blob: b49ef9509ae8fc01f7a6a645fe64533922ba0d5e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: implementation_imports
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:http_multi_server/http_multi_server.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// TODO(bkonyi): remove deprecated member usage,
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
import 'package:package_config/discovery.dart';
// TODO(bkonyi): remove deprecated member usage,
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
import 'package:package_config/packages.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; // ignore: package_path_import
import 'package:pool/pool.dart';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart' as shelf;
import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart' as shelf_io;
import 'package:shelf_packages_handler/shelf_packages_handler.dart';
import 'package:shelf_static/shelf_static.dart';
import 'package:shelf_web_socket/shelf_web_socket.dart';
import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/runtime.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/suite_platform.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/configuration.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/environment.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/platform.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/plugin/platform_helpers.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/runner_suite.dart';
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/suite.dart';
import 'package:web_socket_channel/web_socket_channel.dart';
import 'package:webkit_inspection_protocol/webkit_inspection_protocol.dart' hide StackTrace;
import '../artifacts.dart';
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/io.dart';
import '../build_info.dart';
import '../cache.dart';
import '../convert.dart';
import '../dart/package_map.dart';
import '../globals.dart' as globals;
import '../project.dart';
import '../web/chrome.dart';
import 'test_compiler.dart';
import 'test_config.dart';
class FlutterWebPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
FlutterWebPlatform._(this._server, this._config, this._root, {
FlutterProject flutterProject,
String shellPath,
}) {
final shelf.Cascade cascade = shelf.Cascade()
globals.fs.path.join(Cache.flutterRoot, 'packages', 'flutter_tools'),
serveFilesOutsidePath: true,
serveFilesOutsidePath: true,
p.join(p.current, 'test'),
serveFilesOutsidePath: true,
_testGoldenComparator = TestGoldenComparator(
() => TestCompiler(BuildMode.debug, false, flutterProject),
static Future<FlutterWebPlatform> start(String root, {
FlutterProject flutterProject,
String shellPath,
bool updateGoldens = false,
bool pauseAfterLoad = false,
}) async {
final shelf_io.IOServer server =
shelf_io.IOServer(await HttpMultiServer.loopback(0));
return FlutterWebPlatform._(
Configuration.current.change(pauseAfterLoad: pauseAfterLoad),
flutterProject: flutterProject,
shellPath: shellPath,
updateGoldens: updateGoldens,
// TODO(bkonyi): remove deprecated member usage,
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
final Future<Packages> _packagesFuture = loadPackagesFile(Uri.base.resolve('.packages'));
final PackageMap _flutterToolsPackageMap = PackageMap(p.join(
), fileSystem: globals.fs);
/// Uri of the test package.
Uri get testUri =>['test'];
/// The test runner configuration.
final Configuration _config;
Configuration get config => _config;
/// The underlying server.
final shelf.Server _server;
shelf.Server get server => _server;
/// The URL for this server.
Uri get url => _server.url;
/// The ahem text file.
File get ahem => globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(
/// The require js binary.
File get requireJs => globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(
/// The ddc to dart stack trace mapper.
File get stackTraceMapper => globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(
/// The precompiled dart sdk.
File get dartSdk => globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(
/// The precompiled test javascript.
File get testDartJs => globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(
File get testHostDartJs => globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(
Future<shelf.Response> _handleStaticArtifact(shelf.Request request) async {
if (request.requestedUri.path.contains('require.js')) {
return shelf.Response.ok(
headers: <String, String>{'Content-Type': 'text/javascript'},
} else if (request.requestedUri.path.contains('ahem.ttf')) {
return shelf.Response.ok(ahem.openRead());
} else if (request.requestedUri.path.contains('dart_sdk.js')) {
return shelf.Response.ok(
headers: <String, String>{'Content-Type': 'text/javascript'},
} else if (request.requestedUri.path
.contains('stack_trace_mapper.dart.js')) {
return shelf.Response.ok(
headers: <String, String>{'Content-Type': 'text/javascript'},
} else if (request.requestedUri.path.contains('static/dart.js')) {
return shelf.Response.ok(
headers: <String, String>{'Content-Type': 'text/javascript'},
} else if (request.requestedUri.path.contains('host.dart.js')) {
return shelf.Response.ok(
headers: <String, String>{'Content-Type': 'text/javascript'},
} else {
return shelf.Response.notFound('Not Found');
FutureOr<shelf.Response> _packageFilesHandler(shelf.Request request) async {
if (request.requestedUri.pathSegments.first == 'packages') {
// TODO(bkonyi): remove deprecated member usage,
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
final Packages packages = await _packagesFuture;
final Uri fileUri = packages.resolve(Uri(
scheme: 'package',
pathSegments: request.requestedUri.pathSegments.skip(1),
final String dirname = p.dirname(fileUri.toFilePath());
final String basename = p.basename(fileUri.toFilePath());
final shelf.Handler handler = createStaticHandler(dirname);
final shelf.Request modifiedRequest = shelf.Request(
request.requestedUri.replace(path: basename),
protocolVersion: request.protocolVersion,
headers: request.headers,
handlerPath: request.handlerPath,
url: request.url.replace(path: basename),
encoding: request.encoding,
context: request.context,
return handler(modifiedRequest);
return shelf.Response.notFound('Not Found');
final bool updateGoldens;
TestGoldenComparator _testGoldenComparator;
Future<shelf.Response> _goldenFileHandler(shelf.Request request) async {
if (request.url.path.contains('flutter_goldens')) {
final Map<String, Object> body = json.decode(await request.readAsString()) as Map<String, Object>;
final Uri goldenKey = Uri.parse(body['key'] as String);
final Uri testUri = Uri.parse(body['testUri'] as String);
final num width = body['width'] as num;
final num height = body['height'] as num;
Uint8List bytes;
try {
final ChromeTab chromeTab = await _browserManager._browser.chromeConnection.getTab((ChromeTab tab) {
return tab.url.contains(_browserManager._browser.url);
final WipConnection connection = await chromeTab.connect();
final WipResponse response = await connection.sendCommand('Page.captureScreenshot', <String, Object>{
// Clip the screenshot to include only the element.
// Prior to taking a screenshot, we are calling `window.render()` in
// `_matchers_web.dart` to only render the element on screen. That
// will make sure that the element will always be displayed on the
// origin of the screen.
'clip': <String, Object>{
'x': 0.0,
'y': 0.0,
'width': width.toDouble(),
'height': height.toDouble(),
'scale': 1.0,
bytes = base64.decode(response.result['data'] as String);
} on WipError catch (ex) {
globals.printError('Caught WIPError: $ex');
return shelf.Response.ok('WIP error: $ex');
} on FormatException catch (ex) {
globals.printError('Caught FormatException: $ex');
return shelf.Response.ok('Caught exception: $ex');
if (bytes == null) {
return shelf.Response.ok('Unknown error, bytes is null');
final String errorMessage = await _testGoldenComparator.compareGoldens(testUri, bytes, goldenKey, updateGoldens);
return shelf.Response.ok(errorMessage ?? 'true');
} else {
return shelf.Response.notFound('Not Found');
final OneOffHandler _webSocketHandler = OneOffHandler();
final PathHandler _jsHandler = PathHandler();
final AsyncMemoizer<void> _closeMemo = AsyncMemoizer<void>();
final String _root;
bool get _closed => _closeMemo.hasRun;
BrowserManager _browserManager;
// A handler that serves wrapper files used to bootstrap tests.
shelf.Response _wrapperHandler(shelf.Request request) {
final String path = globals.fs.path.fromUri(request.url);
if (path.endsWith('.html')) {
final String test = globals.fs.path.withoutExtension(path) + '.dart';
final String scriptBase = htmlEscape.convert(globals.fs.path.basename(test));
final String link = '<link rel="x-dart-test" href="$scriptBase">';
return shelf.Response.ok('''
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>${htmlEscape.convert(test)} Test</title>
<script src="static/dart.js"></script>
''', headers: <String, String>{'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
globals.printTrace('Did not find anything for request: ${request.url}');
return shelf.Response.notFound('Not found.');
/// Allows only one test suite (typically one test file) to be loaded and run
/// at any given point in time. Loading more than one file at a time is known
/// to lead to flaky tests.
final Pool _suiteLock = Pool(1);
Future<RunnerSuite> load(
String path,
SuitePlatform platform,
SuiteConfiguration suiteConfig,
Object message,
) async {
if (_closed) {
return null;
final PoolResource lockResource = await _suiteLock.request();
final Runtime browser = platform.runtime;
try {
_browserManager = await _launchBrowser(browser);
} on Error catch (_) {
await _suiteLock.close();
if (_closed) {
return null;
final Uri suiteUrl = url.resolveUri(globals.fs.path.toUri(globals.fs.path.withoutExtension(
globals.fs.path.relative(path, from: globals.fs.path.join(_root, 'test'))) +
final RunnerSuite suite = await _browserManager.load(path, suiteUrl, suiteConfig, message, onDone: () async {
await _browserManager.close();
_browserManager = null;
if (_closed) {
return null;
return suite;
StreamChannel<dynamic> loadChannel(String path, SuitePlatform platform) =>
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Returns the [BrowserManager] for [runtime], which should be a browser.
/// If no browser manager is running yet, starts one.
Future<BrowserManager> _launchBrowser(Runtime browser) {
if (_browserManager != null) {
throw StateError('Another browser is currently running.');
final Completer<WebSocketChannel> completer =
final String path =
final Uri webSocketUrl = url.replace(scheme: 'ws').resolve(path);
final Uri hostUrl = url
.replace(queryParameters: <String, String>{
'managerUrl': webSocketUrl.toString(),
'debug': _config.pauseAfterLoad.toString(),
globals.printTrace('Serving tests at $hostUrl');
return BrowserManager.start(
headless: !_config.pauseAfterLoad,
Future<void> closeEphemeral() async {
if (_browserManager != null) {
await _browserManager.close();
Future<void> close() => _closeMemo.runOnce(() async {
await Future.wait<void>(<Future<dynamic>>[
if (_browserManager != null)
class OneOffHandler {
/// A map from URL paths to handlers.
final Map<String, shelf.Handler> _handlers = <String, shelf.Handler>{};
/// The counter of handlers that have been activated.
int _counter = 0;
/// The actual [shelf.Handler] that dispatches requests.
shelf.Handler get handler => _onRequest;
/// Creates a new one-off handler that forwards to [handler].
/// Returns a string that's the URL path for hitting this handler, relative to
/// the URL for the one-off handler itself.
/// [handler] will be unmounted as soon as it receives a request.
String create(shelf.Handler handler) {
final String path = _counter.toString();
_handlers[path] = handler;
return path;
/// Dispatches [request] to the appropriate handler.
FutureOr<shelf.Response> _onRequest(shelf.Request request) {
final List<String> components = p.url.split(request.url.path);
if (components.isEmpty) {
return shelf.Response.notFound(null);
final String path = components.removeAt(0);
final FutureOr<shelf.Response> Function(shelf.Request) handler =
if (handler == null) {
return shelf.Response.notFound(null);
return handler(request.change(path: path));
class PathHandler {
/// A trie of path components to handlers.
final _Node _paths = _Node();
/// The shelf handler.
shelf.Handler get handler => _onRequest;
/// Returns middleware that nests all requests beneath the URL prefix
/// [beneath].
static shelf.Middleware nestedIn(String beneath) {
return (FutureOr<shelf.Response> Function(shelf.Request) handler) {
final PathHandler pathHandler = PathHandler()..add(beneath, handler);
return pathHandler.handler;
/// Routes requests at or under [path] to [handler].
/// If [path] is a parent or child directory of another path in this handler,
/// the longest matching prefix wins.
void add(String path, shelf.Handler handler) {
_Node node = _paths;
for (final String component in p.url.split(path)) {
node = node.children.putIfAbsent(component, () => _Node());
node.handler = handler;
FutureOr<shelf.Response> _onRequest(shelf.Request request) {
shelf.Handler handler;
int handlerIndex;
_Node node = _paths;
final List<String> components = p.url.split(request.url.path);
for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
node = node.children[components[i]];
if (node == null) {
if (node.handler == null) {
handler = node.handler;
handlerIndex = i;
if (handler == null) {
return shelf.Response.notFound('Not found.');
return handler(
request.change(path: p.url.joinAll(components.take(handlerIndex + 1))));
/// A trie node.
class _Node {
shelf.Handler handler;
final Map<String, _Node> children = <String, _Node>{};
class BrowserManager {
/// Creates a new BrowserManager that communicates with [browser] over
/// [webSocket].
BrowserManager._(this._browser, this._runtime, WebSocketChannel webSocket) {
// The duration should be short enough that the debugging console is open as
// soon as the user is done setting breakpoints, but long enough that a test
// doing a lot of synchronous work doesn't trigger a false positive.
// Start this canceled because we don't want it to start ticking until we
// get some response from the iframe.
_timer = RestartableTimer(const Duration(seconds: 3), () {
for (final RunnerSuiteController controller in _controllers) {
// Whenever we get a message, no matter which child channel it's for, we know
// the browser is still running code which means the user isn't debugging.
_channel = MultiChannel<dynamic>(
webSocket.cast<String>().transform(jsonDocument).changeStream((Stream<Object> stream) {
return message) {
if (!_closed) {
for (final RunnerSuiteController controller in _controllers) {
return message;
_environment = _loadBrowserEnvironment();, onDone: close);
/// The browser instance that this is connected to via [_channel].
final Chrome _browser;
// TODO(nweiz): Consider removing the duplication between this and
// [].
/// The [Runtime] for [_browser].
final Runtime _runtime;
/// The channel used to communicate with the browser.
/// This is connected to a page running `static/host.dart`.
MultiChannel<dynamic> _channel;
/// The ID of the next suite to be loaded.
/// This is used to ensure that the suites can be referred to consistently
/// across the client and server.
int _suiteID = 0;
/// Whether the channel to the browser has closed.
bool _closed = false;
/// The completer for [_BrowserEnvironment.displayPause].
/// This will be `null` as long as the browser isn't displaying a pause
/// screen.
CancelableCompleter<dynamic> _pauseCompleter;
/// The controller for [_BrowserEnvironment.onRestart].
final StreamController<dynamic> _onRestartController =
/// The environment to attach to each suite.
Future<_BrowserEnvironment> _environment;
/// Controllers for every suite in this browser.
/// These are used to mark suites as debugging or not based on the browser's
/// pings.
final Set<RunnerSuiteController> _controllers = <RunnerSuiteController>{};
// A timer that's reset whenever we receive a message from the browser.
// Because the browser stops running code when the user is actively debugging,
// this lets us detect whether they're debugging reasonably accurately.
RestartableTimer _timer;
final AsyncMemoizer<dynamic> _closeMemoizer = AsyncMemoizer<dynamic>();
/// Starts the browser identified by [runtime] and has it connect to [url].
/// [url] should serve a page that establishes a WebSocket connection with
/// this process. That connection, once established, should be emitted via
/// [future]. If [debug] is true, starts the browser in debug mode, with its
/// debugger interfaces on and detected.
/// The browser will start in headless mode if [headless] is true.
/// The [settings] indicate how to invoke this browser's executable.
/// Returns the browser manager, or throws an [ApplicationException] if a
/// connection fails to be established.
static Future<BrowserManager> start(
Runtime runtime,
Uri url,
Future<WebSocketChannel> future, {
bool debug = false,
bool headless = true,
}) async {
final Chrome chrome =
await globals.chromeLauncher.launch(url.toString(), headless: headless);
final Completer<BrowserManager> completer = Completer<BrowserManager>();
unawaited(chrome.onExit.then((int browserExitCode) {
throwToolExit('${} exited with code $browserExitCode before connecting.');
}).catchError((dynamic error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
if (completer.isCompleted) {
completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
unawaited(future.then((WebSocketChannel webSocket) {
if (completer.isCompleted) {
completer.complete(BrowserManager._(chrome, runtime, webSocket));
}).catchError((dynamic error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
if (completer.isCompleted) {
completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
return completer.future.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 30), onTimeout: () {
throwToolExit('Timed out waiting for ${} to connect.');
/// Loads [_BrowserEnvironment].
Future<_BrowserEnvironment> _loadBrowserEnvironment() async {
return _BrowserEnvironment(
this, null, _browser.remoteDebuggerUri,;
/// Tells the browser to load a test suite from the URL [url].
/// [url] should be an HTML page with a reference to the JS-compiled test
/// suite. [path] is the path of the original test suite file, which is used
/// for reporting. [suiteConfig] is the configuration for the test suite.
/// If [mapper] is passed, it's used to map stack traces for errors coming
/// from this test suite.
Future<RunnerSuite> load(
String path,
Uri url,
SuiteConfiguration suiteConfig,
Object message, {
Future<void> Function() onDone,
) async {
url = url.replace(fragment: Uri.encodeFull(jsonEncode(<String, Object>{
'metadata': suiteConfig.metadata.serialize(),
'browser': _runtime.identifier,
final int suiteID = _suiteID++;
RunnerSuiteController controller;
void closeIframe() {
if (_closed) {
.add(<String, Object>{'command': 'closeSuite', 'id': suiteID});
// The virtual channel will be closed when the suite is closed, in which
// case we should unload the iframe.
final VirtualChannel<dynamic> virtualChannel = _channel.virtualChannel();
final int suiteChannelID =;
final StreamChannel<dynamic> suiteChannel = virtualChannel.transformStream(
StreamTransformer<dynamic, dynamic>.fromHandlers(handleDone: (EventSink<dynamic> sink) {
_channel.sink.add(<String, Object>{
'command': 'loadSuite',
'url': url.toString(),
'id': suiteID,
'channel': suiteChannelID,
try {
controller = deserializeSuite(path, SuitePlatform(,
suiteConfig, await _environment, suiteChannel, message);
return await controller.suite;
// Not limiting to catching Exception because the exception is rethrown.
} catch (_) { // ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses
/// An implementation of [Environment.displayPause].
CancelableOperation<dynamic> _displayPause() {
if (_pauseCompleter != null) {
return _pauseCompleter.operation;
_pauseCompleter = CancelableCompleter<dynamic>(onCancel: () {
_channel.sink.add(<String, String>{'command': 'resume'});
_pauseCompleter = null;
_pauseCompleter.operation.value.whenComplete(() {
_pauseCompleter = null;
_channel.sink.add(<String, String>{'command': 'displayPause'});
return _pauseCompleter.operation;
/// The callback for handling messages received from the host page.
void _onMessage(dynamic message) {
switch (message['command'] as String) {
case 'ping':
case 'restart':
case 'resume':
if (_pauseCompleter != null) {
// Unreachable.
/// Closes the manager and releases any resources it owns, including closing
/// the browser.
Future<dynamic> close() {
return _closeMemoizer.runOnce(() {
_closed = true;
if (_pauseCompleter != null) {
_pauseCompleter = null;
return _browser.close();
/// An implementation of [Environment] for the browser.
/// All methods forward directly to [BrowserManager].
class _BrowserEnvironment implements Environment {
final BrowserManager _manager;
final bool supportsDebugging = true;
final Uri observatoryUrl;
final Uri remoteDebuggerUrl;
final Stream<dynamic> onRestart;
CancelableOperation<dynamic> displayPause() => _manager._displayPause();
/// Helper class to start golden file comparison in a separate process.
/// Golden file comparator is configured using flutter_test_config.dart and that
/// file can contain arbitrary Dart code that depends on dart:ui. Thus it has to
/// be executed in a `flutter_tester` environment. This helper class generates a
/// Dart file configured with flutter_test_config.dart to perform the comparison
/// of golden files.
class TestGoldenComparator {
/// Creates a [TestGoldenComparator] instance.
TestGoldenComparator(this.shellPath, this.compilerFactory)
: tempDir = globals.fs.systemTempDirectory.createTempSync('flutter_web_platform.');
final String shellPath;
final Directory tempDir;
final TestCompiler Function() compilerFactory;
TestCompiler _compiler;
TestGoldenComparatorProcess _previousComparator;
Uri _previousTestUri;
Future<void> close() async {
tempDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
await _compiler?.dispose();
await _previousComparator?.close();
/// Start golden comparator in a separate process. Start one file per test file
/// to reduce the overhead of starting `flutter_tester`.
Future<TestGoldenComparatorProcess> _processForTestFile(Uri testUri) async {
if (testUri == _previousTestUri) {
return _previousComparator;
final String bootstrap = TestGoldenComparatorProcess.generateBootstrap(testUri);
final Process process = await _startProcess(bootstrap);
_previousComparator = TestGoldenComparatorProcess(process);
_previousTestUri = testUri;
return _previousComparator;
Future<Process> _startProcess(String testBootstrap) async {
// Prepare the Dart file that will talk to us and start the test.
final File listenerFile = (await tempDir.createTemp('listener')).childFile('listener.dart');
await listenerFile.writeAsString(testBootstrap);
// Lazily create the compiler
_compiler = _compiler ?? compilerFactory();
final String output = await _compiler.compile(listenerFile.path);
final List<String> command = <String>[
final Map<String, String> environment = <String, String>{
// Chrome is the only supported browser currently.
return globals.processManager.start(command, environment: environment);
Future<String> compareGoldens(Uri testUri, Uint8List bytes, Uri goldenKey, bool updateGoldens) async {
final File imageFile = await (await tempDir.createTemp('image')).childFile('image').writeAsBytes(bytes);
final TestGoldenComparatorProcess process = await _processForTestFile(testUri);
process.sendCommand(imageFile, goldenKey, updateGoldens);
final Map<String, dynamic> result = await process.getResponse().timeout(const Duration(seconds: 20));
if (result == null) {
return 'unknown error';
} else {
return (result['success'] as bool) ? null : ((result['message'] as String) ?? 'does not match');
/// Represents a `flutter_tester` process started for golden comparison. Also
/// handles communication with the child process.
class TestGoldenComparatorProcess {
/// Creates a [TestGoldenComparatorProcess] backed by [process].
TestGoldenComparatorProcess(this.process) {
// Pipe stdout and stderr to printTrace and printError.
// Also parse stdout as a stream of JSON objects.
streamIterator = StreamIterator<Map<String, dynamic>>(
.transform<String>(const LineSplitter())
.where((String line) {
globals.printTrace('<<< $line');
return line.isNotEmpty && line[0] == '{';
.cast<Map<String, dynamic>>());
.transform<String>(const LineSplitter())
.forEach((String line) {
globals.printError('<<< $line');
final Process process;
StreamIterator<Map<String, dynamic>> streamIterator;
Future<void> close() async {
await process.stdin.close();
void sendCommand(File imageFile, Uri goldenKey, bool updateGoldens) {
final Object command = jsonEncode(<String, dynamic>{
'imageFile': imageFile.path,
'key': goldenKey.toString(),
'update': updateGoldens,
globals.printTrace('Preparing to send command: $command');
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getResponse() async {
final bool available = await streamIterator.moveNext();
return streamIterator.current;
static String generateBootstrap(Uri testUri) {
final File testConfigFile = findTestConfigFile(globals.fs.file(testUri));
// Generate comparator process for the file.
return '''
import 'dart:convert'; // ignore: dart_convert_import
import 'dart:io'; // ignore: dart_io_import
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
${testConfigFile != null ? "import '${Uri.file(testConfigFile.path)}' as test_config;" : ""}
void main() async {
LocalFileComparator comparator = LocalFileComparator(Uri.parse('$testUri'));
goldenFileComparator = comparator;
${testConfigFile != null ? 'test_config.main(() async {' : ''}
final commands = stdin
.transform<String>(const LineSplitter())
await for (final Object command in commands) {
if (command is Map<String, dynamic>) {
File imageFile = File(command['imageFile']);
Uri goldenKey = Uri.parse(command['key']);
bool update = command['update'];
final bytes = await File(imageFile.path).readAsBytes();
if (update) {
await goldenFileComparator.update(goldenKey, bytes);
print(jsonEncode({'success': true}));
} else {
try {
bool success = await, goldenKey);
print(jsonEncode({'success': success}));
} on Exception catch (ex) {
print(jsonEncode({'success': false, 'message': '\$ex'}));
} else {
print('object type is not right');
${testConfigFile != null ? '});' : ''}