blob: b03f0cb334bb90c649a7490226518d44cf2c2997 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:dds/dds.dart' as dds;
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/application_package.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/asset.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/dds.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/build_info.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/build_system/tools/scene_importer.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/build_system/tools/shader_compiler.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/compile.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/devfs.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/device.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/device_port_forwarder.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/project.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/resident_runner.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/run_cold.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/run_hot.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/vmservice.dart';
import 'package:package_config/package_config.dart';
import 'package:test/fake.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart' as vm_service;
import '../src/fake_vm_services.dart';
final vm_service.Event fakeUnpausedEvent = vm_service.Event(
kind: vm_service.EventKind.kResume,
timestamp: 0
final vm_service.Event fakePausedEvent = vm_service.Event(
kind: vm_service.EventKind.kPauseException,
timestamp: 0
final vm_service.Isolate fakeUnpausedIsolate = vm_service.Isolate(
id: '1',
pauseEvent: fakeUnpausedEvent,
breakpoints: <vm_service.Breakpoint>[],
extensionRPCs: <String>[],
libraries: <vm_service.LibraryRef>[
id: '1',
uri: 'file:///hello_world/main.dart',
name: '',
livePorts: 0,
name: 'test',
number: '1',
pauseOnExit: false,
runnable: true,
startTime: 0,
isSystemIsolate: false,
isolateFlags: <vm_service.IsolateFlag>[],
final vm_service.Isolate fakePausedIsolate = vm_service.Isolate(
id: '1',
pauseEvent: fakePausedEvent,
breakpoints: <vm_service.Breakpoint>[
breakpointNumber: 123,
id: 'test-breakpoint',
location: vm_service.SourceLocation(
tokenPos: 0,
script: vm_service.ScriptRef(id: 'test-script', uri: 'foo.dart'),
enabled: true,
resolved: true,
libraries: <vm_service.LibraryRef>[],
livePorts: 0,
name: 'test',
number: '1',
pauseOnExit: false,
runnable: true,
startTime: 0,
isSystemIsolate: false,
isolateFlags: <vm_service.IsolateFlag>[],
final vm_service.VM fakeVM = vm_service.VM(
isolates: <vm_service.IsolateRef>[fakeUnpausedIsolate],
pid: 1,
hostCPU: '',
isolateGroups: <vm_service.IsolateGroupRef>[],
targetCPU: '',
startTime: 0,
name: 'dart',
architectureBits: 64,
operatingSystem: '',
version: '',
systemIsolateGroups: <vm_service.IsolateGroupRef>[],
systemIsolates: <vm_service.IsolateRef>[],
final FlutterView fakeFlutterView = FlutterView(
id: 'a',
uiIsolate: fakeUnpausedIsolate,
final FakeVmServiceRequest listViews = FakeVmServiceRequest(
method: kListViewsMethod,
jsonResponse: <String, Object>{
'views': <Object>[
const FakeVmServiceRequest renderFrameRasterStats = FakeVmServiceRequest(
method: kRenderFrameWithRasterStatsMethod,
args: <String, Object>{
'viewId': 'a',
'isolateId': '1',
error: FakeRPCError(
code: RPCErrorCodes.kServerError,
error: 'Raster status not supported on Impeller backend',
const FakeVmServiceRequest setAssetBundlePath = FakeVmServiceRequest(
method: '_flutter.setAssetBundlePath',
args: <String, Object>{
'viewId': 'a',
'assetDirectory': 'build/flutter_assets',
'isolateId': '1',
const FakeVmServiceRequest evict = FakeVmServiceRequest(
method: 'ext.flutter.evict',
args: <String, Object>{
'value': 'asset',
'isolateId': '1',
const FakeVmServiceRequest evictShader = FakeVmServiceRequest(
method: 'ext.ui.window.reinitializeShader',
args: <String, Object>{
'assetKey': 'foo.frag',
'isolateId': '1',
final Uri testUri = Uri.parse('foo://bar');
// This implements [dds.DartDevelopmentService], not the [DartDevelopmentService]
// interface from package:flutter_tools.
class FakeDartDevelopmentService extends Fake implements dds.DartDevelopmentService {
Future<void> get done => Future<void>.value();
Uri? get uri => null;
class FakeDartDevelopmentServiceException implements dds.DartDevelopmentServiceException {
FakeDartDevelopmentServiceException({this.message = defaultMessage});
final int errorCode = dds.DartDevelopmentServiceException.existingDdsInstanceError;
final String message;
static const String defaultMessage = 'A DDS instance is already connected at http://localhost:8181';
class TestFlutterDevice extends FlutterDevice {
TestFlutterDevice(super.device, { Stream<Uri>? vmServiceUris })
: _vmServiceUris = vmServiceUris, super(buildInfo: BuildInfo.debug, developmentShaderCompiler: const FakeShaderCompiler());
final Stream<Uri>? _vmServiceUris;
Stream<Uri> get vmServiceUris => _vmServiceUris!;
class ThrowingForwardingFileSystem extends ForwardingFileSystem {
File file(dynamic path) {
if (path == 'foo') {
throw const FileSystemException();
return delegate.file(path);
class FakeFlutterDevice extends Fake implements FlutterDevice {
FakeVmServiceHost? Function()? vmServiceHost;
Uri? testUri;
UpdateFSReport report = UpdateFSReport(
success: true,
invalidatedSourcesCount: 1,
Exception? reportError;
Exception? runColdError;
int runHotCode = 0;
int runColdCode = 0;
ResidentCompiler? generator;
DevelopmentShaderCompiler get developmentShaderCompiler => const FakeShaderCompiler();
TargetPlatform targetPlatform =;
Stream<Uri?> get vmServiceUris => Stream<Uri?>.value(testUri);
FlutterVmService? get vmService => vmServiceHost?.call()?.vmService;
DevFS? fakeDevFS;
DevFS? get devFS => fakeDevFS;
set devFS(DevFS? value) { }
Device? device;
Future<void> stopEchoingDeviceLog() async { }
Future<void> initLogReader() async { }
Future<Uri> setupDevFS(String fsName, Directory rootDirectory) async {
return testUri!;
Future<int> runHot({required HotRunner hotRunner, String? route}) async {
return runHotCode;
Future<int> runCold({required ColdRunner coldRunner, String? route}) async {
if (runColdError != null) {
throw runColdError!;
return runColdCode;
Future<void> connect({
ReloadSources? reloadSources,
Restart? restart,
CompileExpression? compileExpression,
GetSkSLMethod? getSkSLMethod,
FlutterProject? flutterProject,
PrintStructuredErrorLogMethod? printStructuredErrorLogMethod,
int? hostVmServicePort,
int? ddsPort,
bool disableServiceAuthCodes = false,
bool enableDds = true,
bool cacheStartupProfile = false,
required bool allowExistingDdsInstance,
bool ipv6 = false,
}) async { }
Future<UpdateFSReport> updateDevFS({
required Uri mainUri,
String? target,
AssetBundle? bundle,
bool bundleFirstUpload = false,
bool bundleDirty = false,
bool fullRestart = false,
String? projectRootPath,
required String pathToReload,
required String dillOutputPath,
required List<Uri> invalidatedFiles,
required PackageConfig packageConfig,
}) async {
if (reportError != null) {
throw reportError!;
return report;
Future<void> updateReloadStatus(bool wasReloadSuccessful) async { }
class FakeDelegateFlutterDevice extends FlutterDevice {
BuildInfo buildInfo,
ResidentCompiler residentCompiler,
) : super(buildInfo: buildInfo, generator: residentCompiler, developmentShaderCompiler: const FakeShaderCompiler());
Future<void> connect({
ReloadSources? reloadSources,
Restart? restart,
bool enableDds = true,
bool cacheStartupProfile = false,
bool disableServiceAuthCodes = false,
bool ipv6 = false,
CompileExpression? compileExpression,
GetSkSLMethod? getSkSLMethod,
FlutterProject? flutterProject,
int? hostVmServicePort,
int? ddsPort,
PrintStructuredErrorLogMethod? printStructuredErrorLogMethod,
bool allowExistingDdsInstance = false,
}) async { }
final DevFS fakeDevFS;
DevFS? get devFS => fakeDevFS;
set devFS(DevFS? value) {}
class FakeResidentCompiler extends Fake implements ResidentCompiler {
CompilerOutput? nextOutput;
bool didSuppressErrors = false;
Uri? receivedNativeAssetsYaml;
bool recompileCalled = false;
Future<CompilerOutput?> recompile(
Uri mainUri,
List<Uri>? invalidatedFiles, {
required String outputPath,
required PackageConfig packageConfig,
String? projectRootPath,
required FileSystem fs,
bool suppressErrors = false,
bool checkDartPluginRegistry = false,
File? dartPluginRegistrant,
Uri? nativeAssetsYaml,
}) async {
recompileCalled = true;
receivedNativeAssetsYaml = nativeAssetsYaml;
didSuppressErrors = suppressErrors;
return nextOutput ?? const CompilerOutput('foo.dill', 0, <Uri>[]);
void accept() { }
void reset() { }
class FakeProjectFileInvalidator extends Fake implements ProjectFileInvalidator {
Future<InvalidationResult> findInvalidated({
required DateTime? lastCompiled,
required List<Uri> urisToMonitor,
required String packagesPath,
required PackageConfig packageConfig,
bool asyncScanning = false,
}) async {
return InvalidationResult(
packageConfig: packageConfig,
uris: <Uri>[Uri.parse('file:///hello_world/main.dart'),
class FakeDevice extends Fake implements Device {
String sdkNameAndVersion = 'Android',
TargetPlatform targetPlatform = TargetPlatform.android_arm,
bool isLocalEmulator = false,
this.supportsHotRestart = true,
this.supportsScreenshot = true,
this.supportsFlutterExit = true,
}) : _isLocalEmulator = isLocalEmulator,
_targetPlatform = targetPlatform,
_sdkNameAndVersion = sdkNameAndVersion;
final bool _isLocalEmulator;
final TargetPlatform _targetPlatform;
final String _sdkNameAndVersion;
bool disposed = false;
bool appStopped = false;
bool failScreenshot = false;
bool supportsHotRestart;
bool supportsScreenshot;
bool supportsFlutterExit;
PlatformType get platformType => _targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.web_javascript
? PlatformType.web
Future<String> get sdkNameAndVersion async => _sdkNameAndVersion;
Future<TargetPlatform> get targetPlatform async => _targetPlatform;
Future<bool> get isLocalEmulator async => _isLocalEmulator;
String get name => 'FakeDevice';
late DartDevelopmentService dds;
Future<void> dispose() async {
disposed = true;
Future<bool> stopApp(ApplicationPackage? app, {String? userIdentifier}) async {
appStopped = true;
return true;
Future<void> takeScreenshot(File outputFile) async {
if (failScreenshot) {
throw Exception();
outputFile.writeAsBytesSync(List<int>.generate(1024, (int i) => i));
FutureOr<DeviceLogReader> getLogReader({
ApplicationPackage? app,
bool includePastLogs = false,
}) => NoOpDeviceLogReader(name);
DevicePortForwarder portForwarder = const NoOpDevicePortForwarder();
class FakeDevFS extends Fake implements DevFS {
DateTime? lastCompiled = DateTime(2000);
PackageConfig? lastPackageConfig = PackageConfig.empty;
List<Uri> sources = <Uri>[];
Uri baseUri = Uri();
Future<void> destroy() async { }
Set<String> assetPathsToEvict = <String>{};
Set<String> shaderPathsToEvict = <String>{};
Set<String> scenePathsToEvict = <String>{};
bool didUpdateFontManifest = false;
UpdateFSReport nextUpdateReport = UpdateFSReport(success: true);
bool hasSetAssetDirectory = false;
Future<Uri> create() async {
return Uri();
void resetLastCompiled() {
lastCompiled = null;
Future<UpdateFSReport> update({
required Uri mainUri,
required ResidentCompiler generator,
required bool trackWidgetCreation,
required String pathToReload,
required List<Uri> invalidatedFiles,
required PackageConfig packageConfig,
required String dillOutputPath,
required DevelopmentShaderCompiler shaderCompiler,
DevelopmentSceneImporter? sceneImporter,
DevFSWriter? devFSWriter,
String? target,
AssetBundle? bundle,
bool bundleFirstUpload = false,
bool fullRestart = false,
String? projectRootPath,
File? dartPluginRegistrant,
}) async {
return nextUpdateReport;
class FakeShaderCompiler implements DevelopmentShaderCompiler {
const FakeShaderCompiler();
void configureCompiler(TargetPlatform? platform) { }
Future<DevFSContent> recompileShader(DevFSContent inputShader) {
throw UnimplementedError();