blob: 166766e3136228e6fd2793831de53758c148d03d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import '../../artifacts.dart';
import '../../base/file_system.dart';
import '../../base/io.dart';
import '../../base/logger.dart';
import '../../convert.dart';
import '../../globals.dart' as globals;
import '../build_system.dart';
import '../depfile.dart';
const String _kDependenciesFileName = 'gen_l10n_inputs_and_outputs.json';
/// Run the localizations generation script with the configuration [options].
Future<void> generateLocalizations({
@required LocalizationOptions options,
@required String flutterRoot,
@required FileSystem fileSystem,
@required ProcessManager processManager,
@required Logger logger,
@required Directory projectDir,
@required String dartBinaryPath,
@required Directory dependenciesDir,
}) async {
final String genL10nPath = fileSystem.path.join(
final ProcessResult result = await<String>[
if (options.arbDirectory != null)
if (options.templateArbFile != null)
if (options.outputLocalizationsFile != null)
if (options.untranslatedMessagesFile != null)
if (options.outputClass != null)
if (options.headerFile != null)
if (options.header != null)
if (options.deferredLoading != null)
if (options.preferredSupportedLocales != null)
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
logger.printError(result.stdout + result.stderr as String);
throw Exception();
/// A build step that runs the generate localizations script from
/// dev/tool/localizations.
class GenerateLocalizationsTarget extends Target {
const GenerateLocalizationsTarget();
List<Target> get dependencies => <Target>[];
List<Source> get inputs => <Source>[
// This is added as a convenience for developing the tool.
const Source.pattern('{FLUTTER_ROOT}/packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/build_system/targets/localizations.dart'),
// TODO(jonahwilliams): once is
// complete, we should add the artifact as a dependency here. Since the tool runs
// this code from source, looking up each dependency will be cumbersome.
String get name => 'gen_localizations';
List<Source> get outputs => <Source>[];
List<String> get depfiles => <String>['gen_localizations.d'];
bool canSkip(Environment environment) {
final File configFile = environment.projectDir.childFile('l10n.yaml');
return !configFile.existsSync();
Future<void> build(Environment environment) async {
final File configFile = environment.projectDir.childFile('l10n.yaml');
final LocalizationOptions options = parseLocalizationsOptions(
file: configFile,
logger: globals.logger,
final DepfileService depfileService = DepfileService(
logger: environment.logger,
fileSystem: environment.fileSystem,
await generateLocalizations(
fileSystem: environment.fileSystem,
flutterRoot: environment.flutterRootDir.path,
logger: environment.logger,
processManager: environment.processManager,
options: options,
projectDir: environment.projectDir,
dartBinaryPath: environment.artifacts
dependenciesDir: environment.buildDir,
final Map<String, Object> dependencies = json
.decode(environment.buildDir.childFile(_kDependenciesFileName).readAsStringSync()) as Map<String, Object>;
final Depfile depfile = Depfile(
for (dynamic inputFile in dependencies['inputs'] as List<dynamic>)
for (dynamic outputFile in dependencies['outputs'] as List<dynamic>)
/// Typed configuration from the localizations config file.
class LocalizationOptions {
const LocalizationOptions({
/// The `--arb-dir` argument.
/// The directory where all localization files should reside.
final Uri arbDirectory;
/// The `--template-arb-file` argument.
/// This URI is relative to [arbDirectory].
final Uri templateArbFile;
/// The `--output-localization-file` argument.
/// This URI is relative to [arbDirectory].
final Uri outputLocalizationsFile;
/// The `--untranslated-messages-file` argument.
/// This URI is relative to [arbDirectory].
final Uri untranslatedMessagesFile;
/// The `--header` argument.
/// The header to prepend to the generated Dart localizations.
final String header;
/// The `--output-class` argument.
final String outputClass;
/// The `--preferred-supported-locales` argument.
final String preferredSupportedLocales;
/// The `--header-file` argument.
/// A file containing the header to preprend to the generated
/// Dart localizations.
final Uri headerFile;
/// The `--use-deferred-loading` argument.
/// Whether to generate the Dart localization file with locales imported
/// as deferred.
final bool deferredLoading;
/// Parse the localizations configuration options from [file].
/// Throws [Exception] if any of the contents are invalid. Returns a
/// [LocalizationOptions] with all fields as `null` if the config file exists
/// but is empty.
LocalizationOptions parseLocalizationsOptions({
@required File file,
@required Logger logger,
}) {
final String contents = file.readAsStringSync();
if (contents.trim().isEmpty) {
return const LocalizationOptions();
final YamlNode yamlNode = loadYamlNode(file.readAsStringSync());
if (yamlNode is! YamlMap) {
logger.printError('Expected ${file.path} to contain a map, instead was $yamlNode');
throw Exception();
final YamlMap yamlMap = yamlNode as YamlMap;
return LocalizationOptions(
arbDirectory: _tryReadUri(yamlMap, 'arb-dir', logger),
templateArbFile: _tryReadUri(yamlMap, 'template-arb-file', logger),
outputLocalizationsFile: _tryReadUri(yamlMap, 'output-localization-file', logger),
untranslatedMessagesFile: _tryReadUri(yamlMap, 'untranslated-messages-file', logger),
header: _tryReadString(yamlMap, 'header', logger),
outputClass: _tryReadString(yamlMap, 'output-class', logger),
preferredSupportedLocales: _tryReadString(yamlMap, 'preferred-supported-locales', logger),
headerFile: _tryReadUri(yamlMap, 'header-file', logger),
deferredLoading: _tryReadBool(yamlMap, 'use-deferred-loading', logger),
// Try to read a `bool` value or null from `yamlMap`, otherwise throw.
bool _tryReadBool(YamlMap yamlMap, String key, Logger logger) {
final Object value = yamlMap[key];
if (value == null) {
return null;
if (value is! bool) {
logger.printError('Expected "$key" to have a bool value, instead was "$value"');
throw Exception();
return value as bool;
// Try to read a `String` value or null from `yamlMap`, otherwise throw.
String _tryReadString(YamlMap yamlMap, String key, Logger logger) {
final Object value = yamlMap[key];
if (value == null) {
return null;
if (value is! String) {
logger.printError('Expected "$key" to have a String value, instead was "$value"');
throw Exception();
return value as String;
// Try to read a valid `Uri` or null from `yamlMap`, otherwise throw.
Uri _tryReadUri(YamlMap yamlMap, String key, Logger logger) {
final String value = _tryReadString(yamlMap, key, logger);
if (value == null) {
return null;
final Uri uri = Uri.tryParse(value);
if (uri == null) {
logger.printError('"$value" must be a relative file URI');
return uri;