blob: 9e4aaa349880e0f8b9f56d977ee6c6219eedb4b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import '../application_package.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../build_info.dart';
import '../globals.dart' as globals;
import '../xcode_project.dart';
import 'plist_parser.dart';
/// Tests whether a [Directory] is an iOS bundle directory.
bool _isBundleDirectory(Directory dir) => dir.path.endsWith('.app');
abstract class IOSApp extends ApplicationPackage {
IOSApp({required String projectBundleId}) : super(id: projectBundleId);
/// Creates a new IOSApp from an existing app bundle or IPA.
static IOSApp? fromPrebuiltApp(FileSystemEntity applicationBinary) {
final FileSystemEntityType entityType = globals.fs.typeSync(applicationBinary.path);
if (entityType == FileSystemEntityType.notFound) {
'File "${applicationBinary.path}" does not exist. Use an app bundle or an ipa.');
return null;
Directory uncompressedBundle;
if (entityType == {
final Directory directory =;
if (!_isBundleDirectory(directory)) {
globals.printError('Folder "${applicationBinary.path}" is not an app bundle.');
return null;
uncompressedBundle =;
} else {
// Try to unpack as an ipa.
final Directory tempDir = globals.fs.systemTempDirectory.createTempSync('flutter_app.');
globals.os.unzip(globals.fs.file(applicationBinary), tempDir);
final Directory payloadDir =
globals.fs.path.join(tempDir.path, 'Payload'),
if (!payloadDir.existsSync()) {
'Invalid prebuilt iOS ipa. Does not contain a "Payload" directory.');
return null;
try {
uncompressedBundle = payloadDir.listSync().whereType<Directory>().singleWhere(_isBundleDirectory);
} on StateError {
'Invalid prebuilt iOS ipa. Does not contain a single app bundle.');
return null;
final String plistPath = globals.fs.path.join(uncompressedBundle.path, 'Info.plist');
if (!globals.fs.file(plistPath).existsSync()) {
globals.printError('Invalid prebuilt iOS app. Does not contain Info.plist.');
return null;
final String? id = globals.plistParser.getStringValueFromFile(
if (id == null) {
globals.printError('Invalid prebuilt iOS app. Info.plist does not contain bundle identifier');
return null;
return PrebuiltIOSApp(
uncompressedBundle: uncompressedBundle,
bundleName: globals.fs.path.basename(uncompressedBundle.path),
projectBundleId: id,
applicationPackage: applicationBinary,
static Future<IOSApp?> fromIosProject(IosProject project, BuildInfo? buildInfo) async {
if (!globals.platform.isMacOS) {
return null;
if (!project.exists) {
// If the project doesn't exist at all the current hint to run flutter
// create is accurate.
return null;
if (!project.xcodeProject.existsSync()) {
globals.printError('Expected ios/Runner.xcodeproj but this file is missing.');
return null;
if (!project.xcodeProjectInfoFile.existsSync()) {
globals.printError('Expected ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj but this file is missing.');
return null;
return BuildableIOSApp.fromProject(project, buildInfo);
String get displayName => id;
String get simulatorBundlePath;
String get deviceBundlePath;
/// Directory used by ios-deploy to store incremental installation metadata for
/// faster second installs.
Directory? get appDeltaDirectory;
class BuildableIOSApp extends IOSApp {
BuildableIOSApp(this.project, String projectBundleId, String? hostAppBundleName)
: _hostAppBundleName = hostAppBundleName,
super(projectBundleId: projectBundleId);
static Future<BuildableIOSApp?> fromProject(IosProject project, BuildInfo? buildInfo) async {
final String? hostAppBundleName = await project.hostAppBundleName(buildInfo);
final String? projectBundleId = await project.productBundleIdentifier(buildInfo);
if (projectBundleId != null) {
return BuildableIOSApp(project, projectBundleId, hostAppBundleName);
return null;
final IosProject project;
final String? _hostAppBundleName;
String? get name => _hostAppBundleName;
String get simulatorBundlePath => _buildAppPath('iphonesimulator');
String get deviceBundlePath => _buildAppPath('iphoneos');
Directory get appDeltaDirectory =>, 'app-delta'));
// Xcode uses this path for the final archive bundle location,
// not a top-level output directory.
// Specifying `build/ios/archive/Runner` will result in `build/ios/archive/Runner.xcarchive`.
String get archiveBundlePath => globals.fs.path.join(getIosBuildDirectory(), 'archive',
_hostAppBundleName == null ? 'Runner' : globals.fs.path.withoutExtension(_hostAppBundleName!));
// The output xcarchive bundle path `build/ios/archive/Runner.xcarchive`.
String get archiveBundleOutputPath =>
globals.fs.path.setExtension(archiveBundlePath, '.xcarchive');
String get ipaOutputPath =>
globals.fs.path.join(getIosBuildDirectory(), 'ipa');
String _buildAppPath(String type) {
return globals.fs.path.join(getIosBuildDirectory(), type, _hostAppBundleName);
class PrebuiltIOSApp extends IOSApp implements PrebuiltApplicationPackage {
required this.uncompressedBundle,
required super.projectBundleId,
required this.applicationPackage,
/// The uncompressed bundle of the application.
/// [IOSApp.fromPrebuiltApp] will uncompress the application into a temporary
/// directory even when an `.ipa` file was used to create the [IOSApp] instance.
final Directory uncompressedBundle;
final String? bundleName;
final Directory? appDeltaDirectory = null;
String? get name => bundleName;
String get simulatorBundlePath => _bundlePath;
String get deviceBundlePath => _bundlePath;
String get _bundlePath => uncompressedBundle.path;
/// A [File] or [Directory] pointing to the application bundle.
/// This can be either an `.ipa` file or an uncompressed `.app` directory.
final FileSystemEntity applicationPackage;