blob: 9462cbd43c863750cd07815474df9612e68560b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:file/file.dart' show File;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart' show visibleForTesting;
import 'context.dart';
import 'git.dart';
import 'globals.dart';
import 'proto/conductor_state.pb.dart' as pb;
import 'proto/conductor_state.pbenum.dart';
import 'repository.dart';
import 'state.dart' as state_import;
const String kStateOption = 'state-file';
const String kYesFlag = 'yes';
/// Command to proceed from one [pb.ReleasePhase] to the next.
/// After `conductor start`, the rest of the release steps are initiated by the
/// user via `conductor next`. Thus this command's behavior is conditional upon
/// which phase of the release the user is currently in. This is implemented
/// with a switch case statement.
class NextCommand extends Command<void> {
required this.checkouts,
}) {
final String defaultPath = state_import.defaultStateFilePath(checkouts.platform);
defaultsTo: defaultPath,
help: 'Path to persistent state file. Defaults to $defaultPath',
help: 'Auto-accept any confirmation prompts.',
hide: true, // primarily for integration testing
help: 'Force push when updating remote git branches.',
final Checkouts checkouts;
String get name => 'next';
String get description => 'Proceed to the next release phase.';
Future<void> run() async {
final File stateFile = checkouts.fileSystem.file(argResults![kStateOption]);
if (!stateFile.existsSync()) {
throw ConductorException(
'No persistent state file found at ${stateFile.path}.',
final pb.ConductorState state = state_import.readStateFromFile(stateFile);
await NextContext(
autoAccept: argResults![kYesFlag] as bool,
checkouts: checkouts,
force: argResults![kForceFlag] as bool,
stateFile: stateFile,
/// Utility class for proceeding to the next step in a release.
/// Any calls to functions that cause side effects are wrapped in methods to
/// allow overriding in unit tests.
class NextContext extends Context {
const NextContext({
required this.autoAccept,
required this.force,
required super.checkouts,
required super.stateFile,
final bool autoAccept;
final bool force;
Future<void> run(pb.ConductorState state) async {
const List<CherrypickState> finishedStates = <CherrypickState>[
switch (state.currentPhase) {
final Remote upstream = Remote(
name: RemoteName.upstream,
url: state.engine.upstream.url,
final EngineRepository engine = EngineRepository(
initialRef: state.engine.workingBranch,
upstreamRemote: upstream,
previousCheckoutLocation: state.engine.checkoutPath,
if (!state_import.requiresEnginePR(state)) {
'This release has no engine cherrypicks. No Engine PR is necessary.\n',
final List<pb.Cherrypick> unappliedCherrypicks = <pb.Cherrypick>[];
for (final pb.Cherrypick cherrypick in state.engine.cherrypicks) {
if (!finishedStates.contains(cherrypick.state)) {
if (unappliedCherrypicks.isEmpty) {
stdio.printStatus('All engine cherrypicks have been auto-applied by the conductor.\n');
} else {
if (unappliedCherrypicks.length == 1) {
stdio.printStatus('There was ${unappliedCherrypicks.length} cherrypick that was not auto-applied.');
} else {
stdio.printStatus('There were ${unappliedCherrypicks.length} cherrypicks that were not auto-applied.');
stdio.printStatus('These must be applied manually in the directory '
'${state.engine.checkoutPath} before proceeding.\n');
if (autoAccept == false) {
final bool response = await prompt(
'Are you ready to push your engine branch to the repository '
if (!response) {
stdio.printError('Aborting command.');
updateState(state, stdio.logs);
await pushWorkingBranch(engine, state.engine);
'You must validate pre-submit CI for your engine PR, merge it, and codesign',
'binaries before proceeding.\n',
if (autoAccept == false) {
// TODO(fujino): actually test if binaries have been codesigned on macOS
final bool response = await prompt(
'Has CI passed for the engine PR and binaries been codesigned?',
if (!response) {
stdio.printError('Aborting command.');
updateState(state, stdio.logs);
final Remote engineUpstreamRemote = Remote(
name: RemoteName.upstream,
url: state.engine.upstream.url,
final EngineRepository engine = EngineRepository(
// We explicitly want to check out the merged version from upstream
initialRef: '${}/${state.engine.candidateBranch}',
upstreamRemote: engineUpstreamRemote,
previousCheckoutLocation: state.engine.checkoutPath,
final String engineRevision = await engine.reverseParse('HEAD');
final Remote upstream = Remote(
name: RemoteName.upstream,
url: state.framework.upstream.url,
final FrameworkRepository framework = FrameworkRepository(
initialRef: state.framework.workingBranch,
upstreamRemote: upstream,
previousCheckoutLocation: state.framework.checkoutPath,
stdio.printStatus('Writing candidate branch...');
bool needsCommit = await framework.updateCandidateBranchVersion(state.framework.candidateBranch);
if (needsCommit) {
final String revision = await framework.commit(
'Create candidate branch version ${state.framework.candidateBranch} for ${state.releaseChannel}',
addFirst: true,
// append to list of cherrypicks so we know a PR is required
appliedRevision: revision,
state: pb.CherrypickState.COMPLETED,
stdio.printStatus('Rolling new engine hash $engineRevision to framework checkout...');
needsCommit = await framework.updateEngineRevision(engineRevision);
if (needsCommit) {
final String revision = await framework.commit(
'Update Engine revision to $engineRevision for ${state.releaseChannel} release ${state.releaseVersion}',
addFirst: true,
// append to list of cherrypicks so we know a PR is required
appliedRevision: revision,
state: pb.CherrypickState.COMPLETED,
final List<pb.Cherrypick> unappliedCherrypicks = <pb.Cherrypick>[];
for (final pb.Cherrypick cherrypick in state.framework.cherrypicks) {
if (!finishedStates.contains(cherrypick.state)) {
if (state.framework.cherrypicks.isEmpty) {
'This release has no framework cherrypicks. However, a framework PR is still\n'
'required to roll engine cherrypicks.',
} else if (unappliedCherrypicks.isEmpty) {
stdio.printStatus('All framework cherrypicks were auto-applied by the conductor.');
} else {
if (unappliedCherrypicks.length == 1) {
stdio.printStatus('There was ${unappliedCherrypicks.length} cherrypick that was not auto-applied.',);
else {
stdio.printStatus('There were ${unappliedCherrypicks.length} cherrypicks that were not auto-applied.',);
'These must be applied manually in the directory '
'${state.framework.checkoutPath} before proceeding.\n',
if (autoAccept == false) {
final bool response = await prompt(
'Are you ready to push your framework branch to the repository '
if (!response) {
stdio.printError('Aborting command.');
updateState(state, stdio.logs);
await pushWorkingBranch(framework, state.framework);
case pb.ReleasePhase.PUBLISH_VERSION:
stdio.printStatus('Please ensure that you have merged your framework PR and that');
stdio.printStatus('post-submit CI has finished successfully.\n');
final Remote frameworkUpstream = Remote(
name: RemoteName.upstream,
url: state.framework.upstream.url,
final FrameworkRepository framework = FrameworkRepository(
// We explicitly want to check out the merged version from upstream
initialRef: '${}/${state.framework.candidateBranch}',
upstreamRemote: frameworkUpstream,
previousCheckoutLocation: state.framework.checkoutPath,
final String frameworkHead = await framework.reverseParse('HEAD');
final Remote engineUpstream = Remote(
name: RemoteName.upstream,
url: state.engine.upstream.url,
final EngineRepository engine = EngineRepository(
// We explicitly want to check out the merged version from upstream
initialRef: '${}/${state.engine.candidateBranch}',
upstreamRemote: engineUpstream,
previousCheckoutLocation: state.engine.checkoutPath,
final String engineHead = await engine.reverseParse('HEAD');
if (autoAccept == false) {
final bool response = await prompt(
'Are you ready to tag commit $frameworkHead as ${state.releaseVersion}\n'
'and push to remote ${state.framework.upstream.url}?',
if (!response) {
stdio.printError('Aborting command.');
updateState(state, stdio.logs);
await framework.tag(frameworkHead, state.releaseVersion,;
await engine.tag(engineHead, state.releaseVersion,;
case pb.ReleasePhase.PUBLISH_CHANNEL:
final Remote upstream = Remote(
name: RemoteName.upstream,
url: state.framework.upstream.url,
final FrameworkRepository framework = FrameworkRepository(
// We explicitly want to check out the merged version from upstream
initialRef: '${}/${state.framework.candidateBranch}',
upstreamRemote: upstream,
previousCheckoutLocation: state.framework.checkoutPath,
final String headRevision = await framework.reverseParse('HEAD');
if (autoAccept == false) {
// dryRun: true means print out git command
await framework.pushRef(
fromRef: headRevision,
toRef: state.releaseChannel,
remote: state.framework.upstream.url,
force: force,
dryRun: true,
final bool response = await prompt(
'Are you ready to publish version ${state.releaseVersion} to ${state.releaseChannel}?',
if (!response) {
stdio.printError('Aborting command.');
updateState(state, stdio.logs);
await framework.pushRef(
fromRef: headRevision,
toRef: state.releaseChannel,
remote: state.framework.upstream.url,
force: force,
case pb.ReleasePhase.VERIFY_RELEASE:
'The current status of packaging builds can be seen at:\n'
if (autoAccept == false) {
final bool response = await prompt(
'Have all packaging builds finished successfully and post release announcements been completed?');
if (!response) {
stdio.printError('Aborting command.');
updateState(state, stdio.logs);
case pb.ReleasePhase.RELEASE_COMPLETED:
throw ConductorException('This release is finished.');
final ReleasePhase nextPhase = state_import.getNextPhase(state.currentPhase);
stdio.printStatus('\nUpdating phase from ${state.currentPhase} to $nextPhase...\n');
state.currentPhase = nextPhase;
updateState(state, stdio.logs);
/// Push the working branch to the user's mirror.
/// [repository] represents the actual Git repository on disk, and is used to
/// call `git push`, while [pbRepository] represents the user-specified
/// configuration for the repository, and is used to read the name of the
/// working branch and the mirror's remote name.
/// May throw either a [ConductorException] if the user already has a branch
/// of the same name on their mirror, or a [GitException] for any other
/// failures from the underlying git process call.
Future<void> pushWorkingBranch(Repository repository, pb.Repository pbRepository) async {
try {
await repository.pushRef(
fromRef: 'HEAD',
// Explicitly create new branch
toRef: 'refs/heads/${pbRepository.workingBranch}',
force: force,
} on GitException catch (exception) {
if (exception.type == GitExceptionType.PushRejected && force == false) {
throw ConductorException(
'Push failed because the working branch named '
'${pbRepository.workingBranch} already exists on your mirror. '
'Re-run this command with --force to overwrite the remote branch.\n'