blob: 7a873a9ec653fae24c90df0f8d7618433ed394ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'globals.dart' show ConductorException, releaseCandidateBranchRegex;
import 'proto/conductor_state.pbenum.dart';
/// Possible string formats that `flutter --version` can return.
enum VersionType {
/// A stable flutter release.
/// Example: '1.2.3'
/// A pre-stable flutter release.
/// Example: '1.2.3-4.5.pre'
/// A master channel flutter version.
/// Example: '1.2.3-4.0.pre.10'
/// The last number is the number of commits past the last tagged version.
/// A master channel flutter version from git describe.
/// Example: '1.2.3-4.0.pre-10-gabc123'.
/// Example: '1.2.3-10-gabc123'.
final Map<VersionType, RegExp> versionPatterns = <VersionType, RegExp>{
VersionType.stable: RegExp(r'^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$'),
VersionType.development: RegExp(r'^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)-(\d+)\.(\d+)\.pre$'),
VersionType.latest: RegExp(r'^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)-(\d+)\.(\d+)\.pre\.(\d+)$'),
VersionType.gitDescribe: RegExp(r'^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)-((\d+)\.(\d+)\.pre-)?(\d+)-g[a-f0-9]+$'),
class Version {
required this.x,
required this.y,
required this.z,
required this.type,
}) {
switch (type) {
case VersionType.stable:
assert(m == null);
assert(n == null);
assert(commits == null);
case VersionType.development:
assert(m != null);
assert(n != null);
assert(commits == null);
case VersionType.latest:
assert(m != null);
assert(n != null);
assert(commits != null);
case VersionType.gitDescribe:
assert(commits != null);
/// Create a new [Version] from a version string.
/// It is expected that [versionString] will be generated by
/// `flutter --version` and match one of `stablePattern`, `developmentPattern`
/// and `latestPattern`.
factory Version.fromString(String versionString) {
versionString = versionString.trim();
// stable tag
Match? match = versionPatterns[VersionType.stable]!.firstMatch(versionString);
if (match != null) {
// parse stable
final List<int> parts = match
.groups(<int>[1, 2, 3])
.map((String? s) => int.parse(s!))
return Version(
x: parts[0],
y: parts[1],
z: parts[2],
type: VersionType.stable,
// development tag
match = versionPatterns[VersionType.development]!.firstMatch(versionString);
if (match != null) {
// parse development
final List<int> parts =
match.groups(<int>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).map((String? s) => int.parse(s!)).toList();
return Version(
x: parts[0],
y: parts[1],
z: parts[2],
m: parts[3],
n: parts[4],
type: VersionType.development,
// latest tag
match = versionPatterns[VersionType.latest]!.firstMatch(versionString);
if (match != null) {
// parse latest
final List<int> parts = match.groups(
<int>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
(String? s) => int.parse(s!),
return Version(
x: parts[0],
y: parts[1],
z: parts[2],
m: parts[3],
n: parts[4],
commits: parts[5],
type: VersionType.latest,
match = versionPatterns[VersionType.gitDescribe]!.firstMatch(versionString);
if (match != null) {
// parse latest
final int x = int.parse(!);
final int y = int.parse(!);
final int z = int.parse(!);
final int? m = int.tryParse( ?? '');
final int? n = int.tryParse( ?? '');
final int commits = int.parse(!);
return Version(
x: x,
y: y,
z: z,
m: m,
n: n,
commits: commits,
type: VersionType.gitDescribe,
throw Exception('${versionString.trim()} cannot be parsed');
// Returns a new version with the given [increment] part incremented.
// NOTE new version must be of same type as previousVersion.
factory Version.increment(
Version previousVersion,
String increment, {
VersionType? nextVersionType,
}) {
final int nextX = previousVersion.x;
int nextY = previousVersion.y;
int nextZ = previousVersion.z;
int? nextM = previousVersion.m;
int? nextN = previousVersion.n;
nextVersionType ??= switch (previousVersion.type) {
VersionType.stable => VersionType.stable,
VersionType.latest || VersionType.gitDescribe || VersionType.development => VersionType.development,
switch (increment) {
case 'x':
// This was probably a mistake.
throw Exception('Incrementing x is not supported by this tool.');
case 'y':
// Dev release following a beta release.
nextY += 1;
nextZ = 0;
if (previousVersion.type != VersionType.stable) {
nextM = 0;
nextN = 0;
case 'z':
// Hotfix to stable release.
assert(previousVersion.type == VersionType.stable);
nextZ += 1;
case 'm':
assert(false, "Do not increment 'm' via Version.increment, use instead Version.fromCandidateBranch()");
case 'n':
// Hotfix to internal roll.
nextN = nextN! + 1;
throw Exception('Unknown increment level $increment.');
return Version(
x: nextX,
y: nextY,
z: nextZ,
m: nextM,
n: nextN,
type: nextVersionType,
factory Version.fromCandidateBranch(String branchName) {
// Regular dev release.
final RegExp pattern = RegExp(r'flutter-(\d+)\.(\d+)-candidate.(\d+)');
final RegExpMatch? match = pattern.firstMatch(branchName);
late final int x;
late final int y;
late final int m;
try {
x = int.parse(match!.group(1)!);
y = int.parse(!);
m = int.parse(!);
} on Exception {
throw ConductorException('branch named $branchName not recognized as a valid candidate branch');
return Version(
type: VersionType.development,
x: x,
y: y,
z: 0,
m: m,
n: 0,
/// Major version.
final int x;
/// Zero-indexed count of beta releases after a major release.
final int y;
/// Number of hotfix releases after a stable release.
/// For non-stable releases, this will be 0.
final int z;
/// Zero-indexed count of dev releases after a beta release.
/// For stable releases, this will be null.
final int? m;
/// Number of hotfixes required to make a dev release.
/// For stable releases, this will be null.
final int? n;
/// Number of commits past last tagged dev release.
final int? commits;
final VersionType type;
/// Validate that the parsed version is valid.
/// Will throw a [ConductorException] if the version is not possible given the
/// [candidateBranch] and [incrementLetter].
void ensureValid(String candidateBranch, ReleaseType releaseType) {
final RegExpMatch? branchMatch = releaseCandidateBranchRegex.firstMatch(candidateBranch);
if (branchMatch == null) {
throw ConductorException(
'Candidate branch $candidateBranch does not match the pattern '
// These groups are required in the pattern, so these match groups should
// not be null
final String branchX =!;
if (x != int.tryParse(branchX)) {
throw ConductorException(
'Parsed version $this has a different x value than candidate '
'branch $candidateBranch',
final String branchY =!;
if (y != int.tryParse(branchY)) {
throw ConductorException(
'Parsed version $this has a different y value than candidate '
'branch $candidateBranch',
// stable type versions don't have an m field set
if (type != VersionType.stable && releaseType != ReleaseType.STABLE_HOTFIX && releaseType != ReleaseType.STABLE_INITIAL) {
final String branchM =!;
if (m != int.tryParse(branchM)) {
throw ConductorException(
'Parsed version $this has a different m value than candidate '
'branch $candidateBranch with type $type',
String toString() {
return switch (type) {
VersionType.stable => '$x.$y.$z',
VersionType.development => '$x.$y.$z-$m.$n.pre',
VersionType.latest => '$x.$y.$z-$m.$n.pre.$commits',
VersionType.gitDescribe => '$x.$y.$z-$m.$n.pre.$commits',