blob: c8797f4b0409bcdffdd0508bbbef9632289dcfda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import '../globals.dart' as globals;
import 'terminal.dart';
const String fire = '🔥';
const int maxLineWidth = 84;
/// Encapsulates the help text construction and printing
class CommandHelp {
const CommandHelp._(this.key, this.description, [this.inParenthesis = '']);
static const CommandHelp L = CommandHelp._('L', 'Dump layer tree to the console.', 'debugDumpLayerTree');
static const CommandHelp P = CommandHelp._('P', 'Toggle performance overlay.', 'WidgetsApp.showPerformanceOverlay');
static const CommandHelp R = CommandHelp._('R', 'Hot restart.');
static const CommandHelp S = CommandHelp._('S', 'Dump accessibility tree in traversal order.', 'debugDumpSemantics');
static const CommandHelp U = CommandHelp._('U', 'Dump accessibility tree in inverse hit test order.', 'debugDumpSemantics');
static const CommandHelp a = CommandHelp._('a', 'Toggle timeline events for all widget build methods.', 'debugProfileWidgetBuilds');
static const CommandHelp d = CommandHelp._('d', 'Detach (terminate "flutter run" but leave application running).');
static const CommandHelp h = CommandHelp._('h', 'Repeat this help message.');
static const CommandHelp i = CommandHelp._('i', 'Toggle widget inspector.', 'WidgetsApp.showWidgetInspectorOverride');
static const CommandHelp o = CommandHelp._('o', 'Simulate different operating systems.', 'defaultTargetPlatform');
static const CommandHelp p = CommandHelp._('p', 'Toggle the display of construction lines.', 'debugPaintSizeEnabled');
static const CommandHelp q = CommandHelp._('q', 'Quit (terminate the application on the device).');
static const CommandHelp r = CommandHelp._('r', 'Hot reload. $fire$fire$fire');
static const CommandHelp s = CommandHelp._('s', 'Save a screenshot to flutter.png.');
static const CommandHelp t = CommandHelp._('t', 'Dump rendering tree to the console.', 'debugDumpRenderTree');
static const CommandHelp w = CommandHelp._('w', 'Dump widget hierarchy to the console.', 'debugDumpApp');
static const CommandHelp z = CommandHelp._('z', 'Toggle elevation checker.');
/// The key associated with this command
final String key;
/// A description of what this command does
final String description;
/// Text shown in parenthesis to give the context
final String inParenthesis;
bool get _hasTextInParenthesis => inParenthesis != null && inParenthesis.isNotEmpty;
int get _rawMessageLength => key.length + description.length;
String toString() {
final StringBuffer message = StringBuffer();
message.writeAll(<String>[globals.terminal.bolden(key), description], ' ');
if (_hasTextInParenthesis) {
bool wrap = false;
final int maxWidth = math.max(outputPreferences.wrapColumn ?? 0, maxLineWidth);
int width = maxWidth - (globals.platform.stdoutSupportsAnsi ? _rawMessageLength + 1 : message.length);
final String parentheticalText = '($inParenthesis)';
if (width < parentheticalText.length) {
width = maxWidth;
wrap = true;
if (wrap) {
// pad according to the raw text
message.write(''.padLeft(width - parentheticalText.length));
message.write(globals.terminal.color(parentheticalText, TerminalColor.grey));
return message.toString();
void print() {