| // Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'dart:async'; |
| import 'dart:convert'; |
| |
| import 'package:args/command_runner.dart'; |
| import 'package:file/file.dart'; |
| import 'package:file/memory.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/application_package.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/artifacts.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/io.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/build_info.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/cache.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/commands/create.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/device.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/doctor.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/ios/devices.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/ios/mac.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/ios/ios_workflow.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/macos/xcode.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/mdns_discovery.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/project.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter_tools/src/reporting/reporting.dart'; |
| import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; |
| import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart'; |
| import 'package:platform/platform.dart'; |
| import 'package:process/process.dart'; |
| import 'package:quiver/testing/async.dart'; |
| |
| import '../../src/common.dart'; |
| import '../../src/context.dart'; |
| import '../../src/mocks.dart'; |
| |
| class MockIOSApp extends Mock implements IOSApp {} |
| class MockApplicationPackage extends Mock implements ApplicationPackage {} |
| class MockArtifacts extends Mock implements Artifacts {} |
| class MockCache extends Mock implements Cache {} |
| class MockDirectory extends Mock implements Directory {} |
| class MockFileSystem extends Mock implements FileSystem {} |
| class MockForwardedPort extends Mock implements ForwardedPort {} |
| class MockIMobileDevice extends Mock implements IMobileDevice {} |
| class MockIOSDeploy extends Mock implements IOSDeploy {} |
| class MockDevicePortForwarder extends Mock implements DevicePortForwarder {} |
| class MockMDnsObservatoryDiscovery extends Mock implements MDnsObservatoryDiscovery {} |
| class MockMDnsObservatoryDiscoveryResult extends Mock implements MDnsObservatoryDiscoveryResult {} |
| class MockXcode extends Mock implements Xcode {} |
| class MockFile extends Mock implements File {} |
| class MockPortForwarder extends Mock implements DevicePortForwarder {} |
| class MockUsage extends Mock implements Usage {} |
| |
| void main() { |
| final FakePlatform macPlatform = FakePlatform.fromPlatform(const LocalPlatform()); |
| macPlatform.operatingSystem = 'macos'; |
| final FakePlatform linuxPlatform = FakePlatform.fromPlatform(const LocalPlatform()); |
| linuxPlatform.operatingSystem = 'linux'; |
| final FakePlatform windowsPlatform = FakePlatform.fromPlatform(const LocalPlatform()); |
| windowsPlatform.operatingSystem = 'windows'; |
| |
| group('IOSDevice', () { |
| final List<Platform> unsupportedPlatforms = <Platform>[linuxPlatform, windowsPlatform]; |
| |
| testUsingContext('successfully instantiates on Mac OS', () { |
| IOSDevice('device-123'); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| }); |
| |
| for (Platform platform in unsupportedPlatforms) { |
| testUsingContext('throws UnsupportedError exception if instantiated on ${platform.operatingSystem}', () { |
| expect( |
| () { IOSDevice('device-123'); }, |
| throwsA(isInstanceOf<AssertionError>()), |
| ); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Platform: () => platform, |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| group('.dispose()', () { |
| IOSDevice device; |
| MockApplicationPackage appPackage1; |
| MockApplicationPackage appPackage2; |
| IOSDeviceLogReader logReader1; |
| IOSDeviceLogReader logReader2; |
| MockProcess mockProcess1; |
| MockProcess mockProcess2; |
| MockProcess mockProcess3; |
| IOSDevicePortForwarder portForwarder; |
| ForwardedPort forwardedPort; |
| |
| IOSDevicePortForwarder createPortForwarder( |
| ForwardedPort forwardedPort, |
| IOSDevice device) { |
| final IOSDevicePortForwarder portForwarder = IOSDevicePortForwarder(device); |
| portForwarder.addForwardedPorts(<ForwardedPort>[forwardedPort]); |
| return portForwarder; |
| } |
| |
| IOSDeviceLogReader createLogReader( |
| IOSDevice device, |
| ApplicationPackage appPackage, |
| Process process) { |
| final IOSDeviceLogReader logReader = IOSDeviceLogReader(device, appPackage); |
| logReader.idevicesyslogProcess = process; |
| return logReader; |
| } |
| |
| setUp(() { |
| appPackage1 = MockApplicationPackage(); |
| appPackage2 = MockApplicationPackage(); |
| when(appPackage1.name).thenReturn('flutterApp1'); |
| when(appPackage2.name).thenReturn('flutterApp2'); |
| mockProcess1 = MockProcess(); |
| mockProcess2 = MockProcess(); |
| mockProcess3 = MockProcess(); |
| forwardedPort = ForwardedPort.withContext(123, 456, mockProcess3); |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext(' kills all log readers & port forwarders', () async { |
| device = IOSDevice('123'); |
| logReader1 = createLogReader(device, appPackage1, mockProcess1); |
| logReader2 = createLogReader(device, appPackage2, mockProcess2); |
| portForwarder = createPortForwarder(forwardedPort, device); |
| device.setLogReader(appPackage1, logReader1); |
| device.setLogReader(appPackage2, logReader2); |
| device.portForwarder = portForwarder; |
| |
| device.dispose(); |
| |
| verify(mockProcess1.kill()); |
| verify(mockProcess2.kill()); |
| verify(mockProcess3.kill()); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| group('startApp', () { |
| MockIOSApp mockApp; |
| MockArtifacts mockArtifacts; |
| MockCache mockCache; |
| MockFileSystem mockFileSystem; |
| MockProcessManager mockProcessManager; |
| MockDeviceLogReader mockLogReader; |
| MockMDnsObservatoryDiscovery mockMDnsObservatoryDiscovery; |
| MockPortForwarder mockPortForwarder; |
| MockIMobileDevice mockIMobileDevice; |
| MockIOSDeploy mockIosDeploy; |
| MockUsage mockUsage; |
| |
| Directory tempDir; |
| Directory projectDir; |
| |
| const int devicePort = 499; |
| const int hostPort = 42; |
| const String installerPath = '/path/to/ideviceinstaller'; |
| const String iosDeployPath = '/path/to/iosdeploy'; |
| const String iproxyPath = '/path/to/iproxy'; |
| const MapEntry<String, String> libraryEntry = MapEntry<String, String>( |
| '/path/to/libraries', |
| ); |
| final Map<String, String> env = Map<String, String>.fromEntries( |
| <MapEntry<String, String>>[libraryEntry] |
| ); |
| |
| setUp(() { |
| Cache.disableLocking(); |
| |
| mockApp = MockIOSApp(); |
| mockArtifacts = MockArtifacts(); |
| mockCache = MockCache(); |
| when(mockCache.dyLdLibEntry).thenReturn(libraryEntry); |
| mockFileSystem = MockFileSystem(); |
| mockMDnsObservatoryDiscovery = MockMDnsObservatoryDiscovery(); |
| mockProcessManager = MockProcessManager(); |
| mockLogReader = MockDeviceLogReader(); |
| mockPortForwarder = MockPortForwarder(); |
| mockIMobileDevice = MockIMobileDevice(); |
| mockIosDeploy = MockIOSDeploy(); |
| mockUsage = MockUsage(); |
| |
| tempDir = fs.systemTempDirectory.createTempSync('flutter_tools_create_test.'); |
| projectDir = tempDir.childDirectory('flutter_project'); |
| |
| when( |
| mockArtifacts.getArtifactPath( |
| Artifact.ideviceinstaller, |
| platform: anyNamed('platform'), |
| ), |
| ).thenReturn(installerPath); |
| |
| when( |
| mockArtifacts.getArtifactPath( |
| Artifact.iosDeploy, |
| platform: anyNamed('platform'), |
| ), |
| ).thenReturn(iosDeployPath); |
| |
| when( |
| mockArtifacts.getArtifactPath( |
| Artifact.iproxy, |
| platform: anyNamed('platform'), |
| ), |
| ).thenReturn(iproxyPath); |
| |
| when(mockPortForwarder.forward(devicePort, hostPort: anyNamed('hostPort'))) |
| .thenAnswer((_) async => hostPort); |
| when(mockPortForwarder.forwardedPorts) |
| .thenReturn(<ForwardedPort>[ForwardedPort(hostPort, devicePort)]); |
| when(mockPortForwarder.unforward(any)) |
| .thenAnswer((_) async => null); |
| |
| const String bundlePath = '/path/to/bundle'; |
| final List<String> installArgs = <String>[installerPath, '-i', bundlePath]; |
| when(mockApp.deviceBundlePath).thenReturn(bundlePath); |
| final MockDirectory directory = MockDirectory(); |
| when(mockFileSystem.directory(bundlePath)).thenReturn(directory); |
| when(directory.existsSync()).thenReturn(true); |
| when(mockProcessManager.run( |
| installArgs, |
| workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'), |
| environment: env, |
| )).thenAnswer( |
| (_) => Future<ProcessResult>.value(ProcessResult(1, 0, '', '')) |
| ); |
| |
| when(mockIMobileDevice.getInfoForDevice(any, 'CPUArchitecture')) |
| .thenAnswer((_) => Future<String>.value('arm64')); |
| }); |
| |
| tearDown(() { |
| mockLogReader.dispose(); |
| tryToDelete(tempDir); |
| |
| Cache.enableLocking(); |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext(' succeeds in debug mode via mDNS', () async { |
| final IOSDevice device = IOSDevice('123'); |
| device.portForwarder = mockPortForwarder; |
| device.setLogReader(mockApp, mockLogReader); |
| final Uri uri = Uri( |
| scheme: 'http', |
| host: '', |
| port: 1234, |
| path: 'observatory', |
| ); |
| when(mockMDnsObservatoryDiscovery.getObservatoryUri(any, any, any)) |
| .thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) => Future<Uri>.value(uri)); |
| |
| final LaunchResult launchResult = await device.startApp(mockApp, |
| prebuiltApplication: true, |
| debuggingOptions: DebuggingOptions.enabled(const BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null)), |
| platformArgs: <String, dynamic>{}, |
| ); |
| verify(mockUsage.sendEvent('ios-mdns', 'success')).called(1); |
| expect(launchResult.started, isTrue); |
| expect(launchResult.hasObservatory, isTrue); |
| expect(await device.stopApp(mockApp), isFalse); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Artifacts: () => mockArtifacts, |
| Cache: () => mockCache, |
| FileSystem: () => mockFileSystem, |
| MDnsObservatoryDiscovery: () => mockMDnsObservatoryDiscovery, |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| ProcessManager: () => mockProcessManager, |
| Usage: () => mockUsage, |
| }); |
| |
| // By default, the .forward() method will try every port between 1024 |
| // and 65535; this test verifies we are killing iproxy processes when |
| // we timeout on a port |
| testUsingContext(' .forward() will kill iproxy processes before invoking a second', () async { |
| const String deviceId = '123'; |
| const int devicePort = 456; |
| final IOSDevice device = IOSDevice(deviceId); |
| final IOSDevicePortForwarder portForwarder = IOSDevicePortForwarder(device); |
| bool firstRun = true; |
| final MockProcess successProcess = MockProcess( |
| exitCode: Future<int>.value(0), |
| stdout: Stream<List<int>>.fromIterable(<List<int>>['Hello'.codeUnits]), |
| ); |
| final MockProcess failProcess = MockProcess( |
| exitCode: Future<int>.value(1), |
| stdout: const Stream<List<int>>.empty(), |
| ); |
| |
| final ProcessFactory factory = (List<String> command) { |
| if (!firstRun) { |
| return successProcess; |
| } |
| firstRun = false; |
| return failProcess; |
| }; |
| mockProcessManager.processFactory = factory; |
| final int hostPort = await portForwarder.forward(devicePort); |
| // First port tried (1024) should fail, then succeed on the next |
| expect(hostPort, 1024 + 1); |
| verifyNever(successProcess.kill()); |
| verify(failProcess.kill()); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Artifacts: () => mockArtifacts, |
| Cache: () => mockCache, |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| ProcessManager: () => mockProcessManager, |
| Usage: () => mockUsage, |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext(' succeeds in debug mode when mDNS fails by falling back to manual protocol discovery', () async { |
| final IOSDevice device = IOSDevice('123'); |
| device.portForwarder = mockPortForwarder; |
| device.setLogReader(mockApp, mockLogReader); |
| // Now that the reader is used, start writing messages to it. |
| Timer.run(() { |
| mockLogReader.addLine('Foo'); |
| mockLogReader.addLine('Observatory listening on$devicePort'); |
| }); |
| when(mockMDnsObservatoryDiscovery.getObservatoryUri(any, any, any)) |
| .thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) => Future<Uri>.value(null)); |
| |
| final LaunchResult launchResult = await device.startApp(mockApp, |
| prebuiltApplication: true, |
| debuggingOptions: DebuggingOptions.enabled(const BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null)), |
| platformArgs: <String, dynamic>{}, |
| ); |
| verify(mockUsage.sendEvent('ios-mdns', 'failure')).called(1); |
| verify(mockUsage.sendEvent('ios-mdns', 'fallback-success')).called(1); |
| expect(launchResult.started, isTrue); |
| expect(launchResult.hasObservatory, isTrue); |
| expect(await device.stopApp(mockApp), isFalse); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Artifacts: () => mockArtifacts, |
| Cache: () => mockCache, |
| FileSystem: () => mockFileSystem, |
| MDnsObservatoryDiscovery: () => mockMDnsObservatoryDiscovery, |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| ProcessManager: () => mockProcessManager, |
| Usage: () => mockUsage, |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext(' fails in debug mode when mDNS fails and when Observatory URI is malformed', () async { |
| final IOSDevice device = IOSDevice('123'); |
| device.portForwarder = mockPortForwarder; |
| device.setLogReader(mockApp, mockLogReader); |
| |
| // Now that the reader is used, start writing messages to it. |
| Timer.run(() { |
| mockLogReader.addLine('Foo'); |
| mockLogReader.addLine('Observatory listening on http:/:/$devicePort'); |
| }); |
| when(mockMDnsObservatoryDiscovery.getObservatoryUri(any, any, any)) |
| .thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) => Future<Uri>.value(null)); |
| |
| final LaunchResult launchResult = await device.startApp(mockApp, |
| prebuiltApplication: true, |
| debuggingOptions: DebuggingOptions.enabled(const BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null)), |
| platformArgs: <String, dynamic>{}, |
| ); |
| verify(mockUsage.sendEvent('ios-mdns', 'failure')).called(1); |
| verify(mockUsage.sendEvent('ios-mdns', 'fallback-failure')).called(1); |
| expect(launchResult.started, isFalse); |
| expect(launchResult.hasObservatory, isFalse); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Artifacts: () => mockArtifacts, |
| Cache: () => mockCache, |
| FileSystem: () => mockFileSystem, |
| MDnsObservatoryDiscovery: () => mockMDnsObservatoryDiscovery, |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| ProcessManager: () => mockProcessManager, |
| Usage: () => mockUsage, |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext(' succeeds in release mode', () async { |
| final IOSDevice device = IOSDevice('123'); |
| final LaunchResult launchResult = await device.startApp(mockApp, |
| prebuiltApplication: true, |
| debuggingOptions: DebuggingOptions.disabled(const BuildInfo(BuildMode.release, null)), |
| platformArgs: <String, dynamic>{}, |
| ); |
| expect(launchResult.started, isTrue); |
| expect(launchResult.hasObservatory, isFalse); |
| expect(await device.stopApp(mockApp), isFalse); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Artifacts: () => mockArtifacts, |
| Cache: () => mockCache, |
| FileSystem: () => mockFileSystem, |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| ProcessManager: () => mockProcessManager, |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext(' succeeds with --cache-sksl', () async { |
| final IOSDevice device = IOSDevice('123'); |
| device.setLogReader(mockApp, mockLogReader); |
| final Uri uri = Uri( |
| scheme: 'http', |
| host: '', |
| port: 1234, |
| path: 'observatory', |
| ); |
| when(mockMDnsObservatoryDiscovery.getObservatoryUri(any, any, any)) |
| .thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) => Future<Uri>.value(uri)); |
| |
| List<String> args; |
| when(mockIosDeploy.runApp( |
| deviceId: anyNamed('deviceId'), |
| bundlePath: anyNamed('bundlePath'), |
| launchArguments: anyNamed('launchArguments'), |
| )).thenAnswer((Invocation inv) { |
| args = inv.namedArguments[const Symbol('launchArguments')]; |
| return Future<int>.value(0); |
| }); |
| |
| final LaunchResult launchResult = await device.startApp(mockApp, |
| prebuiltApplication: true, |
| debuggingOptions: DebuggingOptions.enabled( |
| const BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null), |
| cacheSkSL: true, |
| ), |
| platformArgs: <String, dynamic>{}, |
| ); |
| expect(launchResult.started, isTrue); |
| expect(args, contains('--cache-sksl')); |
| expect(await device.stopApp(mockApp), isFalse); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Artifacts: () => mockArtifacts, |
| Cache: () => mockCache, |
| FileSystem: () => mockFileSystem, |
| MDnsObservatoryDiscovery: () => mockMDnsObservatoryDiscovery, |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| ProcessManager: () => mockProcessManager, |
| Usage: () => mockUsage, |
| IOSDeploy: () => mockIosDeploy, |
| }); |
| |
| void testNonPrebuilt({ |
| @required bool showBuildSettingsFlakes, |
| }) { |
| const String name = ' non-prebuilt succeeds in debug mode'; |
| testUsingContext(name + ' flaky: $showBuildSettingsFlakes', () async { |
| final Directory targetBuildDir = |
| projectDir.childDirectory('build/ios/iphoneos/Debug-arm64'); |
| |
| // The -showBuildSettings calls have a timeout and so go through |
| // processManager.start(). |
| mockProcessManager.processFactory = flakyProcessFactory( |
| flakes: showBuildSettingsFlakes ? 1 : 0, |
| delay: const Duration(seconds: 62), |
| filter: (List<String> args) => args.contains('-showBuildSettings'), |
| stdout: |
| () => Stream<String> |
| .fromIterable( |
| <String>['TARGET_BUILD_DIR = ${targetBuildDir.path}\n']) |
| .transform(utf8.encoder), |
| ); |
| |
| // Make all other subcommands succeed. |
| when(mockProcessManager.run( |
| any, |
| workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'), |
| environment: anyNamed('environment'), |
| )).thenAnswer((Invocation inv) { |
| return Future<ProcessResult>.value(ProcessResult(0, 0, '', '')); |
| }); |
| |
| when(mockProcessManager.run( |
| argThat(contains('find-identity')), |
| environment: anyNamed('environment'), |
| workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'), |
| )).thenAnswer((_) => Future<ProcessResult>.value(ProcessResult( |
| 1, // pid |
| 0, // exitCode |
| ''' |
| 1) 86f7e437faa5a7fce15d1ddcb9eaeaea377667b8 "iPhone Developer: Profile 1 (1111AAAA11)" |
| 2) da4b9237bacccdf19c0760cab7aec4a8359010b0 "iPhone Developer: Profile 2 (2222BBBB22)" |
| 3) 5bf1fd927dfb8679496a2e6cf00cbe50c1c87145 "iPhone Developer: Profile 3 (3333CCCC33)" |
| 3 valid identities found''', |
| '', |
| ))); |
| |
| // Deploy works. |
| when(mockIosDeploy.runApp( |
| deviceId: anyNamed('deviceId'), |
| bundlePath: anyNamed('bundlePath'), |
| launchArguments: anyNamed('launchArguments'), |
| )).thenAnswer((_) => Future<int>.value(0)); |
| |
| // Create a dummy project to avoid mocking out the whole directory |
| // structure expected by device.startApp(). |
| Cache.flutterRoot = '../..'; |
| final CreateCommand command = CreateCommand(); |
| final CommandRunner<void> runner = createTestCommandRunner(command); |
| await runner.run(<String>[ |
| 'create', |
| '--no-pub', |
| projectDir.path, |
| ]); |
| |
| final IOSApp app = await AbsoluteBuildableIOSApp.fromProject( |
| FlutterProject.fromDirectory(projectDir).ios); |
| final IOSDevice device = IOSDevice('123'); |
| |
| // Pre-create the expected build products. |
| targetBuildDir.createSync(recursive: true); |
| projectDir.childDirectory('build/ios/iphoneos/Runner.app').createSync(recursive: true); |
| |
| final Completer<LaunchResult> completer = Completer<LaunchResult>(); |
| FakeAsync().run((FakeAsync time) { |
| device.startApp( |
| app, |
| prebuiltApplication: false, |
| debuggingOptions: DebuggingOptions.disabled(const BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null)), |
| platformArgs: <String, dynamic>{}, |
| ).then((LaunchResult result) { |
| completer.complete(result); |
| }); |
| time.flushMicrotasks(); |
| time.elapse(const Duration(seconds: 65)); |
| }); |
| final LaunchResult launchResult = await completer.future; |
| expect(launchResult.started, isTrue); |
| expect(launchResult.hasObservatory, isFalse); |
| expect(await device.stopApp(mockApp), isFalse); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| DoctorValidatorsProvider: () => FakeIosDoctorProvider(), |
| IMobileDevice: () => mockIMobileDevice, |
| IOSDeploy: () => mockIosDeploy, |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| ProcessManager: () => mockProcessManager, |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| testNonPrebuilt(showBuildSettingsFlakes: false); |
| testNonPrebuilt(showBuildSettingsFlakes: true); |
| }); |
| |
| group('Process calls', () { |
| MockIOSApp mockApp; |
| MockArtifacts mockArtifacts; |
| MockCache mockCache; |
| MockFileSystem mockFileSystem; |
| MockProcessManager mockProcessManager; |
| const String installerPath = '/path/to/ideviceinstaller'; |
| const String appId = '789'; |
| const MapEntry<String, String> libraryEntry = MapEntry<String, String>( |
| '/path/to/libraries', |
| ); |
| final Map<String, String> env = Map<String, String>.fromEntries( |
| <MapEntry<String, String>>[libraryEntry] |
| ); |
| |
| setUp(() { |
| mockApp = MockIOSApp(); |
| mockArtifacts = MockArtifacts(); |
| mockCache = MockCache(); |
| when(mockCache.dyLdLibEntry).thenReturn(libraryEntry); |
| mockFileSystem = MockFileSystem(); |
| mockProcessManager = MockProcessManager(); |
| when( |
| mockArtifacts.getArtifactPath( |
| Artifact.ideviceinstaller, |
| platform: anyNamed('platform'), |
| ), |
| ).thenReturn(installerPath); |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('installApp() invokes process with correct environment', () async { |
| final IOSDevice device = IOSDevice('123'); |
| const String bundlePath = '/path/to/bundle'; |
| final List<String> args = <String>[installerPath, '-i', bundlePath]; |
| when(mockApp.deviceBundlePath).thenReturn(bundlePath); |
| final MockDirectory directory = MockDirectory(); |
| when(mockFileSystem.directory(bundlePath)).thenReturn(directory); |
| when(directory.existsSync()).thenReturn(true); |
| when(mockProcessManager.run(args, environment: env)) |
| .thenAnswer( |
| (_) => Future<ProcessResult>.value(ProcessResult(1, 0, '', '')) |
| ); |
| await device.installApp(mockApp); |
| verify(mockProcessManager.run(args, environment: env)); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Artifacts: () => mockArtifacts, |
| Cache: () => mockCache, |
| FileSystem: () => mockFileSystem, |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| ProcessManager: () => mockProcessManager, |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('isAppInstalled() invokes process with correct environment', () async { |
| final IOSDevice device = IOSDevice('123'); |
| final List<String> args = <String>[installerPath, '--list-apps']; |
| when(mockProcessManager.run(args, environment: env)) |
| .thenAnswer( |
| (_) => Future<ProcessResult>.value(ProcessResult(1, 0, '', '')) |
| ); |
| when(mockApp.id).thenReturn(appId); |
| await device.isAppInstalled(mockApp); |
| verify(mockProcessManager.run(args, environment: env)); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Artifacts: () => mockArtifacts, |
| Cache: () => mockCache, |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| ProcessManager: () => mockProcessManager, |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('uninstallApp() invokes process with correct environment', () async { |
| final IOSDevice device = IOSDevice('123'); |
| final List<String> args = <String>[installerPath, '-U', appId]; |
| when(mockApp.id).thenReturn(appId); |
| when(mockProcessManager.run(args, environment: env)) |
| .thenAnswer( |
| (_) => Future<ProcessResult>.value(ProcessResult(1, 0, '', '')) |
| ); |
| await device.uninstallApp(mockApp); |
| verify(mockProcessManager.run(args, environment: env)); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| Artifacts: () => mockArtifacts, |
| Cache: () => mockCache, |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| ProcessManager: () => mockProcessManager, |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| group('getAttachedDevices', () { |
| MockIMobileDevice mockIMobileDevice; |
| |
| setUp(() { |
| mockIMobileDevice = MockIMobileDevice(); |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('return no devices if Xcode is not installed', () async { |
| when(mockIMobileDevice.isInstalled).thenReturn(false); |
| expect(await IOSDevice.getAttachedDevices(), isEmpty); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| IMobileDevice: () => mockIMobileDevice, |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('returns no devices if none are attached', () async { |
| when(iMobileDevice.isInstalled).thenReturn(true); |
| when(iMobileDevice.getAvailableDeviceIDs()) |
| .thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) => Future<String>.value('')); |
| final List<IOSDevice> devices = await IOSDevice.getAttachedDevices(); |
| expect(devices, isEmpty); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| IMobileDevice: () => mockIMobileDevice, |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| }); |
| |
| final List<Platform> unsupportedPlatforms = <Platform>[linuxPlatform, windowsPlatform]; |
| for (Platform platform in unsupportedPlatforms) { |
| testUsingContext('throws Unsupported Operation exception on ${platform.operatingSystem}', () async { |
| when(iMobileDevice.isInstalled).thenReturn(false); |
| when(iMobileDevice.getAvailableDeviceIDs()) |
| .thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) => Future<String>.value('')); |
| expect( |
| () async { await IOSDevice.getAttachedDevices(); }, |
| throwsA(isInstanceOf<UnsupportedError>()), |
| ); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| IMobileDevice: () => mockIMobileDevice, |
| Platform: () => platform, |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| testUsingContext('returns attached devices', () async { |
| when(iMobileDevice.isInstalled).thenReturn(true); |
| when(iMobileDevice.getAvailableDeviceIDs()) |
| .thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) => Future<String>.value(''' |
| 98206e7a4afd4aedaff06e687594e089dede3c44 |
| f577a7903cc54959be2e34bc4f7f80b7009efcf4 |
| ''')); |
| when(iMobileDevice.getInfoForDevice('98206e7a4afd4aedaff06e687594e089dede3c44', 'DeviceName')) |
| .thenAnswer((_) => Future<String>.value('La tele me regarde')); |
| when(iMobileDevice.getInfoForDevice('98206e7a4afd4aedaff06e687594e089dede3c44', 'ProductVersion')) |
| .thenAnswer((_) => Future<String>.value('10.3.2')); |
| when(iMobileDevice.getInfoForDevice('f577a7903cc54959be2e34bc4f7f80b7009efcf4', 'DeviceName')) |
| .thenAnswer((_) => Future<String>.value('Puits sans fond')); |
| when(iMobileDevice.getInfoForDevice('f577a7903cc54959be2e34bc4f7f80b7009efcf4', 'ProductVersion')) |
| .thenAnswer((_) => Future<String>.value('11.0')); |
| final List<IOSDevice> devices = await IOSDevice.getAttachedDevices(); |
| expect(devices, hasLength(2)); |
| expect(devices[0].id, '98206e7a4afd4aedaff06e687594e089dede3c44'); |
| expect(devices[0].name, 'La tele me regarde'); |
| expect(devices[1].id, 'f577a7903cc54959be2e34bc4f7f80b7009efcf4'); |
| expect(devices[1].name, 'Puits sans fond'); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| IMobileDevice: () => mockIMobileDevice, |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('returns attached devices and ignores devices that cannot be found by ideviceinfo', () async { |
| when(iMobileDevice.isInstalled).thenReturn(true); |
| when(iMobileDevice.getAvailableDeviceIDs()) |
| .thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) => Future<String>.value(''' |
| 98206e7a4afd4aedaff06e687594e089dede3c44 |
| f577a7903cc54959be2e34bc4f7f80b7009efcf4 |
| ''')); |
| when(iMobileDevice.getInfoForDevice('98206e7a4afd4aedaff06e687594e089dede3c44', 'DeviceName')) |
| .thenAnswer((_) => Future<String>.value('La tele me regarde')); |
| when(iMobileDevice.getInfoForDevice('f577a7903cc54959be2e34bc4f7f80b7009efcf4', 'DeviceName')) |
| .thenThrow(const IOSDeviceNotFoundError('Device not found')); |
| final List<IOSDevice> devices = await IOSDevice.getAttachedDevices(); |
| expect(devices, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(devices[0].id, '98206e7a4afd4aedaff06e687594e089dede3c44'); |
| expect(devices[0].name, 'La tele me regarde'); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| IMobileDevice: () => mockIMobileDevice, |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| group('decodeSyslog', () { |
| test('decodes a syslog-encoded line', () { |
| final String decoded = decodeSyslog(r'I \M-b\M^]\M-$\M-o\M-8\M^O syslog \M-B\M-/\134_(\M-c\M^C\M^D)_/\M-B\M-/ \M-l\M^F\240!'); |
| expect(decoded, r'I ❤️ syslog ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 솠!'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('passes through un-decodeable lines as-is', () { |
| final String decoded = decodeSyslog(r'I \M-b\M^O syslog!'); |
| expect(decoded, r'I \M-b\M^O syslog!'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| group('logging', () { |
| MockIMobileDevice mockIMobileDevice; |
| MockIosProject mockIosProject; |
| |
| setUp(() { |
| mockIMobileDevice = MockIMobileDevice(); |
| mockIosProject = MockIosProject(); |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('suppresses non-Flutter lines from output', () async { |
| when(mockIMobileDevice.startLogger('123456')).thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) { |
| final Process mockProcess = MockProcess( |
| stdout: Stream<List<int>>.fromIterable(<List<int>>[''' |
| Runner(Flutter)[297] <Notice>: A is for ari |
| Runner(libsystem_asl.dylib)[297] <Notice>: libMobileGestalt MobileGestaltSupport.m:153: pid 123 (Runner) does not have sandbox access for frZQaeyWLUvLjeuEK43hmg and IS NOT appropriately entitled |
| Runner(libsystem_asl.dylib)[297] <Notice>: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:550: no access to InverseDeviceID (see <rdar://problem/11744455>) |
| Runner(Flutter)[297] <Notice>: I is for ichigo |
| Runner(UIKit)[297] <Notice>: E is for enpitsu" |
| '''.codeUnits]) |
| ); |
| return Future<Process>.value(mockProcess); |
| }); |
| |
| final IOSDevice device = IOSDevice('123456'); |
| final DeviceLogReader logReader = device.getLogReader( |
| app: await BuildableIOSApp.fromProject(mockIosProject), |
| ); |
| |
| final List<String> lines = await logReader.logLines.toList(); |
| expect(lines, <String>['A is for ari', 'I is for ichigo']); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| IMobileDevice: () => mockIMobileDevice, |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| }); |
| testUsingContext('includes multi-line Flutter logs in the output', () async { |
| when(mockIMobileDevice.startLogger('123456')).thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) { |
| final Process mockProcess = MockProcess( |
| stdout: Stream<List<int>>.fromIterable(<List<int>>[''' |
| Runner(Flutter)[297] <Notice>: This is a multi-line message, |
| with another Flutter message following it. |
| Runner(Flutter)[297] <Notice>: This is a multi-line message, |
| with a non-Flutter log message following it. |
| Runner(libsystem_asl.dylib)[297] <Notice>: libMobileGestalt |
| '''.codeUnits]), |
| ); |
| return Future<Process>.value(mockProcess); |
| }); |
| |
| final IOSDevice device = IOSDevice('123456'); |
| final DeviceLogReader logReader = device.getLogReader( |
| app: await BuildableIOSApp.fromProject(mockIosProject), |
| ); |
| |
| final List<String> lines = await logReader.logLines.toList(); |
| expect(lines, <String>[ |
| 'This is a multi-line message,', |
| ' with another Flutter message following it.', |
| 'This is a multi-line message,', |
| ' with a non-Flutter log message following it.', |
| ]); |
| expect(device.category, Category.mobile); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| IMobileDevice: () => mockIMobileDevice, |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| }); |
| }); |
| testUsingContext('IOSDevice.isSupportedForProject is true on module project', () async { |
| fs.file('pubspec.yaml') |
| ..createSync() |
| ..writeAsStringSync(r''' |
| name: example |
| |
| flutter: |
| module: {} |
| '''); |
| fs.file('.packages').createSync(); |
| final FlutterProject flutterProject = FlutterProject.current(); |
| |
| expect(IOSDevice('test').isSupportedForProject(flutterProject), true); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| FileSystem: () => MemoryFileSystem(), |
| ProcessManager: () => FakeProcessManager(<FakeCommand>[]), |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| }); |
| testUsingContext('IOSDevice.isSupportedForProject is true with editable host app', () async { |
| fs.file('pubspec.yaml').createSync(); |
| fs.file('.packages').createSync(); |
| fs.directory('ios').createSync(); |
| final FlutterProject flutterProject = FlutterProject.current(); |
| |
| expect(IOSDevice('test').isSupportedForProject(flutterProject), true); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| FileSystem: () => MemoryFileSystem(), |
| ProcessManager: () => FakeProcessManager(<FakeCommand>[]), |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| }); |
| |
| testUsingContext('IOSDevice.isSupportedForProject is false with no host app and no module', () async { |
| fs.file('pubspec.yaml').createSync(); |
| fs.file('.packages').createSync(); |
| final FlutterProject flutterProject = FlutterProject.current(); |
| |
| expect(IOSDevice('test').isSupportedForProject(flutterProject), false); |
| }, overrides: <Type, Generator>{ |
| FileSystem: () => MemoryFileSystem(), |
| ProcessManager: () => FakeProcessManager(<FakeCommand>[]), |
| Platform: () => macPlatform, |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| class AbsoluteBuildableIOSApp extends BuildableIOSApp { |
| AbsoluteBuildableIOSApp(IosProject project, String projectBundleId) : |
| super(project, projectBundleId); |
| |
| static Future<AbsoluteBuildableIOSApp> fromProject(IosProject project) async { |
| final String projectBundleId = await project.productBundleIdentifier; |
| return AbsoluteBuildableIOSApp(project, projectBundleId); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| String get deviceBundlePath => |
| fs.path.join(project.parent.directory.path, 'build', 'ios', 'iphoneos', name); |
| |
| } |
| |
| class FakeIosDoctorProvider implements DoctorValidatorsProvider { |
| List<Workflow> _workflows; |
| |
| @override |
| List<DoctorValidator> get validators => <DoctorValidator>[]; |
| |
| @override |
| List<Workflow> get workflows { |
| if (_workflows == null) { |
| _workflows = <Workflow>[]; |
| if (iosWorkflow.appliesToHostPlatform) { |
| _workflows.add(iosWorkflow); |
| } |
| } |
| return _workflows; |
| } |
| } |