blob: 07acce4079468e1154456aa15a58dc2bea81e4b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart' show RendererBinding, SemanticsHandle;
import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import '../common/error.dart';
import '../common/find.dart';
import '../common/frame_sync.dart';
import '../common/gesture.dart';
import '../common/health.dart';
import '../common/message.dart';
import '../common/render_tree.dart';
import '../common/request_data.dart';
import '../common/semantics.dart';
import '../common/text.dart';
const String _extensionMethodName = 'driver';
const String _extensionMethod = 'ext.flutter.$_extensionMethodName';
/// Signature for the handler passed to [enableFlutterDriverExtension].
/// Messages are described in string form and should return a [Future] which
/// eventually completes to a string response.
typedef DataHandler = Future<String> Function(String message);
class _DriverBinding extends BindingBase with ServicesBinding, SchedulerBinding, GestureBinding, PaintingBinding, RendererBinding, WidgetsBinding {
final DataHandler _handler;
void initServiceExtensions() {
final FlutterDriverExtension extension = new FlutterDriverExtension(_handler);
name: _extensionMethodName,
/// Enables Flutter Driver VM service extension.
/// This extension is required for tests that use `package:flutter_driver` to
/// drive applications from a separate process.
/// Call this function prior to running your application, e.g. before you call
/// `runApp`.
/// Optionally you can pass a [DataHandler] callback. It will be called if the
/// test calls [FlutterDriver.requestData].
void enableFlutterDriverExtension({ DataHandler handler }) {
assert(WidgetsBinding.instance == null);
new _DriverBinding(handler);
assert(WidgetsBinding.instance is _DriverBinding);
/// Signature for functions that handle a command and return a result.
typedef CommandHandlerCallback = Future<Result> Function(Command c);
/// Signature for functions that deserialize a JSON map to a command object.
typedef CommandDeserializerCallback = Command Function(Map<String, String> params);
/// Signature for functions that run the given finder and return the [Element]
/// found, if any, or null otherwise.
typedef FinderConstructor = Finder Function(SerializableFinder finder);
/// The class that manages communication between a Flutter Driver test and the
/// application being remote-controlled, on the application side.
/// This is not normally used directly. It is instantiated automatically when
/// calling [enableFlutterDriverExtension].
class FlutterDriverExtension {
final TestTextInput _testTextInput = new TestTextInput();
/// Creates an object to manage a Flutter Driver connection.
FlutterDriverExtension(this._requestDataHandler) {
_commandHandlers.addAll(<String, CommandHandlerCallback>{
'get_health': _getHealth,
'get_render_tree': _getRenderTree,
'enter_text': _enterText,
'get_text': _getText,
'request_data': _requestData,
'scroll': _scroll,
'scrollIntoView': _scrollIntoView,
'set_frame_sync': _setFrameSync,
'set_semantics': _setSemantics,
'set_text_entry_emulation': _setTextEntryEmulation,
'tap': _tap,
'waitFor': _waitFor,
'waitForAbsent': _waitForAbsent,
'waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks': _waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks,
_commandDeserializers.addAll(<String, CommandDeserializerCallback>{
'get_health': (Map<String, String> params) => new GetHealth.deserialize(params),
'get_render_tree': (Map<String, String> params) => new GetRenderTree.deserialize(params),
'enter_text': (Map<String, String> params) => new EnterText.deserialize(params),
'get_text': (Map<String, String> params) => new GetText.deserialize(params),
'request_data': (Map<String, String> params) => new RequestData.deserialize(params),
'scroll': (Map<String, String> params) => new Scroll.deserialize(params),
'scrollIntoView': (Map<String, String> params) => new ScrollIntoView.deserialize(params),
'set_frame_sync': (Map<String, String> params) => new SetFrameSync.deserialize(params),
'set_semantics': (Map<String, String> params) => new SetSemantics.deserialize(params),
'set_text_entry_emulation': (Map<String, String> params) => new SetTextEntryEmulation.deserialize(params),
'tap': (Map<String, String> params) => new Tap.deserialize(params),
'waitFor': (Map<String, String> params) => new WaitFor.deserialize(params),
'waitForAbsent': (Map<String, String> params) => new WaitForAbsent.deserialize(params),
'waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks': (Map<String, String> params) => new WaitUntilNoTransientCallbacks.deserialize(params),
_finders.addAll(<String, FinderConstructor>{
'ByText': (SerializableFinder finder) => _createByTextFinder(finder),
'ByTooltipMessage': (SerializableFinder finder) => _createByTooltipMessageFinder(finder),
'ByValueKey': (SerializableFinder finder) => _createByValueKeyFinder(finder),
'ByType': (SerializableFinder finder) => _createByTypeFinder(finder),
final DataHandler _requestDataHandler;
static final Logger _log = new Logger('FlutterDriverExtension');
final WidgetController _prober = new WidgetController(WidgetsBinding.instance);
final Map<String, CommandHandlerCallback> _commandHandlers = <String, CommandHandlerCallback>{};
final Map<String, CommandDeserializerCallback> _commandDeserializers = <String, CommandDeserializerCallback>{};
final Map<String, FinderConstructor> _finders = <String, FinderConstructor>{};
/// With [_frameSync] enabled, Flutter Driver will wait to perform an action
/// until there are no pending frames in the app under test.
bool _frameSync = true;
/// Processes a driver command configured by [params] and returns a result
/// as an arbitrary JSON object.
/// [params] must contain key "command" whose value is a string that
/// identifies the kind of the command and its corresponding
/// [CommandDeserializerCallback]. Other keys and values are specific to the
/// concrete implementation of [Command] and [CommandDeserializerCallback].
/// The returned JSON is command specific. Generally the caller deserializes
/// the result into a subclass of [Result], but that's not strictly required.
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> call(Map<String, String> params) async {
final String commandKind = params['command'];
try {
final CommandHandlerCallback commandHandler = _commandHandlers[commandKind];
final CommandDeserializerCallback commandDeserializer =
if (commandHandler == null || commandDeserializer == null)
throw 'Extension $_extensionMethod does not support command $commandKind';
final Command command = commandDeserializer(params);
final Result response = await commandHandler(command).timeout(command.timeout);
return _makeResponse(response?.toJson());
} on TimeoutException catch (error, stackTrace) {
final String msg = 'Timeout while executing $commandKind: $error\n$stackTrace';
return _makeResponse(msg, isError: true);
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
final String msg = 'Uncaught extension error while executing $commandKind: $error\n$stackTrace';
return _makeResponse(msg, isError: true);
Map<String, dynamic> _makeResponse(dynamic response, {bool isError = false}) {
return <String, dynamic>{
'isError': isError,
'response': response,
Future<Health> _getHealth(Command command) async => new Health(HealthStatus.ok);
Future<RenderTree> _getRenderTree(Command command) async {
return new RenderTree(RendererBinding.instance?.renderView?.toStringDeep());
// Waits until at the end of a frame the provided [condition] is [true].
Future<Null> _waitUntilFrame(bool condition(), [Completer<Null> completer]) {
completer ??= new Completer<Null>();
if (!condition()) {
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((Duration timestamp) {
_waitUntilFrame(condition, completer);
} else {
return completer.future;
/// Runs `finder` repeatedly until it finds one or more [Element]s.
Future<Finder> _waitForElement(Finder finder) async {
// TODO(mravn): This method depends on async execution. A refactoring
// for sync-async semantics is tracked in
await new Future<void>.value(null);
if (_frameSync)
await _waitUntilFrame(() => SchedulerBinding.instance.transientCallbackCount == 0);
await _waitUntilFrame(() => finder.evaluate().isNotEmpty);
if (_frameSync)
await _waitUntilFrame(() => SchedulerBinding.instance.transientCallbackCount == 0);
return finder;
/// Runs `finder` repeatedly until it finds zero [Element]s.
Future<Finder> _waitForAbsentElement(Finder finder) async {
if (_frameSync)
await _waitUntilFrame(() => SchedulerBinding.instance.transientCallbackCount == 0);
await _waitUntilFrame(() => finder.evaluate().isEmpty);
if (_frameSync)
await _waitUntilFrame(() => SchedulerBinding.instance.transientCallbackCount == 0);
return finder;
Finder _createByTextFinder(ByText arguments) {
return find.text(arguments.text);
Finder _createByTooltipMessageFinder(ByTooltipMessage arguments) {
return find.byElementPredicate((Element element) {
final Widget widget = element.widget;
if (widget is Tooltip)
return widget.message == arguments.text;
return false;
}, description: 'widget with text tooltip "${arguments.text}"');
Finder _createByValueKeyFinder(ByValueKey arguments) {
switch (arguments.keyValueType) {
case 'int':
return find.byKey(new ValueKey<int>(arguments.keyValue));
case 'String':
return find.byKey(new ValueKey<String>(arguments.keyValue));
throw 'Unsupported ByValueKey type: ${arguments.keyValueType}';
Finder _createByTypeFinder(ByType arguments) {
return find.byElementPredicate((Element element) {
return element.widget.runtimeType.toString() == arguments.type;
}, description: 'widget with runtimeType "${arguments.type}"');
Finder _createFinder(SerializableFinder finder) {
final FinderConstructor constructor = _finders[finder.finderType];
if (constructor == null)
throw 'Unsupported finder type: ${finder.finderType}';
return constructor(finder);
Future<TapResult> _tap(Command command) async {
final Tap tapCommand = command;
final Finder computedFinder = await _waitForElement(
await _prober.tap(computedFinder);
return new TapResult();
Future<WaitForResult> _waitFor(Command command) async {
final WaitFor waitForCommand = command;
await _waitForElement(_createFinder(waitForCommand.finder));
return new WaitForResult();
Future<WaitForAbsentResult> _waitForAbsent(Command command) async {
final WaitForAbsent waitForAbsentCommand = command;
await _waitForAbsentElement(_createFinder(waitForAbsentCommand.finder));
return new WaitForAbsentResult();
Future<Null> _waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(Command command) async {
if (SchedulerBinding.instance.transientCallbackCount != 0)
await _waitUntilFrame(() => SchedulerBinding.instance.transientCallbackCount == 0);
Future<ScrollResult> _scroll(Command command) async {
final Scroll scrollCommand = command;
final Finder target = await _waitForElement(_createFinder(scrollCommand.finder));
final int totalMoves = scrollCommand.duration.inMicroseconds * scrollCommand.frequency ~/ Duration.microsecondsPerSecond;
final Offset delta = new Offset(scrollCommand.dx, scrollCommand.dy) / totalMoves.toDouble();
final Duration pause = scrollCommand.duration ~/ totalMoves;
final Offset startLocation = _prober.getCenter(target);
Offset currentLocation = startLocation;
final TestPointer pointer = new TestPointer(1);
final HitTestResult hitTest = new HitTestResult();
_prober.binding.hitTest(hitTest, startLocation);
_prober.binding.dispatchEvent(pointer.down(startLocation), hitTest);
await new Future<Null>.value(); // so that down and move don't happen in the same microtask
for (int moves = 0; moves < totalMoves; moves += 1) {
currentLocation = currentLocation + delta;
_prober.binding.dispatchEvent(pointer.move(currentLocation), hitTest);
await new Future<Null>.delayed(pause);
_prober.binding.dispatchEvent(pointer.up(), hitTest);
return new ScrollResult();
Future<ScrollResult> _scrollIntoView(Command command) async {
final ScrollIntoView scrollIntoViewCommand = command;
final Finder target = await _waitForElement(_createFinder(scrollIntoViewCommand.finder));
await Scrollable.ensureVisible(target.evaluate().single, duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 100), alignment: scrollIntoViewCommand.alignment ?? 0.0);
return new ScrollResult();
Future<GetTextResult> _getText(Command command) async {
final GetText getTextCommand = command;
final Finder target = await _waitForElement(_createFinder(getTextCommand.finder));
// TODO(yjbanov): support more ways to read text
final Text text = target.evaluate().single.widget;
return new GetTextResult(;
Future<SetTextEntryEmulationResult> _setTextEntryEmulation(Command command) async {
final SetTextEntryEmulation setTextEntryEmulationCommand = command;
if (setTextEntryEmulationCommand.enabled) {
} else {
return new SetTextEntryEmulationResult();
Future<EnterTextResult> _enterText(Command command) async {
if (!_testTextInput.isRegistered) {
throw 'Unable to fulfill `FlutterDriver.enterText`. Text emulation is '
'disabled. You can enable it using `FlutterDriver.setTextEntryEmulation`.';
final EnterText enterTextCommand = command;
return new EnterTextResult();
Future<RequestDataResult> _requestData(Command command) async {
final RequestData requestDataCommand = command;
return new RequestDataResult(_requestDataHandler == null ? 'No requestData Extension registered' : await _requestDataHandler(requestDataCommand.message));
Future<SetFrameSyncResult> _setFrameSync(Command command) async {
final SetFrameSync setFrameSyncCommand = command;
_frameSync = setFrameSyncCommand.enabled;
return new SetFrameSyncResult();
SemanticsHandle _semantics;
bool get _semanticsIsEnabled => RendererBinding.instance.pipelineOwner.semanticsOwner != null;
Future<SetSemanticsResult> _setSemantics(Command command) async {
final SetSemantics setSemanticsCommand = command;
final bool semanticsWasEnabled = _semanticsIsEnabled;
if (setSemanticsCommand.enabled && _semantics == null) {
_semantics = RendererBinding.instance.pipelineOwner.ensureSemantics();
if (!semanticsWasEnabled) {
// wait for the first frame where semantics is enabled.
final Completer<Null> completer = new Completer<Null>();
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((Duration d) {
await completer.future;
} else if (!setSemanticsCommand.enabled && _semantics != null) {
_semantics = null;
return new SetSemanticsResult(semanticsWasEnabled != _semanticsIsEnabled);