blob: 398098e1783e193c34bbe67b1e85042fff1c41ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import 'package:unified_analytics/unified_analytics.dart';
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/logger.dart';
import '../base/os.dart';
import '../base/platform.dart';
import '../base/utils.dart';
import '../base/version.dart';
import '../base/version_range.dart';
import '../build_info.dart';
import '../cache.dart';
import '../globals.dart' as globals;
import '../project.dart';
import '../reporting/reporting.dart';
import 'android_sdk.dart';
// These are the versions used in the project templates.
// In general, Flutter aims to default to the latest version.
// However, this currently requires to migrate existing integration tests to the latest supported values.
// Please see the README before changing any of these values.
const String templateDefaultGradleVersion = '7.5';
const String templateAndroidGradlePluginVersion = '7.3.0';
const String templateAndroidGradlePluginVersionForModule = '7.3.0';
const String templateKotlinGradlePluginVersion = '1.7.10';
// The Flutter Gradle Plugin is only applied to app projects, and modules that
// are built from source using (`include_flutter.groovy`). The remaining
// projects are: plugins, and modules compiled as AARs. In modules, the
// ephemeral directory `.android` is always regenerated after `flutter pub get`,
// so new versions are picked up after a Flutter upgrade.
// Please see the README before changing any of these values.
const String compileSdkVersion = '34';
const String minSdkVersion = '19';
const String targetSdkVersion = '33';
const String ndkVersion = '23.1.7779620';
// Update these when new major versions of Java are supported by new Gradle
// versions that we support.
// Source of truth:
const String oneMajorVersionHigherJavaVersion = '20';
// Update this when new versions of Gradle come out including minor versions
// and should correspond to the maximum Gradle version we test in CI.
// Supported here means supported by the tooling for
// flutter analyze --suggestions and does not imply broader flutter support.
const String maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion = '8.0.2';
// Update this when new versions of AGP come out.
// Supported here means tooling is aware of this version's Java <-> AGP
// compatibility.
const String maxKnownAndSupportedAgpVersion = '8.1';
// Update this when new versions of AGP come out.
const String maxKnownAgpVersion = '8.3';
// Oldest documented version of AGP that has a listed minimum
// compatible Java version.
const String oldestDocumentedJavaAgpCompatibilityVersion = '4.2';
// Constant used in [_buildAndroidGradlePluginRegExp] and
// [_settingsAndroidGradlePluginRegExp] to identify the version section.
const String _versionGroupName = 'version';
// AGP can be defined in build.gradle
// Expected content:
// "classpath ''"
// ?<version> is used to name the version group which helps with extraction.
final RegExp _buildAndroidGradlePluginRegExp =
// AGP can be defined in settings.gradle.
// Expected content:
// "id "" version "{{agpVersion}}""
// ?<version> is used to name the version group which helps with extraction.
final RegExp _settingsAndroidGradlePluginRegExp = RegExp(
multiLine: true);
// Expected content format (with lines above and below).
// Version can have 2 or 3 numbers.
// 'distributionUrl=https\://'
// '^\s*' protects against commented out lines.
final RegExp distributionUrlRegex =
RegExp(r'^\s*distributionUrl\s*=\s*.*\.zip', multiLine: true);
// Modified version of the gradle distribution url match designed to only match
// urls so that we can guarantee any modifications to the url
// still points to a hosted zip.
final RegExp gradleOrgVersionMatch =
multiLine: true
// This matches uncommented minSdkVersion lines in the module-level build.gradle
// file which have minSdkVersion 16,17, or 18 (the Jelly Bean api levels).
final RegExp jellyBeanMinSdkVersionMatch =
RegExp(r'(?<=^\s*)minSdkVersion 1[678](?=\s*(?://|$))', multiLine: true);
// From
const String gradleVersionFlag = r'--version';
// Directory under android/ that gradle uses to store gradle information.
// Regularly used with [gradleWrapperDirectory] and
// [gradleWrapperPropertiesFilename].
// Different from the directory of gradle files stored in
// `_cache.getArtifactDirectory('gradle_wrapper')`
const String gradleDirectoryName = 'gradle';
const String gradleWrapperDirectoryName = 'wrapper';
const String gradleWrapperPropertiesFilename = '';
/// Provides utilities to run a Gradle task, such as finding the Gradle executable
/// or constructing a Gradle project.
class GradleUtils {
required Platform platform,
required Logger logger,
required Cache cache,
required OperatingSystemUtils operatingSystemUtils,
}) : _platform = platform,
_logger = logger,
_cache = cache,
_operatingSystemUtils = operatingSystemUtils;
final Cache _cache;
final Platform _platform;
final Logger _logger;
final OperatingSystemUtils _operatingSystemUtils;
/// Gets the Gradle executable path and prepares the Gradle project.
/// This is the `gradlew` or `gradlew.bat` script in the `android/` directory.
String getExecutable(FlutterProject project) {
final Directory androidDir =;
final File gradle = androidDir.childFile(getGradlewFileName(_platform));
if (gradle.existsSync()) {
_logger.printTrace('Using gradle from ${gradle.absolute.path}.');
// If the Gradle executable doesn't have execute permission,
// then attempt to set it.
return gradle.absolute.path;
'Unable to locate gradlew script. Please check that ${gradle.path} '
'exists or that ${gradle.dirname} can be read.');
/// Injects the Gradle wrapper files if any of these files don't exist in [directory].
void injectGradleWrapperIfNeeded(Directory directory) {
shouldCopyFile: (File sourceFile, File destinationFile) {
// Don't override the existing files in the project.
return !destinationFile.existsSync();
onFileCopied: (File source, File dest) {
// Add the `` file if it doesn't exist.
final Directory propertiesDirectory = directory
final File propertiesFile =
if (propertiesFile.existsSync()) {
propertiesDirectory.createSync(recursive: true);
final String gradleVersion =
getGradleVersionForAndroidPlugin(directory, _logger);
final String propertyContents = '''
/// Returns the Gradle version that the current Android plugin depends on when found,
/// otherwise it returns a default version.
/// The Android plugin version is specified in the [build.gradle] file within
/// the project's Android directory.
String getGradleVersionForAndroidPlugin(Directory directory, Logger logger) {
final File buildFile = directory.childFile('build.gradle');
if (!buildFile.existsSync()) {
"$buildFile doesn't exist, assuming Gradle version: $templateDefaultGradleVersion");
return templateDefaultGradleVersion;
final String buildFileContent = buildFile.readAsStringSync();
final Iterable<Match> pluginMatches = _buildAndroidGradlePluginRegExp.allMatches(buildFileContent);
if (pluginMatches.isEmpty) {
logger.printTrace("$buildFile doesn't provide an AGP version, assuming Gradle version: $templateDefaultGradleVersion");
return templateDefaultGradleVersion;
final String? androidPluginVersion =;
logger.printTrace('$buildFile provides AGP version: $androidPluginVersion');
return getGradleVersionFor(androidPluginVersion ?? 'unknown');
/// Returns the gradle file from the top level directory.
/// The returned file is not guaranteed to be present.
File getGradleWrapperFile(Directory directory) {
return directory.childDirectory(gradleDirectoryName)
/// Parses the gradle wrapper distribution url to return a string containing
/// the version number.
/// Expected input is of the form '', and the output
/// would be of the form '7.4.2'.
String? parseGradleVersionFromDistributionUrl(String? distributionUrl) {
if (distributionUrl == null) {
return null;
final List<String> zipParts = distributionUrl.split('-');
if (zipParts.length < 2) {
return null;
return zipParts[1];
/// Returns either the value from the passed in
/// [directory] or if not present the version available in local path.
/// If gradle version is not found null is returned.
/// [directory] should be an android directory with a build.gradle file.
Future<String?> getGradleVersion(
Directory directory, Logger logger, ProcessManager processManager) async {
final File propertiesFile = getGradleWrapperFile(directory);
if (propertiesFile.existsSync()) {
final String wrapperFileContent = propertiesFile.readAsStringSync();
final RegExpMatch? distributionUrl =
if (distributionUrl != null) {
final String? gradleVersion =
if (gradleVersion != null) {
return gradleVersion;
} else {
// Did not find gradle zip url. Likely this is a bug in our parsing.
} else {
// If no distributionUrl log then treat as if there was no propertiesFile.
'$propertiesFile does not provide a Gradle version falling back to system gradle.');
} else {
// Could not find properties file.
'$propertiesFile does not exist falling back to system gradle');
// System installed Gradle version.
if (processManager.canRun('gradle')) {
final String gradleVersionVerbose =
(await<String>['gradle', gradleVersionFlag])).stdout
as String;
// Expected format:
Gradle 7.6
Build time: 2022-11-25 13:35:10 UTC
Revision: daece9dbc5b79370cc8e4fd6fe4b2cd400e150a8
Kotlin: 1.7.10
Groovy: 3.0.13
Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.11 compiled on July 10 2021
JVM: 17.0.6 (Homebrew 17.0.6+0)
OS: Mac OS X 13.2.1 aarch64
// Observation shows that the version can have 2 or 3 numbers.
// Inner parentheticals `(\.\d+)?` denote the optional third value.
// Outer parentheticals `Gradle (...)` denote a grouping used to extract
// the version number.
final RegExp gradleVersionRegex = RegExp(r'Gradle\s+(\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?)');
final RegExpMatch? version =
if (version == null) {
// Most likely a bug in our parse implementation/regex.
return null;
} else {
logger.printTrace('Could not run system gradle');
return null;
/// Returns the Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) version that the current project
/// depends on when found, null otherwise.
/// The Android plugin version is specified in the [build.gradle] or
/// [settings.gradle] file within the project's
/// Android directory ([androidDirectory]).
String? getAgpVersion(Directory androidDirectory, Logger logger) {
final File buildFile = androidDirectory.childFile('build.gradle');
if (!buildFile.existsSync()) {
logger.printTrace('Can not find build.gradle in $androidDirectory');
return null;
final String buildFileContent = buildFile.readAsStringSync();
final RegExpMatch? buildMatch =
if (buildMatch != null) {
final String? androidPluginVersion =
logger.printTrace('$buildFile provides AGP version: $androidPluginVersion');
return androidPluginVersion;
"$buildFile doesn't provide an AGP version. Checking settings.");
final File settingsFile = androidDirectory.childFile('settings.gradle');
if (!settingsFile.existsSync()) {
logger.printTrace('$settingsFile does not exist.');
return null;
final String settingsFileContent = settingsFile.readAsStringSync();
final RegExpMatch? settingsMatch =
if (settingsMatch != null) {
final String? androidPluginVersion =
'$settingsFile provides AGP version: $androidPluginVersion');
return androidPluginVersion;
logger.printTrace("$settingsFile doesn't provide an AGP version.");
return null;
String _formatParseWarning(String content) {
return 'Could not parse gradle version from: \n'
'$content \n'
'If there is a version please look for an existing bug '
' and if one does not exist file a new issue.';
// Validate that Gradle version and AGP are compatible with each other.
// Returns true if versions are compatible.
// Null Gradle version or AGP version returns false.
// If compatibility can not be evaluated returns false.
// If versions are newer than the max known version a warning is logged and true
// returned.
// Source of truth found here:
// AGP has a minimum version of gradle required but no max starting at
// AGP version 2.3.0+.
bool validateGradleAndAgp(Logger logger,
{required String? gradleV, required String? agpV}) {
const String oldestSupportedAgpVersion = '3.3.0';
const String oldestSupportedGradleVersion = '4.10.1';
if (gradleV == null || agpV == null) {
.printTrace('Gradle version or AGP version unknown ($gradleV, $agpV).');
return false;
// First check if versions are too old.
if (isWithinVersionRange(agpV,
min: '0.0', max: oldestSupportedAgpVersion, inclusiveMax: false)) {
logger.printTrace('AGP Version: $agpV is too old.');
return false;
if (isWithinVersionRange(gradleV,
min: '0.0', max: oldestSupportedGradleVersion, inclusiveMax: false)) {
logger.printTrace('Gradle Version: $gradleV is too old.');
return false;
// Check highest supported version before checking unknown versions.
if (isWithinVersionRange(agpV, min: '8.0', max: maxKnownAndSupportedAgpVersion)) {
return isWithinVersionRange(gradleV,
min: '8.0', max: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion);
// Check if versions are newer than the max known versions.
if (isWithinVersionRange(agpV,
min: maxKnownAndSupportedAgpVersion, max: '100.100')) {
// Assume versions we do not know about are valid but log.
final bool validGradle =
isWithinVersionRange(gradleV, min: '8.0', max: '100.00');
logger.printTrace('Newer than known AGP version ($agpV), gradle ($gradleV).'
'\n Treating as valid configuration.');
return validGradle;
// Begin Known Gradle <-> AGP validation.
// Max agp here is a made up version to contain all 7.4 changes.
if (isWithinVersionRange(agpV, min: '7.4', max: '7.5')) {
return isWithinVersionRange(gradleV,
min: '7.5', max: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion);
if (isWithinVersionRange(agpV,
min: '7.3', max: '7.4', inclusiveMax: false)) {
return isWithinVersionRange(gradleV,
min: '7.4', max: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion);
if (isWithinVersionRange(agpV,
min: '7.2', max: '7.3', inclusiveMax: false)) {
return isWithinVersionRange(gradleV,
min: '7.3.3', max: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion);
if (isWithinVersionRange(agpV,
min: '7.1', max: '7.2', inclusiveMax: false)) {
return isWithinVersionRange(gradleV,
min: '7.2', max: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion);
if (isWithinVersionRange(agpV,
min: '7.0', max: '7.1', inclusiveMax: false)) {
return isWithinVersionRange(gradleV,
min: '7.0', max: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion);
if (isWithinVersionRange(agpV,
min: '4.2.0', max: '7.0', inclusiveMax: false)) {
return isWithinVersionRange(gradleV,
min: '6.7.1', max: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion);
if (isWithinVersionRange(agpV,
min: '4.1.0', max: '4.2.0', inclusiveMax: false)) {
return isWithinVersionRange(gradleV,
min: '6.5', max: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion);
if (isWithinVersionRange(agpV,
min: '4.0.0', max: '4.1.0', inclusiveMax: false)) {
return isWithinVersionRange(gradleV,
min: '6.1.1', max: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion);
if (isWithinVersionRange(
min: '3.6.0',
max: '3.6.4',
)) {
return isWithinVersionRange(gradleV,
min: '5.6.4', max: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion);
if (isWithinVersionRange(
min: '3.5.0',
max: '3.5.4',
)) {
return isWithinVersionRange(gradleV,
min: '5.4.1', max: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion);
if (isWithinVersionRange(
min: '3.4.0',
max: '3.4.3',
)) {
return isWithinVersionRange(gradleV,
min: '5.1.1', max: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion);
if (isWithinVersionRange(
min: '3.3.0',
max: '3.3.3',
)) {
return isWithinVersionRange(gradleV,
min: '4.10.1', max: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion);
logger.printTrace('Unknown Gradle-Agp compatibility, $gradleV, $agpV');
return false;
/// Validate that the [javaVersion] and Gradle version are compatible with
/// each other.
/// Source of truth:
bool validateJavaAndGradle(Logger logger,
{required String? javaV, required String? gradleV}) {
const String oldestSupportedJavaVersion = '1.8';
const String oldestDocumentedJavaGradleCompatibility = '2.0';
// Begin Java <-> Gradle validation.
if (javaV == null || gradleV == null) {
'Java version or Gradle version unknown ($javaV, $gradleV).');
return false;
// First check if versions are too old.
if (isWithinVersionRange(javaV,
min: '1.1', max: oldestSupportedJavaVersion, inclusiveMax: false)) {
logger.printTrace('Java Version: $javaV is too old.');
return false;
if (isWithinVersionRange(gradleV,
min: '0.0', max: oldestDocumentedJavaGradleCompatibility, inclusiveMax: false)) {
logger.printTrace('Gradle Version: $gradleV is too old.');
return false;
// Check if versions are newer than the max supported versions.
if (isWithinVersionRange(
min: oneMajorVersionHigherJavaVersion,
max: '100.100',
)) {
// Assume versions Java versions newer than [maxSupportedJavaVersion]
// required a higher gradle version.
final bool validGradle = isWithinVersionRange(gradleV,
min: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion, max: '100.00');
'Newer than known valid Java version ($javaV), gradle ($gradleV).'
'\n Treating as valid configuration.');
return validGradle;
// Begin known Java <-> Gradle evaluation.
for (final JavaGradleCompat data in _javaGradleCompatList) {
if (isWithinVersionRange(javaV, min: data.javaMin, max: data.javaMax, inclusiveMax: false)) {
return isWithinVersionRange(gradleV, min: data.gradleMin, max: data.gradleMax);
logger.printTrace('Unknown Java-Gradle compatibility $javaV, $gradleV');
return false;
/// Returns compatibility information for the valid range of Gradle versions for
/// the specified Java version.
/// Returns null when the tooling has not documented the compatibile Gradle
/// versions for the Java version (either the version is too old or too new). If
/// this seems like a mistake, the caller may need to update the
/// [_javaGradleCompatList] detailing Java/Gradle compatibility.
JavaGradleCompat? getValidGradleVersionRangeForJavaVersion(
Logger logger, {
required String javaV,
}) {
for (final JavaGradleCompat data in _javaGradleCompatList) {
if (isWithinVersionRange(javaV, min: data.javaMin, max: data.javaMax, inclusiveMax: false)) {
return data;
logger.printTrace('Unable to determine valid Gradle version range for Java version $javaV.');
return null;
/// Validate that the specified Java and Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) versions are
/// compatible with each other.
/// Returns true when the specified Java and AGP versions are
/// definitely compatible; otherwise, false is assumed by default. In addition,
/// this will return false when either a null Java or AGP version is provided.
/// Source of truth are the AGP release notes:
bool validateJavaAndAgp(Logger logger,
{required String? javaV, required String? agpV}) {
if (javaV == null || agpV == null) {
'Java version or AGP version unknown ($javaV, $agpV).');
return false;
// Check if AGP version is too old to perform validation.
if (isWithinVersionRange(agpV,
min: '1.0', max: oldestDocumentedJavaAgpCompatibilityVersion, inclusiveMax: false)) {
logger.printTrace('AGP Version: $agpV is too old to determine Java compatibility.');
return false;
if (isWithinVersionRange(agpV,
min: maxKnownAndSupportedAgpVersion, max: '100.100', inclusiveMin: false)) {
logger.printTrace('AGP Version: $agpV is too new to determine Java compatibility.');
return false;
// Begin known Java <-> AGP evaluation.
for (final JavaAgpCompat data in _javaAgpCompatList) {
if (isWithinVersionRange(agpV, min: data.agpMin, max: data.agpMax)) {
return isWithinVersionRange(javaV, min: data.javaMin, max: '100.100');
logger.printTrace('Unknown Java-AGP compatibility $javaV, $agpV');
return false;
/// Returns compatibility information concerning the minimum AGP
/// version for the specified Java version.
JavaAgpCompat? getMinimumAgpVersionForJavaVersion(Logger logger,
{required String javaV}) {
for (final JavaAgpCompat data in _javaAgpCompatList) {
if (isWithinVersionRange(javaV, min: data.javaMin, max: '100.100')) {
return data;
logger.printTrace('Unable to determine minimum AGP version for specified Java version.');
return null;
/// Returns valid Java range for specified Gradle and AGP verisons.
/// Assumes that gradleV and agpV are compatible versions.
VersionRange getJavaVersionFor({required String gradleV, required String agpV}) {
// Find minimum Java version based on AGP compatibility.
String? minJavaVersion;
for (final JavaAgpCompat data in _javaAgpCompatList) {
if (isWithinVersionRange(agpV, min: data.agpMin, max: data.agpMax)) {
minJavaVersion = data.javaMin;
// Find maximum Java version based on Gradle compatibility.
String? maxJavaVersion;
for (final JavaGradleCompat data in _javaGradleCompatList.reversed) {
if (isWithinVersionRange(gradleV, min: data.gradleMin, max: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion)) {
maxJavaVersion = data.javaMax;
return VersionRange(minJavaVersion, maxJavaVersion);
/// Returns the Gradle version that is required by the given Android Gradle plugin version
/// by picking the largest compatible version from
String getGradleVersionFor(String androidPluginVersion) {
final List<GradleForAgp> compatList = <GradleForAgp> [
GradleForAgp(agpMin: '1.0.0', agpMax: '1.1.3', minRequiredGradle: '2.3'),
GradleForAgp(agpMin: '1.2.0', agpMax: '1.3.1', minRequiredGradle: '2.9'),
GradleForAgp(agpMin: '1.5.0', agpMax: '1.5.0', minRequiredGradle: '2.2.1'),
GradleForAgp(agpMin: '2.0.0', agpMax: '2.1.2', minRequiredGradle: '2.13'),
GradleForAgp(agpMin: '2.1.3', agpMax: '2.2.3', minRequiredGradle: '2.14.1'),
GradleForAgp(agpMin: '2.3.0', agpMax: '2.9.9', minRequiredGradle: '3.3'),
GradleForAgp(agpMin: '3.0.0', agpMax: '3.0.9', minRequiredGradle: '4.1'),
GradleForAgp(agpMin: '3.1.0', agpMax: '3.1.9', minRequiredGradle: '4.4'),
GradleForAgp(agpMin: '3.2.0', agpMax: '3.2.1', minRequiredGradle: '4.6'),
GradleForAgp(agpMin: '3.3.0', agpMax: '3.3.2', minRequiredGradle: '4.10.2'),
GradleForAgp(agpMin: '3.4.0', agpMax: '3.5.0', minRequiredGradle: '5.6.2'),
GradleForAgp(agpMin: '4.0.0', agpMax: '4.1.0', minRequiredGradle: '6.7'),
// 7.5 is a made up value to include everything through 7.4.*
GradleForAgp(agpMin: '7.0.0', agpMax: '7.5', minRequiredGradle: '7.5'),
GradleForAgp(agpMin: '7.5.0', agpMax: '100.100', minRequiredGradle: '8.0'),
// Assume if AGP is newer than this code know about return the highest gradle
// version we know about.
GradleForAgp(agpMin: maxKnownAgpVersion, agpMax: maxKnownAgpVersion, minRequiredGradle: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion),
for (final GradleForAgp data in compatList) {
if (isWithinVersionRange(androidPluginVersion, min: data.agpMin, max: data.agpMax)) {
return data.minRequiredGradle;
if (isWithinVersionRange(androidPluginVersion, min: maxKnownAgpVersion, max: '100.100')) {
return maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion;
throwToolExit('Unsupported Android Plugin version: $androidPluginVersion.');
/// Overwrite in the specified Flutter project's Android
/// sub-project, if needed.
/// If [requireAndroidSdk] is true (the default) and no Android SDK is found,
/// this will fail with a [ToolExit].
void updateLocalProperties({
required FlutterProject project,
BuildInfo? buildInfo,
bool requireAndroidSdk = true,
}) {
if (requireAndroidSdk && globals.androidSdk == null) {
final File localProperties =;
bool changed = false;
SettingsFile settings;
if (localProperties.existsSync()) {
settings = SettingsFile.parseFromFile(localProperties);
} else {
settings = SettingsFile();
changed = true;
void changeIfNecessary(String key, String? value) {
if (settings.values[key] == value) {
if (value == null) {
} else {
settings.values[key] = value;
changed = true;
final AndroidSdk? androidSdk = globals.androidSdk;
if (androidSdk != null) {
changeIfNecessary('sdk.dir', globals.fsUtils.escapePath(;
changeIfNecessary('flutter.sdk', globals.fsUtils.escapePath(Cache.flutterRoot!));
if (buildInfo != null) {
changeIfNecessary('flutter.buildMode', buildInfo.modeName);
final String? buildName = validatedBuildNameForPlatform(
buildInfo.buildName ?? project.manifest.buildName,
changeIfNecessary('flutter.versionName', buildName);
final String? buildNumber = validatedBuildNumberForPlatform(
buildInfo.buildNumber ?? project.manifest.buildNumber,
changeIfNecessary('flutter.versionCode', buildNumber);
if (changed) {
/// Writes standard Android local properties to the specified [properties] file.
/// Writes the path to the Android SDK, if known.
void writeLocalProperties(File properties) {
final SettingsFile settings = SettingsFile();
final AndroidSdk? androidSdk = globals.androidSdk;
if (androidSdk != null) {
settings.values['sdk.dir'] = globals.fsUtils.escapePath(;
void exitWithNoSdkMessage() {
type: 'gradle',
eventError: 'android-sdk-not-found',
flutterUsage: globals.flutterUsage)
label: 'unsupported-project',
buildType: 'gradle',
error: 'android-sdk-not-found',
throwToolExit('${globals.logger.terminal.warningMark} No Android SDK found. '
'Try setting the ANDROID_HOME environment variable.');
// Data class to hold normal/defined Java <-> Gradle compatability criteria.
// The [javaMax] is exclusive in terms of supporting the noted [gradleMin],
// whereas [javaMin] is inclusive.
class JavaGradleCompat {
const JavaGradleCompat({
required this.javaMin,
required this.javaMax,
required this.gradleMin,
required this.gradleMax,
final String javaMin;
final String javaMax;
final String gradleMin;
final String gradleMax;
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is JavaGradleCompat &&
other.javaMin == javaMin &&
other.javaMax == javaMax &&
other.gradleMin == gradleMin &&
other.gradleMax == gradleMax;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(javaMin, javaMax, gradleMin, gradleMax);
// Data class to hold defined Java <-> AGP compatibility criteria.
// The [agpMin] and [agpMax] are inclusive in terms of having the
// noted [javaMin] and [javaDefault] versions.
class JavaAgpCompat {
const JavaAgpCompat({
required this.javaMin,
required this.javaDefault,
required this.agpMin,
required this.agpMax,
final String javaMin;
final String javaDefault;
final String agpMin;
final String agpMax;
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is JavaAgpCompat &&
other.javaMin == javaMin &&
other.javaDefault == javaDefault &&
other.agpMin == agpMin &&
other.agpMax == agpMax;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(javaMin, javaDefault, agpMin, agpMax);
class GradleForAgp {
required this.agpMin,
required this.agpMax,
required this.minRequiredGradle,
final String agpMin;
final String agpMax;
final String minRequiredGradle;
// Returns gradlew file name based on the platform.
String getGradlewFileName(Platform platform) {
if (platform.isWindows) {
return 'gradlew.bat';
} else {
return 'gradlew';
/// List of compatible Java/Gradle versions.
/// Should be updated when a new version of Java is supported by a new version
/// of Gradle, as
/// details.
List<JavaGradleCompat> _javaGradleCompatList = const <JavaGradleCompat>[
javaMin: '19',
javaMax: '20',
gradleMin: '7.6',
gradleMax: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion,
javaMin: '18',
javaMax: '19',
gradleMin: '7.5',
gradleMax: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion,
javaMin: '17',
javaMax: '18',
gradleMin: '7.3',
gradleMax: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion,
javaMin: '16',
javaMax: '17',
gradleMin: '7.0',
gradleMax: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion,
javaMin: '15',
javaMax: '16',
gradleMin: '6.7',
gradleMax: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion,
javaMin: '14',
javaMax: '15',
gradleMin: '6.3',
gradleMax: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion,
javaMin: '13',
javaMax: '14',
gradleMin: '6.0',
gradleMax: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion,
javaMin: '12',
javaMax: '13',
gradleMin: '5.4',
gradleMax: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion,
javaMin: '11',
javaMax: '12',
gradleMin: '5.0',
gradleMax: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion,
// 1.11 is a made up java version to cover everything in 1.10.*
javaMin: '1.10',
javaMax: '1.11',
gradleMin: '4.7',
gradleMax: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion,
javaMin: '1.9',
javaMax: '1.10',
gradleMin: '4.3',
gradleMax: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion,
javaMin: '1.8',
javaMax: '1.9',
gradleMin: '2.0',
gradleMax: maxKnownAndSupportedGradleVersion,
// List of compatible Java/AGP versions, where agpMax versions are inclusive.
// Should be updated whenever a new version of AGP is released as
// details.
List<JavaAgpCompat> _javaAgpCompatList = const <JavaAgpCompat>[
javaMin: '17',
javaDefault: '17',
agpMin: '8.0',
agpMax: maxKnownAndSupportedAgpVersion,
javaMin: '11',
javaDefault: '11',
agpMin: '7.0',
agpMax: '7.4',
// You may use JDK 1.7 with AGP 4.2, but we treat 1.8 as the default since
// it is used by default for this AGP version and lower versions of Java
// are deprecated for executing Gradle.
javaMin: '1.8',
javaDefault: '1.8',
agpMin: '4.2',
agpMax: '4.2',