blob: c09f59c03ec707e80ac1599bfd88b171d079b90c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';
import 'configuration.dart';
void errorExit(String message) {
// A Tuple containing the name and contents associated with a code block in a
// snippet.
class _ComponentTuple {
_ComponentTuple(, this.contents);
final String name;
final List<String> contents;
String get mergedContent => contents.join('\n').trim();
/// Generates the snippet HTML, as well as saving the output snippet main to
/// the output directory.
class SnippetGenerator {
SnippetGenerator({Configuration configuration})
: configuration = configuration ?? const Configuration() {
/// The configuration used to determine where to get/save data for the
/// snippet.
final Configuration configuration;
/// A Dart formatted used to format the snippet code and finished application
/// code.
static DartFormatter formatter = DartFormatter(pageWidth: 80, fixes: StyleFix.all);
/// This returns the output file for a given snippet ID. Only used for
/// [SnippetType.application] snippets.
File getOutputFile(String id) => File(path.join(configuration.outputDirectory.path, '$id.dart'));
/// Gets the path to the template file requested.
File getTemplatePath(String templateName, {Directory templatesDir}) {
final Directory templateDir = templatesDir ?? configuration.templatesDirectory;
final File templateFile = File(path.join(templateDir.path, '$templateName.tmpl'));
return templateFile.existsSync() ? templateFile : null;
/// Injects the [injections] into the [template], and turning the
/// "description" injection into a comment. Only used for
/// [SnippetType.application] snippets.
String interpolateTemplate(List<_ComponentTuple> injections, String template) {
final String injectionMatches =<String>((_ComponentTuple tuple) => RegExp.escape('|');
final RegExp moustacheRegExp = RegExp('{{($injectionMatches)}}');
return template.replaceAllMapped(moustacheRegExp, (Match match) {
if (match[1] == 'description') {
// Place the description into a comment.
final List<String> description = injections
.firstWhere((_ComponentTuple tuple) => == match[1])
.map<String>((String line) => '// $line')
// Remove any leading/trailing empty comment lines.
// We don't want to remove ALL empty comment lines, only the ones at the
// beginning and the end.
while (description.last == '// ') {
while (description.first == '// ') {
return description.join('\n').trim();
} else {
return injections
.firstWhere((_ComponentTuple tuple) => == match[1])
/// Interpolates the [injections] into an HTML skeleton file.
/// Similar to interpolateTemplate, but we are only looking for `code-`
/// components, and we care about the order of the injections.
/// Takes into account the [type] and doesn't substitute in the id and the app
/// if not a [SnippetType.application] snippet.
String interpolateSkeleton(SnippetType type, List<_ComponentTuple> injections, String skeleton) {
final List<String> result = <String>[];
for (_ComponentTuple injection in injections) {
if (!'code')) {
result.addAll(<String>['', '// ...', '']);
if (result.length > 3) {
result.removeRange(result.length - 3, result.length);
String formattedCode;
try {
formattedCode = formatter.format(result.join('\n'));
} on FormatterException catch (exception) {
errorExit('Unable to format snippet code: $exception');
final Map<String, String> substitutions = <String, String>{
'description': injections
.firstWhere((_ComponentTuple tuple) => == 'description')
'code': formattedCode,
}..addAll(type == SnippetType.application
? <String, String>{
injections.firstWhere((_ComponentTuple tuple) => == 'id').mergedContent,
injections.firstWhere((_ComponentTuple tuple) => == 'app').mergedContent,
: <String, String>{'id': '', 'app': ''});
return skeleton.replaceAllMapped(RegExp(r'{{(code|app|id|description)}}'), (Match match) {
return substitutions[match[1]];
/// Parses the input for the various code and description segments, and
/// returns them in the order found.
List<_ComponentTuple> parseInput(String input) {
bool inSnippet = false;
input = input.trim();
final List<String> description = <String>[];
final List<_ComponentTuple> components = <_ComponentTuple>[];
String currentComponent;
for (String line in input.split('\n')) {
final Match match = RegExp(r'^\s*```(dart|dart (\w+))?\s*$').firstMatch(line);
if (match != null) {
inSnippet = !inSnippet;
if (match[1] != null) {
currentComponent = match[1];
if (match[2] != null) {
components.add(_ComponentTuple('code-${match[2]}', <String>[]));
} else {
components.add(_ComponentTuple('code', <String>[]));
} else {
currentComponent = null;
if (!inSnippet) {
} else {
assert(currentComponent != null);
return <_ComponentTuple>[
_ComponentTuple('description', description),
String _loadFileAsUtf8(File file) {
return file.readAsStringSync(encoding: Encoding.getByName('utf-8'));
/// The main routine for generating snippets.
/// The [input] is the file containing the dartdoc comments (minus the leading
/// comment markers).
/// The [type] is the type of snippet to create: either a
/// [SnippetType.application] or a [SnippetType.sample].
/// The [template] must not be null if the [type] is
/// [SnippetType.application], and specifies the name of the template to use
/// for the application code.
/// The [id] is a string ID to use for the output file, and to tell the user
/// about in the `flutter create` hint. It must not be null if the [type] is
/// [SnippetType.application].
String generate(File input, SnippetType type, {String template, String id}) {
assert(template != null || type != SnippetType.application);
assert(id != null || type != SnippetType.application);
assert(input != null);
final List<_ComponentTuple> snippetData = parseInput(_loadFileAsUtf8(input));
switch (type) {
case SnippetType.application:
final Directory templatesDir = configuration.templatesDirectory;
if (templatesDir == null) {
stderr.writeln('Unable to find the templates directory.');
final File templateFile = getTemplatePath(template, templatesDir: templatesDir);
if (templateFile == null) {
'The template $template was not found in the templates directory ${templatesDir.path}');
snippetData.add(_ComponentTuple('id', <String>[id]));
final String templateContents = _loadFileAsUtf8(templateFile);
String app = interpolateTemplate(snippetData, templateContents);
try {
app = formatter.format(app);
} on FormatterException catch (exception) {
errorExit('Unable to format snippet app template: $exception');
snippetData.add(_ComponentTuple('app', app.split('\n')));
case SnippetType.sample:
final String skeleton = _loadFileAsUtf8(configuration.getHtmlSkeletonFile(type));
return interpolateSkeleton(type, snippetData, skeleton);