blob: 8b3975691eae96e33e1c8ba60ee458fe9ba061a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:multicast_dns/multicast_dns.dart';
import 'base/common.dart';
import 'base/context.dart';
import 'base/io.dart';
import 'device.dart';
import 'globals.dart';
/// A wrapper around [MDnsClient] to find a Dart observatory instance.
class MDnsObservatoryDiscovery {
/// Creates a new [MDnsObservatoryDiscovery] object.
/// The [client] parameter will be defaulted to a new [MDnsClient] if null.
/// The [applicationId] parameter may be null, and can be used to
/// automatically select which application to use if multiple are advertising
/// Dart observatory ports.
MDnsObservatoryDiscovery({MDnsClient mdnsClient})
: client = mdnsClient ?? MDnsClient();
/// The [MDnsClient] used to do a lookup.
final MDnsClient client;
static const String dartObservatoryName = '_dartobservatory._tcp.local';
static MDnsObservatoryDiscovery get instance => context.get<MDnsObservatoryDiscovery>();
/// Executes an mDNS query for a Dart Observatory.
/// The [applicationId] parameter may be used to specify which application
/// to find. For Android, it refers to the package name; on iOS, it refers to
/// the bundle ID.
/// If it is not null, this method will find the port and authentication code
/// of the Dart Observatory for that application. If it cannot find a Dart
/// Observatory matching that application identifier, it will call
/// [throwToolExit].
/// If it is null and there are multiple ports available, the user will be
/// prompted with a list of available observatory ports and asked to select
/// one.
/// If it is null and there is only one available instance of Observatory,
/// it will return that instance's information regardless of what application
/// the Observatory instance is for.
Future<MDnsObservatoryDiscoveryResult> query({String applicationId}) async {
printTrace('Checking for advertised Dart observatories...');
try {
await client.start();
final List<PtrResourceRecord> pointerRecords = await client
if (pointerRecords.isEmpty) {
return null;
// We have no guarantee that we won't get multiple hits from the same
// service on this.
final List<String> uniqueDomainNames = pointerRecords
.map<String>((PtrResourceRecord record) => record.domainName)
String domainName;
if (applicationId != null) {
for (String name in uniqueDomainNames) {
if (name.toLowerCase().startsWith(applicationId.toLowerCase())) {
domainName = name;
if (domainName == null) {
throwToolExit('Did not find a observatory port advertised for $applicationId.');
} else if (uniqueDomainNames.length > 1) {
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
buffer.writeln('There are multiple observatory ports available.');
buffer.writeln('Rerun this command with one of the following passed in as the appId:');
for (final String uniqueDomainName in uniqueDomainNames) {
buffer.writeln(' flutter attach --app-id ${uniqueDomainName.replaceAll('.$dartObservatoryName', '')}');
} else {
domainName = pointerRecords[0].domainName;
printTrace('Checking for available port on $domainName');
// Here, if we get more than one, it should just be a duplicate.
final List<SrvResourceRecord> srv = await client
if (srv.isEmpty) {
return null;
if (srv.length > 1) {
printError('Unexpectedly found more than one observatory report for $domainName '
'- using first one (${srv.first.port}).');
printTrace('Checking for authentication code for $domainName');
final List<TxtResourceRecord> txt = await client
if (txt == null || txt.isEmpty) {
return MDnsObservatoryDiscoveryResult(srv.first.port, '');
const String authCodePrefix = 'authCode=';
final String raw = txt.first.text.split('\n').firstWhere(
(String s) => s.startsWith(authCodePrefix),
orElse: () => null,
if (raw == null) {
return MDnsObservatoryDiscoveryResult(srv.first.port, '');
String authCode = raw.substring(authCodePrefix.length);
// The Observatory currently expects a trailing '/' as part of the
// URI, otherwise an invalid authentication code response is given.
if (!authCode.endsWith('/')) {
authCode += '/';
return MDnsObservatoryDiscoveryResult(srv.first.port, authCode);
} finally {
Future<Uri> getObservatoryUri(String applicationId, Device device, [bool usesIpv6 = false, int observatoryPort]) async {
final MDnsObservatoryDiscoveryResult result = await query(applicationId: applicationId);
Uri observatoryUri;
if (result != null) {
final String host = usesIpv6
? InternetAddress.loopbackIPv6.address
: InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4.address;
observatoryUri = await buildObservatoryUri(device, host, result.port, observatoryPort, result.authCode);
return observatoryUri;
class MDnsObservatoryDiscoveryResult {
MDnsObservatoryDiscoveryResult(this.port, this.authCode);
final int port;
final String authCode;
Future<Uri> buildObservatoryUri(
Device device,
String host,
int devicePort, [
int observatoryPort,
String authCode,
]) async {
String path = '/';
if (authCode != null) {
path = authCode;
// Not having a trailing slash can cause problems in some situations.
// Ensure that there's one present.
if (!path.endsWith('/')) {
path += '/';
final int localPort = observatoryPort
?? await device.portForwarder.forward(devicePort);
return Uri(scheme: 'http', host: host, port: localPort, path: path);