blob: 276670a2d9695717a8e822cf839ffd960165254d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'application_package.dart';
import 'artifacts.dart';
import 'base/context.dart';
import 'base/dds.dart';
import 'base/file_system.dart';
import 'base/logger.dart';
import 'base/utils.dart';
import 'build_info.dart';
import 'devfs.dart';
import 'device_port_forwarder.dart';
import 'ios/iproxy.dart';
import 'project.dart';
import 'vmservice.dart';
DeviceManager? get deviceManager => context.get<DeviceManager>();
/// A description of the kind of workflow the device supports.
enum Category {
const Category._(this.value);
final String value;
String toString() => value;
static Category? fromString(String category) {
return const <String, Category>{
'web': web,
'desktop': desktop,
'mobile': mobile,
/// The platform sub-folder that a device type supports.
enum PlatformType {
const PlatformType._(this.value);
final String value;
String toString() => value;
static PlatformType? fromString(String platformType) {
return const <String, PlatformType>{
'web': web,
'android': android,
'ios': ios,
'linux': linux,
'macos': macos,
'windows': windows,
'fuchsia': fuchsia,
'custom': custom,
/// A discovery mechanism for flutter-supported development devices.
abstract class DeviceManager {
required Logger logger,
}) : _logger = logger;
final Logger _logger;
/// Constructing DeviceManagers is cheap; they only do expensive work if some
/// of their methods are called.
List<DeviceDiscovery> get deviceDiscoverers;
String? _specifiedDeviceId;
/// A user-specified device ID.
String? get specifiedDeviceId {
if (_specifiedDeviceId == null || _specifiedDeviceId == 'all') {
return null;
return _specifiedDeviceId;
set specifiedDeviceId(String? id) {
_specifiedDeviceId = id;
/// True when the user has specified a single specific device.
bool get hasSpecifiedDeviceId => specifiedDeviceId != null;
/// True when the user has specified all devices by setting
/// specifiedDeviceId = 'all'.
bool get hasSpecifiedAllDevices => _specifiedDeviceId == 'all';
Future<List<Device>> getDevicesById(String deviceId) async {
final String lowerDeviceId = deviceId.toLowerCase();
bool exactlyMatchesDeviceId(Device device) => == lowerDeviceId || == lowerDeviceId;
bool startsWithDeviceId(Device device) => ||;
// Some discoverers have hard-coded device IDs and return quickly, and others
// shell out to other processes and can take longer.
// If an ID was specified, first check if it was a "well-known" device id.
final Set<String> wellKnownIds = _platformDiscoverers
.expand((DeviceDiscovery discovery) => discovery.wellKnownIds)
final bool hasWellKnownId = hasSpecifiedDeviceId && wellKnownIds.contains(specifiedDeviceId);
// Process discoverers as they can return results, so if an exact match is
// found quickly, we don't wait for all the discoverers to complete.
final List<Device> prefixMatches = <Device>[];
final Completer<Device> exactMatchCompleter = Completer<Device>();
final List<Future<List<Device>?>> futureDevices = <Future<List<Device>?>>[
for (final DeviceDiscovery discoverer in _platformDiscoverers)
if (!hasWellKnownId || discoverer.wellKnownIds.contains(specifiedDeviceId))
.then((List<Device> devices) {
for (final Device device in devices) {
if (exactlyMatchesDeviceId(device)) {
return null;
if (startsWithDeviceId(device)) {
return null;
}, onError: (dynamic error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
// Return matches from other discoverers even if one fails.
_logger.printTrace('Ignored error discovering $deviceId: $error');
// Wait for an exact match, or for all discoverers to return results.
await Future.any<Object>(<Future<Object>>[
if (exactMatchCompleter.isCompleted) {
return <Device>[await exactMatchCompleter.future];
return prefixMatches;
/// Returns the list of connected devices, filtered by any user-specified device id.
Future<List<Device>> getDevices() {
final String? id = specifiedDeviceId;
if (id == null) {
return getAllConnectedDevices();
return getDevicesById(id);
Iterable<DeviceDiscovery> get _platformDiscoverers {
return deviceDiscoverers.where((DeviceDiscovery discoverer) => discoverer.supportsPlatform);
/// Returns the list of all connected devices.
Future<List<Device>> getAllConnectedDevices() async {
final List<List<Device>> devices = await Future.wait<List<Device>>(<Future<List<Device>>>[
for (final DeviceDiscovery discoverer in _platformDiscoverers)
return devices.expand<Device>((List<Device> deviceList) => deviceList).toList();
/// Returns the list of all connected devices. Discards existing cache of devices.
Future<List<Device>> refreshAllConnectedDevices({ Duration? timeout }) async {
final List<List<Device>> devices = await Future.wait<List<Device>>(<Future<List<Device>>>[
for (final DeviceDiscovery discoverer in _platformDiscoverers)
discoverer.discoverDevices(timeout: timeout),
return devices.expand<Device>((List<Device> deviceList) => deviceList).toList();
/// Whether we're capable of listing any devices given the current environment configuration.
bool get canListAnything {
return _platformDiscoverers.any((DeviceDiscovery discoverer) => discoverer.canListAnything);
/// Get diagnostics about issues with any connected devices.
Future<List<String>> getDeviceDiagnostics() async {
return <String>[
for (final DeviceDiscovery discoverer in _platformDiscoverers)
...await discoverer.getDiagnostics(),
/// Find and return all target [Device]s based upon currently connected
/// devices, the current project, and criteria entered by the user on
/// the command line.
/// If no device can be found that meets specified criteria,
/// then print an error message and return null.
/// Returns a list of devices specified by the user.
/// * If the user specified '-d all', then return all connected devices which
/// support the current project, except for fuchsia and web.
/// * If the user specified a device id, then do nothing as the list is already
/// filtered by [getDevices].
/// * If the user did not specify a device id and there is more than one
/// device connected, then filter out unsupported devices and prioritize
/// ephemeral devices.
/// * If [promptUserToChooseDevice] is true, and there are more than one
/// device after the aforementioned filters, and the user is connected to a
/// terminal, then show a prompt asking the user to choose one.
Future<List<Device>> findTargetDevices(
FlutterProject? flutterProject, {
Duration? timeout,
}) async {
if (timeout != null) {
// Reset the cache with the specified timeout.
await refreshAllConnectedDevices(timeout: timeout);
List<Device> devices = (await getDevices())
.where((Device device) => device.isSupported()).toList();
if (hasSpecifiedAllDevices) {
// User has specified `--device all`.
// Always remove web and fuchsia devices from `--all`. This setting
// currently requires devices to share a frontend_server and resident
// runner instance. Both web and fuchsia require differently configured
// compilers, and web requires an entirely different resident runner.
devices = <Device>[
for (final Device device in devices)
if (await device.targetPlatform != TargetPlatform.fuchsia_arm64 &&
await device.targetPlatform != TargetPlatform.fuchsia_x64 &&
await device.targetPlatform != TargetPlatform.web_javascript &&
isDeviceSupportedForProject(device, flutterProject))
} else if (!hasSpecifiedDeviceId) {
// User did not specify the device.
// Remove all devices which are not supported by the current application.
// For example, if there was no 'android' folder then don't attempt to
// launch with an Android device.
devices = <Device>[
for (final Device device in devices)
if (isDeviceSupportedForProject(device, flutterProject))
if (devices.length > 1) {
// If there are still multiple devices and the user did not specify to run
// all, then attempt to prioritize ephemeral devices. For example, if the
// user only typed 'flutter run' and both an Android device and desktop
// device are available, choose the Android device.
// Ephemeral is nullable for device types where this is not well
// defined.
final List<Device> ephemeralDevices = <Device>[
for (final Device device in devices)
if (device.ephemeral == true)
if (ephemeralDevices.length == 1) {
devices = ephemeralDevices;
return devices;
/// Returns whether the device is supported for the project.
/// This exists to allow the check to be overridden for google3 clients. If
/// [flutterProject] is null then return true.
bool isDeviceSupportedForProject(Device device, FlutterProject? flutterProject) {
if (flutterProject == null) {
return true;
return device.isSupportedForProject(flutterProject);
/// An abstract class to discover and enumerate a specific type of devices.
abstract class DeviceDiscovery {
bool get supportsPlatform;
/// Whether this device discovery is capable of listing any devices given the
/// current environment configuration.
bool get canListAnything;
/// Return all connected devices, cached on subsequent calls.
Future<List<Device>> get devices;
/// Return all connected devices. Discards existing cache of devices.
Future<List<Device>> discoverDevices({ Duration? timeout });
/// Gets a list of diagnostic messages pertaining to issues with any connected
/// devices (will be an empty list if there are no issues).
Future<List<String>> getDiagnostics() => Future<List<String>>.value(<String>[]);
/// Hard-coded device IDs that the discoverer can produce.
/// These values are used by the device discovery to determine if it can
/// short-circuit the other detectors if a specific ID is provided. If a
/// discoverer has no valid fixed IDs, these should be left empty.
/// For example, 'windows' or 'linux'.
List<String> get wellKnownIds;
/// A [DeviceDiscovery] implementation that uses polling to discover device adds
/// and removals.
abstract class PollingDeviceDiscovery extends DeviceDiscovery {
static const Duration _pollingInterval = Duration(seconds: 4);
static const Duration _pollingTimeout = Duration(seconds: 30);
final String name;
ItemListNotifier<Device>? deviceNotifier;
Timer? _timer;
Future<List<Device>> pollingGetDevices({ Duration? timeout });
void startPolling() {
if (_timer == null) {
deviceNotifier ??= ItemListNotifier<Device>();
// Make initial population the default, fast polling timeout.
_timer = _initTimer(null);
Timer _initTimer(Duration? pollingTimeout) {
return Timer(_pollingInterval, () async {
try {
final List<Device> devices = await pollingGetDevices(timeout: pollingTimeout);
} on TimeoutException {
// Do nothing on a timeout.
// Subsequent timeouts after initial population should wait longer.
_timer = _initTimer(_pollingTimeout);
void stopPolling() {
_timer = null;
Future<List<Device>> get devices {
return _populateDevices();
Future<List<Device>> discoverDevices({ Duration? timeout }) {
deviceNotifier = null;
return _populateDevices(timeout: timeout);
Future<List<Device>> _populateDevices({ Duration? timeout }) async {
deviceNotifier ??= ItemListNotifier<Device>.from(await pollingGetDevices(timeout: timeout));
return deviceNotifier!.items;
Stream<Device> get onAdded {
deviceNotifier ??= ItemListNotifier<Device>();
return deviceNotifier!.onAdded;
Stream<Device> get onRemoved {
deviceNotifier ??= ItemListNotifier<Device>();
return deviceNotifier!.onRemoved;
void dispose() => stopPolling();
String toString() => '$name device discovery';
/// A device is a physical hardware that can run a Flutter application.
/// This may correspond to a connected iOS or Android device, or represent
/// the host operating system in the case of Flutter Desktop.
abstract class Device {
Device(, {
required this.category,
required this.platformType,
required this.ephemeral,
final String id;
/// The [Category] for this device type.
final Category? category;
/// The [PlatformType] for this device.
final PlatformType? platformType;
/// Whether this is an ephemeral device.
final bool ephemeral;
String get name;
bool get supportsStartPaused => true;
/// Whether it is an emulated device running on localhost.
/// This may return `true` for certain physical Android devices, and is
/// generally only a best effort guess.
Future<bool> get isLocalEmulator;
/// The unique identifier for the emulator that corresponds to this device, or
/// null if it is not an emulator.
/// The ID returned matches that in the output of `flutter emulators`. Fetching
/// this name may require connecting to the device and if an error occurs null
/// will be returned.
Future<String?> get emulatorId;
/// Whether this device can run the provided [buildMode].
/// For example, some emulator architectures cannot run profile or
/// release builds.
FutureOr<bool> supportsRuntimeMode(BuildMode buildMode) => true;
/// Whether the device is a simulator on a platform which supports hardware rendering.
// This is soft-deprecated since the logic is not correct expect for iOS simulators.
Future<bool> get supportsHardwareRendering async {
return true;
/// Whether the device is supported for the current project directory.
bool isSupportedForProject(FlutterProject flutterProject);
/// Check if a version of the given app is already installed.
/// Specify [userIdentifier] to check if installed for a particular user (Android only).
Future<bool> isAppInstalled(
ApplicationPackage app, {
String? userIdentifier,
/// Check if the latest build of the [app] is already installed.
Future<bool> isLatestBuildInstalled(ApplicationPackage app);
/// Install an app package on the current device.
/// Specify [userIdentifier] to install for a particular user (Android only).
Future<bool> installApp(
ApplicationPackage app, {
String? userIdentifier,
/// Uninstall an app package from the current device.
/// Specify [userIdentifier] to uninstall for a particular user,
/// defaults to all users (Android only).
Future<bool> uninstallApp(
ApplicationPackage app, {
String? userIdentifier,
/// Check if the device is supported by Flutter.
bool isSupported();
// String meant to be displayed to the user indicating if the device is
// supported by Flutter, and, if not, why.
String supportMessage() => isSupported() ? 'Supported' : 'Unsupported';
/// The device's platform.
Future<TargetPlatform> get targetPlatform;
/// Platform name for display only.
Future<String> get targetPlatformDisplayName async =>
getNameForTargetPlatform(await targetPlatform);
Future<String> get sdkNameAndVersion;
/// Create a platform-specific [DevFSWriter] for the given [app], or
/// null if the device does not support them.
/// For example, the desktop device classes can use a writer which
/// copies the files across the local file system.
DevFSWriter? createDevFSWriter(
ApplicationPackage? app,
String? userIdentifier,
) {
return null;
/// Get a log reader for this device.
/// If `app` is specified, this will return a log reader specific to that
/// application. Otherwise, a global log reader will be returned.
/// If `includePastLogs` is true and the device type supports it, the log
/// reader will also include log messages from before the invocation time.
/// Defaults to false.
FutureOr<DeviceLogReader> getLogReader({
ApplicationPackage? app,
bool includePastLogs = false,
/// Get the port forwarder for this device.
DevicePortForwarder? get portForwarder;
/// Get the DDS instance for this device.
final DartDevelopmentService dds = DartDevelopmentService();
/// Clear the device's logs.
void clearLogs();
/// Optional device-specific artifact overrides.
OverrideArtifacts? get artifactOverrides => null;
/// Start an app package on the current device.
/// [platformArgs] allows callers to pass platform-specific arguments to the
/// start call. The build mode is not used by all platforms.
Future<LaunchResult> startApp(
covariant ApplicationPackage? package, {
String? mainPath,
String? route,
required DebuggingOptions debuggingOptions,
Map<String, Object?> platformArgs,
bool prebuiltApplication = false,
bool ipv6 = false,
String? userIdentifier,
/// Whether this device implements support for hot reload.
bool get supportsHotReload => true;
/// Whether this device implements support for hot restart.
bool get supportsHotRestart => true;
/// Whether Flutter applications running on this device can be terminated
/// from the VM Service.
bool get supportsFlutterExit => true;
/// Whether the device supports taking screenshots of a running flutter
/// application.
bool get supportsScreenshot => false;
/// Whether the device supports the '--fast-start' development mode.
bool get supportsFastStart => false;
/// Stop an app package on the current device.
/// Specify [userIdentifier] to stop app installed to a profile (Android only).
Future<bool> stopApp(
ApplicationPackage? app, {
String? userIdentifier,
/// Query the current application memory usage..
/// If the device does not support this callback, an empty map
/// is returned.
Future<MemoryInfo> queryMemoryInfo() {
return Future<MemoryInfo>.value(const MemoryInfo.empty());
Future<void> takeScreenshot(File outputFile) => Future<void>.error('unimplemented');
// ignore: avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes
int get hashCode => id.hashCode;
// ignore: avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
return other is Device
&& == id;
String toString() => name;
static Future<List<String>> descriptions(List<Device> devices) async {
if (devices.isEmpty) {
return const <String>[];
// Extract device information
final List<List<String>> table = <List<String>>[];
for (final Device device in devices) {
String supportIndicator = device.isSupported() ? '' : ' (unsupported)';
final TargetPlatform targetPlatform = await device.targetPlatform;
if (await device.isLocalEmulator) {
final String type = targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.ios ? 'simulator' : 'emulator';
supportIndicator += ' ($type)';
'${} (${device.category})',,
await device.targetPlatformDisplayName,
'${await device.sdkNameAndVersion}$supportIndicator',
// Calculate column widths
final List<int> indices = List<int>.generate(table[0].length - 1, (int i) => i);
List<int> widths =<int>((int i) => 0).toList();
for (final List<String> row in table) {
widths =<int>((int i) => math.max(widths[i], row[i].length)).toList();
// Join columns into lines of text
return <String>[
for (final List<String> row in table)<String>((int i) => row[i].padRight(widths[i])).followedBy(<String>[row.last]).join(' • '),
static Future<void> printDevices(List<Device> devices, Logger logger) async {
(await descriptions(devices)).forEach(logger.printStatus);
static List<String> devicesPlatformTypes(List<Device> devices) {
return devices
(Device d) => d.platformType.toString(),
/// Convert the Device object to a JSON representation suitable for serialization.
Future<Map<String, Object>> toJson() async {
final bool isLocalEmu = await isLocalEmulator;
return <String, Object>{
'name': name,
'id': id,
'isSupported': isSupported(),
'targetPlatform': getNameForTargetPlatform(await targetPlatform),
'emulator': isLocalEmu,
'sdk': await sdkNameAndVersion,
'capabilities': <String, Object>{
'hotReload': supportsHotReload,
'hotRestart': supportsHotRestart,
'screenshot': supportsScreenshot,
'fastStart': supportsFastStart,
'flutterExit': supportsFlutterExit,
'hardwareRendering': isLocalEmu && await supportsHardwareRendering,
'startPaused': supportsStartPaused,
/// Clean up resources allocated by device.
/// For example log readers or port forwarders.
Future<void> dispose();
/// Information about an application's memory usage.
abstract class MemoryInfo {
/// Const constructor to allow subclasses to be const.
const MemoryInfo();
/// Create a [MemoryInfo] object with no information.
const factory MemoryInfo.empty() = _NoMemoryInfo;
/// Convert the object to a JSON representation suitable for serialization.
Map<String, Object> toJson();
class _NoMemoryInfo implements MemoryInfo {
const _NoMemoryInfo();
Map<String, Object> toJson() => <String, Object>{};
class DebuggingOptions {
this.buildInfo, {
this.startPaused = false,
this.disableServiceAuthCodes = false,
this.enableDds = true,
this.cacheStartupProfile = false,
this.dartEntrypointArgs = const <String>[],
this.dartFlags = '',
this.enableSoftwareRendering = false,
this.skiaDeterministicRendering = false,
this.traceSkia = false,
this.traceSystrace = false,
this.endlessTraceBuffer = false,
this.dumpSkpOnShaderCompilation = false,
this.cacheSkSL = false,
this.purgePersistentCache = false,
this.useTestFonts = false,
this.verboseSystemLogs = false,
this.disablePortPublication = false,
this.webUseSseForDebugProxy = true,
this.webUseSseForDebugBackend = true,
this.webUseSseForInjectedClient = true,
this.webRunHeadless = false,
this.webBrowserFlags = const <String>[],
this.webEnableExpressionEvaluation = false,
this.fastStart = false,
this.nullAssertions = false,
this.nativeNullAssertions = false,
this.enableImpeller = false,
this.uninstallFirst = false,
this.serveObservatory = true,
this.enableDartProfiling = true,
}) : debuggingEnabled = true;
DebuggingOptions.disabled(this.buildInfo, {
this.dartEntrypointArgs = const <String>[],
this.webUseSseForDebugProxy = true,
this.webUseSseForDebugBackend = true,
this.webUseSseForInjectedClient = true,
this.webRunHeadless = false,
this.webBrowserFlags = const <String>[],
this.cacheSkSL = false,
this.enableImpeller = false,
this.uninstallFirst = false,
this.enableDartProfiling = true,
}) : debuggingEnabled = false,
useTestFonts = false,
startPaused = false,
dartFlags = '',
disableServiceAuthCodes = false,
enableDds = true,
cacheStartupProfile = false,
enableSoftwareRendering = false,
skiaDeterministicRendering = false,
traceSkia = false,
traceSkiaAllowlist = null,
traceSystrace = false,
endlessTraceBuffer = false,
dumpSkpOnShaderCompilation = false,
purgePersistentCache = false,
verboseSystemLogs = false,
hostVmServicePort = null,
disablePortPublication = false,
deviceVmServicePort = null,
ddsPort = null,
devToolsServerAddress = null,
vmserviceOutFile = null,
fastStart = false,
webEnableExpressionEvaluation = false,
nullAssertions = false,
nativeNullAssertions = false,
serveObservatory = false;
required this.buildInfo,
required this.debuggingEnabled,
required this.startPaused,
required this.dartFlags,
required this.dartEntrypointArgs,
required this.disableServiceAuthCodes,
required this.enableDds,
required this.cacheStartupProfile,
required this.enableSoftwareRendering,
required this.skiaDeterministicRendering,
required this.traceSkia,
required this.traceAllowlist,
required this.traceSkiaAllowlist,
required this.traceSystrace,
required this.endlessTraceBuffer,
required this.dumpSkpOnShaderCompilation,
required this.cacheSkSL,
required this.purgePersistentCache,
required this.useTestFonts,
required this.verboseSystemLogs,
required this.hostVmServicePort,
required this.deviceVmServicePort,
required this.disablePortPublication,
required this.ddsPort,
required this.devToolsServerAddress,
required this.port,
required this.hostname,
required this.webEnableExposeUrl,
required this.webUseSseForDebugProxy,
required this.webUseSseForDebugBackend,
required this.webUseSseForInjectedClient,
required this.webRunHeadless,
required this.webBrowserDebugPort,
required this.webBrowserFlags,
required this.webEnableExpressionEvaluation,
required this.webLaunchUrl,
required this.vmserviceOutFile,
required this.fastStart,
required this.nullAssertions,
required this.nativeNullAssertions,
required this.enableImpeller,
required this.uninstallFirst,
required this.serveObservatory,
required this.enableDartProfiling,
final bool debuggingEnabled;
final BuildInfo buildInfo;
final bool startPaused;
final String dartFlags;
final List<String> dartEntrypointArgs;
final bool disableServiceAuthCodes;
final bool enableDds;
final bool cacheStartupProfile;
final bool enableSoftwareRendering;
final bool skiaDeterministicRendering;
final bool traceSkia;
final String? traceAllowlist;
final String? traceSkiaAllowlist;
final bool traceSystrace;
final bool endlessTraceBuffer;
final bool dumpSkpOnShaderCompilation;
final bool cacheSkSL;
final bool purgePersistentCache;
final bool useTestFonts;
final bool verboseSystemLogs;
final int? hostVmServicePort;
final int? deviceVmServicePort;
final bool disablePortPublication;
final int? ddsPort;
final Uri? devToolsServerAddress;
final String? port;
final String? hostname;
final bool? webEnableExposeUrl;
final bool webUseSseForDebugProxy;
final bool webUseSseForDebugBackend;
final bool webUseSseForInjectedClient;
final bool enableImpeller;
final bool serveObservatory;
final bool enableDartProfiling;
/// Whether the tool should try to uninstall a previously installed version of the app.
/// This is not implemented for every platform.
final bool uninstallFirst;
/// Whether to run the browser in headless mode.
/// Some CI environments do not provide a display and fail to launch the
/// browser with full graphics stack. Some browsers provide a special
/// "headless" mode that runs the browser with no graphics.
final bool webRunHeadless;
/// The port the browser should use for its debugging protocol.
final int? webBrowserDebugPort;
/// Arbitrary browser flags.
final List<String> webBrowserFlags;
/// Enable expression evaluation for web target.
final bool webEnableExpressionEvaluation;
/// Allow developers to customize the browser's launch URL
final String? webLaunchUrl;
/// A file where the VM Service URL should be written after the application is started.
final String? vmserviceOutFile;
final bool fastStart;
final bool nullAssertions;
/// Additional null runtime checks inserted for web applications.
/// See also:
/// *
final bool nativeNullAssertions;
List<String> getIOSLaunchArguments(
EnvironmentType environmentType,
String? route,
Map<String, Object?> platformArgs, {
bool ipv6 = false,
IOSDeviceConnectionInterface interfaceType = IOSDeviceConnectionInterface.none
}) {
final String dartVmFlags = computeDartVmFlags(this);
return <String>[
if (enableDartProfiling) '--enable-dart-profiling',
if (disableServiceAuthCodes) '--disable-service-auth-codes',
if (disablePortPublication) '--disable-observatory-publication',
if (startPaused) '--start-paused',
// Wrap dart flags in quotes for physical devices
if (environmentType == EnvironmentType.physical && dartVmFlags.isNotEmpty)
if (environmentType == EnvironmentType.simulator && dartVmFlags.isNotEmpty)
if (useTestFonts) '--use-test-fonts',
if (debuggingEnabled) ...<String>[
if (enableSoftwareRendering) '--enable-software-rendering',
if (traceSystrace) '--trace-systrace',
if (skiaDeterministicRendering) '--skia-deterministic-rendering',
if (traceSkia) '--trace-skia',
if (traceAllowlist != null) '--trace-allowlist="$traceAllowlist"',
if (traceSkiaAllowlist != null) '--trace-skia-allowlist="$traceSkiaAllowlist"',
if (endlessTraceBuffer) '--endless-trace-buffer',
if (dumpSkpOnShaderCompilation) '--dump-skp-on-shader-compilation',
if (verboseSystemLogs) '--verbose-logging',
if (cacheSkSL) '--cache-sksl',
if (purgePersistentCache) '--purge-persistent-cache',
if (route != null) '--route=$route',
if (platformArgs['trace-startup'] as bool? ?? false) '--trace-startup',
if (enableImpeller) '--enable-impeller',
if (environmentType == EnvironmentType.physical && deviceVmServicePort != null)
// The simulator "device" is actually on the host machine so no ports will be forwarded.
// Use the suggested host port.
if (environmentType == EnvironmentType.simulator && hostVmServicePort != null)
// Tell the observatory to listen on all interfaces, don't restrict to the loopback.
if (interfaceType ==
'--observatory-host=${ipv6 ? '::0' : ''}',
Map<String, Object?> toJson() => <String, Object?>{
'debuggingEnabled': debuggingEnabled,
'startPaused': startPaused,
'dartFlags': dartFlags,
'dartEntrypointArgs': dartEntrypointArgs,
'disableServiceAuthCodes': disableServiceAuthCodes,
'enableDds': enableDds,
'cacheStartupProfile': cacheStartupProfile,
'enableSoftwareRendering': enableSoftwareRendering,
'skiaDeterministicRendering': skiaDeterministicRendering,
'traceSkia': traceSkia,
'traceAllowlist': traceAllowlist,
'traceSkiaAllowlist': traceSkiaAllowlist,
'traceSystrace': traceSystrace,
'endlessTraceBuffer': endlessTraceBuffer,
'dumpSkpOnShaderCompilation': dumpSkpOnShaderCompilation,
'cacheSkSL': cacheSkSL,
'purgePersistentCache': purgePersistentCache,
'useTestFonts': useTestFonts,
'verboseSystemLogs': verboseSystemLogs,
'hostVmServicePort': hostVmServicePort,
'deviceVmServicePort': deviceVmServicePort,
'disablePortPublication': disablePortPublication,
'ddsPort': ddsPort,
'devToolsServerAddress': devToolsServerAddress.toString(),
'port': port,
'hostname': hostname,
'webEnableExposeUrl': webEnableExposeUrl,
'webUseSseForDebugProxy': webUseSseForDebugProxy,
'webUseSseForDebugBackend': webUseSseForDebugBackend,
'webUseSseForInjectedClient': webUseSseForInjectedClient,
'webRunHeadless': webRunHeadless,
'webBrowserDebugPort': webBrowserDebugPort,
'webBrowserFlags': webBrowserFlags,
'webEnableExpressionEvaluation': webEnableExpressionEvaluation,
'webLaunchUrl': webLaunchUrl,
'vmserviceOutFile': vmserviceOutFile,
'fastStart': fastStart,
'nullAssertions': nullAssertions,
'nativeNullAssertions': nativeNullAssertions,
'enableImpeller': enableImpeller,
'serveObservatory': serveObservatory,
'enableDartProfiling': enableDartProfiling,
static DebuggingOptions fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json, BuildInfo buildInfo) =>
buildInfo: buildInfo,
debuggingEnabled: json['debuggingEnabled']! as bool,
startPaused: json['startPaused']! as bool,
dartFlags: json['dartFlags']! as String,
dartEntrypointArgs: (json['dartEntrypointArgs']! as List<dynamic>).cast<String>(),
disableServiceAuthCodes: json['disableServiceAuthCodes']! as bool,
enableDds: json['enableDds']! as bool,
cacheStartupProfile: json['cacheStartupProfile']! as bool,
enableSoftwareRendering: json['enableSoftwareRendering']! as bool,
skiaDeterministicRendering: json['skiaDeterministicRendering']! as bool,
traceSkia: json['traceSkia']! as bool,
traceAllowlist: json['traceAllowlist'] as String?,
traceSkiaAllowlist: json['traceSkiaAllowlist'] as String?,
traceSystrace: json['traceSystrace']! as bool,
endlessTraceBuffer: json['endlessTraceBuffer']! as bool,
dumpSkpOnShaderCompilation: json['dumpSkpOnShaderCompilation']! as bool,
cacheSkSL: json['cacheSkSL']! as bool,
purgePersistentCache: json['purgePersistentCache']! as bool,
useTestFonts: json['useTestFonts']! as bool,
verboseSystemLogs: json['verboseSystemLogs']! as bool,
hostVmServicePort: json['hostVmServicePort'] as int? ,
deviceVmServicePort: json['deviceVmServicePort'] as int?,
disablePortPublication: json['disablePortPublication']! as bool,
ddsPort: json['ddsPort'] as int?,
devToolsServerAddress: json['devToolsServerAddress'] != null ? Uri.parse(json['devToolsServerAddress']! as String) : null,
port: json['port'] as String?,
hostname: json['hostname'] as String?,
webEnableExposeUrl: json['webEnableExposeUrl'] as bool?,
webUseSseForDebugProxy: json['webUseSseForDebugProxy']! as bool,
webUseSseForDebugBackend: json['webUseSseForDebugBackend']! as bool,
webUseSseForInjectedClient: json['webUseSseForInjectedClient']! as bool,
webRunHeadless: json['webRunHeadless']! as bool,
webBrowserDebugPort: json['webBrowserDebugPort'] as int?,
webBrowserFlags: (json['webBrowserFlags']! as List<dynamic>).cast<String>(),
webEnableExpressionEvaluation: json['webEnableExpressionEvaluation']! as bool,
webLaunchUrl: json['webLaunchUrl'] as String?,
vmserviceOutFile: json['vmserviceOutFile'] as String?,
fastStart: json['fastStart']! as bool,
nullAssertions: json['nullAssertions']! as bool,
nativeNullAssertions: json['nativeNullAssertions']! as bool,
enableImpeller: (json['enableImpeller'] as bool?) ?? false,
uninstallFirst: (json['uninstallFirst'] as bool?) ?? false,
serveObservatory: (json['serveObservatory'] as bool?) ?? false,
enableDartProfiling: (json['enableDartProfiling'] as bool?) ?? true,
class LaunchResult {
LaunchResult.succeeded({ this.observatoryUri }) : started = true;
: started = false,
observatoryUri = null;
bool get hasObservatory => observatoryUri != null;
final bool started;
final Uri? observatoryUri;
String toString() {
final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer('started=$started');
if (observatoryUri != null) {
buf.write(', observatory=$observatoryUri');
return buf.toString();
/// Read the log for a particular device.
abstract class DeviceLogReader {
String get name;
/// A broadcast stream where each element in the string is a line of log output.
Stream<String> get logLines;
/// Some logs can be obtained from a VM service stream.
/// Set this after the VM services are connected.
FlutterVmService? connectedVMService;
String toString() => name;
/// Process ID of the app on the device.
int? appPid;
// Clean up resources allocated by log reader e.g. subprocesses
void dispose();
/// Describes an app running on the device.
class DiscoveredApp {
DiscoveredApp(, this.observatoryPort);
final String id;
final int observatoryPort;
// An empty device log reader
class NoOpDeviceLogReader implements DeviceLogReader {
NoOpDeviceLogReader(String? nameOrNull) : name = nameOrNull ?? '';
final String name;
int? appPid;
FlutterVmService? connectedVMService;
Stream<String> get logLines => const Stream<String>.empty();
void dispose() { }
/// Append --null_assertions to any existing Dart VM flags if
/// [debuggingOptions.nullAssertions] is true.
String computeDartVmFlags(DebuggingOptions debuggingOptions) {
return <String>[
if (debuggingOptions.dartFlags.isNotEmpty)
if (debuggingOptions.nullAssertions)