blob: 1b7ce63b4194c5ddb630396a5538ac8cb58cb9b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/project_migrator.dart';
import '../xcode_project.dart';
/// Migrate the Xcode project for Xcode compatibility to avoid an "Update to recommended settings" Xcode warning.
class XcodeProjectObjectVersionMigration extends ProjectMigrator {
XcodeBasedProject project,
) : _xcodeProjectInfoFile = project.xcodeProjectInfoFile,
_xcodeProjectSchemeFile = project.xcodeProjectSchemeFile();
final File _xcodeProjectInfoFile;
final File _xcodeProjectSchemeFile;
void migrate() {
if (_xcodeProjectInfoFile.existsSync()) {
} else {
logger.printTrace('Xcode project not found, skipping Xcode compatibility migration.');
if (_xcodeProjectSchemeFile.existsSync()) {
} else {
logger.printTrace('Runner scheme not found, skipping Xcode compatibility migration.');
String? migrateLine(String line) {
String updatedString = line;
final Map<Pattern, String> originalToReplacement = <Pattern, String>{
// objectVersion value has been 46, 50, 51, and 54 in the template.
RegExp(r'objectVersion = \d+;'): 'objectVersion = 54;',
// LastUpgradeCheck is in the Xcode project file, not scheme file.
// Value has been 0730, 0800, 1020, 1300, 1430, and 1510 in the template.
RegExp(r'LastUpgradeCheck = \d+;'): 'LastUpgradeCheck = 1510;',
// LastUpgradeVersion is in the scheme file, not Xcode project file.
RegExp(r'LastUpgradeVersion = "\d+"'): 'LastUpgradeVersion = "1510"',
originalToReplacement.forEach((Pattern original, String replacement) {
if (line.contains(original)) {
updatedString = line.replaceAll(original, replacement);
if (!migrationRequired && updatedString != line) {
// Only print once.
logger.printStatus('Updating project for Xcode compatibility.');
return updatedString;