blob: 7b4c2661848fcfb523a24d1355947f467df2e28c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart' as yaml;
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../cache.dart';
import '../dart/analysis.dart';
import '../globals.dart';
import 'analyze.dart';
import 'analyze_base.dart';
bool isDartFile(FileSystemEntity entry) => entry is File && entry.path.endsWith('.dart');
typedef bool FileFilter(FileSystemEntity entity);
/// An aspect of the [AnalyzeCommand] to perform once time analysis.
class AnalyzeOnce extends AnalyzeBase {
final List<Directory> repoPackages;
AnalyzeOnce(ArgResults argResults, this.repoPackages) : super(argResults);
Future<Null> analyze() async {
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
Set<Directory> pubSpecDirectories = new HashSet<Directory>();
List<File> dartFiles = <File>[];
for (String file in {
file = path.normalize(path.absolute(file));
String root = path.rootPrefix(file);
dartFiles.add(new File(file));
while (file != root) {
file = path.dirname(file);
if (FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(path.join(file, 'pubspec.yaml'))) {
pubSpecDirectories.add(new Directory(file));
bool currentDirectory = argResults['current-directory'] && (argResults.wasParsed('current-directory') || dartFiles.isEmpty);
bool currentPackage = argResults['current-package'] && (argResults.wasParsed('current-package') || dartFiles.isEmpty);
bool flutterRepo = argResults['flutter-repo'] || inRepo(;
//TODO (pq): revisit package and directory defaults
if (currentDirectory && !flutterRepo) {
// ./*.dart
Directory currentDirectory = new Directory('.');
bool foundOne = false;
for (FileSystemEntity entry in currentDirectory.listSync()) {
if (isDartFile(entry)) {
foundOne = true;
if (foundOne)
if (currentPackage && !flutterRepo) {
// **/.*dart
Directory currentDirectory = new Directory('.');
_collectDartFiles(currentDirectory, dartFiles);
// TODO(ianh): Fix the intl package resource generator
// TODO(pq): extract this regexp from the exclude in options
RegExp stockExampleFiles = new RegExp('examples/stocks/lib/i18n/.*\.dart\$');
if (flutterRepo) {
for (Directory dir in repoPackages) {
_collectDartFiles(dir, dartFiles,
exclude: (FileSystemEntity entity) => stockExampleFiles.hasMatch(entity.path));
// determine what all the various .packages files depend on
PackageDependencyTracker dependencies = new PackageDependencyTracker();
for (Directory directory in pubSpecDirectories) {
String pubSpecYamlPath = path.join(directory.path, 'pubspec.yaml');
File pubSpecYamlFile = new File(pubSpecYamlPath);
if (pubSpecYamlFile.existsSync()) {
// we are analyzing the actual canonical source for this package;
// make sure we remember that, in case all the packages are actually
// pointing elsewhere somehow.
yaml.YamlMap pubSpecYaml = yaml.loadYaml(new File(pubSpecYamlPath).readAsStringSync());
String packageName = pubSpecYaml['name'];
String packagePath = path.normalize(path.absolute(path.join(directory.path, 'lib')));
dependencies.addCanonicalCase(packageName, packagePath, pubSpecYamlPath);
String dotPackagesPath = path.join(directory.path, '.packages');
File dotPackages = new File(dotPackagesPath);
if (dotPackages.existsSync()) {
// this directory has opinions about what we should be using
.where((String line) => !line.startsWith(new RegExp(r'^ *#')))
.forEach((String line) {
int colon = line.indexOf(':');
if (colon > 0) {
String packageName = line.substring(0, colon);
String packagePath = path.fromUri(line.substring(colon+1));
// Ensure that we only add the `analyzer` package defined in the vended SDK (and referred to with a local path directive).
// Analyzer package versions reached via transitive dependencies (e.g., via `test`) are ignored since they would produce
// spurious conflicts.
if (packageName != 'analyzer' || packagePath.startsWith('..'))
dependencies.add(packageName, path.normalize(path.absolute(directory.path, path.fromUri(packagePath))), dotPackagesPath);
// prepare a union of all the .packages files
if (dependencies.hasConflicts) {
StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer();
message.writeln('Make sure you have run "pub upgrade" in all the directories mentioned above.');
if (dependencies.hasConflictsAffectingFlutterRepo) {
'For packages in the flutter repository, try using '
'"flutter update-packages --upgrade" to do all of them at once.');
'If this does not help, to track down the conflict you can use '
'"pub deps --style=list" and "pub upgrade --verbosity=solver" in the affected directories.');
Map<String, String> packages = dependencies.asPackageMap();
if (argResults['preamble']) {
if (dartFiles.length == 1) {
logger.printStatus('Analyzing ${path.relative(dartFiles.first.path)}...');
} else {
logger.printStatus('Analyzing ${dartFiles.length} files...');
DriverOptions options = new DriverOptions();
options.dartSdkPath = argResults['dart-sdk'];
options.packageMap = packages;
options.analysisOptionsFile = flutterRepo
? path.join(Cache.flutterRoot, '.analysis_options_repo')
: path.join(Cache.flutterRoot, '.analysis_options_user');
AnalysisDriver analyzer = new AnalysisDriver(options);
// TODO(pq): consider error handling
List<AnalysisErrorDescription> errors = analyzer.analyze(dartFiles);
int errorCount = 0;
int membersMissingDocumentation = 0;
for (AnalysisErrorDescription error in errors) {
bool shouldIgnore = false;
if ( == 'public_member_api_docs') {
if (isFlutterLibrary(error.source.fullName)) {
if (!argResults['dartdocs']) {
membersMissingDocumentation += 1;
shouldIgnore = true;
} else {
shouldIgnore = true;
// TODO(ianh): Fix the Dart mojom compiler
if (error.source.fullName.endsWith('.mojom.dart'))
shouldIgnore = true;
if (shouldIgnore)
errorCount += 1;
dumpErrors(*<String>*/((AnalysisErrorDescription error) => error.asString()));
String elapsed = (stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0).toStringAsFixed(1);
if (isBenchmarking)
writeBenchmark(stopwatch, errorCount, membersMissingDocumentation);
if (errorCount > 0) {
// we consider any level of error to be an error exit (we don't report different levels)
if (membersMissingDocumentation > 0 && flutterRepo)
throwToolExit('[lint] $membersMissingDocumentation public ${ membersMissingDocumentation == 1 ? "member lacks" : "members lack" } documentation (ran in ${elapsed}s)');
throwToolExit('(Ran in ${elapsed}s)');
if (argResults['congratulate']) {
if (membersMissingDocumentation > 0 && flutterRepo) {
printStatus('No analyzer warnings! (ran in ${elapsed}s; $membersMissingDocumentation public ${ membersMissingDocumentation == 1 ? "member lacks" : "members lack" } documentation)');
} else {
printStatus('No analyzer warnings! (ran in ${elapsed}s)');
List<String> flutterRootComponents;
bool isFlutterLibrary(String filename) {
flutterRootComponents ??= path.normalize(path.absolute(Cache.flutterRoot)).split(path.separator);
List<String> filenameComponents = path.normalize(path.absolute(filename)).split(path.separator);
if (filenameComponents.length < flutterRootComponents.length + 4) // the 4: 'packages', package_name, 'lib', file_name
return false;
for (int index = 0; index < flutterRootComponents.length; index += 1) {
if (flutterRootComponents[index] != filenameComponents[index])
return false;
if (filenameComponents[flutterRootComponents.length] != 'packages')
return false;
if (filenameComponents[flutterRootComponents.length + 1] == 'flutter_tools')
return false;
if (filenameComponents[flutterRootComponents.length + 2] != 'lib')
return false;
return true;
List<File> _collectDartFiles(Directory dir, List<File> collected, {FileFilter exclude}) {
// Bail out in case of a .dartignore.
if (FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(path.join(path.dirname(dir.path), '.dartignore')))
return collected;
for (FileSystemEntity entity in dir.listSync(recursive: false, followLinks: false)) {
if (isDartFile(entity) && (exclude == null || !exclude(entity)))
if (entity is Directory) {
String name = path.basename(entity.path);
if (!name.startsWith('.') && name != 'packages')
_collectDartFiles(entity, collected, exclude: exclude);
return collected;
class PackageDependency {
// This is a map from dependency targets (lib directories) to a list
// of places that ask for that target (.packages or pubspec.yaml files)
Map<String, List<String>> values = <String, List<String>>{};
String canonicalSource;
void addCanonicalCase(String packagePath, String pubSpecYamlPath) {
assert(canonicalSource == null);
add(packagePath, pubSpecYamlPath);
canonicalSource = pubSpecYamlPath;
void add(String packagePath, String sourcePath) {
values.putIfAbsent(packagePath, () => <String>[]).add(sourcePath);
bool get hasConflict => values.length > 1;
bool get hasConflictAffectingFlutterRepo {
for (List<String> targetSources in values.values) {
for (String source in targetSources) {
if (path.isWithin(Cache.flutterRoot, source))
return true;
return false;
void describeConflict(StringBuffer result) {
List<String> targets = values.keys.toList();
targets.sort((String a, String b) => values[b].length.compareTo(values[a].length));
for (String target in targets) {
int count = values[target].length;
result.writeln(' $count ${count == 1 ? 'source wants' : 'sources want'} "$target":');
bool canonical = false;
for (String source in values[target]) {
result.writeln(' $source');
if (source == canonicalSource)
canonical = true;
if (canonical) {
result.writeln(' (This is the actual package definition, so it is considered the canonical "right answer".)');
String get target => values.keys.single;
class PackageDependencyTracker {
// This is a map from package names to objects that track the paths
// involved (sources and targets).
Map<String, PackageDependency> packages = <String, PackageDependency>{};
PackageDependency getPackageDependency(String packageName) {
return packages.putIfAbsent(packageName, () => new PackageDependency());
void addCanonicalCase(String packageName, String packagePath, String pubSpecYamlPath) {
getPackageDependency(packageName).addCanonicalCase(packagePath, pubSpecYamlPath);
void add(String packageName, String packagePath, String dotPackagesPath) {
getPackageDependency(packageName).add(packagePath, dotPackagesPath);
bool get hasConflicts {
return packages.values.any((PackageDependency dependency) => dependency.hasConflict);
bool get hasConflictsAffectingFlutterRepo {
return packages.values.any((PackageDependency dependency) => dependency.hasConflictAffectingFlutterRepo);
String generateConflictReport() {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
for (String package in packages.keys.where((String package) => packages[package].hasConflict)) {
result.writeln('Package "$package" has conflicts:');
return result.toString();
Map<String, String> asPackageMap() {
Map<String, String> result = <String, String>{};
for (String package in packages.keys)
result[package] = packages[package].target;
return result;