {
return _map;
Map<String, Uri> _map;
/// Returns the path to [packageUri].
String pathForPackage(Uri packageUri) => uriForPackage(packageUri).path;
/// Returns the path to [packageUri] as URL.
Uri uriForPackage(Uri packageUri) {
assert(packageUri.scheme == 'package');
final List<String> pathSegments = packageUri.pathSegments.toList();
final String packageName = pathSegments.removeAt(0);
final Uri packageBase = map[packageName];
if (packageBase == null) {
return null;
final String packageRelativePath = fs.path.joinAll(pathSegments);
return packageBase.resolveUri(fs.path.toUri(packageRelativePath));
String checkValid() {
if (fs.isFileSync(packagesPath)) {
return null;
String message = '$packagesPath does not exist.';
final String pubspecPath = fs.path.absolute(fs.path.dirname(packagesPath), 'pubspec.yaml');
if (fs.isFileSync(pubspecPath)) {
message += '\nDid you run "flutter pub get" in this directory?';
} else {
message += '\nDid you run this command from the same directory as your pubspec.yaml file?';
return message;