blob: 9e937f4ffcbe7912922c71faa484519584e502d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' as convert;
import 'package:json_schema/json_schema.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'base/file_system.dart';
import 'base/utils.dart';
import 'cache.dart';
import 'globals.dart';
final RegExp _versionPattern = RegExp(r'^(\d+)(\.(\d+)(\.(\d+))?)?(\+(\d+))?$');
/// A wrapper around the `flutter` section in the `pubspec.yaml` file.
class FlutterManifest {
/// Returns an empty manifest.
static FlutterManifest empty() {
final FlutterManifest manifest = FlutterManifest._();
manifest._descriptor = const <String, dynamic>{};
manifest._flutterDescriptor = const <String, dynamic>{};
return manifest;
/// Returns null on invalid manifest. Returns empty manifest on missing file.
static Future<FlutterManifest> createFromPath(String path) async {
if (path == null || !fs.isFileSync(path))
return _createFromYaml(null);
final String manifest = await fs.file(path).readAsString();
return createFromString(manifest);
/// Returns null on missing or invalid manifest
static Future<FlutterManifest> createFromString(String manifest) async {
return _createFromYaml(loadYaml(manifest));
static Future<FlutterManifest> _createFromYaml(dynamic yamlDocument) async {
final FlutterManifest pubspec = FlutterManifest._();
if (yamlDocument != null && !await _validate(yamlDocument))
return null;
final Map<dynamic, dynamic> yamlMap = yamlDocument;
if (yamlMap != null) {
pubspec._descriptor = yamlMap.cast<String, dynamic>();
} else {
pubspec._descriptor = <String, dynamic>{};
final Map<dynamic, dynamic> flutterMap = pubspec._descriptor['flutter'];
if (flutterMap != null) {
pubspec._flutterDescriptor = flutterMap.cast<String, dynamic>();
} else {
pubspec._flutterDescriptor = <String, dynamic>{};
return pubspec;
/// A map representation of the entire `pubspec.yaml` file.
Map<String, dynamic> _descriptor;
/// A map representation of the `flutter` section in the `pubspec.yaml` file.
Map<String, dynamic> _flutterDescriptor;
/// True if the `pubspec.yaml` file does not exist.
bool get isEmpty => _descriptor.isEmpty;
/// The string value of the top-level `name` property in the `pubspec.yaml` file.
String get appName => _descriptor['name'] ?? '';
/// The version String from the `pubspec.yaml` file.
/// Can be null if it isn't set or has a wrong format.
String get appVersion {
final String version = _descriptor['version']?.toString();
if (version != null && _versionPattern.hasMatch(version))
return version;
return null;
/// The build version name from the `pubspec.yaml` file.
/// Can be null if version isn't set or has a wrong format.
String get buildName {
if (appVersion != null && appVersion.contains('+'))
return appVersion.split('+')?.elementAt(0);
return appVersion;
/// The build version number from the `pubspec.yaml` file.
/// Can be null if version isn't set or has a wrong format.
int get buildNumber {
if (appVersion != null && appVersion.contains('+')) {
final String value = appVersion.split('+')?.elementAt(1);
return value == null ? null : int.tryParse(value);
} else {
return null;
bool get usesMaterialDesign {
return _flutterDescriptor['uses-material-design'] ?? false;
/// True if this manifest declares a Flutter module project.
/// A Flutter project is considered a module when it has a `module:`
/// descriptor. A Flutter module project supports integration into an
/// existing host app.
/// Such a project can be created using `flutter create -t module`.
bool get isModule => _flutterDescriptor.containsKey('module');
/// True if this manifest declares a Flutter plugin project.
/// A Flutter project is considered a plugin when it has a `plugin:`
/// descriptor. A Flutter plugin project wraps custom Android and/or
/// iOS code in a Dart interface for consumption by other Flutter app
/// projects.
/// Such a project can be created using `flutter create -t plugin`.
bool get isPlugin => _flutterDescriptor.containsKey('plugin');
/// Returns the Android package declared by this manifest in its
/// module or plugin descriptor. Returns null, if there is no
/// such declaration.
String get androidPackage {
if (isModule)
return _flutterDescriptor['module']['androidPackage'];
if (isPlugin)
return _flutterDescriptor['plugin']['androidPackage'];
return null;
/// Returns the iOS bundle identifier declared by this manifest in its
/// module descriptor. Returns null, if there is no such declaration.
String get iosBundleIdentifier {
if (isModule)
return _flutterDescriptor['module']['iosBundleIdentifier'];
return null;
List<Map<String, dynamic>> get fontsDescriptor {
final List<dynamic> fontList = _flutterDescriptor['fonts'];
return fontList == null
? const <Map<String, dynamic>>[]
:<Map<String, dynamic>>(castStringKeyedMap).toList();
List<Uri> get assets {
final List<dynamic> assets = _flutterDescriptor['assets'];
if (assets == null) {
return const <Uri>[];
return assets
List<Font> _fonts;
List<Font> get fonts {
_fonts ??= _extractFonts();
return _fonts;
List<Font> _extractFonts() {
if (!_flutterDescriptor.containsKey('fonts'))
return <Font>[];
final List<Font> fonts = <Font>[];
for (Map<String, dynamic> fontFamily in fontsDescriptor) {
final List<dynamic> fontFiles = fontFamily['fonts'];
final String familyName = fontFamily['family'];
if (familyName == null) {
printError('Warning: Missing family name for font.', emphasis: true);
if (fontFiles == null) {
printError('Warning: No fonts specified for font $familyName', emphasis: true);
final List<FontAsset> fontAssets = <FontAsset>[];
for (Map<dynamic, dynamic> fontFile in fontFiles) {
final String asset = fontFile['asset'];
if (asset == null) {
printError('Warning: Missing asset in fonts for $familyName', emphasis: true);
weight: fontFile['weight'],
style: fontFile['style'],
if (fontAssets.isNotEmpty)
fonts.add(Font(fontFamily['family'], fontAssets));
return fonts;
class Font {
Font(this.familyName, this.fontAssets)
: assert(familyName != null),
assert(fontAssets != null),
final String familyName;
final List<FontAsset> fontAssets;
Map<String, dynamic> get descriptor {
return <String, dynamic>{
'family': familyName,
'fonts': a) => a.descriptor).toList(),
String toString() => '$runtimeType(family: $familyName, assets: $fontAssets)';
class FontAsset {
FontAsset(this.assetUri, {this.weight,})
: assert(assetUri != null);
final Uri assetUri;
final int weight;
final String style;
Map<String, dynamic> get descriptor {
final Map<String, dynamic> descriptor = <String, dynamic>{};
if (weight != null)
descriptor['weight'] = weight;
if (style != null)
descriptor['style'] = style;
descriptor['asset'] = assetUri.path;
return descriptor;
String toString() => '$runtimeType(asset: ${assetUri.path}, weight; $weight, style: $style)';
String buildSchemaDir(FileSystem fs) {
return fs.path.join(
fs.path.absolute(Cache.flutterRoot), 'packages', 'flutter_tools', 'schema',
String buildSchemaPath(FileSystem fs) {
return fs.path.join(
Future<bool> _validate(dynamic manifest) async {
final String schemaPath = buildSchemaPath(fs);
final String schemaData = fs.file(schemaPath).readAsStringSync();
final Schema schema = await Schema.createSchema(
final Validator validator = Validator(schema);
if (validator.validate(manifest)) {
return true;
} else {
printStatus('Error detected in pubspec.yaml:', emphasis: true);
return false;