blob: 04adb13686d0d165f113c22f240e4146630d26df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:usage/usage_io.dart';
import 'base/context.dart';
import 'base/os.dart';
import 'base/platform.dart';
import 'base/utils.dart';
import 'globals.dart';
import 'version.dart';
const String _kFlutterUA = 'UA-67589403-6';
Usage get flutterUsage => Usage.instance;
class Usage {
/// Create a new Usage instance; [versionOverride] is used for testing.
Usage({ String settingsName: 'flutter', String versionOverride }) {
final String version = versionOverride ?? FlutterVersion.getVersionString(whitelistBranchName: true);
_analytics = new AnalyticsIO(_kFlutterUA, settingsName, version);
// Report a more detailed OS version string than package:usage does by default.
// Send the branch name as the "channel".
_analytics.setSessionValue('cd2', FlutterVersion.getBranchName(whitelistBranchName: true));
// Record the host as the application installer ID - the context that flutter_tools is running in.
if (platform.environment.containsKey('FLUTTER_HOST')) {
_analytics.setSessionValue('aiid', platform.environment['FLUTTER_HOST']);
bool runningOnCI = false;
// Many CI systems don't do a full git checkout.
if (version.endsWith('/unknown'))
runningOnCI = true;
// Check for common CI systems.
if (isRunningOnBot)
runningOnCI = true;
// If we think we're running on a CI system, default to not sending analytics.
_analytics.analyticsOpt = runningOnCI ? AnalyticsOpt.optIn : AnalyticsOpt.optOut;
/// Returns [Usage] active in the current app context.
static Usage get instance => context.putIfAbsent(Usage, () => new Usage());
Analytics _analytics;
bool _printedWelcome = false;
bool _suppressAnalytics = false;
bool get isFirstRun => _analytics.firstRun;
bool get enabled => _analytics.enabled;
bool get suppressAnalytics => _suppressAnalytics || _analytics.firstRun;
/// Suppress analytics for this session.
set suppressAnalytics(bool value) {
_suppressAnalytics = value;
/// Enable or disable reporting analytics.
set enabled(bool value) {
_analytics.enabled = value;
/// A stable randomly generated UUID used to deduplicate multiple identical
/// reports coming from the same computer.
String get clientId => _analytics.clientId;
void sendCommand(String command, { Map<String, String> parameters }) {
if (suppressAnalytics)
parameters ??= const <String, String>{};
_analytics.sendScreenView(command, parameters: parameters);
void sendEvent(String category, String parameter,
{ Map<String, String> parameters }) {
if (suppressAnalytics)
parameters ??= const <String, String>{};
_analytics.sendEvent(category, parameter, parameters: parameters);
void sendTiming(
String category,
String variableName,
Duration duration, {
String label,
}) {
if (!suppressAnalytics) {
category: category,
label: label,
void sendException(dynamic exception, StackTrace trace) {
if (!suppressAnalytics)
/// Fires whenever analytics data is sent over the network.
Stream<Map<String, dynamic>> get onSend => _analytics.onSend;
/// Returns when the last analytics event has been sent, or after a fixed
/// (short) delay, whichever is less.
Future<Null> ensureAnalyticsSent() async {
// TODO(devoncarew): This may delay tool exit and could cause some analytics
// events to not be reported. Perhaps we could send the analytics pings
// out-of-process from flutter_tools?
await _analytics.waitForLastPing(timeout: const Duration(milliseconds: 250));
void printWelcome() {
// This gets called if it's the first run by the selected command, if any,
// and on exit, in case there was no command.
if (_printedWelcome)
_printedWelcome = true;
║ Welcome to Flutter! - ║
║ ║
║ The Flutter tool anonymously reports feature usage statistics and crash ║
║ reports to Google in order to help Google contribute improvements to ║
║ Flutter over time. ║
║ ║
║ Read about data we send with crash reports: ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ See Google's privacy policy: ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Use "flutter config --no-analytics" to disable analytics and crash ║
║ reporting. ║
''', emphasis: true);