blob: 070e47f0dd966b7c9dfe8b64d9beeb3046bfd647 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'progress_indicator.dart';
import 'theme.dart';
// The over-scroll distance that moves the indicator to its maximum
// displacement, as a percentage of the scrollable's container extent.
const double _kDragContainerExtentPercentage = 0.25;
// How much the scroll's drag gesture can overshoot the RefreshIndicator's
// displacement; max displacement = _kDragSizeFactorLimit * displacement.
const double _kDragSizeFactorLimit = 1.5;
// When the scroll ends, the duration of the refresh indicator's animation
// to the RefreshIndicator's displacement.
const Duration _kIndicatorSnapDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 150);
// The duration of the ScaleTransition that starts when the refresh action
// has completed.
const Duration _kIndicatorScaleDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 200);
/// The signature for a function that's called when the user has dragged a
/// [RefreshIndicator] far enough to demonstrate that they want the app to
/// refresh. The returned [Future] must complete when the refresh operation is
/// finished.
/// Used by [RefreshIndicator.onRefresh].
typedef RefreshCallback = Future<Null> Function();
// The state machine moves through these modes only when the scrollable
// identified by scrollableKey has been scrolled to its min or max limit.
enum _RefreshIndicatorMode {
drag, // Pointer is down.
armed, // Dragged far enough that an up event will run the onRefresh callback.
snap, // Animating to the indicator's final "displacement".
refresh, // Running the refresh callback.
done, // Animating the indicator's fade-out after refreshing.
canceled, // Animating the indicator's fade-out after not arming.
/// A widget that supports the Material "swipe to refresh" idiom.
/// When the child's [Scrollable] descendant overscrolls, an animated circular
/// progress indicator is faded into view. When the scroll ends, if the
/// indicator has been dragged far enough for it to become completely opaque,
/// the [onRefresh] callback is called. The callback is expected to update the
/// scrollable's contents and then complete the [Future] it returns. The refresh
/// indicator disappears after the callback's [Future] has completed.
/// If the [Scrollable] might not have enough content to overscroll, consider
/// settings its `physics` property to [AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics]:
/// ```dart
/// new ListView(
/// physics: const AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics(),
/// children: ...
// )
/// ```
/// Using [AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics] will ensure that the scroll view is
/// always scrollable and, therefore, can trigger the [RefreshIndicator].
/// A [RefreshIndicator] can only be used with a vertical scroll view.
/// See also:
/// * <>
/// * [RefreshIndicatorState], can be used to programmatically show the refresh indicator.
/// * [RefreshProgressIndicator], widget used by [RefreshIndicator] to show
/// the inner circular progress spinner during refreshes.
/// * [CupertinoRefreshControl], an iOS equivalent of the pull-to-refresh pattern.
/// Must be used as a sliver inside a [CustomScrollView] instead of wrapping
/// around a [ScrollView] because it's a part of the scrollable instead of
/// being overlaid on top of it.
class RefreshIndicator extends StatefulWidget {
/// Creates a refresh indicator.
/// The [onRefresh], [child], and [notificationPredicate] arguments must be
/// non-null. The default
/// [displacement] is 40.0 logical pixels.
const RefreshIndicator({
Key key,
@required this.child,
this.displacement = 40.0,
@required this.onRefresh,
this.notificationPredicate = defaultScrollNotificationPredicate,
}) : assert(child != null),
assert(onRefresh != null),
assert(notificationPredicate != null),
super(key: key);
/// The widget below this widget in the tree.
/// The refresh indicator will be stacked on top of this child. The indicator
/// will appear when child's Scrollable descendant is over-scrolled.
/// Typically a [ListView] or [CustomScrollView].
final Widget child;
/// The distance from the child's top or bottom edge to where the refresh
/// indicator will settle. During the drag that exposes the refresh indicator,
/// its actual displacement may significantly exceed this value.
final double displacement;
/// A function that's called when the user has dragged the refresh indicator
/// far enough to demonstrate that they want the app to refresh. The returned
/// [Future] must complete when the refresh operation is finished.
final RefreshCallback onRefresh;
/// The progress indicator's foreground color. The current theme's
/// [ThemeData.accentColor] by default.
final Color color;
/// The progress indicator's background color. The current theme's
/// [ThemeData.canvasColor] by default.
final Color backgroundColor;
/// A check that specifies whether a [ScrollNotification] should be
/// handled by this widget.
/// By default, checks whether `notification.depth == 0`. Set it to something
/// else for more complicated layouts.
final ScrollNotificationPredicate notificationPredicate;
RefreshIndicatorState createState() => new RefreshIndicatorState();
/// Contains the state for a [RefreshIndicator]. This class can be used to
/// programmatically show the refresh indicator, see the [show] method.
class RefreshIndicatorState extends State<RefreshIndicator> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
AnimationController _positionController;
AnimationController _scaleController;
Animation<double> _positionFactor;
Animation<double> _scaleFactor;
Animation<double> _value;
Animation<Color> _valueColor;
_RefreshIndicatorMode _mode;
Future<Null> _pendingRefreshFuture;
bool _isIndicatorAtTop;
double _dragOffset;
void initState() {
_positionController = new AnimationController(vsync: this);
_positionFactor = new Tween<double>(
begin: 0.0,
end: _kDragSizeFactorLimit,
_value = new Tween<double>( // The "value" of the circular progress indicator during a drag.
begin: 0.0,
end: 0.75,
_scaleController = new AnimationController(vsync: this);
_scaleFactor = new Tween<double>(
begin: 1.0,
end: 0.0,
void didChangeDependencies() {
final ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context);
_valueColor = new ColorTween(
begin: (widget.color ?? theme.accentColor).withOpacity(0.0),
end: (widget.color ?? theme.accentColor).withOpacity(1.0)
).animate(new CurvedAnimation(
parent: _positionController,
curve: const Interval(0.0, 1.0 / _kDragSizeFactorLimit)
void dispose() {
bool _handleScrollNotification(ScrollNotification notification) {
if (!widget.notificationPredicate(notification))
return false;
if (notification is ScrollStartNotification && notification.metrics.extentBefore == 0.0 &&
_mode == null && _start(notification.metrics.axisDirection)) {
setState(() {
_mode = _RefreshIndicatorMode.drag;
return false;
bool indicatorAtTopNow;
switch (notification.metrics.axisDirection) {
case AxisDirection.down:
indicatorAtTopNow = true;
case AxisDirection.up:
indicatorAtTopNow = false;
case AxisDirection.left:
case AxisDirection.right:
indicatorAtTopNow = null;
if (indicatorAtTopNow != _isIndicatorAtTop) {
if (_mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.drag || _mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.armed)
} else if (notification is ScrollUpdateNotification) {
if (_mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.drag || _mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.armed) {
if (notification.metrics.extentBefore > 0.0) {
} else {
_dragOffset -= notification.scrollDelta;
if (_mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.armed && notification.dragDetails == null) {
// On iOS start the refresh when the Scrollable bounces back from the
// overscroll (ScrollNotification indicating this don't have dragDetails
// because the scroll activity is not directly triggered by a drag).
} else if (notification is OverscrollNotification) {
if (_mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.drag || _mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.armed) {
_dragOffset -= notification.overscroll / 2.0;
} else if (notification is ScrollEndNotification) {
switch (_mode) {
case _RefreshIndicatorMode.armed:
case _RefreshIndicatorMode.drag:
// do nothing
return false;
bool _handleGlowNotification(OverscrollIndicatorNotification notification) {
if (notification.depth != 0 || !notification.leading)
return false;
if (_mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.drag) {
return true;
return false;
bool _start(AxisDirection direction) {
assert(_mode == null);
assert(_isIndicatorAtTop == null);
assert(_dragOffset == null);
switch (direction) {
case AxisDirection.down:
_isIndicatorAtTop = true;
case AxisDirection.up:
_isIndicatorAtTop = false;
case AxisDirection.left:
case AxisDirection.right:
_isIndicatorAtTop = null;
// we do not support horizontal scroll views.
return false;
_dragOffset = 0.0;
_scaleController.value = 0.0;
_positionController.value = 0.0;
return true;
void _checkDragOffset(double containerExtent) {
assert(_mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.drag || _mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.armed);
double newValue = _dragOffset / (containerExtent * _kDragContainerExtentPercentage);
if (_mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.armed)
newValue = math.max(newValue, 1.0 / _kDragSizeFactorLimit);
_positionController.value = newValue.clamp(0.0, 1.0); // this triggers various rebuilds
if (_mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.drag && _valueColor.value.alpha == 0xFF)
_mode = _RefreshIndicatorMode.armed;
// Stop showing the refresh indicator.
Future<Null> _dismiss(_RefreshIndicatorMode newMode) async {
// This can only be called from _show() when refreshing and
// _handleScrollNotification in response to a ScrollEndNotification or
// direction change.
assert(newMode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.canceled || newMode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.done);
setState(() {
_mode = newMode;
switch (_mode) {
case _RefreshIndicatorMode.done:
await _scaleController.animateTo(1.0, duration: _kIndicatorScaleDuration);
case _RefreshIndicatorMode.canceled:
await _positionController.animateTo(0.0, duration: _kIndicatorScaleDuration);
if (mounted && _mode == newMode) {
_dragOffset = null;
_isIndicatorAtTop = null;
setState(() {
_mode = null;
void _show() {
assert(_mode != _RefreshIndicatorMode.refresh);
assert(_mode != _RefreshIndicatorMode.snap);
final Completer<Null> completer = new Completer<Null>();
_pendingRefreshFuture = completer.future;
_mode = _RefreshIndicatorMode.snap;
.animateTo(1.0 / _kDragSizeFactorLimit, duration: _kIndicatorSnapDuration)
.then<void>((Null value) {
if (mounted && _mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.snap) {
assert(widget.onRefresh != null);
setState(() {
// Show the indeterminate progress indicator.
_mode = _RefreshIndicatorMode.refresh;
final Future<Null> refreshResult = widget.onRefresh();
assert(() {
if (refreshResult == null)
FlutterError.reportError(new FlutterErrorDetails(
exception: new FlutterError(
'The onRefresh callback returned null.\n'
'The RefreshIndicator onRefresh callback must return a Future.'
context: 'when calling onRefresh',
library: 'material library',
return true;
if (refreshResult == null)
refreshResult.whenComplete(() {
if (mounted && _mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.refresh) {
/// Show the refresh indicator and run the refresh callback as if it had
/// been started interactively. If this method is called while the refresh
/// callback is running, it quietly does nothing.
/// Creating the [RefreshIndicator] with a [GlobalKey<RefreshIndicatorState>]
/// makes it possible to refer to the [RefreshIndicatorState].
/// The future returned from this method completes when the
/// [RefreshIndicator.onRefresh] callback's future completes.
/// If you await the future returned by this function from a [State], you
/// should check that the state is still [mounted] before calling [setState].
/// When initiated in this manner, the refresh indicator is independent of any
/// actual scroll view. It defaults to showing the indicator at the top. To
/// show it at the bottom, set `atTop` to false.
Future<Null> show({ bool atTop = true }) {
if (_mode != _RefreshIndicatorMode.refresh &&
_mode != _RefreshIndicatorMode.snap) {
if (_mode == null)
_start(atTop ? AxisDirection.down : AxisDirection.up);
return _pendingRefreshFuture;
final GlobalKey _key = new GlobalKey();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final Widget child = new NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
key: _key,
onNotification: _handleScrollNotification,
child: new NotificationListener<OverscrollIndicatorNotification>(
onNotification: _handleGlowNotification,
child: widget.child,
if (_mode == null) {
assert(_dragOffset == null);
assert(_isIndicatorAtTop == null);
return child;
assert(_dragOffset != null);
assert(_isIndicatorAtTop != null);
final bool showIndeterminateIndicator =
_mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.refresh || _mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.done;
return new Stack(
children: <Widget>[
new Positioned(
top: _isIndicatorAtTop ? 0.0 : null,
bottom: !_isIndicatorAtTop ? 0.0 : null,
left: 0.0,
right: 0.0,
child: new SizeTransition(
axisAlignment: _isIndicatorAtTop ? 1.0 : -1.0,
sizeFactor: _positionFactor, // this is what brings it down
child: new Container(
padding: _isIndicatorAtTop
? new EdgeInsets.only(top: widget.displacement)
: new EdgeInsets.only(bottom: widget.displacement),
alignment: _isIndicatorAtTop
? Alignment.topCenter
: Alignment.bottomCenter,
child: new ScaleTransition(
scale: _scaleFactor,
child: new AnimatedBuilder(
animation: _positionController,
builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) {
return new RefreshProgressIndicator(
value: showIndeterminateIndicator ? null : _value.value,
valueColor: _valueColor,
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor,