blob: 4d0b5fb326c801881c89b1ed54a00387308607b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart';
import 'basic_types.dart';
/// Utility functions for working with matrices.
class MatrixUtils {
/// Returns the given [transform] matrix as an [Offset], if the matrix is
/// nothing but a 2D translation.
/// Otherwise, returns null.
static Offset getAsTranslation(Matrix4 transform) {
assert(transform != null);
final Float64List values =;
// Values are stored in column-major order.
if (values[0] == 1.0 && // col 1
values[1] == 0.0 &&
values[2] == 0.0 &&
values[3] == 0.0 &&
values[4] == 0.0 && // col 2
values[5] == 1.0 &&
values[6] == 0.0 &&
values[7] == 0.0 &&
values[8] == 0.0 && // col 3
values[9] == 0.0 &&
values[10] == 1.0 &&
values[11] == 0.0 &&
values[14] == 0.0 && // bottom of col 4 (values 12 and 13 are the x and y offsets)
values[15] == 1.0) {
return Offset(values[12], values[13]);
return null;
/// Returns the given [transform] matrix as a [double] describing a uniform
/// scale, if the matrix is nothing but a symmetric 2D scale transform.
/// Otherwise, returns null.
static double getAsScale(Matrix4 transform) {
assert(transform != null);
final Float64List values =;
// Values are stored in column-major order.
if (values[1] == 0.0 && // col 1 (value 0 is the scale)
values[2] == 0.0 &&
values[3] == 0.0 &&
values[4] == 0.0 && // col 2 (value 5 is the scale)
values[6] == 0.0 &&
values[7] == 0.0 &&
values[8] == 0.0 && // col 3
values[9] == 0.0 &&
values[10] == 1.0 &&
values[11] == 0.0 &&
values[12] == 0.0 && // col 4
values[13] == 0.0 &&
values[14] == 0.0 &&
values[15] == 1.0 &&
values[0] == values[5]) { // uniform scale
return values[0];
return null;
/// Returns true if the given matrices are exactly equal, and false
/// otherwise. Null values are assumed to be the identity matrix.
static bool matrixEquals(Matrix4 a, Matrix4 b) {
if (identical(a, b))
return true;
assert(a != null || b != null);
if (a == null)
return isIdentity(b);
if (b == null)
return isIdentity(a);
assert(a != null && b != null);
return[0] ==[0]
&&[1] ==[1]
&&[2] ==[2]
&&[3] ==[3]
&&[4] ==[4]
&&[5] ==[5]
&&[6] ==[6]
&&[7] ==[7]
&&[8] ==[8]
&&[9] ==[9]
&&[10] ==[10]
&&[11] ==[11]
&&[12] ==[12]
&&[13] ==[13]
&&[14] ==[14]
&&[15] ==[15];
/// Whether the given matrix is the identity matrix.
static bool isIdentity(Matrix4 a) {
assert(a != null);
return[0] == 1.0 // col 1
&&[1] == 0.0
&&[2] == 0.0
&&[3] == 0.0
&&[4] == 0.0 // col 2
&&[5] == 1.0
&&[6] == 0.0
&&[7] == 0.0
&&[8] == 0.0 // col 3
&&[9] == 0.0
&&[10] == 1.0
&&[11] == 0.0
&&[12] == 0.0 // col 4
&&[13] == 0.0
&&[14] == 0.0
&&[15] == 1.0;
/// Applies the given matrix as a perspective transform to the given point.
/// This function assumes the given point has a z-coordinate of 0.0. The
/// z-coordinate of the result is ignored.
static Offset transformPoint(Matrix4 transform, Offset point) {
final Vector3 position3 = Vector3(point.dx, point.dy, 0.0);
final Vector3 transformed3 = transform.perspectiveTransform(position3);
return Offset(transformed3.x, transformed3.y);
/// Returns a rect that bounds the result of applying the given matrix as a
/// perspective transform to the given rect.
/// This function assumes the given rect is in the plane with z equals 0.0.
/// The transformed rect is then projected back into the plane with z equals
/// 0.0 before computing its bounding rect.
static Rect transformRect(Matrix4 transform, Rect rect) {
final Offset point1 = transformPoint(transform, rect.topLeft);
final Offset point2 = transformPoint(transform, rect.topRight);
final Offset point3 = transformPoint(transform, rect.bottomLeft);
final Offset point4 = transformPoint(transform, rect.bottomRight);
return Rect.fromLTRB(
_min4(point1.dx, point2.dx, point3.dx, point4.dx),
_min4(point1.dy, point2.dy, point3.dy, point4.dy),
_max4(point1.dx, point2.dx, point3.dx, point4.dx),
_max4(point1.dy, point2.dy, point3.dy, point4.dy),
static double _min4(double a, double b, double c, double d) {
return math.min(a, math.min(b, math.min(c, d)));
static double _max4(double a, double b, double c, double d) {
return math.max(a, math.max(b, math.max(c, d)));
/// Returns a rect that bounds the result of applying the inverse of the given
/// matrix as a perspective transform to the given rect.
/// This function assumes the given rect is in the plane with z equals 0.0.
/// The transformed rect is then projected back into the plane with z equals
/// 0.0 before computing its bounding rect.
static Rect inverseTransformRect(Matrix4 transform, Rect rect) {
assert(rect != null);
// As exposed by `unrelated_type_equality_checks`, this assert was a no-op.
// Fixing it introduces a bunch of runtime failures; for more context see:
// assert(transform.determinant != 0.0);
if (isIdentity(transform))
return rect;
transform = Matrix4.copy(transform)..invert();
return transformRect(transform, rect);
/// Create a transformation matrix which mimics the effects of tangentially
/// wrapping the plane on which this transform is applied around a cylinder
/// and then looking at the cylinder from a point outside the cylinder.
/// The `radius` simulates the radius of the cylinder the plane is being
/// wrapped onto. If the transformation is applied to a 0-dimensional dot
/// instead of a plane, the dot would simply translate by +/- `radius` pixels
/// along the `orientation` [Axis] when rotating from 0 to +/- 90 degrees.
/// A positive radius means the object is closest at 0 `angle` and a negative
/// radius means the object is closest at π `angle` or 180 degrees.
/// The `angle` argument is the difference in angle in radians between the
/// object and the viewing point. A positive `angle` on a positive `radius`
/// moves the object up when `orientation` is vertical and right when
/// horizontal.
/// The transformation is always done such that a 0 `angle` keeps the
/// transformed object at exactly the same size as before regardless of
/// `radius` and `perspective` when `radius` is positive.
/// The `perspective` argument is a number between 0 and 1 where 0 means
/// looking at the object from infinitely far with an infinitely narrow field
/// of view and 1 means looking at the object from infinitely close with an
/// infinitely wide field of view. Defaults to a sane but arbitrary 0.001.
/// The `orientation` is the direction of the rotation axis.
/// Because the viewing position is a point, it's never possible to see the
/// outer side of the cylinder at or past +/- π / 2 or 90 degrees and it's
/// almost always possible to end up seeing the inner side of the cylinder
/// or the back side of the transformed plane before π / 2 when perspective > 0.
static Matrix4 createCylindricalProjectionTransform({
@required double radius,
@required double angle,
double perspective = 0.001,
Axis orientation = Axis.vertical,
}) {
assert(radius != null);
assert(angle != null);
assert(perspective >= 0 && perspective <= 1.0);
assert(orientation != null);
// Pre-multiplied matrix of a projection matrix and a view matrix.
// Projection matrix is a simplified perspective matrix
// in the form of
// [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
// [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
// [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
// [0.0, 0.0, -perspective, 1.0]]
// View matrix is a simplified camera view matrix.
// Basically re-scales to keep object at original size at angle = 0 at
// any radius in the form of
// [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
// [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
// [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -radius],
// [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
Matrix4 result = Matrix4.identity()
..setEntry(3, 2, -perspective)
..setEntry(2, 3, -radius)
..setEntry(3, 3, perspective * radius + 1.0);
// Model matrix by first translating the object from the origin of the world
// by radius in the z axis and then rotating against the world.
result *= (
orientation == Axis.horizontal
? Matrix4.rotationY(angle)
: Matrix4.rotationX(angle)
) * Matrix4.translationValues(0.0, 0.0, radius);
// Essentially perspective * view * model.
return result;
/// Returns a matrix that transforms every point to [offset].
static Matrix4 forceToPoint(Offset offset) {
return Matrix4.identity()
..setRow(0, Vector4(0, 0, 0, offset.dx))
..setRow(1, Vector4(0, 0, 0, offset.dy));
/// Returns a list of strings representing the given transform in a format
/// useful for [TransformProperty].
/// If the argument is null, returns a list with the single string "null".
List<String> debugDescribeTransform(Matrix4 transform) {
if (transform == null)
return const <String>['null'];
return <String>[
'[0] ${debugFormatDouble(transform.entry(0, 0))},${debugFormatDouble(transform.entry(0, 1))},${debugFormatDouble(transform.entry(0, 2))},${debugFormatDouble(transform.entry(0, 3))}',
'[1] ${debugFormatDouble(transform.entry(1, 0))},${debugFormatDouble(transform.entry(1, 1))},${debugFormatDouble(transform.entry(1, 2))},${debugFormatDouble(transform.entry(1, 3))}',
'[2] ${debugFormatDouble(transform.entry(2, 0))},${debugFormatDouble(transform.entry(2, 1))},${debugFormatDouble(transform.entry(2, 2))},${debugFormatDouble(transform.entry(2, 3))}',
'[3] ${debugFormatDouble(transform.entry(3, 0))},${debugFormatDouble(transform.entry(3, 1))},${debugFormatDouble(transform.entry(3, 2))},${debugFormatDouble(transform.entry(3, 3))}',
/// Property which handles [Matrix4] that represent transforms.
class TransformProperty extends DiagnosticsProperty<Matrix4> {
/// Create a diagnostics property for [Matrix4] objects.
/// The [showName] and [level] arguments must not be null.
String name,
Matrix4 value, {
bool showName = true,
Object defaultValue = kNoDefaultValue,
DiagnosticLevel level =,
}) : assert(showName != null),
assert(level != null),
showName: showName,
defaultValue: defaultValue,
level: level,
String valueToString({ TextTreeConfiguration parentConfiguration }) {
if (parentConfiguration != null && !parentConfiguration.lineBreakProperties) {
// Format the value on a single line to be compatible with the parent's
// style.
final List<String> values = <String>[
'${debugFormatDouble(value.entry(0, 0))},${debugFormatDouble(value.entry(0, 1))},${debugFormatDouble(value.entry(0, 2))},${debugFormatDouble(value.entry(0, 3))}',
'${debugFormatDouble(value.entry(1, 0))},${debugFormatDouble(value.entry(1, 1))},${debugFormatDouble(value.entry(1, 2))},${debugFormatDouble(value.entry(1, 3))}',
'${debugFormatDouble(value.entry(2, 0))},${debugFormatDouble(value.entry(2, 1))},${debugFormatDouble(value.entry(2, 2))},${debugFormatDouble(value.entry(2, 3))}',
'${debugFormatDouble(value.entry(3, 0))},${debugFormatDouble(value.entry(3, 1))},${debugFormatDouble(value.entry(3, 2))},${debugFormatDouble(value.entry(3, 3))}',
return '[${values.join('; ')}]';
return debugDescribeTransform(value).join('\n');