blob: b30b736bc339a35a65e37426d06a2d7271d58f61 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/local.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:platform/platform.dart';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
// If you are here trying to figure out how to use golden files in the Flutter
// repo itself, consider reading this wiki page:
const String _kFlutterRootKey = 'FLUTTER_ROOT';
const String _kGoldctlKey = 'GOLDCTL';
const String _kTestBrowserKey = 'FLUTTER_TEST_BROWSER';
const String _kWebRendererKey = 'FLUTTER_WEB_RENDERER';
/// Exception thrown when an error is returned from the [SkiaClient].
class SkiaException implements Exception {
/// Creates a new `SkiaException` with a required error [message].
const SkiaException(this.message);
/// A message describing the error.
final String message;
/// Returns a description of the Skia exception.
/// The description always contains the [message].
String toString() => 'SkiaException: $message';
/// A client for uploading image tests and making baseline requests to the
/// Flutter Gold Dashboard.
class SkiaGoldClient {
/// Creates a [SkiaGoldClient] with the given [workDirectory].
/// All other parameters are optional. They may be provided in tests to
/// override the defaults for [fs], [process], [platform], and [httpClient].
this.workDirectory, {
this.fs = const LocalFileSystem(),
this.process = const LocalProcessManager(),
this.platform = const LocalPlatform(),
io.HttpClient? httpClient,
}) : httpClient = httpClient ?? io.HttpClient();
/// The file system to use for storing the local clone of the repository.
/// This is useful in tests, where a local file system (the default) can be
/// replaced by a memory file system.
final FileSystem fs;
/// A wrapper for the [dart:io.Platform] API.
/// This is useful in tests, where the system platform (the default) can be
/// replaced by a mock platform instance.
final Platform platform;
/// A controller for launching sub-processes.
/// This is useful in tests, where the real process manager (the default) can
/// be replaced by a mock process manager that doesn't really create
/// sub-processes.
final ProcessManager process;
/// A client for making Http requests to the Flutter Gold dashboard.
final io.HttpClient httpClient;
/// The local [Directory] within the [comparisonRoot] for the current test
/// context. In this directory, the client will create image and JSON files
/// for the goldctl tool to use.
/// This is informed by the [FlutterGoldenFileComparator] [basedir]. It cannot
/// be null.
final Directory workDirectory;
/// The local [Directory] where the Flutter repository is hosted.
/// Uses the [fs] file system.
Directory get _flutterRoot =>[_kFlutterRootKey]);
/// The path to the local [Directory] where the goldctl tool is hosted.
/// Uses the [platform] environment in this implementation.
String get _goldctl => platform.environment[_kGoldctlKey]!;
/// Prepares the local work space for golden file testing and calls the
/// goldctl `auth` command.
/// This ensures that the goldctl tool is authorized and ready for testing.
/// Used by the [FlutterPostSubmitFileComparator] and the
/// [FlutterPreSubmitFileComparator].
Future<void> auth() async {
if (await clientIsAuthorized()) {
final List<String> authCommand = <String>[
'--work-dir', workDirectory
final io.ProcessResult result = await;
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer()
..writeln('Skia Gold authorization failed.')
..writeln('Luci environments authenticate using the file provided '
'by LUCI_CONTEXT. There may be an error with this file or Gold '
..writeln('Debug information for Gold --------------------------------')
..writeln('stdout: ${result.stdout}')
..writeln('stderr: ${result.stderr}');
throw SkiaException(buf.toString());
/// Signals if this client is initialized for uploading images to the Gold
/// service.
/// Since Flutter framework tests are executed in parallel, and in random
/// order, this will signal is this instance of the Gold client has been
/// initialized.
bool _initialized = false;
/// Executes the `imgtest init` command in the goldctl tool.
/// The `imgtest` command collects and uploads test results to the Skia Gold
/// backend, the `init` argument initializes the current test. Used by the
/// [FlutterPostSubmitFileComparator].
Future<void> imgtestInit() async {
// This client has already been initialized
if (_initialized) {
final File keys = workDirectory.childFile('keys.json');
final File failures = workDirectory.childFile('failures.json');
await keys.writeAsString(_getKeysJSON());
await failures.create();
final String commitHash = await _getCurrentCommit();
final List<String> imgtestInitCommand = <String>[
'imgtest', 'init',
'--instance', 'flutter',
'--work-dir', workDirectory
'--commit', commitHash,
'--keys-file', keys.path,
'--failure-file', failures.path,
if (imgtestInitCommand.contains(null)) {
final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer()
..writeln('A null argument was provided for Skia Gold imgtest init.')
..writeln('Please confirm the settings of your golden file test.')
..writeln('Arguments provided:');
throw SkiaException(buf.toString());
final io.ProcessResult result = await;
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
_initialized = false;
final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer()
..writeln('Skia Gold imgtest init failed.')
..writeln('An error occurred when initializing golden file test with ')
..writeln('Debug information for Gold --------------------------------')
..writeln('stdout: ${result.stdout}')
..writeln('stderr: ${result.stderr}');
throw SkiaException(buf.toString());
_initialized = true;
/// Executes the `imgtest add` command in the goldctl tool.
/// The `imgtest` command collects and uploads test results to the Skia Gold
/// backend, the `add` argument uploads the current image test. A response is
/// returned from the invocation of this command that indicates a pass or fail
/// result.
/// The [testName] and [goldenFile] parameters reference the current
/// comparison being evaluated by the [FlutterPostSubmitFileComparator].
Future<bool> imgtestAdd(String testName, File goldenFile) async {
final List<String> imgtestCommand = <String>[
'imgtest', 'add',
'--work-dir', workDirectory
'--test-name', cleanTestName(testName),
'--png-file', goldenFile.path,
final io.ProcessResult result = await;
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
// If an unapproved image has made it to post-submit, throw to close the
// tree.
String? resultContents;
final File resultFile = workDirectory.childFile(fs.path.join(
if(await resultFile.exists()) {
resultContents = await resultFile.readAsString();
final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer()
..writeln('Skia Gold received an unapproved image in post-submit ')
..writeln('testing. Golden file images in flutter/flutter are triaged ')
..writeln('in pre-submit during code review for the given PR.')
..writeln('Visit to view and approve ')
..writeln('the image(s), or revert the associated change. For more ')
..writeln('information, visit the wiki: ')
..writeln('Debug information for Gold --------------------------------')
..writeln('stdout: ${result.stdout}')
..writeln('stderr: ${result.stderr}')
..writeln('result-state.json: ${resultContents ?? 'No result file found.'}');
throw SkiaException(buf.toString());
return true;
/// Signals if this client is initialized for uploading tryjobs to the Gold
/// service.
/// Since Flutter framework tests are executed in parallel, and in random
/// order, this will signal is this instance of the Gold client has been
/// initialized for tryjobs.
bool _tryjobInitialized = false;
/// Executes the `imgtest init` command in the goldctl tool for tryjobs.
/// The `imgtest` command collects and uploads test results to the Skia Gold
/// backend, the `init` argument initializes the current tryjob. Used by the
/// [FlutterPreSubmitFileComparator].
Future<void> tryjobInit() async {
// This client has already been initialized
if (_tryjobInitialized) {
final File keys = workDirectory.childFile('keys.json');
final File failures = workDirectory.childFile('failures.json');
await keys.writeAsString(_getKeysJSON());
await failures.create();
final String commitHash = await _getCurrentCommit();
final List<String> imgtestInitCommand = <String>[
'imgtest', 'init',
'--instance', 'flutter',
'--work-dir', workDirectory
'--commit', commitHash,
'--keys-file', keys.path,
'--failure-file', failures.path,
'--crs', 'github',
'--patchset_id', commitHash,
if (imgtestInitCommand.contains(null)) {
final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer()
..writeln('A null argument was provided for Skia Gold tryjob init.')
..writeln('Please confirm the settings of your golden file test.')
..writeln('Arguments provided:');
throw SkiaException(buf.toString());
final io.ProcessResult result = await;
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
_tryjobInitialized = false;
final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer()
..writeln('Skia Gold tryjobInit failure.')
..writeln('An error occurred when initializing golden file tryjob with ')
..writeln('Debug information for Gold --------------------------------')
..writeln('stdout: ${result.stdout}')
..writeln('stderr: ${result.stderr}');
throw SkiaException(buf.toString());
_tryjobInitialized = true;
/// Executes the `imgtest add` command in the goldctl tool for tryjobs.
/// The `imgtest` command collects and uploads test results to the Skia Gold
/// backend, the `add` argument uploads the current image test. A response is
/// returned from the invocation of this command that indicates a pass or fail
/// result for the tryjob.
/// The [testName] and [goldenFile] parameters reference the current
/// comparison being evaluated by the [FlutterPreSubmitFileComparator].
Future<void> tryjobAdd(String testName, File goldenFile) async {
final List<String> imgtestCommand = <String>[
'imgtest', 'add',
'--work-dir', workDirectory
'--test-name', cleanTestName(testName),
'--png-file', goldenFile.path,
final io.ProcessResult result = await;
final String/*!*/ resultStdout = result.stdout.toString();
if (result.exitCode != 0 &&
!(resultStdout.contains('Untriaged') || resultStdout.contains('negative image'))) {
String? resultContents;
final File resultFile = workDirectory.childFile(fs.path.join(
if(await resultFile.exists()) {
resultContents = await resultFile.readAsString();
final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer()
..writeln('Unexpected Gold tryjobAdd failure.')
..writeln('Tryjob execution for golden file test $testName failed for')
..writeln('a reason unrelated to pixel comparison.')
..writeln('Debug information for Gold --------------------------------')
..writeln('stdout: ${result.stdout}')
..writeln('stderr: ${result.stderr}')
..writeln('result-state.json: ${resultContents ?? 'No result file found.'}');
throw SkiaException(buf.toString());
// Constructs arguments for `goldctl` for controlling how pixels are compared.
// For AOT and CanvasKit exact pixel matching is used. For the HTML renderer
// on the web a fuzzy matching algorithm is used that allows very small deltas
// because Chromium cannot exactly reproduce the same golden on all computers.
// It seems to depend on the hardware/OS/driver combination. However, those
// differences are very small (typically not noticeable to human eye).
List<String> _getPixelMatchingArguments() {
// Only use fuzzy pixel matching in the HTML renderer.
if (!_isBrowserTest || _isBrowserCanvasKitTest) {
return const <String>[];
// The algorithm to be used when matching images. The available options are:
// - "fuzzy": Allows for customizing the thresholds of pixel differences.
// - "sobel": Same as "fuzzy" but performs edge detection before performing
// a fuzzy match.
const String algorithm = 'fuzzy';
// The number of pixels in this image that are allowed to differ from the
// baseline.
// The chosen number - 20 - is arbitrary. Even for a small golden file, say
// 50 x 50, it would be less than 1% of the total number of pixels. This
// number should not grow too much. If it's growing, it is probably due to a
// larger issue that needs to be addressed at the infra level.
const int maxDifferentPixels = 20;
// The maximum acceptable difference per pixel.
// Uses the Manhattan distance using the RGBA color components as
// coordinates. The chosen number - 4 - is arbitrary. It's small enough to
// both not be noticeable and not trigger test flakes due to sub-pixel
// golden deltas. This number should not grow too much. If it's growing, it
// is probably due to a larger issue that needs to be addressed at the infra
// level.
const int pixelDeltaThreshold = 4;
return <String>[
'--add-test-optional-key', 'image_matching_algorithm:$algorithm',
'--add-test-optional-key', 'fuzzy_max_different_pixels:$maxDifferentPixels',
'--add-test-optional-key', 'fuzzy_pixel_delta_threshold:$pixelDeltaThreshold',
/// Returns the latest positive digest for the given test known to Flutter
/// Gold at head.
Future<String?> getExpectationForTest(String testName) async {
late String? expectation;
final String traceID = getTraceID(testName);
await io.HttpOverrides.runWithHttpOverrides<Future<void>>(() async {
final Uri requestForExpectations = Uri.parse(
late String rawResponse;
try {
final io.HttpClientRequest request = await httpClient.getUrl(requestForExpectations);
final io.HttpClientResponse response = await request.close();
rawResponse = await utf8.decodeStream(response);
final dynamic jsonResponse = json.decode(rawResponse);
if (jsonResponse is! Map<String, dynamic>) {
throw const FormatException('Skia gold expectations do not match expected format.');
expectation = jsonResponse['digest'] as String?;
} on FormatException catch (error) {
// Ideally we'd use something like package:test's printOnError, but best reliabilty
// in getting logs on CI for now we're just using print.
// See also:
print( // ignore: avoid_print
'Formatting error detected requesting expectations from Flutter Gold.\n'
'error: $error\n'
'url: $requestForExpectations\n'
'response: $rawResponse'
return expectation;
/// Returns a list of bytes representing the golden image retrieved from the
/// Flutter Gold dashboard.
/// The provided image hash represents an expectation from Flutter Gold.
Future<List<int>>getImageBytes(String imageHash) async {
final List<int> imageBytes = <int>[];
await io.HttpOverrides.runWithHttpOverrides<Future<void>>(() async {
final Uri requestForImage = Uri.parse(
final io.HttpClientRequest request = await httpClient.getUrl(requestForImage);
final io.HttpClientResponse response = await request.close();
await response.forEach((List<int> bytes) => imageBytes.addAll(bytes));
return imageBytes;
/// Returns the current commit hash of the Flutter repository.
Future<String> _getCurrentCommit() async {
if (!_flutterRoot.existsSync()) {
throw SkiaException('Flutter root could not be found: $_flutterRoot\n');
} else {
final io.ProcessResult revParse = await
<String>['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'],
workingDirectory: _flutterRoot.path,
if (revParse.exitCode != 0) {
throw const SkiaException('Current commit of Flutter can not be found.');
return (revParse.stdout as String/*!*/).trim();
/// Returns a JSON String with keys value pairs used to uniquely identify the
/// configuration that generated the given golden file.
/// Currently, the only key value pairs being tracked is the platform the
/// image was rendered on, and for web tests, the browser the image was
/// rendered on.
String _getKeysJSON() {
final Map<String, dynamic> keys = <String, dynamic>{
'Platform' : platform.operatingSystem,
'CI' : 'luci',
if (_isBrowserTest) {
keys['Browser'] = _browserKey;
keys['Platform'] = '${keys['Platform']}-browser';
if (_isBrowserCanvasKitTest) {
keys['WebRenderer'] = 'canvaskit';
return json.encode(keys);
/// Removes the file extension from the [fileName] to represent the test name
/// properly.
String cleanTestName(String fileName) {
return fileName.split(path.extension(fileName))[0];
/// Returns a boolean value to prevent the client from re-authorizing itself
/// for multiple tests.
Future<bool> clientIsAuthorized() async {
final File authFile = workDirectory.childFile(fs.path.join(
if(await authFile.exists()) {
final String contents = await authFile.readAsString();
final Map<String, dynamic> decoded = json.decode(contents) as Map<String, dynamic>;
return !(decoded['GSUtil'] as bool/*!*/);
return false;
/// Returns a list of arguments for initializing a tryjob based on the testing
/// environment.
List<String> getCIArguments() {
final String jobId = platform.environment['LOGDOG_STREAM_PREFIX']!.split('/').last;
final List<String> refs = platform.environment['GOLD_TRYJOB']!.split('/');
final String pullRequest = refs[refs.length - 2];
return <String>[
'--changelist', pullRequest,
'--cis', 'buildbucket',
'--jobid', jobId,
bool get _isBrowserTest {
return platform.environment[_kTestBrowserKey] != null;
bool get _isBrowserCanvasKitTest {
return _isBrowserTest && platform.environment[_kWebRendererKey] == 'canvaskit';
String get _browserKey {
return platform.environment[_kTestBrowserKey]!;
/// Returns a trace id based on the current testing environment to lookup
/// the latest positive digest on Flutter Gold with a hex-encoded md5 hash of
/// the image keys.
String getTraceID(String testName) {
final Map<String, dynamic> keys = <String, dynamic>{
if (_isBrowserTest)
'Browser' : _browserKey,
if (_isBrowserCanvasKitTest)
'WebRenderer' : 'canvaskit',
'CI' : 'luci',
'Platform' : platform.operatingSystem,
'name' : testName,
'source_type' : 'flutter',
final String jsonTrace = json.encode(keys);
final String md5Sum = md5.convert(utf8.encode(jsonTrace)).toString();
return md5Sum;
/// Used to make HttpRequests during testing.
class SkiaGoldHttpOverrides extends io.HttpOverrides { }