blob: 8e1a727a1d6f9a2fff93140ddd7f47b34e4f8ca0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:file/file.dart' as file;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'gen_l10n_templates.dart';
import 'gen_l10n_types.dart';
import 'localizations_utils.dart';
// The set of date formats that can be automatically localized.
// The localizations generation tool makes use of the intl library's
// DateFormat class to properly format dates based on the locale, the
// desired format, as well as the passed in [DateTime]. For example, using
// DateFormat.yMMMMd("en_US").format(DateTime.utc(1996, 7, 10)) results
// in the string "July 10, 1996".
// Since the tool generates code that uses DateFormat's constructor, it is
// necessary to verify that the constructor exists, or the
// tool will generate code that may cause a compile-time error.
// See also:
// * <>
// * <>
// * <>
const Set<String> allowableDateFormats = <String>{
// The set of number formats that can be automatically localized.
// The localizations generation tool makes use of the intl library's
// NumberFormat class to properly format numbers based on the locale, the
// desired format, as well as the passed in number. For example, using
// DateFormat.compactLong("en_US").format(1200000) results
// in the string "1.2 million".
// Since the tool generates code that uses NumberFormat's constructor, it is
// necessary to verify that the constructor exists, or the
// tool will generate code that may cause a compile-time error.
// See also:
// * <>
// * <>
const Set<String> allowableNumberFormats = <String>{
// The names of the NumberFormat factory constructors which have named
// parameters rather than positional parameters.
// This helps the tool correctly generate number formmatting code correctly.
// Example of code that uses named parameters:
// final NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.compact(
// locale: _localeName,
// );
// Example of code that uses positional parameters:
// final NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.scientificPattern(_localeName);
const Set<String> numberFormatsWithNamedParameters = <String>{
List<String> generateIntlMethodArgs(Message message) {
final List<String> methodArgs = <String>['name: \'${message.resourceId}\''];
if (message.description != null)
methodArgs.add('desc: ${generateString(message.description)}');
if (message.placeholders.isNotEmpty) {
final String args =<String>((Placeholder placeholder) {
}).join(', ');
methodArgs.add('args: <Object>[$args]');
return methodArgs;
List<String> generateInnerMethodArgs(Message message) {
return placeholder) {
final String arg =;
return placeholder.requiresFormatting ? '${arg}String' : arg;
String generateDateFormattingLogic(Message message) {
if (message.placeholders.isEmpty)
return '';
final StringBuffer result = StringBuffer();
for (final Placeholder placeholder in message.placeholders) {
if (!placeholder.isDate)
if (placeholder.format == null) {
throw L10nException(
'The placeholder, ${}, has its "type" resource attribute set to '
'the "${placeholder.type}" type. To properly resolve for the right '
'${placeholder.type} format, the "format" attribute needs to be set '
'to determine which DateFormat to use. \n'
'Check the intl library\'s DateFormat class constructors for allowed '
'date formats.'
if (!allowableDateFormats.contains(placeholder.format)) {
throw L10nException(
'Date format "${placeholder.format}" for placeholder '
'${} does not have a corresponding DateFormat '
'constructor\n. Check the intl library\'s DateFormat class '
'constructors for allowed date formats.'
final DateFormat ${}DateFormat = DateFormat.${placeholder.format}(_localeName);
final String ${}String = ${}DateFormat.format(${});
return result.toString();
String generateNumberFormattingLogic(Message message) {
if (message.placeholders.isEmpty)
return '';
final StringBuffer result = StringBuffer();
for (final Placeholder placeholder in message.placeholders) {
if (!placeholder.isNumber)
if (!allowableNumberFormats.contains(placeholder.format)) {
throw L10nException(
'Number format ${placeholder.format} for the ${} '
'placeholder does not have a corresponding NumberFormat constructor.\n'
'Check the intl library\'s NumberFormat class constructors for allowed '
'number formats.'
if (numberFormatsWithNamedParameters.contains(placeholder.format)) {
final StringBuffer optionalParametersString = StringBuffer();
for (final OptionalParameter parameter in placeholder.optionalParameters)
optionalParametersString.write('\n ${}: ${parameter.value},');
final NumberFormat ${}NumberFormat = NumberFormat.${placeholder.format}(
locale: _localeName,${optionalParametersString.toString()}
final String ${}String = ${}NumberFormat.format(${});
} else {
final NumberFormat ${}NumberFormat = NumberFormat.${placeholder.format}(_localeName);
final String ${}String = ${}NumberFormat.format(${});
return result.toString();
String genSimpleMethod(Message message) {
String genSimpleMethodMessage() {
String messageValue = message.value;
for (final Placeholder placeholder in message.placeholders) {
messageValue = messageValue.replaceAll('{${}}', '\${${}}');
final String generatedMessage = generateString(messageValue); // "r'...'"
return generatedMessage.startsWith('r') ? generatedMessage.substring(1) : generatedMessage;
List<String> genMethodParameters([String type]) {
return placeholder) {
return '${type ?? placeholder.type} ${}';
if (message.placeholdersRequireFormatting) {
return formatMethodTemplate
.replaceAll('@(methodName)', message.resourceId)
.replaceAll('@(methodParameters)', genMethodParameters().join(', '))
.replaceAll('@(dateFormatting)', generateDateFormattingLogic(message))
.replaceAll('@(numberFormatting)', generateNumberFormattingLogic(message))
.replaceAll('@(message)', genSimpleMethodMessage())
.replaceAll('@(innerMethodParameters)', genMethodParameters('Object').join(', '))
.replaceAll('@(innerMethodArgs)', generateInnerMethodArgs(message).join(', '))
.replaceAll('@(intlMethodArgs)', generateIntlMethodArgs(message).join(',\n '));
if (message.placeholders.isNotEmpty) {
return simpleMethodTemplate
.replaceAll('@(methodName)', message.resourceId)
.replaceAll('@(methodParameters)', genMethodParameters().join(', '))
.replaceAll('@(message)', genSimpleMethodMessage())
.replaceAll('@(intlMethodArgs)', generateIntlMethodArgs(message).join(',\n '));
return getterMethodTemplate
.replaceAll('@(methodName)', message.resourceId)
.replaceAll('@(message)', '${genSimpleMethodMessage()}')
.replaceAll('@(intlMethodArgs)', generateIntlMethodArgs(message).join(',\n '));
String generatePluralMethod(Message message) {
if (message.placeholders.isEmpty) {
throw L10nException(
'Unable to find placeholders for the plural message: ${message.resourceId}.\n'
'Check to see if the plural message is in the proper ICU syntax format '
'and ensure that placeholders are properly specified.'
// To make it easier to parse the plurals message, temporarily replace each
// "{placeholder}" parameter with "#placeholder#".
String easyMessage = message.value;
for (final Placeholder placeholder in message.placeholders)
easyMessage = easyMessage.replaceAll('{${}}', '#${}#');
const Map<String, String> pluralIds = <String, String>{
'=0': 'zero',
'=1': 'one',
'=2': 'two',
'few': 'few',
'many': 'many',
'other': 'other'
final Placeholder countPlaceholder = message.getCountPlaceholder();
if (countPlaceholder == null) {
throw L10nException(
'Unable to find the count placeholder for the plural message: ${message.resourceId}.\n'
'Check to see if the plural message is in the proper ICU syntax format '
'and ensure that placeholders are properly specified.'
final List<String> intlMethodArgs = <String>[,
'locale: _localeName',
for (final String pluralKey in pluralIds.keys) {
final RegExp expRE = RegExp('($pluralKey){([^}]+)}');
final RegExpMatch match = expRE.firstMatch(easyMessage);
if (match != null && match.groupCount == 2) {
String argValue =;
for (final Placeholder placeholder in message.placeholders) {
if (placeholder.requiresFormatting) {
argValue = argValue.replaceAll('#${}#', '\${${}String}');
} else {
argValue = argValue.replaceAll('#${}#', '\${${}}');
intlMethodArgs.add("${pluralIds[pluralKey]}: '$argValue'");
List<String> generatePluralMethodParameters([String type]) {
return placeholder) {
final String placeholderType = placeholder == countPlaceholder ? 'int' : (type ?? placeholder.type);
return '$placeholderType ${}';
if (message.placeholdersRequireFormatting) {
return pluralFormatMethodTemplate
.replaceAll('@(methodName)', message.resourceId)
.replaceAll('@(methodParameters)', generatePluralMethodParameters().join(', '))
.replaceAll('@(dateFormatting)', generateDateFormattingLogic(message))
.replaceAll('@(numberFormatting)', generateNumberFormattingLogic(message))
.replaceAll('@(innerMethodParameters)', generatePluralMethodParameters('Object').join(', '))
.replaceAll('@(innerMethodArgs)', generateInnerMethodArgs(message).join(', '))
.replaceAll('@(intlMethodArgs)', intlMethodArgs.join(',\n '));
return pluralMethodTemplate
.replaceAll('@(methodName)', message.resourceId)
.replaceAll('@(methodParameters)', generatePluralMethodParameters().join(', '))
.replaceAll('@(dateFormatting)', generateDateFormattingLogic(message))
.replaceAll('@(numberFormatting)', generateNumberFormattingLogic(message))
.replaceAll('@(intlMethodArgs)', intlMethodArgs.join(',\n '));
/// The localizations generation class used to generate the localizations
/// classes, as well as all pertinent Dart files required to internationalize a
/// Flutter application.
class LocalizationsGenerator {
/// Creates an instance of the localizations generator class.
/// It takes in a [FileSystem] representation that the class will act upon.
static RegExp arbFilenameLocaleRE = RegExp(r'^[^_]*_(\w+)\.arb$');
static RegExp arbFilenameRE = RegExp(r'(\w+)\.arb$');
final file.FileSystem _fs;
/// The reference to the project's l10n directory.
/// It is assumed that all input files (e.g. [templateArbFile], arb files
/// for translated messages) and output files (e.g. The localizations
/// [outputFile], `messages_<locale>.dart` and `messages_all.dart`)
/// will reside here.
/// This directory is specified with the [initialize] method.
Directory l10nDirectory;
/// The input arb file which defines all of the messages that will be
/// exported by the generated class that's written to [outputFile].
/// This file is specified with the [initialize] method.
File templateArbFile;
/// The file to write the generated localizations and localizations delegate
/// classes to.
/// This file is specified with the [initialize] method.
File outputFile;
/// The class name to be used for the localizations class in [outputFile].
/// For example, if 'AppLocalizations' is passed in, a class named
/// AppLocalizations will be used for localized message lookups.
/// The class name is specified with the [initialize] method.
String get className => _className;
String _className;
/// The list of preferred supported locales.
/// By default, the list of supported locales in the localizations class
/// will be sorted in alphabetical order. However, this option
/// allows for a set of preferred locales to appear at the top of the
/// list.
/// The order of locales in this list will also be the order of locale
/// priority. For example, if a device supports 'en' and 'es' and
/// ['es', 'en'] is passed in, the 'es' locale will take priority over 'en'.
/// The list of preferred locales is specified with the [initialize] method.
List<LocaleInfo> get preferredSupportedLocales => _preferredSupportedLocales;
List<LocaleInfo> _preferredSupportedLocales;
/// The list of all arb path strings in [l10nDirectory].
final List<String> arbPathStrings = <String>[];
/// The supported language codes as found in the arb files located in
/// [l10nDirectory].
final Set<String> supportedLanguageCodes = <String>{};
/// The supported locales as found in the arb files located in
/// [l10nDirectory].
final Set<LocaleInfo> supportedLocales = <LocaleInfo>{};
/// The class methods that will be generated in the localizations class
/// based on messages found in the template arb file.
final List<String> classMethods = <String>[];
/// Initializes [l10nDirectory], [templateArbFile], [outputFile] and [className].
/// Throws an [L10nException] when a provided configuration is not allowed
/// by [LocalizationsGenerator].
/// Throws a [FileSystemException] when a file operation necessary for setting
/// up the [LocalizationsGenerator] cannot be completed.
void initialize({
String l10nDirectoryPath,
String templateArbFileName,
String outputFileString,
String classNameString,
String preferredSupportedLocaleString,
}) {
className = classNameString;
static bool _isNotReadable(FileStat fileStat) {
final String rawStatString = fileStat.modeString();
// Removes potential prepended permission bits, such as '(suid)' and '(guid)'.
final String statString = rawStatString.substring(rawStatString.length - 9);
return !(statString[0] == 'r' || statString[3] == 'r' || statString[6] == 'r');
static bool _isNotWritable(FileStat fileStat) {
final String rawStatString = fileStat.modeString();
// Removes potential prepended permission bits, such as '(suid)' and '(guid)'.
final String statString = rawStatString.substring(rawStatString.length - 9);
return !(statString[1] == 'w' || statString[4] == 'w' || statString[7] == 'w');
/// Sets the reference [Directory] for [l10nDirectory].
void setL10nDirectory(String arbPathString) {
if (arbPathString == null)
throw L10nException('arbPathString argument cannot be null');
l10nDirectory =;
if (!l10nDirectory.existsSync())
throw FileSystemException(
"The 'arb-dir' directory, $l10nDirectory, does not exist.\n"
'Make sure that the correct path was provided.'
final FileStat fileStat = l10nDirectory.statSync();
if (_isNotReadable(fileStat) || _isNotWritable(fileStat))
throw FileSystemException(
"The 'arb-dir' directory, $l10nDirectory, doesn't allow reading and writing.\n"
'Please ensure that the user has read and write permissions.'
/// Sets the reference [File] for [templateArbFile].
void setTemplateArbFile(String templateArbFileName) {
if (templateArbFileName == null)
throw L10nException('templateArbFileName argument cannot be null');
if (l10nDirectory == null)
throw L10nException('l10nDirectory cannot be null when setting template arb file');
templateArbFile = _fs.file(path.join(l10nDirectory.path, templateArbFileName));
final String templateArbFileStatModeString = templateArbFile.statSync().modeString();
if (templateArbFileStatModeString[0] == '-' && templateArbFileStatModeString[3] == '-')
throw FileSystemException(
"The 'template-arb-file', $templateArbFile, is not readable.\n"
'Please ensure that the user has read permissions.'
/// Sets the reference [File] for the localizations delegate [outputFile].
void setOutputFile(String outputFileString) {
if (outputFileString == null)
throw L10nException('outputFileString argument cannot be null');
outputFile = _fs.file(path.join(l10nDirectory.path, outputFileString));
static bool _isValidClassName(String className) {
// Public Dart class name cannot begin with an underscore
if (className[0] == '_')
return false;
// Dart class name cannot contain non-alphanumeric symbols
if (className.contains(RegExp(r'[^a-zA-Z_\d]')))
return false;
// Dart class name must start with upper case character
if (className[0].contains(RegExp(r'[a-z]')))
return false;
// Dart class name cannot start with a number
if (className[0].contains(RegExp(r'\d')))
return false;
return true;
/// Sets the [className] for the localizations and localizations delegate
/// classes.
set className(String classNameString) {
if (classNameString == null || classNameString.isEmpty)
throw L10nException('classNameString argument cannot be null or empty');
if (!_isValidClassName(classNameString))
throw L10nException(
"The 'output-class', $classNameString, is not a valid public Dart class name.\n"
_className = classNameString;
/// Sets [preferredSupportedLocales] so that this particular list of locales
/// will take priority over the other locales.
void setPreferredSupportedLocales(String inputLocales) {
if (inputLocales != null) {
final List<dynamic> preferredLocalesStringList = json.decode(inputLocales) as List<dynamic>;
_preferredSupportedLocales = localeString) {
if (localeString.runtimeType != String) {
throw L10nException('Incorrect runtime type for $localeString');
return LocaleInfo.fromString(localeString.toString());
/// Scans [l10nDirectory] for arb files and parses them for language and locale
/// information.
void parseArbFiles() {
final List<File> fileSystemEntityList = l10nDirectory
final List<LocaleInfo> localeInfoList = <LocaleInfo>[];
for (final File file in fileSystemEntityList) {
final String filePath = file.path;
if (arbFilenameRE.hasMatch(filePath)) {
final Map<String, dynamic> arbContents = json.decode(file.readAsStringSync()) as Map<String, dynamic>;
String localeString = arbContents['@@locale'] as String;
if (localeString == null) {
final RegExpMatch arbFileMatch = arbFilenameLocaleRE.firstMatch(filePath);
if (arbFileMatch == null) {
throw L10nException(
"The following .arb file's locale could not be determined: \n"
'$filePath \n'
"Make sure that the locale is specified in the '@@locale' "
'property or as part of the filename (e.g. file_en.arb)'
localeString = arbFilenameLocaleRE.firstMatch(filePath)[1];
final LocaleInfo localeInfo = LocaleInfo.fromString(localeString);
if (localeInfoList.contains(localeInfo))
throw L10nException(
'Multiple arb files with the same locale detected. \n'
'Ensure that there is exactly one arb file for each locale.'
supportedLanguageCodes.addAll( localeInfo) {
return '\'${localeInfo.languageCode}\'';
if (preferredSupportedLocales != null) {
for (final LocaleInfo preferredLocale in preferredSupportedLocales) {
if (!localeInfoList.contains(preferredLocale)) {
throw L10nException(
'The preferred supported locale, \'$preferredLocale\', cannot be '
'added. Please make sure that there is a corresponding arb file '
'with translations for the locale, or remove the locale from the '
'preferred supported locale list if there is no intent to support '
localeInfoList.removeWhere((LocaleInfo localeInfo) => localeInfo == preferredLocale);
localeInfoList.insertAll(0, preferredSupportedLocales);
static bool _isValidGetterAndMethodName(String name) {
// Public Dart method name must not start with an underscore
if (name[0] == '_')
return false;
// Dart getter and method name cannot contain non-alphanumeric symbols
if (name.contains(RegExp(r'[^a-zA-Z_\d]')))
return false;
// Dart method name must start with lower case character
if (name[0].contains(RegExp(r'[A-Z]')))
return false;
// Dart class name cannot start with a number
if (name[0].contains(RegExp(r'\d')))
return false;
return true;
static String _genSupportedLocaleProperty(Set<LocaleInfo> supportedLocales) {
const String prefix = 'static const List<Locale> supportedLocales = <Locale>[\n Locale(';
const String suffix = '),\n ];';
String resultingProperty = prefix;
for (final LocaleInfo locale in supportedLocales) {
final String languageCode = locale.languageCode;
final String countryCode = locale.countryCode;
resultingProperty += '\'$languageCode\'';
if (countryCode != null)
resultingProperty += ', \'$countryCode\'';
resultingProperty += '),\n Locale(';
resultingProperty = resultingProperty.substring(0, resultingProperty.length - '),\n Locale('.length);
resultingProperty += suffix;
return resultingProperty;
/// Generates the methods for the localizations class.
/// The method parses [templateArbFile] and uses its resource ids as the
/// Dart method and getter names. It then uses each resource id's
/// corresponding resource value to figure out how to define these getters.
/// For example, a message with plurals will be handled differently from
/// a simple, singular message.
/// Throws an [L10nException] when a provided configuration is not allowed
/// by [LocalizationsGenerator].
/// Throws a [FileSystemException] when a file operation necessary for setting
/// up the [LocalizationsGenerator] cannot be completed.
/// Throws a [FormatException] when parsing the arb file is unsuccessful.
void generateClassMethods() {
Map<String, dynamic> bundle;
try {
bundle = json.decode(templateArbFile.readAsStringSync()) as Map<String, dynamic>;
} on FileSystemException catch (e) {
throw FileSystemException('Unable to read input arb file: $e');
} on FormatException catch (e) {
throw FormatException('Unable to parse arb file: $e');
final List<String> sortedArbKeys = bundle.keys.toList()..sort();
for (final String key in sortedArbKeys) {
if (key.startsWith('@'))
if (!_isValidGetterAndMethodName(key)) {
throw L10nException(
'Invalid key format: $key \n It has to be in camel case, cannot start '
'with a number or underscore, and cannot contain non-alphanumeric characters.'
final Message message = Message(bundle, key);
if (message.isPlural)
/// Generates a file that contains the localizations class and the
/// LocalizationsDelegate class.
void generateOutputFile() {
final String directory = path.basename(l10nDirectory.path);
final String outputFileName = path.basename(outputFile.path);
.replaceAll('@(className)', className)
.replaceAll('@(classMethods)', classMethods.join('\n'))
.replaceAll('@(importFile)', '$directory/$outputFileName')
.replaceAll('@(supportedLocales)', _genSupportedLocaleProperty(supportedLocales))
.replaceAll('@(supportedLanguageCodes)', supportedLanguageCodes.toList().join(', '))