blob: f9b156c5d8c732bf70ebfe6f745ff2fe280e73ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'button.dart';
import 'colors.dart';
import 'localizations.dart';
import 'theme.dart';
// Read off from the output on iOS 12. This color does not vary with the
// application's theme color.
const double _kSelectionHandleOverlap = 1.5;
// Extracted from
const double _kSelectionHandleRadius = 6;
// Minimal padding from all edges of the selection toolbar to all edges of the
// screen.
const double _kToolbarScreenPadding = 8.0;
// Minimal padding from tip of the selection toolbar arrow to horizontal edges of the
// screen. Eyeballed value.
const double _kArrowScreenPadding = 26.0;
// Vertical distance between the tip of the arrow and the line of text the arrow
// is pointing to. The value used here is eyeballed.
const double _kToolbarContentDistance = 8.0;
// Values derived from
// 92% Opacity ~= 0xEB
// Values extracted from
// The height of the toolbar, including the arrow.
const double _kToolbarHeight = 43.0;
const Size _kToolbarArrowSize = Size(14.0, 7.0);
const Radius _kToolbarBorderRadius = Radius.circular(8);
// Colors extracted from
// TODO(LongCatIsLooong):
const Color _kToolbarBackgroundColor = Color(0xEB202020);
const Color _kToolbarDividerColor = Color(0xFF808080);
const TextStyle _kToolbarButtonFontStyle = TextStyle(
inherit: false,
fontSize: 14.0,
letterSpacing: -0.15,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w400,
color: CupertinoColors.white,
// Eyeballed value.
const EdgeInsets _kToolbarButtonPadding = EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 10.0, horizontal: 18.0);
/// An iOS-style toolbar that appears in response to text selection.
/// Typically displays buttons for text manipulation, e.g. copying and pasting text.
/// See also:
/// * [TextSelectionControls.buildToolbar], where [CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar]
/// will be used to build an iOS-style toolbar.
class CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
const CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar._({
Key key,
double barTopY,
double arrowTipX,
bool isArrowPointingDown,
Widget child,
}) : _barTopY = barTopY,
_arrowTipX = arrowTipX,
_isArrowPointingDown = isArrowPointingDown,
super(key: key, child: child);
// The y-coordinate of toolbar's top edge, in global coordinate system.
final double _barTopY;
// The y-coordinate of the tip of the arrow, in global coordinate system.
final double _arrowTipX;
// Whether the arrow should point down and be attached to the bottom
// of the toolbar, or point up and be attached to the top of the toolbar.
final bool _isArrowPointingDown;
_ToolbarRenderBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) => _ToolbarRenderBox(_barTopY, _arrowTipX, _isArrowPointingDown, null);
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, _ToolbarRenderBox renderObject) {
..barTopY = _barTopY
..arrowTipX = _arrowTipX
..isArrowPointingDown = _isArrowPointingDown;
class _ToolbarParentData extends BoxParentData {
// The x offset from the tip of the arrow to the center of the toolbar.
// Positive if the tip of the arrow has a larger x-coordinate than the
// center of the toolbar.
double arrowXOffsetFromCenter;
String toString() => 'offset=$offset, arrowXOffsetFromCenter=$arrowXOffsetFromCenter';
class _ToolbarRenderBox extends RenderShiftedBox {
RenderBox child,
) : super(child);
bool get isRepaintBoundary => true;
double _barTopY;
set barTopY(double value) {
if (_barTopY == value) {
_barTopY = value;
double _arrowTipX;
set arrowTipX(double value) {
if (_arrowTipX == value) {
_arrowTipX = value;
bool _isArrowPointingDown;
set isArrowPointingDown(bool value) {
if (_isArrowPointingDown == value) {
_isArrowPointingDown = value;
final BoxConstraints heightConstraint = const BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: _kToolbarHeight);
void setupParentData(RenderObject child) {
if (child.parentData is! _ToolbarParentData) {
child.parentData = _ToolbarParentData();
void performLayout() {
size = constraints.biggest;
if (child == null) {
final BoxConstraints enforcedConstraint = constraints
.deflate(const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: _kToolbarScreenPadding))
child.layout(heightConstraint.enforce(enforcedConstraint), parentUsesSize: true,);
final _ToolbarParentData childParentData = child.parentData;
// The local x-coordinate of the center of the toolbar.
final double lowerBound = child.size.width/2 + _kToolbarScreenPadding;
final double upperBound = size.width - child.size.width/2 - _kToolbarScreenPadding;
final double adjustedCenterX = _arrowTipX.clamp(lowerBound, upperBound);
childParentData.offset = Offset(adjustedCenterX - child.size.width / 2, _barTopY);
childParentData.arrowXOffsetFromCenter = _arrowTipX - adjustedCenterX;
// The path is described in the toolbar's coordinate system.
Path _clipPath() {
final _ToolbarParentData childParentData = child.parentData;
final Path rrect = Path()
Offset(0, _isArrowPointingDown ? 0 : _kToolbarArrowSize.height,)
& Size(child.size.width, child.size.height - _kToolbarArrowSize.height),
final double arrowTipX = child.size.width / 2 + childParentData.arrowXOffsetFromCenter;
final double arrowBottomY = _isArrowPointingDown
? child.size.height - _kToolbarArrowSize.height
: _kToolbarArrowSize.height;
final double arrowTipY = _isArrowPointingDown ? child.size.height : 0;
final Path arrow = Path()
..moveTo(arrowTipX, arrowTipY)
..lineTo(arrowTipX - _kToolbarArrowSize.width / 2, arrowBottomY)
..lineTo(arrowTipX + _kToolbarArrowSize.width / 2, arrowBottomY)
return Path.combine(PathOperation.union, rrect, arrow);
void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
if (child == null) {
final _ToolbarParentData childParentData = child.parentData;
offset + childParentData.offset, & child.size,
(PaintingContext innerContext, Offset innerOffset) => innerContext.paintChild(child, innerOffset),
Paint _debugPaint;
void debugPaintSize(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
assert(() {
if (child == null) {
return true;
_debugPaint ??= Paint()
..shader = ui.Gradient.linear(
const Offset(0.0, 0.0),
const Offset(10.0, 10.0),
<Color>[const Color(0x00000000), const Color(0xFFFF00FF), const Color(0xFFFF00FF), const Color(0x00000000)],
<double>[0.25, 0.25, 0.75, 0.75],
..strokeWidth = 2.0 = PaintingStyle.stroke;
final _ToolbarParentData childParentData = child.parentData;
context.canvas.drawPath(_clipPath().shift(offset + childParentData.offset), _debugPaint);
return true;
/// Draws a single text selection handle with a bar and a ball.
class _TextSelectionHandlePainter extends CustomPainter {
const _TextSelectionHandlePainter(this.color);
final Color color;
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
final Paint paint = Paint()
..color = color
..strokeWidth = 2.0;
const Offset(_kSelectionHandleRadius, _kSelectionHandleRadius),
// Draw line so it slightly overlaps the circle.
const Offset(
2 * _kSelectionHandleRadius - _kSelectionHandleOverlap,
bool shouldRepaint(_TextSelectionHandlePainter oldPainter) => color != oldPainter.color;
class _CupertinoTextSelectionControls extends TextSelectionControls {
/// Returns the size of the Cupertino handle.
Size getHandleSize(double textLineHeight) {
return Size(
_kSelectionHandleRadius * 2,
textLineHeight + _kSelectionHandleRadius * 2 - _kSelectionHandleOverlap,
/// Builder for iOS-style copy/paste text selection toolbar.
Widget buildToolbar(
BuildContext context,
Rect globalEditableRegion,
double textLineHeight,
Offset position,
List<TextSelectionPoint> endpoints,
TextSelectionDelegate delegate,
) {
final MediaQueryData mediaQuery = MediaQuery.of(context);
// The toolbar should appear below the TextField when there is not enough
// space above the TextField to show it, assuming there's always enough space
// at the bottom in this case.
final double toolbarHeightNeeded =
+ _kToolbarScreenPadding
+ _kToolbarHeight
+ _kToolbarContentDistance;
final double availableHeight = + endpoints.first.point.dy - textLineHeight;
final bool isArrowPointingDown = toolbarHeightNeeded <= availableHeight;
final double arrowTipX = (position.dx + globalEditableRegion.left).clamp(
_kArrowScreenPadding + mediaQuery.padding.left,
mediaQuery.size.width - mediaQuery.padding.right - _kArrowScreenPadding,
// The y-coordinate has to be calculated instead of directly quoting postion.dy,
// since the caller (TextSelectionOverlay._buildToolbar) does not know whether
// the toolbar is going to be facing up or down.
final double localBarTopY = isArrowPointingDown
? endpoints.first.point.dy - textLineHeight - _kToolbarContentDistance - _kToolbarHeight
: endpoints.last.point.dy + _kToolbarContentDistance;
final List<Widget> items = <Widget>[];
final Widget onePhysicalPixelVerticalDivider =
SizedBox(width: 1.0 / MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio);
final CupertinoLocalizations localizations = CupertinoLocalizations.of(context);
final EdgeInsets arrowPadding = isArrowPointingDown
? EdgeInsets.only(bottom: _kToolbarArrowSize.height)
: EdgeInsets.only(top: _kToolbarArrowSize.height);
void addToolbarButtonIfNeeded(
String text,
bool Function(TextSelectionDelegate) predicate,
void Function(TextSelectionDelegate) onPressed,
) {
if (!predicate(delegate)) {
if (items.isNotEmpty) {
child: Text(text, style: _kToolbarButtonFontStyle),
color: _kToolbarBackgroundColor,
minSize: _kToolbarHeight,
padding: _kToolbarButtonPadding.add(arrowPadding),
borderRadius: null,
pressedOpacity: 0.7,
onPressed: () => onPressed(delegate),
addToolbarButtonIfNeeded(localizations.cutButtonLabel, canCut, handleCut);
addToolbarButtonIfNeeded(localizations.copyButtonLabel, canCopy, handleCopy);
addToolbarButtonIfNeeded(localizations.pasteButtonLabel, canPaste, handlePaste);
addToolbarButtonIfNeeded(localizations.selectAllButtonLabel, canSelectAll, handleSelectAll);
return CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar._(
barTopY: localBarTopY +,
arrowTipX: arrowTipX,
isArrowPointingDown: isArrowPointingDown,
child: items.isEmpty ? null : DecoratedBox(
decoration: const BoxDecoration(color: _kToolbarDividerColor),
child: Row(mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: items),
/// Builder for iOS text selection edges.
Widget buildHandle(BuildContext context, TextSelectionHandleType type, double textLineHeight) {
// We want a size that's a vertical line the height of the text plus a 18.0
// padding in every direction that will constitute the selection drag area.
final Size desiredSize = getHandleSize(textLineHeight);
final Widget handle = SizedBox.fromSize(
size: desiredSize,
child: CustomPaint(
painter: _TextSelectionHandlePainter(CupertinoTheme.of(context).primaryColor),
// [buildHandle]'s widget is positioned at the selection cursor's bottom
// baseline. We transform the handle such that the SizedBox is superimposed
// on top of the text selection endpoints.
switch (type) {
case TextSelectionHandleType.left:
return handle;
case TextSelectionHandleType.right:
// Right handle is a vertical mirror of the left.
return Transform(
transform: Matrix4.identity()
..translate(desiredSize.width / 2, desiredSize.height / 2)
..translate(-desiredSize.width / 2, -desiredSize.height / 2),
child: handle,
// iOS doesn't draw anything for collapsed selections.
case TextSelectionHandleType.collapsed:
return const SizedBox();
assert(type != null);
return null;
/// Gets anchor for cupertino-style text selection handles.
/// See [TextSelectionControls.getHandleAnchor].
Offset getHandleAnchor(TextSelectionHandleType type, double textLineHeight) {
final Size handleSize = getHandleSize(textLineHeight);
switch (type) {
// The circle is at the top for the left handle, and the anchor point is
// all the way at the bottom of the line.
case TextSelectionHandleType.left:
return Offset(
handleSize.width / 2,
// The right handle is vertically flipped, and the anchor point is near
// the top of the circle to give slight overlap.
case TextSelectionHandleType.right:
return Offset(
handleSize.width / 2,
handleSize.height - 2 * _kSelectionHandleRadius + _kSelectionHandleOverlap,
// A collapsed handle anchors itself so that it's centered.
return Offset(
handleSize.width / 2,
textLineHeight + (handleSize.height - textLineHeight) / 2,
/// Text selection controls that follows iOS design conventions.
final TextSelectionControls cupertinoTextSelectionControls = _CupertinoTextSelectionControls();