blob: e2a2adddb397f4dc722aeb9760287f6bbe507800 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../android/android_sdk.dart';
import '../artifacts.dart';
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/logger.dart';
import '../base/os.dart';
import '../base/platform.dart';
import '../base/process.dart';
import '../base/terminal.dart';
import '../base/utils.dart';
import '../base/version.dart';
import '../build_info.dart';
import '../cache.dart';
import '../features.dart';
import '../flutter_manifest.dart';
import '../globals.dart';
import '../project.dart';
import '../reporting/reporting.dart';
import 'android_sdk.dart';
import 'android_studio.dart';
final RegExp _assembleTaskPattern = RegExp(r'assemble(\S+)');
GradleProject _cachedGradleAppProject;
GradleProject _cachedGradleLibraryProject;
String _cachedGradleExecutable;
enum FlutterPluginVersion {
// Investigation documented in #13975 suggests the filter should be a subset
// of the impact of -q, but users insist they see the error message sometimes
// anyway. If we can prove it really is impossible, delete the filter.
// This technically matches everything *except* the NDK message, since it's
// passed to a function that filters out all lines that don't match a filter.
final RegExp ndkMessageFilter = RegExp(r'^(?!NDK is missing a ".*" directory'
r'|If you are not using NDK, unset the NDK variable from ANDROID_NDK_HOME or to remove this warning'
r'|If you are using NDK, verify the ndk.dir is set to a valid NDK directory. It is currently set to .*)');
// This regex is intentionally broad. AndroidX errors can manifest in multiple
// different ways and each one depends on the specific code config and
// filesystem paths of the project. Throwing the broadest net possible here to
// catch all known and likely cases.
// Example stack traces:
// "AAPT: error: resource android:attr/fontVariationSettings not found."
// "Android resource linking failed|Daemon: AAPT2|error: failed linking references"
// "error: cannot find symbol import androidx.annotation.NonNull;"
// "error: package does not exist import;"
final RegExp androidXFailureRegex = RegExp(r'(AAPT|androidx|android\.support)');
final RegExp androidXPluginWarningRegex = RegExp(r'\*{57}'
r"|WARNING: This version of (\w+) will break your Android build if it or its dependencies aren't compatible with AndroidX."
r'|See for more information on the problem and how to fix it.'
r'|This warning prints for all Android build failures. The real root cause of the error may be unrelated.');
FlutterPluginVersion getFlutterPluginVersion(AndroidProject project) {
final File plugin = project.hostAppGradleRoot.childFile(
fs.path.join('buildSrc', 'src', 'main', 'groovy', 'FlutterPlugin.groovy'));
if (plugin.existsSync()) {
final String packageLine = plugin.readAsLinesSync().skip(4).first;
if (packageLine == 'package io.flutter.gradle') {
return FlutterPluginVersion.v2;
return FlutterPluginVersion.v1;
final File appGradle = project.hostAppGradleRoot.childFile(
fs.path.join('app', 'build.gradle'));
if (appGradle.existsSync()) {
for (String line in appGradle.readAsLinesSync()) {
if (line.contains(RegExp(r'apply from: .*/flutter.gradle'))) {
return FlutterPluginVersion.managed;
if (line.contains("def flutterPluginVersion = 'managed'")) {
return FlutterPluginVersion.managed;
return FlutterPluginVersion.none;
/// Returns the apk file created by [buildGradleProject]
Future<File> getGradleAppOut(AndroidProject androidProject) async {
switch (getFlutterPluginVersion(androidProject)) {
case FlutterPluginVersion.none:
// Fall through. Pretend we're v1, and just go with it.
case FlutterPluginVersion.v1:
return androidProject.gradleAppOutV1File;
case FlutterPluginVersion.managed:
// Fall through. The managed plugin matches plugin v2 for now.
case FlutterPluginVersion.v2:
return fs.file((await _gradleAppProject()).apkDirectory.childFile('app.apk'));
return null;
Future<GradleProject> _gradleAppProject() async {
_cachedGradleAppProject ??= await _readGradleProject(isLibrary: false);
return _cachedGradleAppProject;
Future<GradleProject> _gradleLibraryProject() async {
_cachedGradleLibraryProject ??= await _readGradleProject(isLibrary: true);
return _cachedGradleLibraryProject;
/// Runs `gradlew dependencies`, ensuring that dependencies are resolved and
/// potentially downloaded.
Future<void> checkGradleDependencies() async {
final Status progress = logger.startProgress('Ensuring gradle dependencies are up to date...', timeout: timeoutConfiguration.slowOperation);
final FlutterProject flutterProject = FlutterProject.current();
final String gradle = await _ensureGradle(flutterProject);
await runCheckedAsync(
<String>[gradle, 'dependencies'],
environment: _gradleEnv,
/// Tries to create `settings_aar.gradle` in an app project by removing the subprojects
/// from the existing `settings.gradle` file. This operation will fail if the existing
/// `settings.gradle` file has local edits.
void createSettingsAarGradle(Directory androidDirectory) {
final File newSettingsFile = androidDirectory.childFile('settings_aar.gradle');
if (newSettingsFile.existsSync()) {
final File currentSettingsFile = androidDirectory.childFile('settings.gradle');
if (!currentSettingsFile.existsSync()) {
final String currentFileContent = currentSettingsFile.readAsStringSync();
final String newSettingsRelativeFile = fs.path.relative(newSettingsFile.path);
final Status status = logger.startProgress('✏️ Creating `$newSettingsRelativeFile`...',
timeout: timeoutConfiguration.fastOperation);
final String flutterRoot = fs.path.absolute(Cache.flutterRoot);
final File deprecatedFile = fs.file(fs.path.join(flutterRoot, 'packages','flutter_tools',
'gradle', 'deprecated_settings.gradle'));
final String settingsAarContent = fs.file(fs.path.join(flutterRoot, 'packages','flutter_tools',
'gradle', 'settings_aar.gradle.tmpl')).readAsStringSync();
// Get the `settings.gradle` content variants that should be patched.
final List<String> existingVariants = deprecatedFile.readAsStringSync().split(';EOF');
bool exactMatch = false;
for (String fileContentVariant in existingVariants) {
if (currentFileContent.trim() == fileContentVariant.trim()) {
exactMatch = true;
if (!exactMatch) {
printError('Flutter tried to create the file `$newSettingsRelativeFile`, but failed.');
// Print how to manually update the file.
printError(fs.file(fs.path.join(flutterRoot, 'packages','flutter_tools',
'gradle', '')).readAsStringSync());
throwToolExit('Please create the file and run this command again.');
// Copy the new file.
printStatus('✅ `$newSettingsRelativeFile` created successfully.');
// Note: Dependencies are resolved and possibly downloaded as a side-effect
// of calculating the app properties using Gradle. This may take minutes.
Future<GradleProject> _readGradleProject({bool isLibrary = false}) async {
final FlutterProject flutterProject = FlutterProject.current();
final String gradle = await _ensureGradle(flutterProject);
updateLocalProperties(project: flutterProject);
final FlutterManifest manifest = flutterProject.manifest;
final Directory hostAppGradleRoot =;
if (featureFlags.isPluginAsAarEnabled &&
!manifest.isPlugin && !manifest.isModule) {
if (manifest.isPlugin) {
return GradleProject(
<String>['debug', 'profile', 'release'],
<String>[], // Plugins don't have flavors.'build').path,
final Status status = logger.startProgress('Resolving dependencies...', timeout: timeoutConfiguration.slowOperation);
GradleProject project;
// Get the properties and tasks from Gradle, so we can determinate the `buildDir`,
// flavors and build types defined in the project. If gradle fails, then check if the failure is due to t
try {
final RunResult propertiesRunResult = await runCheckedAsync(
<String>[gradle, isLibrary ? 'properties' : 'app:properties'],
workingDirectory: hostAppGradleRoot.path,
environment: _gradleEnv,
final RunResult tasksRunResult = await runCheckedAsync(
<String>[gradle, isLibrary ? 'tasks': 'app:tasks', '--all', '--console=auto'],
workingDirectory: hostAppGradleRoot.path,
environment: _gradleEnv,
project = GradleProject.fromAppProperties(propertiesRunResult.stdout, tasksRunResult.stdout);
} catch (exception) {
if (getFlutterPluginVersion( == FlutterPluginVersion.managed) {
// Handle known exceptions.
// Print a general Gradle error and exit.
printError('* Error running Gradle:\n$exception\n');
throwToolExit('Please review your Gradle project setup in the android/ folder.');
// Fall back to the default
project = GradleProject(
<String>['debug', 'profile', 'release'],
fs.path.join(, 'app', 'build')
return project;
/// Handle Gradle error thrown when Gradle needs to download additional
/// Android SDK components (e.g. Platform Tools), and the license
/// for that component has not been accepted.
void throwToolExitIfLicenseNotAccepted(Exception exception) {
const String licenseNotAcceptedMatcher =
r'You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components:'
final RegExp licenseFailure = RegExp(licenseNotAcceptedMatcher, multiLine: true);
final Match licenseMatch = licenseFailure.firstMatch(exception.toString());
if (licenseMatch != null) {
final String missingLicenses =;
final String errorMessage =
'\n\n* Error running Gradle:\n'
'Unable to download needed Android SDK components, as the following licenses have not been accepted:\n'
'To resolve this, please run the following command in a Terminal:\n'
'flutter doctor --android-licenses';
String _locateGradlewExecutable(Directory directory) {
final File gradle = directory.childFile(
platform.isWindows ? 'gradlew.bat' : 'gradlew',
if (gradle.existsSync()) {
return gradle.absolute.path;
} else {
return null;
Future<String> _ensureGradle(FlutterProject project) async {
_cachedGradleExecutable ??= await _initializeGradle(project);
return _cachedGradleExecutable;
// Note: Gradle may be bootstrapped and possibly downloaded as a side-effect
// of validating the Gradle executable. This may take several seconds.
Future<String> _initializeGradle(FlutterProject project) async {
final Directory android =;
final Status status = logger.startProgress('Initializing gradle...', timeout: timeoutConfiguration.slowOperation);
String gradle = _locateGradlewExecutable(android);
if (gradle == null) {
gradle = _locateGradlewExecutable(android);
if (gradle == null)
throwToolExit('Unable to locate gradlew script');
printTrace('Using gradle from $gradle.');
// Validates the Gradle executable by asking for its version.
// Makes Gradle Wrapper download and install Gradle distribution, if needed.
await runCheckedAsync(<String>[gradle, '-v'], environment: _gradleEnv);
return gradle;
/// Injects the Gradle wrapper into the specified directory.
void injectGradleWrapper(Directory directory) {
copyDirectorySync(cache.getArtifactDirectory('gradle_wrapper'), directory);
final File propertiesFile = directory.childFile(fs.path.join('gradle', 'wrapper', ''));
if (!propertiesFile.existsSync()) {
final String gradleVersion = getGradleVersionForAndroidPlugin(directory);
''', flush: true,
/// Returns true if [targetVersion] is within the range [min] and [max] inclusive.
bool _isWithinVersionRange(String targetVersion, {String min, String max}) {
final Version parsedTargetVersion = Version.parse(targetVersion);
return parsedTargetVersion >= Version.parse(min) &&
parsedTargetVersion <= Version.parse(max);
const String defaultGradleVersion = '4.10.2';
/// Returns the Gradle version that is required by the given Android Gradle plugin version
/// by picking the largest compatible version from
String getGradleVersionFor(String androidPluginVersion) {
if (_isWithinVersionRange(androidPluginVersion, min: '1.0.0', max: '1.1.3')) {
return '2.3';
if (_isWithinVersionRange(androidPluginVersion, min: '1.2.0', max: '1.3.1')) {
return '2.9';
if (_isWithinVersionRange(androidPluginVersion, min: '1.5.0', max: '1.5.0')) {
return '2.2.1';
if (_isWithinVersionRange(androidPluginVersion, min: '2.0.0', max: '2.1.2')) {
return '2.13';
if (_isWithinVersionRange(androidPluginVersion, min: '2.1.3', max: '2.2.3')) {
return '2.14.1';
if (_isWithinVersionRange(androidPluginVersion, min: '2.3.0', max: '2.9.9')) {
return '3.3';
if (_isWithinVersionRange(androidPluginVersion, min: '3.0.0', max: '3.0.9')) {
return '4.1';
if (_isWithinVersionRange(androidPluginVersion, min: '3.1.0', max: '3.1.9')) {
return '4.4';
if (_isWithinVersionRange(androidPluginVersion, min: '3.2.0', max: '3.2.1')) {
return '4.6';
if (_isWithinVersionRange(androidPluginVersion, min: '3.3.0', max: '3.3.2')) {
return '4.10.2';
if (_isWithinVersionRange(androidPluginVersion, min: '3.4.0', max: '3.5.0')) {
return '5.1.1';
throwToolExit('Unsuported Android Plugin version: $androidPluginVersion.');
return '';
final RegExp _androidPluginRegExp = RegExp('com\.android\.tools\.build\:gradle\:(\\d+\.\\d+\.\\d+\)');
/// Returns the Gradle version that the current Android plugin depends on when found,
/// otherwise it returns a default version.
/// The Android plugin version is specified in the [build.gradle] file within
/// the project's Android directory.
String getGradleVersionForAndroidPlugin(Directory directory) {
final File buildFile = directory.childFile('build.gradle');
if (!buildFile.existsSync()) {
return defaultGradleVersion;
final String buildFileContent = buildFile.readAsStringSync();
final Iterable<Match> pluginMatches = _androidPluginRegExp.allMatches(buildFileContent);
if (pluginMatches.isEmpty) {
return defaultGradleVersion;
final String androidPluginVersion =;
return getGradleVersionFor(androidPluginVersion);
/// Overwrite in the specified Flutter project's Android
/// sub-project, if needed.
/// If [requireAndroidSdk] is true (the default) and no Android SDK is found,
/// this will fail with a [ToolExit].
void updateLocalProperties({
@required FlutterProject project,
BuildInfo buildInfo,
bool requireAndroidSdk = true,
}) {
if (requireAndroidSdk) {
final File localProperties =;
bool changed = false;
SettingsFile settings;
if (localProperties.existsSync()) {
settings = SettingsFile.parseFromFile(localProperties);
} else {
settings = SettingsFile();
changed = true;
void changeIfNecessary(String key, String value) {
if (settings.values[key] != value) {
if (value == null) {
} else {
settings.values[key] = value;
changed = true;
final FlutterManifest manifest = project.manifest;
if (androidSdk != null)
changeIfNecessary('sdk.dir', escapePath(;
changeIfNecessary('flutter.sdk', escapePath(Cache.flutterRoot));
if (buildInfo != null) {
changeIfNecessary('flutter.buildMode', buildInfo.modeName);
final String buildName = validatedBuildNameForPlatform(TargetPlatform.android_arm, buildInfo.buildName ?? manifest.buildName);
changeIfNecessary('flutter.versionName', buildName);
final String buildNumber = validatedBuildNumberForPlatform(TargetPlatform.android_arm, buildInfo.buildNumber ?? manifest.buildNumber);
changeIfNecessary('flutter.versionCode', buildNumber?.toString());
if (changed)
/// Writes standard Android local properties to the specified [properties] file.
/// Writes the path to the Android SDK, if known.
void writeLocalProperties(File properties) {
final SettingsFile settings = SettingsFile();
if (androidSdk != null) {
settings.values['sdk.dir'] = escapePath(;
/// Throws a ToolExit, if the path to the Android SDK is not known.
void _exitIfNoAndroidSdk() {
if (androidSdk == null) {
throwToolExit('Unable to locate Android SDK. Please run `flutter doctor` for more details.');
Future<void> buildGradleProject({
@required FlutterProject project,
@required AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo,
@required String target,
@required bool isBuildingBundle,
}) async {
// Update the file with the build mode, version name and code.
// FlutterPlugin v1 reads to determine build mode. Plugin v2
// uses the standard Android way to determine what to build, but we still
// update, in case we want to use it in the future.
// Version name and number are provided by the pubspec.yaml file
// and can be overwritten with flutter build command.
// The default Gradle script reads the version name and number
// from the file.
updateLocalProperties(project: project, buildInfo: androidBuildInfo.buildInfo);
final String gradle = await _ensureGradle(project);
switch (getFlutterPluginVersion( {
case FlutterPluginVersion.none:
// Fall through. Pretend it's v1, and just go for it.
case FlutterPluginVersion.v1:
return _buildGradleProjectV1(project, gradle);
case FlutterPluginVersion.managed:
// Fall through. Managed plugin builds the same way as plugin v2.
case FlutterPluginVersion.v2:
return _buildGradleProjectV2(project, gradle, androidBuildInfo, target, isBuildingBundle);
Future<void> buildGradleAar({
@required FlutterProject project,
@required AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo,
@required String target,
@required String outputDir,
}) async {
final FlutterManifest manifest = project.manifest;
GradleProject gradleProject;
if (manifest.isModule) {
gradleProject = await _gradleAppProject();
} else if (manifest.isPlugin) {
gradleProject = await _gradleLibraryProject();
} else {
throwToolExit('AARs can only be built for plugin or module projects.');
if (outputDir != null && outputDir.isNotEmpty) {
gradleProject.buildDirectory = outputDir;
final String aarTask = gradleProject.aarTaskFor(androidBuildInfo.buildInfo);
if (aarTask == null) {
printUndefinedTask(gradleProject, androidBuildInfo.buildInfo);
throwToolExit('Gradle build aborted.');
final Status status = logger.startProgress(
'Running Gradle task \'$aarTask\'...',
timeout: timeoutConfiguration.slowOperation,
multilineOutput: true,
final String gradle = await _ensureGradle(project);
final String gradlePath = fs.file(gradle).absolute.path;
final String flutterRoot = fs.path.absolute(Cache.flutterRoot);
final String initScript = fs.path.join(flutterRoot, 'packages','flutter_tools', 'gradle', 'aar_init_script.gradle');
final List<String> command = <String>[
if (target != null && target.isNotEmpty) {
if (androidBuildInfo.targetArchs.isNotEmpty) {
final String targetPlatforms = androidBuildInfo.targetArchs
final Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch()..start();
int exitCode = 1;
try {
exitCode = await runCommandAndStreamOutput(
allowReentrantFlutter: true,
environment: _gradleEnv,
mapFunction: (String line) {
// Always print the full line in verbose mode.
if (logger.isVerbose) {
return line;
return null;
} finally {
flutterUsage.sendTiming('build', 'gradle-aar', Duration(milliseconds: sw.elapsedMilliseconds));
if (exitCode != 0) {
throwToolExit('Gradle task $aarTask failed with exit code $exitCode', exitCode: exitCode);
final Directory repoDirectory = gradleProject.repoDirectory;
if (!repoDirectory.existsSync()) {
throwToolExit('Gradle task $aarTask failed to produce $repoDirectory', exitCode: exitCode);
printStatus('Built ${fs.path.relative(repoDirectory.path)}.', color:;
Future<void> _buildGradleProjectV1(FlutterProject project, String gradle) async {
// Run 'gradlew build'.
final Status status = logger.startProgress(
'Running \'gradlew build\'...',
timeout: timeoutConfiguration.slowOperation,
multilineOutput: true,
final Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch()..start();
final int exitCode = await runCommandAndStreamOutput(
<String>[fs.file(gradle).absolute.path, 'build'],
allowReentrantFlutter: true,
environment: _gradleEnv,
flutterUsage.sendTiming('build', 'gradle-v1', Duration(milliseconds: sw.elapsedMilliseconds));
if (exitCode != 0)
throwToolExit('Gradle build failed: $exitCode', exitCode: exitCode);
printStatus('Built ${fs.path.relative(}.');
String _hex(List<int> bytes) {
final StringBuffer result = StringBuffer();
for (int part in bytes)
result.write('${part < 16 ? '0' : ''}${part.toRadixString(16)}');
return result.toString();
String _calculateSha(File file) {
final Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch()..start();
final List<int> bytes = file.readAsBytesSync();
printTrace('calculateSha: reading file took ${sw.elapsedMilliseconds}us');
flutterUsage.sendTiming('build', 'apk-sha-read', Duration(milliseconds: sw.elapsedMilliseconds));
final String sha = _hex(sha1.convert(bytes).bytes);
printTrace('calculateSha: computing sha took ${sw.elapsedMilliseconds}us');
flutterUsage.sendTiming('build', 'apk-sha-calc', Duration(milliseconds: sw.elapsedMilliseconds));
return sha;
void printUndefinedTask(GradleProject project, BuildInfo buildInfo) {
printError('The Gradle project does not define a task suitable for the requested build.');
if (!project.buildTypes.contains(buildInfo.modeName)) {
printError('Review the android/app/build.gradle file and ensure it defines a ${buildInfo.modeName} build type.');
if (project.productFlavors.isEmpty) {
printError('The android/app/build.gradle file does not define any custom product flavors.');
printError('You cannot use the --flavor option.');
} else {
printError('The android/app/build.gradle file defines product flavors: ${project.productFlavors.join(', ')}');
printError('You must specify a --flavor option to select one of them.');
Future<void> _buildGradleProjectV2(
FlutterProject flutterProject,
String gradle,
AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo,
String target,
bool isBuildingBundle,
) async {
final GradleProject project = await _gradleAppProject();
final BuildInfo buildInfo = androidBuildInfo.buildInfo;
String assembleTask;
if (isBuildingBundle) {
assembleTask = project.bundleTaskFor(buildInfo);
} else {
assembleTask = project.assembleTaskFor(buildInfo);
if (assembleTask == null) {
printUndefinedTask(project, buildInfo);
throwToolExit('Gradle build aborted.');
final Status status = logger.startProgress(
'Running Gradle task \'$assembleTask\'...',
timeout: timeoutConfiguration.slowOperation,
multilineOutput: true,
final String gradlePath = fs.file(gradle).absolute.path;
final List<String> command = <String>[gradlePath];
if (logger.isVerbose) {
} else {
if (artifacts is LocalEngineArtifacts) {
final LocalEngineArtifacts localEngineArtifacts = artifacts;
printTrace('Using local engine: ${localEngineArtifacts.engineOutPath}');
if (target != null) {
assert(buildInfo.trackWidgetCreation != null);
if (buildInfo.extraFrontEndOptions != null)
if (buildInfo.extraGenSnapshotOptions != null)
if (buildInfo.fileSystemRoots != null && buildInfo.fileSystemRoots.isNotEmpty)
if (buildInfo.fileSystemScheme != null)
if (androidBuildInfo.splitPerAbi)
if (androidBuildInfo.targetArchs.isNotEmpty) {
final String targetPlatforms = androidBuildInfo.targetArchs
if (featureFlags.isPluginAsAarEnabled) {
// Pass a system flag instead of a project flag, so this flag can be
// read from include_flutter.groovy.
if (!flutterProject.manifest.isModule) {
bool potentialAndroidXFailure = false;
final Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch()..start();
int exitCode = 1;
try {
exitCode = await runCommandAndStreamOutput(
allowReentrantFlutter: true,
environment: _gradleEnv,
// TODO(mklim): if AndroidX warnings are no longer required, this
// mapFunction and all its associated variabled can be replaced with just
// `filter: ndkMessagefilter`.
mapFunction: (String line) {
final bool isAndroidXPluginWarning = androidXPluginWarningRegex.hasMatch(line);
if (!isAndroidXPluginWarning && androidXFailureRegex.hasMatch(line)) {
potentialAndroidXFailure = true;
// Always print the full line in verbose mode.
if (logger.isVerbose) {
return line;
} else if (isAndroidXPluginWarning || !ndkMessageFilter.hasMatch(line)) {
return null;
return line;
} finally {
if (exitCode != 0) {
if (potentialAndroidXFailure) {
printError('The Gradle failure may have been because of AndroidX incompatibilities in this Flutter app.');
printError('See for more information on the problem and how to fix it.');
throwToolExit('Gradle task $assembleTask failed with exit code $exitCode', exitCode: exitCode);
flutterUsage.sendTiming('build', 'gradle-v2', Duration(milliseconds: sw.elapsedMilliseconds));
if (!isBuildingBundle) {
final Iterable<File> apkFiles = findApkFiles(project, androidBuildInfo);
if (apkFiles.isEmpty)
throwToolExit('Gradle build failed to produce an Android package.');
// Copy the first APK to app.apk, so `flutter run`, `flutter install`, etc. can find it.
// TODO(blasten): Handle multiple APKs.
printTrace('calculateSha: ${project.apkDirectory}/app.apk');
final File apkShaFile = project.apkDirectory.childFile('app.apk.sha1');
for (File apkFile in apkFiles) {
String appSize;
if (buildInfo.mode == BuildMode.debug) {
appSize = '';
} else {
appSize = ' (${getSizeAsMB(apkFile.lengthSync())})';
printStatus('Built ${fs.path.relative(apkFile.path)}$appSize.',
} else {
final File bundleFile = findBundleFile(project, buildInfo);
if (bundleFile == null)
throwToolExit('Gradle build failed to produce an Android bundle package.');
String appSize;
if (buildInfo.mode == BuildMode.debug) {
appSize = '';
} else {
appSize = ' (${getSizeAsMB(bundleFile.lengthSync())})';
printStatus('Built ${fs.path.relative(bundleFile.path)}$appSize.',
Iterable<File> findApkFiles(GradleProject project, AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo) {
final Iterable<String> apkFileNames = project.apkFilesFor(androidBuildInfo);
if (apkFileNames.isEmpty)
return const <File>[];
return apkFileNames.expand<File>((String apkFileName) {
File apkFile = project.apkDirectory.childFile(apkFileName);
if (apkFile.existsSync())
return <File>[apkFile];
final BuildInfo buildInfo = androidBuildInfo.buildInfo;
final String modeName = camelCase(buildInfo.modeName);
apkFile = project.apkDirectory
if (apkFile.existsSync())
return <File>[apkFile];
if (buildInfo.flavor != null) {
// Android Studio Gradle plugin v3 adds flavor to path.
apkFile = project.apkDirectory
if (apkFile.existsSync())
return <File>[apkFile];
return const <File>[];
File findBundleFile(GradleProject project, BuildInfo buildInfo) {
final String bundleFileName = project.bundleFileFor(buildInfo);
if (bundleFileName == null) {
return null;
File bundleFile = project.bundleDirectory
if (bundleFile.existsSync()) {
return bundleFile;
if (buildInfo.flavor == null) {
return null;
// Android Studio Gradle plugin v3 adds the flavor to the path. For the bundle the
// folder name is the flavor plus the mode name. On Windows, filenames aren't case sensitive.
// For example: foo_barRelease where `foo_bar` is the flavor and `Release` the mode name.
final String childDirName = '${buildInfo.flavor}${camelCase('_' + buildInfo.modeName)}';
bundleFile = project.bundleDirectory
if (bundleFile.existsSync()) {
return bundleFile;
return null;
Map<String, String> get _gradleEnv {
final Map<String, String> env = Map<String, String>.from(platform.environment);
if (javaPath != null) {
// Use java bundled with Android Studio.
env['JAVA_HOME'] = javaPath;
// Don't log analytics for downstream Flutter commands.
// e.g. `flutter build bundle`.
return env;
class GradleProject {
factory GradleProject.fromAppProperties(String properties, String tasks) {
// Extract build directory.
final String buildDirectory = properties
.firstWhere((String s) => s.startsWith('buildDir: '))
.substring('buildDir: '.length)
// Extract build types and product flavors.
final Set<String> variants = <String>{};
for (String s in tasks.split('\n')) {
final Match match = _assembleTaskPattern.matchAsPrefix(s);
if (match != null) {
final String variant =;
if (!variant.endsWith('test'))
final Set<String> buildTypes = <String>{};
final Set<String> productFlavors = <String>{};
for (final String variant1 in variants) {
for (final String variant2 in variants) {
if (variant2.startsWith(variant1) && variant2 != variant1) {
final String buildType = variant2.substring(variant1.length);
if (variants.contains(buildType)) {
if (productFlavors.isEmpty)
return GradleProject(
/// The build types such as [release] or [debug].
final List<String> buildTypes;
/// The product flavors defined in build.gradle.
final List<String> productFlavors;
/// The build directory. This is typically <project>build/.
String buildDirectory;
/// The directory where the APK artifact is generated.
Directory get apkDirectory {
return, 'outputs', 'apk'));
/// The directory where the app bundle artifact is generated.
Directory get bundleDirectory {
return, 'outputs', 'bundle'));
/// The directory where the repo is generated.
/// Only applicable to AARs.
Directory get repoDirectory {
return, 'outputs', 'repo'));
String _buildTypeFor(BuildInfo buildInfo) {
final String modeName = camelCase(buildInfo.modeName);
if (buildTypes.contains(modeName.toLowerCase()))
return modeName;
return null;
String _productFlavorFor(BuildInfo buildInfo) {
if (buildInfo.flavor == null)
return productFlavors.isEmpty ? '' : null;
else if (productFlavors.contains(buildInfo.flavor))
return buildInfo.flavor;
return null;
String assembleTaskFor(BuildInfo buildInfo) {
final String buildType = _buildTypeFor(buildInfo);
final String productFlavor = _productFlavorFor(buildInfo);
if (buildType == null || productFlavor == null)
return null;
return 'assemble${toTitleCase(productFlavor)}${toTitleCase(buildType)}';
Iterable<String> apkFilesFor(AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo) {
final String buildType = _buildTypeFor(androidBuildInfo.buildInfo);
final String productFlavor = _productFlavorFor(androidBuildInfo.buildInfo);
if (buildType == null || productFlavor == null)
return const <String>[];
final String flavorString = productFlavor.isEmpty ? '' : '-' + productFlavor;
if (androidBuildInfo.splitPerAbi) {
return<String>((AndroidArch arch) {
final String abi = getNameForAndroidArch(arch);
return 'app$flavorString-$abi-$buildType.apk';
return <String>['app$flavorString-$buildType.apk'];
String bundleTaskFor(BuildInfo buildInfo) {
final String buildType = _buildTypeFor(buildInfo);
final String productFlavor = _productFlavorFor(buildInfo);
if (buildType == null || productFlavor == null)
return null;
return 'bundle${toTitleCase(productFlavor)}${toTitleCase(buildType)}';
String aarTaskFor(BuildInfo buildInfo) {
final String buildType = _buildTypeFor(buildInfo);
final String productFlavor = _productFlavorFor(buildInfo);
if (buildType == null || productFlavor == null)
return null;
return 'assembleAar${toTitleCase(productFlavor)}${toTitleCase(buildType)}';
String bundleFileFor(BuildInfo buildInfo) {
// For app bundle all bundle names are called as app.aab. Product flavors
// & build types are differentiated as folders, where the aab will be added.
return 'app.aab';