blob: 802a95004d728bb0e32551a90a236340d9de8dbb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:platform/platform.dart';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import './globals.dart';
import './repository.dart';
import './stdio.dart';
const List<String> expectedEntitlements = <String>[
const String kVerify = 'verify';
const String kSignatures = 'signatures';
const String kRevision = 'revision';
const String kUpstream = 'upstream';
/// Command to codesign and verify the signatures of cached binaries.
class CodesignCommand extends Command<void> {
@required this.checkouts,
@required this.flutterRoot,
}) : assert(flutterRoot != null),
fileSystem = checkouts.fileSystem,
platform = checkouts.platform,
stdio = checkouts.stdio,
processManager = checkouts.processManager {
'Only verify expected binaries exist and are codesigned with entitlements.',
defaultsTo: true,
'When off, this command will only verify the existence of binaries, and not their\n'
'signatures or entitlements. Must be used with --verify flag.',
defaultsTo: FrameworkRepository.defaultUpstream,
help: 'The git remote URL to use as the Flutter framework\'s upstream.',
help: 'The Flutter framework revision to use.',
final Checkouts checkouts;
final FileSystem fileSystem;
final Platform platform;
final ProcessManager processManager;
final Stdio stdio;
/// Root directory of the Flutter repository.
final Directory flutterRoot;
FrameworkRepository _framework;
FrameworkRepository get framework => _framework ??= FrameworkRepository.localRepoAsUpstream(
upstreamPath: flutterRoot.path,
set framework(FrameworkRepository framework) => _framework = framework;
String get name => 'codesign';
String get description =>
'For codesigning and verifying the signatures of engine binaries.';
void run() {
if (!platform.isMacOS) {
throw ConductorException(
'Error! Expected operating system "macos", actual operating system is: '
if (argResults['verify'] as bool != true) {
throw ConductorException(
'Sorry, but codesigning is not implemented yet. Please pass the '
'--$kVerify flag to verify signatures.');
String revision;
if (argResults.wasParsed(kRevision)) {
stdio.printError('Warning! When providing an arbitrary revision, the contents of the cache may not');
stdio.printError('match the expected binaries in the conductor tool. It is preferred to check out');
stdio.printError('the desired revision and run that version of the conductor.\n');
revision = argResults[kRevision] as String;
} else {
revision = (processManager.runSync(
<String>['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'],
workingDirectory: framework.checkoutDirectory.path,
).stdout as String).trim();
// Ensure artifacts present
framework.runFlutter(<String>['precache', '--android', '--ios', '--macos']);
if (argResults[kSignatures] as bool) {
/// Binaries that are expected to be codesigned and have entitlements.
/// This list should be kept in sync with the actual contents of Flutter's
/// cache.
List<String> get binariesWithEntitlements {
return <String>[
].map((String relativePath) => fileSystem.path.join(framework.cacheDirectory, relativePath)).toList();
/// Binaries that are only expected to be codesigned.
/// This list should be kept in sync with the actual contents of Flutter's
/// cache.
List<String> get binariesWithoutEntitlements {
return <String>[
].map((String relativePath) => fileSystem.path.join(framework.cacheDirectory, relativePath)).toList();
/// Verify the existence of all expected binaries in cache.
/// This function ignores code signatures and entitlements, and is intended to
/// be run on every commit. It should throw if either new binaries are added
/// to the cache or expected binaries removed. In either case, this class'
/// [binariesWithEntitlements] or [binariesWithoutEntitlements] lists should
/// be updated accordingly.
void verifyExist() {
final Set<String> foundFiles = <String>{};
for (final String binaryPath in findBinaryPaths(framework.cacheDirectory)) {
if (binariesWithEntitlements.contains(binaryPath)) {
} else if (binariesWithoutEntitlements.contains(binaryPath)) {
} else {
throw ConductorException('Found unexpected binary in cache: $binaryPath');
final List<String> allExpectedFiles = binariesWithEntitlements + binariesWithoutEntitlements;
if (foundFiles.length < allExpectedFiles.length) {
final List<String> unfoundFiles = allExpectedFiles.where(
(String file) => !foundFiles.contains(file),
stdio.printError('Expected binaries not found in cache:\n\n${unfoundFiles.join('\n')}\n');
stdio.printError('If this commit is removing binaries from the cache, this test should be fixed by');
stdio.printError('removing the relevant entry from either the `binariesWithEntitlements` or');
stdio.printError('`binariesWithoutEntitlements` getters in dev/tools/lib/codesign.dart.');
throw ConductorException('Did not find all expected binaries!');
stdio.printStatus('All expected binaries present.');
/// Verify code signatures and entitlements of all binaries in the cache.
void verifySignatures() {
final List<String> unsignedBinaries = <String>[];
final List<String> wrongEntitlementBinaries = <String>[];
final List<String> unexpectedBinaries = <String>[];
for (final String binaryPath in findBinaryPaths(framework.cacheDirectory)) {
bool verifySignature = false;
bool verifyEntitlements = false;
if (binariesWithEntitlements.contains(binaryPath)) {
verifySignature = true;
verifyEntitlements = true;
if (binariesWithoutEntitlements.contains(binaryPath)) {
verifySignature = true;
if (!verifySignature && !verifyEntitlements) {
stdio.printError('Unexpected binary $binaryPath found in cache!');
stdio.printTrace('Verifying the code signature of $binaryPath');
final io.ProcessResult codeSignResult = processManager.runSync(
if (codeSignResult.exitCode != 0) {
'File "$binaryPath" does not appear to be codesigned.\n'
'The `codesign` command failed with exit code ${codeSignResult.exitCode}:\n'
if (verifyEntitlements) {
stdio.printTrace('Verifying entitlements of $binaryPath');
if (!hasExpectedEntitlements(binaryPath)) {
// First print all deviations from expectations
if (unsignedBinaries.isNotEmpty) {
stdio.printError('Found ${unsignedBinaries.length} unsigned binaries:');
if (wrongEntitlementBinaries.isNotEmpty) {
'Found ${wrongEntitlementBinaries.length} binaries with unexpected entitlements:');
if (unexpectedBinaries.isNotEmpty) {
stdio.printError('Found ${unexpectedBinaries.length} unexpected binaries in the cache:');
// Finally, exit on any invalid state
if (unsignedBinaries.isNotEmpty) {
throw ConductorException('Test failed because unsigned binaries detected.');
if (wrongEntitlementBinaries.isNotEmpty) {
throw ConductorException(
'Test failed because files found with the wrong entitlements:\n'
if (unexpectedBinaries.isNotEmpty) {
throw ConductorException('Test failed because unexpected binaries found in the cache.');
'Verified that binaries for commit ${argResults[kRevision] as String} are codesigned and have '
'expected entitlements.');
List<String> _allBinaryPaths;
/// Find every binary file in the given [rootDirectory].
List<String> findBinaryPaths(String rootDirectory) {
if (_allBinaryPaths != null) {
return _allBinaryPaths;
final io.ProcessResult result = processManager.runSync(
final List<String> allFiles = (result.stdout as String)
.where((String s) => s.isNotEmpty)
_allBinaryPaths = allFiles.where(isBinary).toList();
return _allBinaryPaths;
/// Check mime-type of file at [filePath] to determine if it is binary.
bool isBinary(String filePath) {
final io.ProcessResult result = processManager.runSync(
'-b', // is binary
return (result.stdout as String).contains('application/x-mach-binary');
/// Check if the binary has the expected entitlements.
bool hasExpectedEntitlements(String binaryPath) {
final io.ProcessResult entitlementResult = processManager.runSync(
if (entitlementResult.exitCode != 0) {
'The `codesign --entitlements` command failed with exit code ${entitlementResult.exitCode}:\n'
return false;
bool passes = true;
final String output = entitlementResult.stdout as String;
for (final String entitlement in expectedEntitlements) {
final bool entitlementExpected = binariesWithEntitlements.contains(binaryPath);
if (output.contains(entitlement) != entitlementExpected) {
'File "$binaryPath" ${entitlementExpected ? 'does not have expected' : 'has unexpected'} '
'entitlement $entitlement.');
passes = false;
return passes;