blob: d133d6857a3df779af9d1310be09332b162e907c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' show Platform;
import 'dart:ui' show
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart' show Matrix4;
import 'autofill.dart';
import 'clipboard.dart' show Clipboard;
import 'keyboard_inserted_content.dart';
import 'message_codec.dart';
import 'platform_channel.dart';
import 'system_channels.dart';
import 'text_editing.dart';
import 'text_editing_delta.dart';
export 'dart:ui' show Brightness, FontWeight, Offset, Rect, Size, TextAlign, TextDirection, TextPosition, TextRange;
export 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart' show Matrix4;
export 'autofill.dart' show AutofillConfiguration, AutofillScope;
export 'text_editing.dart' show TextSelection;
// TODO(a14n): the following export leads to Segmentation fault, see
// export 'text_editing_delta.dart' show TextEditingDelta;
/// Indicates how to handle the intelligent replacement of dashes in text input.
/// See also:
/// * [TextField.smartDashesType]
/// * [CupertinoTextField.smartDashesType]
/// * [EditableText.smartDashesType]
/// * [SmartQuotesType]
/// * <>
enum SmartDashesType {
/// Smart dashes is disabled.
/// This corresponds to the
/// ["no" value of UITextSmartDashesType](
/// Smart dashes is enabled.
/// This corresponds to the
/// ["yes" value of UITextSmartDashesType](
/// Indicates how to handle the intelligent replacement of quotes in text input.
/// See also:
/// * [TextField.smartQuotesType]
/// * [CupertinoTextField.smartQuotesType]
/// * [EditableText.smartQuotesType]
/// * <>
enum SmartQuotesType {
/// Smart quotes is disabled.
/// This corresponds to the
/// ["no" value of UITextSmartQuotesType](
/// Smart quotes is enabled.
/// This corresponds to the
/// ["yes" value of UITextSmartQuotesType](
/// The type of information for which to optimize the text input control.
/// On Android, behavior may vary across device and keyboard provider.
/// This class stays as close to `Enum` interface as possible, and allows
/// for additional flags for some input types. For example, numeric input
/// can specify whether it supports decimal numbers and/or signed numbers.
class TextInputType {
const TextInputType._(this.index)
: signed = null,
decimal = null;
/// Optimize for numerical information.
/// Requests a numeric keyboard with additional settings.
/// The [signed] and [decimal] parameters are optional.
const TextInputType.numberWithOptions({
this.signed = false,
this.decimal = false,
}) : index = 2;
/// Enum value index, corresponds to one of the [values].
final int index;
/// The number is signed, allowing a positive or negative sign at the start.
/// This flag is only used for the [number] input type, otherwise `null`.
/// Use `const TextInputType.numberWithOptions(signed: true)` to set this.
final bool? signed;
/// The number is decimal, allowing a decimal point to provide fractional.
/// This flag is only used for the [number] input type, otherwise `null`.
/// Use `const TextInputType.numberWithOptions(decimal: true)` to set this.
final bool? decimal;
/// Optimize for textual information.
/// Requests the default platform keyboard.
static const TextInputType text = TextInputType._(0);
/// Optimize for multiline textual information.
/// Requests the default platform keyboard, but accepts newlines when the
/// enter key is pressed. This is the input type used for all multiline text
/// fields.
static const TextInputType multiline = TextInputType._(1);
/// Optimize for unsigned numerical information without a decimal point.
/// Requests a default keyboard with ready access to the number keys.
/// Additional options, such as decimal point and/or positive/negative
/// signs, can be requested using [TextInputType.numberWithOptions].
static const TextInputType number = TextInputType.numberWithOptions();
/// Optimize for telephone numbers.
/// Requests a keyboard with ready access to the number keys, "*", and "#".
static const TextInputType phone = TextInputType._(3);
/// Optimize for date and time information.
/// On iOS, requests the default keyboard.
/// On Android, requests a keyboard with ready access to the number keys,
/// ":", and "-".
static const TextInputType datetime = TextInputType._(4);
/// Optimize for email addresses.
/// Requests a keyboard with ready access to the "@" and "." keys.
static const TextInputType emailAddress = TextInputType._(5);
/// Optimize for URLs.
/// Requests a keyboard with ready access to the "/" and "." keys.
static const TextInputType url = TextInputType._(6);
/// Optimize for passwords that are visible to the user.
/// Requests a keyboard with ready access to both letters and numbers.
static const TextInputType visiblePassword = TextInputType._(7);
/// Optimized for a person's name.
/// On iOS, requests the
/// [UIKeyboardType.namePhonePad](
/// keyboard, a keyboard optimized for entering a person’s name or phone number.
/// Does not support auto-capitalization.
/// On Android, requests a keyboard optimized for
static const TextInputType name = TextInputType._(8);
/// Optimized for postal mailing addresses.
/// On iOS, requests the default keyboard.
/// On Android, requests a keyboard optimized for
static const TextInputType streetAddress = TextInputType._(9);
/// Prevent the OS from showing the on-screen virtual keyboard.
static const TextInputType none = TextInputType._(10);
/// All possible enum values.
static const List<TextInputType> values = <TextInputType>[
text, multiline, number, phone, datetime, emailAddress, url, visiblePassword, name, streetAddress, none,
// Corresponding string name for each of the [values].
static const List<String> _names = <String>[
'text', 'multiline', 'number', 'phone', 'datetime', 'emailAddress', 'url', 'visiblePassword', 'name', 'address', 'none',
// Enum value name, this is what enum.toString() would normally return.
String get _name => 'TextInputType.${_names[index]}';
/// Returns a representation of this object as a JSON object.
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return <String, dynamic>{
'name': _name,
'signed': signed,
'decimal': decimal,
String toString() {
return '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'TextInputType')}('
'name: $_name, '
'signed: $signed, '
'decimal: $decimal)';
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is TextInputType
&& other.index == index
&& other.signed == signed
&& other.decimal == decimal;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(index, signed, decimal);
/// An action the user has requested the text input control to perform.
/// Each action represents a logical meaning, and also configures the soft
/// keyboard to display a certain kind of action button. The visual appearance
/// of the action button might differ between versions of the same OS.
/// Despite the logical meaning of each action, choosing a particular
/// [TextInputAction] does not necessarily cause any specific behavior to
/// happen, other than changing the focus when appropriate. It is up to the
/// developer to ensure that the behavior that occurs when an action button is
/// pressed is appropriate for the action button chosen.
/// For example: If the user presses the keyboard action button on iOS when it
/// reads "Emergency Call", the result should not be a focus change to the next
/// TextField. This behavior is not logically appropriate for a button that says
/// "Emergency Call".
/// See [EditableText] for more information about customizing action button
/// behavior.
/// Most [TextInputAction]s are supported equally by both Android and iOS.
/// However, there is not a complete, direct mapping between Android's IME input
/// types and iOS's keyboard return types. Therefore, some [TextInputAction]s
/// are inappropriate for one of the platforms. If a developer chooses an
/// inappropriate [TextInputAction] when running in debug mode, an error will be
/// thrown. If the same thing is done in release mode, then instead of sending
/// the inappropriate value, Android will use "unspecified" on the platform
/// side and iOS will use "default" on the platform side.
/// See also:
/// * [TextInput], which configures the platform's keyboard setup.
/// * [EditableText], which invokes callbacks when the action button is pressed.
// This class has been cloned to `flutter_driver/lib/src/common/action.dart` as `TextInputAction`,
// and must be kept in sync.
enum TextInputAction {
/// Logical meaning: There is no relevant input action for the current input
/// source, e.g., [TextField].
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_NONE". The keyboard setup
/// is decided by the OS. The keyboard will likely show a return key.
/// iOS: iOS does not have a keyboard return type of "none." It is
/// inappropriate to choose this [TextInputAction] when running on iOS.
/// Logical meaning: Let the OS decide which action is most appropriate.
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED". The OS chooses
/// which keyboard action to display. The decision will likely be a done
/// button or a return key.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyDefault". The title displayed in
/// the action button is "return".
/// Logical meaning: The user is done providing input to a group of inputs
/// (like a form). Some kind of finalization behavior should now take place.
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_DONE". The OS displays a
/// button that represents completion, e.g., a checkmark button.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyDone". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "Done".
/// Logical meaning: The user has entered some text that represents a
/// destination, e.g., a restaurant name. The "go" button is intended to take
/// the user to a part of the app that corresponds to this destination.
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_GO". The OS displays a
/// button that represents taking "the user to the target of the text they
/// typed", e.g., a right-facing arrow button.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyGo". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "Go".
/// Logical meaning: Execute a search query.
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_SEARCH". The OS displays a
/// button that represents a search, e.g., a magnifying glass button.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeySearch". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "Search".
/// Logical meaning: Sends something that the user has composed, e.g., an
/// email or a text message.
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_SEND". The OS displays a
/// button that represents sending something, e.g., a paper plane button.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeySend". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "Send".
/// Logical meaning: The user is done with the current input source and wants
/// to move to the next one.
/// Moves the focus to the next focusable item in the same [FocusScope].
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_NEXT". The OS displays a
/// button that represents moving forward, e.g., a right-facing arrow button.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyNext". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "Next".
/// Logical meaning: The user wishes to return to the previous input source
/// in the group, e.g., a form with multiple [TextField]s.
/// Moves the focus to the previous focusable item in the same [FocusScope].
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_PREVIOUS". The OS displays a
/// button that represents moving backward, e.g., a left-facing arrow button.
/// iOS: iOS does not have a keyboard return type of "previous." It is
/// inappropriate to choose this [TextInputAction] when running on iOS.
/// Logical meaning: In iOS apps, it is common for a "Back" button and
/// "Continue" button to appear at the top of the screen. However, when the
/// keyboard is open, these buttons are often hidden off-screen. Therefore,
/// the purpose of the "Continue" return key on iOS is to make the "Continue"
/// button available when the user is entering text.
/// Historical context aside, [TextInputAction.continueAction] can be used any
/// time that the term "Continue" seems most appropriate for the given action.
/// Android: Android does not have an IME input type of "continue." It is
/// inappropriate to choose this [TextInputAction] when running on Android.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyContinue". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "Continue". This action is only available on iOS 9.0+.
/// The reason that this value has "Action" post-fixed to it is because
/// "continue" is a reserved word in Dart, as well as many other languages.
/// Logical meaning: The user wants to join something, e.g., a wireless
/// network.
/// Android: Android does not have an IME input type of "join." It is
/// inappropriate to choose this [TextInputAction] when running on Android.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyJoin". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "Join".
/// Logical meaning: The user wants routing options, e.g., driving directions.
/// Android: Android does not have an IME input type of "route." It is
/// inappropriate to choose this [TextInputAction] when running on Android.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyRoute". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "Route".
/// Logical meaning: Initiate a call to emergency services.
/// Android: Android does not have an IME input type of "emergencyCall." It is
/// inappropriate to choose this [TextInputAction] when running on Android.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyEmergencyCall". The title displayed
/// in the action button is "Emergency Call".
/// Logical meaning: Insert a newline character in the focused text input,
/// e.g., [TextField].
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_NONE". The OS displays a
/// button that represents a new line, e.g., a carriage return button.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyDefault". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "return".
/// The term [TextInputAction.newline] exists in Flutter but not in Android
/// or iOS. The reason for introducing this term is so that developers can
/// achieve the common result of inserting new lines without needing to
/// understand the various IME actions on Android and return keys on iOS.
/// Thus, [TextInputAction.newline] is a convenience term that alleviates the
/// need to understand the underlying platforms to achieve this common behavior.
/// Configures how the platform keyboard will select an uppercase or
/// lowercase keyboard.
/// Only supports text keyboards, other keyboard types will ignore this
/// configuration. Capitalization is locale-aware.
enum TextCapitalization {
/// Defaults to an uppercase keyboard for the first letter of each word.
/// Corresponds to `InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_WORDS` on Android, and
/// `UITextAutocapitalizationTypeWords` on iOS.
/// Defaults to an uppercase keyboard for the first letter of each sentence.
/// Corresponds to `InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_SENTENCES` on Android, and
/// `UITextAutocapitalizationTypeSentences` on iOS.
/// Defaults to an uppercase keyboard for each character.
/// Corresponds to `InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_CHARACTERS` on Android, and
/// `UITextAutocapitalizationTypeAllCharacters` on iOS.
/// Defaults to a lowercase keyboard.
/// Controls the visual appearance of the text input control.
/// Many [TextInputAction]s are common between Android and iOS. However, if an
/// [inputAction] is provided that is not supported by the current
/// platform in debug mode, an error will be thrown when the corresponding
/// text input is attached. For example, providing iOS's "emergencyCall"
/// action when running on an Android device will result in an error when in
/// debug mode. In release mode, incompatible [TextInputAction]s are replaced
/// either with "unspecified" on Android, or "default" on iOS. Appropriate
/// [inputAction]s can be chosen by checking the current platform and then
/// selecting the appropriate action.
/// See also:
/// * [TextInput.attach]
/// * [TextInputAction]
class TextInputConfiguration {
/// Creates configuration information for a text input control.
/// All arguments have default values, except [actionLabel]. Only
/// [actionLabel] may be null.
const TextInputConfiguration({
this.inputType = TextInputType.text,
this.readOnly = false,
this.obscureText = false,
this.autocorrect = true,
SmartDashesType? smartDashesType,
SmartQuotesType? smartQuotesType,
this.enableSuggestions = true,
this.enableInteractiveSelection = true,
this.inputAction = TextInputAction.done,
this.keyboardAppearance = Brightness.light,
this.textCapitalization = TextCapitalization.none,
this.autofillConfiguration = AutofillConfiguration.disabled,
this.enableIMEPersonalizedLearning = true,
this.allowedMimeTypes = const <String>[],
this.enableDeltaModel = false,
}) : smartDashesType = smartDashesType ?? (obscureText ? SmartDashesType.disabled : SmartDashesType.enabled),
smartQuotesType = smartQuotesType ?? (obscureText ? SmartQuotesType.disabled : SmartQuotesType.enabled);
/// The ID of the view that the text input belongs to.
/// See also:
/// * [FlutterView], which is the view that the ID points to.
/// * [View], which is a widget that wraps a [FlutterView].
final int? viewId;
/// The type of information for which to optimize the text input control.
final TextInputType inputType;
/// Whether the text field can be edited or not.
/// Defaults to false.
final bool readOnly;
/// Whether to hide the text being edited (e.g., for passwords).
/// Defaults to false.
final bool obscureText;
/// Whether to enable autocorrection.
/// Defaults to true.
final bool autocorrect;
/// The configuration to use for autofill.
/// Defaults to null, in which case no autofill information will be provided
/// to the platform. This will prevent the corresponding input field from
/// participating in autofills triggered by other fields. Additionally, on
/// Android and web, setting [autofillConfiguration] to null disables autofill.
final AutofillConfiguration autofillConfiguration;
/// {@template}
/// Whether to allow the platform to automatically format dashes.
/// This flag only affects iOS versions 11 and above. It sets
/// [`UITextSmartDashesType`](
/// in the engine. When true, it passes
/// [`UITextSmartDashesTypeYes`](,
/// and when false, it passes
/// [`UITextSmartDashesTypeNo`](
/// As an example of what this does, two consecutive hyphen characters will be
/// automatically replaced with one en dash, and three consecutive hyphens
/// will become one em dash.
/// Defaults to true, unless [obscureText] is true, when it defaults to false.
/// This is to avoid the problem where password fields receive autoformatted
/// characters.
/// See also:
/// * [smartQuotesType]
/// * <>
/// {@endtemplate}
final SmartDashesType smartDashesType;
/// {@template}
/// Whether to allow the platform to automatically format quotes.
/// This flag only affects iOS. It sets
/// [`UITextSmartQuotesType`](
/// in the engine. When true, it passes
/// [`UITextSmartQuotesTypeYes`](,
/// and when false, it passes
/// [`UITextSmartQuotesTypeNo`](
/// As an example of what this does, a standard vertical double quote
/// character will be automatically replaced by a left or right double quote
/// depending on its position in a word.
/// Defaults to true, unless [obscureText] is true, when it defaults to false.
/// This is to avoid the problem where password fields receive autoformatted
/// characters.
/// See also:
/// * [smartDashesType]
/// * <>
/// {@endtemplate}
final SmartQuotesType smartQuotesType;
/// {@template}
/// Whether to show input suggestions as the user types.
/// This flag only affects Android. On iOS, suggestions are tied directly to
/// [autocorrect], so that suggestions are only shown when [autocorrect] is
/// true. On Android autocorrection and suggestion are controlled separately.
/// Defaults to true.
/// See also:
/// * <>
/// {@endtemplate}
final bool enableSuggestions;
/// Whether a user can change its selection.
/// This flag only affects iOS VoiceOver. On Android Talkback, the selection
/// change is sent through semantics actions and is directly disabled from
/// the widget side.
/// Defaults to true.
final bool enableInteractiveSelection;
/// What text to display in the text input control's action button.
final String? actionLabel;
/// What kind of action to request for the action button on the IME.
final TextInputAction inputAction;
/// Specifies how platforms may automatically capitalize text entered by the
/// user.
/// Defaults to [TextCapitalization.none].
/// See also:
/// * [TextCapitalization], for a description of each capitalization behavior.
final TextCapitalization textCapitalization;
/// The appearance of the keyboard.
/// This setting is only honored on iOS devices.
/// Defaults to [Brightness.light].
final Brightness keyboardAppearance;
/// {@template}
/// Whether to enable that the IME update personalized data such as typing
/// history and user dictionary data.
/// This flag only affects Android. On iOS, there is no equivalent flag.
/// Defaults to true.
/// See also:
/// * <>
/// {@endtemplate}
final bool enableIMEPersonalizedLearning;
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.contentInsertionConfiguration.allowedMimeTypes}
final List<String> allowedMimeTypes;
/// Creates a copy of this [TextInputConfiguration] with the given fields
/// replaced with new values.
TextInputConfiguration copyWith({
int? viewId,
TextInputType? inputType,
bool? readOnly,
bool? obscureText,
bool? autocorrect,
SmartDashesType? smartDashesType,
SmartQuotesType? smartQuotesType,
bool? enableSuggestions,
bool? enableInteractiveSelection,
String? actionLabel,
TextInputAction? inputAction,
Brightness? keyboardAppearance,
TextCapitalization? textCapitalization,
bool? enableIMEPersonalizedLearning,
List<String>? allowedMimeTypes,
AutofillConfiguration? autofillConfiguration,
bool? enableDeltaModel,
}) {
return TextInputConfiguration(
viewId: viewId ?? this.viewId,
inputType: inputType ?? this.inputType,
readOnly: readOnly ?? this.readOnly,
obscureText: obscureText ?? this.obscureText,
autocorrect: autocorrect ?? this.autocorrect,
smartDashesType: smartDashesType ?? this.smartDashesType,
smartQuotesType: smartQuotesType ?? this.smartQuotesType,
enableSuggestions: enableSuggestions ?? this.enableSuggestions,
enableInteractiveSelection: enableInteractiveSelection ?? this.enableInteractiveSelection,
inputAction: inputAction ?? this.inputAction,
textCapitalization: textCapitalization ?? this.textCapitalization,
keyboardAppearance: keyboardAppearance ?? this.keyboardAppearance,
enableIMEPersonalizedLearning: enableIMEPersonalizedLearning?? this.enableIMEPersonalizedLearning,
allowedMimeTypes: allowedMimeTypes ?? this.allowedMimeTypes,
autofillConfiguration: autofillConfiguration ?? this.autofillConfiguration,
enableDeltaModel: enableDeltaModel ?? this.enableDeltaModel,
/// Whether to enable that the engine sends text input updates to the
/// framework as [TextEditingDelta]'s or as one [TextEditingValue].
/// Enabling this flag results in granular text updates being received from the
/// platform's text input control.
/// When this is enabled:
/// * You must implement [DeltaTextInputClient] and not [TextInputClient] to
/// receive granular updates from the platform's text input.
/// * Platform text input updates will come through
/// [DeltaTextInputClient.updateEditingValueWithDeltas].
/// * If [TextInputClient] is implemented with this property enabled then
/// you will experience unexpected behavior as [TextInputClient] does not implement
/// a delta channel.
/// When this is disabled:
/// * If [DeltaTextInputClient] is implemented then updates for the
/// editing state will continue to come through the
/// [DeltaTextInputClient.updateEditingValue] channel.
/// * If [TextInputClient] is implemented then updates for the editing
/// state will come through [TextInputClient.updateEditingValue].
/// Defaults to false.
final bool enableDeltaModel;
/// Returns a representation of this object as a JSON object.
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic>? autofill = autofillConfiguration.toJson();
return <String, dynamic>{
'viewId': viewId,
'inputType': inputType.toJson(),
'readOnly': readOnly,
'obscureText': obscureText,
'autocorrect': autocorrect,
'smartDashesType': smartDashesType.index.toString(),
'smartQuotesType': smartQuotesType.index.toString(),
'enableSuggestions': enableSuggestions,
'enableInteractiveSelection': enableInteractiveSelection,
'actionLabel': actionLabel,
'inputAction': inputAction.toString(),
'textCapitalization': textCapitalization.toString(),
'keyboardAppearance': keyboardAppearance.toString(),
'enableIMEPersonalizedLearning': enableIMEPersonalizedLearning,
'contentCommitMimeTypes': allowedMimeTypes,
if (autofill != null) 'autofill': autofill,
'enableDeltaModel' : enableDeltaModel,
TextAffinity? _toTextAffinity(String? affinity) {
return switch (affinity) {
'TextAffinity.downstream' => TextAffinity.downstream,
'TextAffinity.upstream' => TextAffinity.upstream,
_ => null,
/// The state of a "floating cursor" drag on an iOS soft keyboard.
/// The "floating cursor" cursor-positioning mode is an iOS feature used to
/// precisely position the caret in some editable text using certain touch
/// gestures. As an example, when the user long-presses the spacebar on the iOS
/// virtual keyboard, iOS enters floating cursor mode where the whole keyboard
/// becomes a trackpad. In this mode, there are two visible cursors. One, the
/// floating cursor, hovers over the text, following the user's horizontal
/// movements exactly and snapping to lines vertically. The other, the
/// placeholder cursor, is a "shadow" that also snaps to the actual location
/// where the cursor will go horizontally when the user releases the trackpad.
/// The floating cursor renders over the text field, while the placeholder
/// cursor is a faint shadow of the cursor rendered in the text field in the
/// location between characters where the cursor will drop into when released.
/// The placeholder cursor is a faint vertical bar, while the floating cursor
/// has the same appearance as a normal cursor (a blue vertical bar).
/// This feature works out-of-the-box with Flutter. Support is built into
/// [EditableText].
/// See also:
/// * [EditableText.backgroundCursorColor], which configures the color of the
/// placeholder cursor while the floating cursor is being dragged.
enum FloatingCursorDragState {
/// A user has just activated a floating cursor by long pressing on the
/// spacebar.
/// A user is dragging a floating cursor.
/// A user has lifted their finger off the screen after using a floating
/// cursor.
/// The current state and position of the floating cursor.
/// See also:
/// * [FloatingCursorDragState], which explains the floating cursor feature in
/// detail.
class RawFloatingCursorPoint {
/// Creates information for setting the position and state of a floating
/// cursor.
/// [state] must not be null and [offset] must not be null if the state is
/// [FloatingCursorDragState.Update].
required this.state,
}) : assert(state != FloatingCursorDragState.Update || offset != null);
/// The raw position of the floating cursor as determined by the iOS sdk.
final Offset? offset;
/// Represents the starting location when initiating a floating cursor via long press.
/// This is a tuple where the first item is the local offset and the second item is the new caret position.
/// This is only non-null when a floating cursor is started.
final (Offset, TextPosition)? startLocation;
/// The state of the floating cursor.
final FloatingCursorDragState state;
/// The current text, selection, and composing state for editing a run of text.
class TextEditingValue {
/// Creates information for editing a run of text.
/// The selection and composing range must be within the text. This is not
/// checked during construction, and must be guaranteed by the caller.
/// The default value of [selection] is `TextSelection.collapsed(offset: -1)`.
/// This indicates that there is no selection at all.
const TextEditingValue({
this.text = '',
this.selection = const TextSelection.collapsed(offset: -1),
this.composing = TextRange.empty,
/// Creates an instance of this class from a JSON object.
factory TextEditingValue.fromJSON(Map<String, dynamic> encoded) {
final String text = encoded['text'] as String;
final TextSelection selection = TextSelection(
baseOffset: encoded['selectionBase'] as int? ?? -1,
extentOffset: encoded['selectionExtent'] as int? ?? -1,
affinity: _toTextAffinity(encoded['selectionAffinity'] as String?) ?? TextAffinity.downstream,
isDirectional: encoded['selectionIsDirectional'] as bool? ?? false,
final TextRange composing = TextRange(
start: encoded['composingBase'] as int? ?? -1,
end: encoded['composingExtent'] as int? ?? -1,
assert(_textRangeIsValid(selection, text));
assert(_textRangeIsValid(composing, text));
return TextEditingValue(
text: text,
selection: selection,
composing: composing,
/// The current text being edited.
final String text;
/// The range of text that is currently selected.
/// When [selection] is a [TextSelection] that has the same non-negative
/// `baseOffset` and `extentOffset`, the [selection] property represents the
/// caret position.
/// If the current [selection] has a negative `baseOffset` or `extentOffset`,
/// then the text currently does not have a selection or a caret location, and
/// most text editing operations that rely on the current selection (for
/// instance, insert a character at the caret location) will do nothing.
final TextSelection selection;
/// The range of text that is still being composed.
/// Composing regions are created by input methods (IMEs) to indicate the text
/// within a certain range is provisional. For instance, the Android Gboard
/// app's English keyboard puts the current word under the caret into a
/// composing region to indicate the word is subject to autocorrect or
/// prediction changes.
/// Composing regions can also be used for performing multistage input, which
/// is typically used by IMEs designed for phonetic keyboard to enter
/// ideographic symbols. As an example, many CJK keyboards require the user to
/// enter a Latin alphabet sequence and then convert it to CJK characters. On
/// iOS, the default software keyboards do not have a dedicated view to show
/// the unfinished Latin sequence, so it's displayed directly in the text
/// field, inside of a composing region.
/// The composing region should typically only be changed by the IME, or the
/// user via interacting with the IME.
/// If the range represented by this property is [TextRange.empty], then the
/// text is not currently being composed.
final TextRange composing;
/// A value that corresponds to the empty string with no selection and no composing range.
static const TextEditingValue empty = TextEditingValue();
/// Creates a copy of this value but with the given fields replaced with the new values.
TextEditingValue copyWith({
String? text,
TextSelection? selection,
TextRange? composing,
}) {
return TextEditingValue(
text: text ?? this.text,
selection: selection ?? this.selection,
composing: composing ?? this.composing,
/// Whether the [composing] range is a valid range within [text].
/// Returns true if and only if the [composing] range is normalized, its start
/// is greater than or equal to 0, and its end is less than or equal to
/// [text]'s length.
/// If this property is false while the [composing] range's `isValid` is true,
/// it usually indicates the current [composing] range is invalid because of a
/// programming error.
bool get isComposingRangeValid => composing.isValid && composing.isNormalized && composing.end <= text.length;
/// Returns a new [TextEditingValue], which is this [TextEditingValue] with
/// its [text] partially replaced by the `replacementString`.
/// The `replacementRange` parameter specifies the range of the
/// [TextEditingValue.text] that needs to be replaced.
/// The `replacementString` parameter specifies the string to replace the
/// given range of text with.
/// This method also adjusts the selection range and the composing range of the
/// resulting [TextEditingValue], such that they point to the same substrings
/// as the corresponding ranges in the original [TextEditingValue]. For
/// example, if the original [TextEditingValue] is "Hello world" with the word
/// "world" selected, replacing "Hello" with a different string using this
/// method will not change the selected word.
/// This method does nothing if the given `replacementRange` is not
/// [TextRange.isValid].
TextEditingValue replaced(TextRange replacementRange, String replacementString) {
if (!replacementRange.isValid) {
return this;
final String newText = text.replaceRange(replacementRange.start, replacementRange.end, replacementString);
if (replacementRange.end - replacementRange.start == replacementString.length) {
return copyWith(text: newText);
int adjustIndex(int originalIndex) {
// The length added by adding the replacementString.
final int replacedLength = originalIndex <= replacementRange.start && originalIndex < replacementRange.end ? 0 : replacementString.length;
// The length removed by removing the replacementRange.
final int removedLength = originalIndex.clamp(replacementRange.start, replacementRange.end) - replacementRange.start;
return originalIndex + replacedLength - removedLength;
final TextSelection adjustedSelection = TextSelection(
baseOffset: adjustIndex(selection.baseOffset),
extentOffset: adjustIndex(selection.extentOffset),
final TextRange adjustedComposing = TextRange(
start: adjustIndex(composing.start),
end: adjustIndex(composing.end),
assert(_textRangeIsValid(adjustedSelection, newText));
assert(_textRangeIsValid(adjustedComposing, newText));
return TextEditingValue(
text: newText,
selection: adjustedSelection,
composing: adjustedComposing,
/// Returns a representation of this object as a JSON object.
Map<String, dynamic> toJSON() {
assert(_textRangeIsValid(selection, text));
assert(_textRangeIsValid(composing, text));
return <String, dynamic>{
'text': text,
'selectionBase': selection.baseOffset,
'selectionExtent': selection.extentOffset,
'selectionAffinity': selection.affinity.toString(),
'selectionIsDirectional': selection.isDirectional,
'composingBase': composing.start,
'composingExtent': composing.end,
String toString() => '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'TextEditingValue')}(text: \u2524$text\u251C, selection: $selection, composing: $composing)';
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
return other is TextEditingValue
&& other.text == text
&& other.selection == selection
&& other.composing == composing;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
// Verify that the given range is within the text.
// The verification can't be perform during the constructor of
// [TextEditingValue], which are `const` and are allowed to retrieve
// properties of [TextRange]s. [TextEditingValue] should perform this
// wherever it is building other values (such as toJson) or is built in a
// non-const way (such as fromJson).
static bool _textRangeIsValid(TextRange range, String text) {
if (range.start == -1 && range.end == -1) {
return true;
assert(range.start >= 0 && range.start <= text.length,
'Range start ${range.start} is out of text of length ${text.length}');
assert(range.end >= 0 && range.end <= text.length,
'Range end ${range.end} is out of text of length ${text.length}');
return true;
/// Indicates what triggered the change in selected text (including changes to
/// the cursor location).
enum SelectionChangedCause {
/// The user tapped on the text and that caused the selection (or the location
/// of the cursor) to change.
/// The user tapped twice in quick succession on the text and that caused
/// the selection (or the location of the cursor) to change.
/// The user long-pressed the text and that caused the selection (or the
/// location of the cursor) to change.
/// The user force-pressed the text and that caused the selection (or the
/// location of the cursor) to change.
/// The user used the keyboard to change the selection or the location of the
/// cursor.
/// Keyboard-triggered selection changes may be caused by the IME as well as
/// by accessibility tools (e.g. TalkBack on Android).
/// The user used the selection toolbar to change the selection or the
/// location of the cursor.
/// An example is when the user taps on select all in the tool bar.
/// The user used the mouse to change the selection by dragging over a piece
/// of text.
/// The user used iPadOS 14+ Scribble to change the selection.
/// A mixin for manipulating the selection, provided for toolbar or shortcut
/// keys.
mixin TextSelectionDelegate {
/// Gets the current text input.
TextEditingValue get textEditingValue;
/// Indicates that the user has requested the delegate to replace its current
/// text editing state with [value].
/// The new [value] is treated as user input and thus may subject to input
/// formatting.
/// See also:
/// * [EditableTextState.userUpdateTextEditingValue]: an implementation that
/// applies additional pre-processing to the specified [value], before
/// updating the text editing state.
void userUpdateTextEditingValue(TextEditingValue value, SelectionChangedCause cause);
/// Hides the text selection toolbar.
/// By default, hideHandles is true, and the toolbar is hidden along with its
/// handles. If hideHandles is set to false, then the toolbar will be hidden
/// but the handles will remain.
void hideToolbar([bool hideHandles = true]);
/// Brings the provided [TextPosition] into the visible area of the text
/// input.
void bringIntoView(TextPosition position);
/// Whether cut is enabled.
bool get cutEnabled => true;
/// Whether copy is enabled.
bool get copyEnabled => true;
/// Whether paste is enabled.
bool get pasteEnabled => true;
/// Whether select all is enabled.
bool get selectAllEnabled => true;
/// Whether look up is enabled.
bool get lookUpEnabled => true;
/// Whether search web is enabled.
bool get searchWebEnabled => true;
/// Whether share is enabled.
bool get shareEnabled => true;
/// Whether Live Text input is enabled.
/// See also:
/// * [LiveText], where the availability of Live Text input can be obtained.
/// * [LiveTextInputStatusNotifier], where the status of Live Text can be listened to.
bool get liveTextInputEnabled => false;
/// Cut current selection to [Clipboard].
/// If and only if [cause] is [SelectionChangedCause.toolbar], the toolbar
/// will be hidden and the current selection will be scrolled into view.
void cutSelection(SelectionChangedCause cause);
/// Paste text from [Clipboard].
/// If there is currently a selection, it will be replaced.
/// If and only if [cause] is [SelectionChangedCause.toolbar], the toolbar
/// will be hidden and the current selection will be scrolled into view.
Future<void> pasteText(SelectionChangedCause cause);
/// Set the current selection to contain the entire text value.
/// If and only if [cause] is [SelectionChangedCause.toolbar], the selection
/// will be scrolled into view.
void selectAll(SelectionChangedCause cause);
/// Copy current selection to [Clipboard].
/// If [cause] is [SelectionChangedCause.toolbar], the position of
/// [bringIntoView] to selection will be called and hide toolbar.
void copySelection(SelectionChangedCause cause);
/// An interface to receive information from [TextInput].
/// If [TextInputConfiguration.enableDeltaModel] is set to true,
/// [DeltaTextInputClient] must be implemented instead of this class.
/// See also:
/// * [TextInput.attach]
/// * [EditableText], a [TextInputClient] implementation.
/// * [DeltaTextInputClient], a [TextInputClient] extension that receives
/// granular information from the platform's text input.
mixin TextInputClient {
/// The current state of the [TextEditingValue] held by this client.
TextEditingValue? get currentTextEditingValue;
/// The [AutofillScope] this [TextInputClient] belongs to, if any.
/// It should return null if this [TextInputClient] does not need autofill
/// support. For a [TextInputClient] that supports autofill, returning null
/// causes it to participate in autofill alone.
/// See also:
/// * [AutofillGroup], a widget that creates an [AutofillScope] for its
/// descendent autofillable [TextInputClient]s.
AutofillScope? get currentAutofillScope;
/// Requests that this client update its editing state to the given value.
/// The new [value] is treated as user input and thus may subject to input
/// formatting.
void updateEditingValue(TextEditingValue value);
/// Requests that this client perform the given action.
void performAction(TextInputAction action);
/// Notify client about new content insertion from Android keyboard.
void insertContent(KeyboardInsertedContent content) {}
/// Request from the input method that this client perform the given private
/// command.
/// This can be used to provide domain-specific features that are only known
/// between certain input methods and their clients.
/// See also:
/// * [performPrivateCommand](\(java.lang.String,%20android.os.Bundle\)),
/// which is the Android documentation for performPrivateCommand, used to
/// send a command from the input method.
/// * [sendAppPrivateCommand](,
/// which is the Android documentation for sendAppPrivateCommand, used to
/// send a command to the input method.
void performPrivateCommand(String action, Map<String, dynamic> data);
/// Updates the floating cursor position and state.
/// See also:
/// * [FloatingCursorDragState], which explains the floating cursor feature
/// in detail.
void updateFloatingCursor(RawFloatingCursorPoint point);
/// Requests that this client display a prompt rectangle for the given text range,
/// to indicate the range of text that will be changed by a pending autocorrection.
/// This method will only be called on iOS.
void showAutocorrectionPromptRect(int start, int end);
/// Platform notified framework of closed connection.
/// [TextInputClient] should cleanup its connection and finalize editing.
void connectionClosed();
/// The framework calls this method to notify that the text input control has
/// been changed.
/// The [TextInputClient] may switch to the new text input control by hiding
/// the old and showing the new input control.
/// See also:
/// * [TextInputControl.hide], a method to hide the old input control.
/// * [], a method to show the new input control.
void didChangeInputControl(TextInputControl? oldControl, TextInputControl? newControl) {}
/// Requests that the client show the editing toolbar, for example when the
/// platform changes the selection through a non-flutter method such as
/// scribble.
void showToolbar() {}
/// Requests that the client add a text placeholder to reserve visual space
/// in the text.
/// For example, this is called when responding to UIKit requesting
/// a text placeholder be added at the current selection, such as when
/// requesting additional writing space with iPadOS14 Scribble.
void insertTextPlaceholder(Size size) {}
/// Requests that the client remove the text placeholder.
void removeTextPlaceholder() {}
/// Performs the specified MacOS-specific selector from the
/// `NSStandardKeyBindingResponding` protocol or user-specified selector
/// from `DefaultKeyBinding.Dict`.
void performSelector(String selectorName) {}
/// An interface to receive focus from the engine.
/// This is currently only used to handle UIIndirectScribbleInteraction.
abstract class ScribbleClient {
/// A unique identifier for this element.
String get elementIdentifier;
/// Called by the engine when the [ScribbleClient] should receive focus.
/// For example, this method is called during a UIIndirectScribbleInteraction.
void onScribbleFocus(Offset offset);
/// Tests whether the [ScribbleClient] overlaps the given rectangle bounds.
bool isInScribbleRect(Rect rect);
/// The current bounds of the [ScribbleClient].
Rect get bounds;
/// Represents a selection rect for a character and it's position in the text.
/// This is used to report the current text selection rect and position data
/// to the engine for Scribble support on iPadOS 14.
class SelectionRect {
/// Constructor for creating a [SelectionRect] from a text [position] and
/// [bounds].
const SelectionRect({
required this.position,
required this.bounds,
this.direction = TextDirection.ltr,
/// The position of this selection rect within the text String.
final int position;
/// The rectangle representing the bounds of this selection rect within the
/// currently focused [RenderEditable]'s coordinate space.
final Rect bounds;
/// The direction text flows within this selection rect.
final TextDirection direction;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is SelectionRect
&& other.position == position
&& other.bounds == bounds
&& other.direction == direction;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(position, bounds);
String toString() => 'SelectionRect($position, $bounds)';
/// An interface to receive granular information from [TextInput].
/// See also:
/// * [TextInput.attach]
/// * [TextInputConfiguration], to opt-in to receive [TextEditingDelta]'s from
/// the platforms [TextInput] you must set [TextInputConfiguration.enableDeltaModel]
/// to true.
mixin DeltaTextInputClient implements TextInputClient {
/// Requests that this client update its editing state by applying the deltas
/// received from the engine.
/// The list of [TextEditingDelta]'s are treated as changes that will be applied
/// to the client's editing state. A change is any mutation to the raw text
/// value, or any updates to the selection and/or composing region.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// This example shows what an implementation of this method could look like.
/// ```dart
/// class MyClient with DeltaTextInputClient {
/// TextEditingValue? _localValue;
/// @override
/// void updateEditingValueWithDeltas(List<TextEditingDelta> textEditingDeltas) {
/// if (_localValue == null) {
/// return;
/// }
/// TextEditingValue newValue = _localValue!;
/// for (final TextEditingDelta delta in textEditingDeltas) {
/// newValue = delta.apply(newValue);
/// }
/// _localValue = newValue;
/// }
/// // ...
/// }
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
void updateEditingValueWithDeltas(List<TextEditingDelta> textEditingDeltas);
/// An interface for interacting with a text input control.
/// See also:
/// * [TextInput.attach], a method used to establish a [TextInputConnection]
/// between the system's text input and a [TextInputClient].
/// * [EditableText], a [TextInputClient] that connects to and interacts with
/// the system's text input using a [TextInputConnection].
class TextInputConnection {
: _id = _nextId++;
Size? _cachedSize;
Matrix4? _cachedTransform;
Rect? _cachedRect;
Rect? _cachedCaretRect;
List<SelectionRect> _cachedSelectionRects = <SelectionRect>[];
static int _nextId = 1;
final int _id;
/// Resets the internal ID counter for testing purposes.
/// This call has no effect when asserts are disabled. Calling it from
/// application code will likely break text input for the application.
static void debugResetId({int to = 1}) {
assert(() {
_nextId = to;
return true;
final TextInputClient _client;
/// Whether this connection is currently interacting with the text input control.
bool get attached => TextInput._instance._currentConnection == this;
/// Whether there is currently a Scribble interaction in progress.
/// This is used to make sure selection handles are shown when UIKit changes
/// the selection during a Scribble interaction.
bool get scribbleInProgress => TextInput._instance.scribbleInProgress;
/// Requests that the text input control become visible.
void show() {
/// Requests the system autofill UI to appear.
/// Currently only works on Android. Other platforms do not respond to this
/// message.
/// See also:
/// * [EditableText], a [TextInputClient] that calls this method when focused.
void requestAutofill() {
/// Requests that the text input control update itself according to the new
/// [TextInputConfiguration].
void updateConfig(TextInputConfiguration configuration) {
/// Requests that the text input control change its internal state to match
/// the given state.
void setEditingState(TextEditingValue value) {
/// Send the size and transform of the editable text to engine.
/// The values are sent as platform messages so they can be used on web for
/// example to correctly position and size the html input field.
/// 1. [editableBoxSize]: size of the render editable box.
/// 2. [transform]: a matrix that maps the local paint coordinate system
/// to the [PipelineOwner.rootNode].
void setEditableSizeAndTransform(Size editableBoxSize, Matrix4 transform) {
if (editableBoxSize != _cachedSize || transform != _cachedTransform) {
_cachedSize = editableBoxSize;
_cachedTransform = transform;
TextInput._instance._setEditableSizeAndTransform(editableBoxSize, transform);
/// Send the smallest rect that covers the text in the client that's currently
/// being composed.
/// If any of the 4 coordinates of the given [Rect] is not finite, a [Rect] of
/// size (-1, -1) will be sent instead.
/// This information is used for positioning the IME candidates menu on each
/// platform.
void setComposingRect(Rect rect) {
if (rect == _cachedRect) {
_cachedRect = rect;
final Rect validRect = rect.isFinite ? rect : & const Size(-1, -1);
/// Sends the coordinates of caret rect. This is used on macOS for positioning
/// the accent selection menu.
void setCaretRect(Rect rect) {
if (rect == _cachedCaretRect) {
_cachedCaretRect = rect;
final Rect validRect = rect.isFinite ? rect : & const Size(-1, -1);
/// Send the bounding boxes of the current selected glyphs in the client to
/// the platform's text input plugin.
/// These are used by the engine during a UIDirectScribbleInteraction.
void setSelectionRects(List<SelectionRect> selectionRects) {
if (!listEquals(_cachedSelectionRects, selectionRects)) {
_cachedSelectionRects = selectionRects;
/// Send text styling information.
/// This information is used by the Flutter Web Engine to change the style
/// of the hidden native input's content. Hence, the content size will match
/// to the size of the editable widget's content.
void setStyle({
required String? fontFamily,
required double? fontSize,
required FontWeight? fontWeight,
required TextDirection textDirection,
required TextAlign textAlign,
}) {
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontSize: fontSize,
fontWeight: fontWeight,
textDirection: textDirection,
textAlign: textAlign,
/// Stop interacting with the text input control.
/// After calling this method, the text input control might disappear if no
/// other client attaches to it within this animation frame.
void close() {
if (attached) {
/// Platform sent a notification informing the connection is closed.
/// [TextInputConnection] should clean current client connection.
void connectionClosedReceived() {
TextInput._instance._currentConnection = null;
TextInputAction _toTextInputAction(String action) {
return switch (action) {
'TextInputAction.none' => TextInputAction.none,
'TextInputAction.unspecified' => TextInputAction.unspecified,
'TextInputAction.go' => TextInputAction.go,
'' =>,
'TextInputAction.send' => TextInputAction.send,
'' =>,
'TextInputAction.previous' => TextInputAction.previous,
'TextInputAction.continueAction' => TextInputAction.continueAction,
'TextInputAction.join' => TextInputAction.join,
'TextInputAction.route' => TextInputAction.route,
'TextInputAction.emergencyCall' => TextInputAction.emergencyCall,
'TextInputAction.done' => TextInputAction.done,
'TextInputAction.newline' => TextInputAction.newline,
_ => throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[ErrorSummary('Unknown text input action: $action')]),
FloatingCursorDragState _toTextCursorAction(String state) {
return switch (state) {
'FloatingCursorDragState.start' => FloatingCursorDragState.Start,
'FloatingCursorDragState.update' => FloatingCursorDragState.Update,
'FloatingCursorDragState.end' => FloatingCursorDragState.End,
_ => throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[ErrorSummary('Unknown text cursor action: $state')]),
RawFloatingCursorPoint _toTextPoint(FloatingCursorDragState state, Map<String, dynamic> encoded) {
assert(encoded['X'] != null, 'You must provide a value for the horizontal location of the floating cursor.');
assert(encoded['Y'] != null, 'You must provide a value for the vertical location of the floating cursor.');
final Offset offset = state == FloatingCursorDragState.Update
? Offset((encoded['X'] as num).toDouble(), (encoded['Y'] as num).toDouble())
return RawFloatingCursorPoint(offset: offset, state: state);
/// An low-level interface to the system's text input control.
/// To start interacting with the system's text input control, call [attach] to
/// establish a [TextInputConnection] between the system's text input control
/// and a [TextInputClient]. The majority of commands available for
/// interacting with the text input control reside in the returned
/// [TextInputConnection]. The communication between the system text input and
/// the [TextInputClient] is asynchronous.
/// The platform text input plugin (which represents the system's text input)
/// and the [TextInputClient] usually maintain their own text editing states
/// ([TextEditingValue]) separately. They must be kept in sync as long as the
/// [TextInputClient] is connected. The following methods can be used to send
/// [TextEditingValue] to update the other party, when either party's text
/// editing states change:
/// * The [TextInput.attach] method allows a [TextInputClient] to establish a
/// connection to the text input. An optional field in its `configuration`
/// parameter can be used to specify an initial value for the platform text
/// input plugin's [TextEditingValue].
/// * The [TextInputClient] sends its [TextEditingValue] to the platform text
/// input plugin using [TextInputConnection.setEditingState].
/// * The platform text input plugin sends its [TextEditingValue] to the
/// connected [TextInputClient] via a "TextInput.setEditingState" message.
/// * When autofill happens on a disconnected [TextInputClient], the platform
/// text input plugin sends the [TextEditingValue] to the connected
/// [TextInputClient]'s [AutofillScope], and the [AutofillScope] will further
/// relay the value to the correct [TextInputClient].
/// When synchronizing the [TextEditingValue]s, the communication may get stuck
/// in an infinite when both parties are trying to send their own update. To
/// mitigate the problem, only [TextInputClient]s are allowed to alter the
/// received [TextEditingValue]s while platform text input plugins are to accept
/// the received [TextEditingValue]s unmodified. More specifically:
/// * When a [TextInputClient] receives a new [TextEditingValue] from the
/// platform text input plugin, it's allowed to modify the value (for example,
/// apply [TextInputFormatter]s). If it decides to do so, it must send the
/// updated [TextEditingValue] back to the platform text input plugin to keep
/// the [TextEditingValue]s in sync.
/// * When the platform text input plugin receives a new value from the
/// connected [TextInputClient], it must accept the new value as-is, to avoid
/// sending back an updated value.
/// See also:
/// * [TextField], a widget in which the user may enter text.
/// * [EditableText], a [TextInputClient] that connects to [TextInput] when it
/// wants to take user input from the keyboard.
class TextInput {
TextInput._() {
_channel = SystemChannels.textInput;
/// Set the [MethodChannel] used to communicate with the system's text input
/// control.
/// This is only meant for testing within the Flutter SDK. Changing this
/// will break the ability to input text. This has no effect if asserts are
/// disabled.
static void setChannel(MethodChannel newChannel) {
assert(() {
_instance._channel = newChannel..setMethodCallHandler(_instance._loudlyHandleTextInputInvocation);
return true;
static final TextInput _instance = TextInput._();
static void _addInputControl(TextInputControl control) {
if (control != _PlatformTextInputControl.instance) {
static void _removeInputControl(TextInputControl control) {
if (control != _PlatformTextInputControl.instance) {
/// Sets the current text input control.
/// The current text input control receives text input state changes and visual
/// text input control requests, such as showing and hiding the input control,
/// from the framework.
/// Setting the current text input control as `null` removes the visual text
/// input control.
/// See also:
/// * [TextInputControl], an interface for implementing text input controls.
/// * [TextInput.restorePlatformInputControl], a method to restore the default
/// platform text input control.
static void setInputControl(TextInputControl? newControl) {
final TextInputControl? oldControl = _instance._currentControl;
if (newControl == oldControl) {
if (newControl != null) {
if (oldControl != null) {
_instance._currentControl = newControl;
final TextInputClient? client = _instance._currentConnection?._client;
client?.didChangeInputControl(oldControl, newControl);
/// Restores the default platform text input control.
/// See also:
/// * [TextInput.setInputControl], a method to set a custom input
/// control, or to remove the visual input control.
static void restorePlatformInputControl() {
TextInputControl? _currentControl = _PlatformTextInputControl.instance;
final Set<TextInputControl> _inputControls = <TextInputControl>{
static const List<TextInputAction> _androidSupportedInputActions = <TextInputAction>[
static const List<TextInputAction> _iOSSupportedInputActions = <TextInputAction>[
/// Ensure that a [TextInput] instance has been set up so that the platform
/// can handle messages on the text input method channel.
static void ensureInitialized() {
_instance; // ignore: unnecessary_statements
/// Begin interacting with the text input control.
/// Calling this function helps multiple clients coordinate about which one is
/// currently interacting with the text input control. The returned
/// [TextInputConnection] provides an interface for actually interacting with
/// the text input control.
/// A client that no longer wishes to interact with the text input control
/// should call [TextInputConnection.close] on the returned
/// [TextInputConnection].
static TextInputConnection attach(TextInputClient client, TextInputConfiguration configuration) {
final TextInputConnection connection = TextInputConnection._(client);
_instance._attach(connection, configuration);
return connection;
// This method actually notifies the embedding of the client. It is utilized
// by [attach] and by [_handleTextInputInvocation] for the
// `TextInputClient.requestExistingInputState` method.
void _attach(TextInputConnection connection, TextInputConfiguration configuration) {
_currentConnection = connection;
_currentConfiguration = configuration;
_setClient(connection._client, configuration);
static bool _debugEnsureInputActionWorksOnPlatform(TextInputAction inputAction) {
assert(() {
if (kIsWeb) {
// TODO(flutterweb): what makes sense here?
return true;
if (Platform.isIOS) {
'The requested TextInputAction "$inputAction" is not supported on iOS.',
} else if (Platform.isAndroid) {
'The requested TextInputAction "$inputAction" is not supported on Android.',
return true;
return true;
late MethodChannel _channel;
TextInputConnection? _currentConnection;
late TextInputConfiguration _currentConfiguration;
final Map<String, ScribbleClient> _scribbleClients = <String, ScribbleClient>{};
bool _scribbleInProgress = false;
/// Used for testing within the Flutter SDK to get the currently registered [ScribbleClient] list.
static Map<String, ScribbleClient> get scribbleClients => TextInput._instance._scribbleClients;
/// Returns true if a scribble interaction is currently happening.
bool get scribbleInProgress => _scribbleInProgress;
Future<dynamic> _loudlyHandleTextInputInvocation(MethodCall call) async {
try {
return await _handleTextInputInvocation(call);
} catch (exception, stack) {
exception: exception,
stack: stack,
library: 'services library',
context: ErrorDescription('during method call ${call.method}'),
informationCollector: () => <DiagnosticsNode>[
DiagnosticsProperty<MethodCall>('call', call, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty),
Future<dynamic> _handleTextInputInvocation(MethodCall methodCall) async {
final String method = methodCall.method;
switch (methodCall.method) {
case 'TextInputClient.focusElement':
final List<dynamic> args = methodCall.arguments as List<dynamic>;
_scribbleClients[args[0]]?.onScribbleFocus(Offset((args[1] as num).toDouble(), (args[2] as num).toDouble()));
case 'TextInputClient.requestElementsInRect':
final List<double> args = (methodCall.arguments as List<dynamic>).cast<num>().map<double>((num value) => value.toDouble()).toList();
return _scribbleClients.keys.where((String elementIdentifier) {
final Rect rect = Rect.fromLTWH(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
if (!(_scribbleClients[elementIdentifier]?.isInScribbleRect(rect) ?? false)) {
return false;
final Rect bounds = _scribbleClients[elementIdentifier]?.bounds ??;
return !(bounds == || bounds.hasNaN || bounds.isInfinite);
}).map((String elementIdentifier) {
final Rect bounds = _scribbleClients[elementIdentifier]!.bounds;
return <dynamic>[elementIdentifier, ...<dynamic>[bounds.left,, bounds.width, bounds.height]];
case 'TextInputClient.scribbleInteractionBegan':
_scribbleInProgress = true;
case 'TextInputClient.scribbleInteractionFinished':
_scribbleInProgress = false;
if (_currentConnection == null) {
// The requestExistingInputState request needs to be handled regardless of
// the client ID, as long as we have a _currentConnection.
if (method == 'TextInputClient.requestExistingInputState') {
_attach(_currentConnection!, _currentConfiguration);
final TextEditingValue? editingValue = _currentConnection!._client.currentTextEditingValue;
if (editingValue != null) {
final List<dynamic> args = methodCall.arguments as List<dynamic>;
// The updateEditingStateWithTag request (autofill) can come up even to a
// text field that doesn't have a connection.
if (method == 'TextInputClient.updateEditingStateWithTag') {
final TextInputClient client = _currentConnection!._client;
final AutofillScope? scope = client.currentAutofillScope;
final Map<String, dynamic> editingValue = args[1] as Map<String, dynamic>;
for (final String tag in editingValue.keys) {
final TextEditingValue textEditingValue = TextEditingValue.fromJSON(
editingValue[tag] as Map<String, dynamic>,
final AutofillClient? client = scope?.getAutofillClient(tag);
if (client != null && client.textInputConfiguration.autofillConfiguration.enabled) {
final int client = args[0] as int;
if (client != _currentConnection!._id) {
// If the client IDs don't match, the incoming message was for a different
// client.
bool debugAllowAnyway = false;
assert(() {
// In debug builds we allow "-1" as a magical client ID that ignores
// this verification step so that tests can always get through, even
// when they are not mocking the engine side of text input.
if (client == -1) {
debugAllowAnyway = true;
return true;
if (!debugAllowAnyway) {
switch (method) {
case 'TextInputClient.updateEditingState':
final TextEditingValue value = TextEditingValue.fromJSON(args[1] as Map<String, dynamic>);
TextInput._instance._updateEditingValue(value, exclude: _PlatformTextInputControl.instance);
case 'TextInputClient.updateEditingStateWithDeltas':
assert(_currentConnection!._client is DeltaTextInputClient, 'You must be using a DeltaTextInputClient if TextInputConfiguration.enableDeltaModel is set to true');
final List<TextEditingDelta> deltas = <TextEditingDelta>[];
final Map<String, dynamic> encoded = args[1] as Map<String, dynamic>;
for (final dynamic encodedDelta in encoded['deltas'] as List<dynamic>) {
final TextEditingDelta delta = TextEditingDelta.fromJSON(encodedDelta as Map<String, dynamic>);
(_currentConnection!._client as DeltaTextInputClient).updateEditingValueWithDeltas(deltas);
case 'TextInputClient.performAction':
if (args[1] as String == 'TextInputAction.commitContent') {
final KeyboardInsertedContent content = KeyboardInsertedContent.fromJson(args[2] as Map<String, dynamic>);
} else {
_currentConnection!._client.performAction(_toTextInputAction(args[1] as String));
case 'TextInputClient.performSelectors':
final List<String> selectors = (args[1] as List<dynamic>).cast<String>();
case 'TextInputClient.performPrivateCommand':
final Map<String, dynamic> firstArg = args[1] as Map<String, dynamic>;
firstArg['action'] as String,
firstArg['data'] == null
? <String, dynamic>{}
: firstArg['data'] as Map<String, dynamic>,
case 'TextInputClient.updateFloatingCursor':
_toTextCursorAction(args[1] as String),
args[2] as Map<String, dynamic>,
case 'TextInputClient.onConnectionClosed':
case 'TextInputClient.showAutocorrectionPromptRect':
_currentConnection!._client.showAutocorrectionPromptRect(args[1] as int, args[2] as int);
case 'TextInputClient.showToolbar':
case 'TextInputClient.insertTextPlaceholder':
_currentConnection!._client.insertTextPlaceholder(Size((args[1] as num).toDouble(), (args[2] as num).toDouble()));
case 'TextInputClient.removeTextPlaceholder':
throw MissingPluginException();
bool _hidePending = false;
void _scheduleHide() {
if (_hidePending) {
_hidePending = true;
// Schedule a deferred task that hides the text input. If someone else
// shows the keyboard during this update cycle, then the task will do
// nothing.
scheduleMicrotask(() {
_hidePending = false;
if (_currentConnection == null) {
void _setClient(TextInputClient client, TextInputConfiguration configuration) {
for (final TextInputControl control in _inputControls) {
control.attach(client, configuration);
void _clearClient() {
final TextInputClient client = _currentConnection!._client;
for (final TextInputControl control in _inputControls) {
_currentConnection = null;
void _updateConfig(TextInputConfiguration configuration) {
for (final TextInputControl control in _inputControls) {
void _setEditingState(TextEditingValue value) {
for (final TextInputControl control in _inputControls) {
void _show() {
for (final TextInputControl control in _inputControls) {;
void _hide() {
for (final TextInputControl control in _inputControls) {
void _setEditableSizeAndTransform(Size editableBoxSize, Matrix4 transform) {
for (final TextInputControl control in _inputControls) {
control.setEditableSizeAndTransform(editableBoxSize, transform);
void _setComposingTextRect(Rect rect) {
for (final TextInputControl control in _inputControls) {
void _setCaretRect(Rect rect) {
for (final TextInputControl control in _inputControls) {
void _setSelectionRects(List<SelectionRect> selectionRects) {
for (final TextInputControl control in _inputControls) {
void _setStyle({
required String? fontFamily,
required double? fontSize,
required FontWeight? fontWeight,
required TextDirection textDirection,
required TextAlign textAlign,
}) {
for (final TextInputControl control in _inputControls) {
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontSize: fontSize,
fontWeight: fontWeight,
textDirection: textDirection,
textAlign: textAlign,
void _requestAutofill() {
for (final TextInputControl control in _inputControls) {
void _updateEditingValue(TextEditingValue value, {TextInputControl? exclude}) {
if (_currentConnection == null) {
for (final TextInputControl control in _instance._inputControls) {
if (control != exclude) {
/// Updates the editing value of the attached input client.
/// This method should be called by the text input control implementation to
/// send editing value updates to the attached input client.
static void updateEditingValue(TextEditingValue value) {
_instance._updateEditingValue(value, exclude: _instance._currentControl);
/// Finishes the current autofill context, and potentially saves the user
/// input for future use if `shouldSave` is true.
/// Typically, this method should be called when the user has finalized their
/// input. For example, in a [Form], it's typically done immediately before or
/// after its content is submitted.
/// The topmost [AutofillGroup]s also call [finishAutofillContext]
/// automatically when they are disposed. The default behavior can be
/// overridden in [AutofillGroup.onDisposeAction].
/// {@template}
/// An autofill context is a collection of input fields that live in the
/// platform's text input plugin. The platform is encouraged to save the user
/// input stored in the current autofill context before the context is
/// destroyed, when [TextInput.finishAutofillContext] is called with
/// `shouldSave` set to true.
/// Currently, there can only be at most one autofill context at any given
/// time. When any input field in an [AutofillGroup] requests for autofill
/// (which is done automatically when an autofillable [EditableText] gains
/// focus), the current autofill context will merge the content of that
/// [AutofillGroup] into itself. When there isn't an existing autofill context,
/// one will be created to hold the newly added input fields from the group.
/// Once added to an autofill context, an input field will stay in the context
/// until the context is destroyed. To prevent leaks, call
/// [TextInput.finishAutofillContext] to signal the text input plugin that the
/// user has finalized their input in the current autofill context. The
/// platform text input plugin either encourages or discourages the platform
/// from saving the user input based on the value of the `shouldSave`
/// parameter. The platform usually shows a "Save for autofill?" prompt for
/// user confirmation.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// On many platforms, calling [finishAutofillContext] shows the save user
/// input dialog and disrupts the user's flow. Ideally the dialog should only
/// be shown no more than once for every screen. Consider removing premature
/// [finishAutofillContext] calls to prevent showing the save user input UI
/// too frequently. However, calling [finishAutofillContext] when there's no
/// existing autofill context usually does not bring up the save user input
/// UI.
/// See also:
/// * [EditableText.autofillHints] for autofill save troubleshooting tips.
/// * [AutofillGroup.onDisposeAction], a configurable action that runs when a
/// topmost [AutofillGroup] is getting disposed.
static void finishAutofillContext({ bool shouldSave = true }) {
for (final TextInputControl control in TextInput._instance._inputControls) {
control.finishAutofillContext(shouldSave: shouldSave);
/// Registers a [ScribbleClient] with [elementIdentifier] that can be focused
/// by the engine.
/// For example, the registered [ScribbleClient] list is used to respond to
/// UIIndirectScribbleInteraction on an iPad.
static void registerScribbleElement(String elementIdentifier, ScribbleClient scribbleClient) {
TextInput._instance._scribbleClients[elementIdentifier] = scribbleClient;
/// Unregisters a [ScribbleClient] with [elementIdentifier].
static void unregisterScribbleElement(String elementIdentifier) {
/// An interface for implementing text input controls that receive text editing
/// state changes and visual input control requests.
/// Editing state changes and input control requests are sent by the framework
/// when the editing state of the attached text input client changes, or it
/// requests the input control to be shown or hidden, for example.
/// The input control can be installed with [TextInput.setInputControl], and the
/// default platform text input control can be restored with
/// [TextInput.restorePlatformInputControl].
/// The [TextInputControl] class must be extended. [TextInputControl]
/// implementations should call [TextInput.updateEditingValue] to send user
/// input to the attached input client.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example illustrates a basic [TextInputControl] implementation.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/services/text_input/text_input_control.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [TextInput.setInputControl], a method to install a custom text input control.
/// * [TextInput.restorePlatformInputControl], a method to restore the default
/// platform text input control.
/// * [TextInput.updateEditingValue], a method to send user input to
/// the framework.
mixin TextInputControl {
/// Requests the text input control to attach to the given input client.
/// This method is called when a text input client is attached. The input
/// control should update its configuration to match the client's configuration.
void attach(TextInputClient client, TextInputConfiguration configuration) {}
/// Requests the text input control to detach from the given input client.
/// This method is called when a text input client is detached. The input
/// control should release any resources allocated for the client.
void detach(TextInputClient client) {}
/// Requests that the text input control is shown.
/// This method is called when the input control should become visible.
void show() {}
/// Requests that the text input control is hidden.
/// This method is called when the input control should hide.
void hide() {}
/// Informs the text input control about input configuration changes.
/// This method is called when the configuration of the attached input client
/// has changed.
void updateConfig(TextInputConfiguration configuration) {}
/// Informs the text input control about editing state changes.
/// This method is called when the editing state of the attached input client
/// has changed.
void setEditingState(TextEditingValue value) {}
/// Informs the text input control about client position changes.
/// This method is called on when the input control should position itself in
/// relation to the attached input client.
void setEditableSizeAndTransform(Size editableBoxSize, Matrix4 transform) {}
/// Informs the text input control about composing area changes.
/// This method is called when the attached input client's composing area
/// changes.
void setComposingRect(Rect rect) {}
/// Informs the text input control about caret area changes.
/// This method is called when the attached input client's caret area
/// changes.
void setCaretRect(Rect rect) {}
/// Informs the text input control about selection area changes.
/// This method is called when the attached input client's selection area
/// changes.
void setSelectionRects(List<SelectionRect> selectionRects) {}
/// Informs the text input control about text style changes.
/// This method is called on the when the attached input client's text style
/// changes.
void setStyle({
required String? fontFamily,
required double? fontSize,
required FontWeight? fontWeight,
required TextDirection textDirection,
required TextAlign textAlign,
}) {}
/// Requests autofill from the text input control.
/// This method is called when the autofill UI should appear.
void requestAutofill() {}
/// Requests that the autofill context is finalized.
/// See also:
/// * [TextInput.finishAutofillContext]
void finishAutofillContext({bool shouldSave = true}) {}
/// Provides access to the platform text input control.
class _PlatformTextInputControl with TextInputControl {
/// The shared instance of [_PlatformTextInputControl].
static final _PlatformTextInputControl instance = _PlatformTextInputControl._();
MethodChannel get _channel => TextInput._instance._channel;
Map<String, dynamic> _configurationToJson(TextInputConfiguration configuration) {
final Map<String, dynamic> json = configuration.toJson();
if (TextInput._instance._currentControl != _PlatformTextInputControl.instance) {
final Map<String, dynamic> none = TextInputType.none.toJson();
// See:
// On Web engine, use isMultiline to create <input> or <textarea> element
// When there's a custom [TextInputControl] installed.
// It's only needed When there's a custom [TextInputControl] installed.
if (kIsWeb) {
none['isMultiline'] = configuration.inputType == TextInputType.multiline;
json['inputType'] = none;
return json;
void attach(TextInputClient client, TextInputConfiguration configuration) {
void detach(TextInputClient client) {
void updateConfig(TextInputConfiguration configuration) {
void setEditingState(TextEditingValue value) {
void show() {
void hide() {
void setEditableSizeAndTransform(Size editableBoxSize, Matrix4 transform) {
<String, dynamic>{
'width': editableBoxSize.width,
'height': editableBoxSize.height,
void setComposingRect(Rect rect) {
<String, dynamic>{
'width': rect.width,
'height': rect.height,
'x': rect.left,
void setCaretRect(Rect rect) {
<String, dynamic>{
'width': rect.width,
'height': rect.height,
'x': rect.left,
void setSelectionRects(List<SelectionRect> selectionRects) {
'TextInput.setSelectionRects', rect) {
return <num>[
void setStyle({
required String? fontFamily,
required double? fontSize,
required FontWeight? fontWeight,
required TextDirection textDirection,
required TextAlign textAlign,
}) {
<String, dynamic>{
'fontFamily': fontFamily,
'fontSize': fontSize,
'fontWeightIndex': fontWeight?.index,
'textAlignIndex': textAlign.index,
'textDirectionIndex': textDirection.index,
void requestAutofill() {
void finishAutofillContext({bool shouldSave = true}) {