blob: 46d0ef38fa2e51debce5f27c0478b136da966dc5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; // flutter_ignore: package_path_import
import '../convert.dart';
/// A path jointer for URL paths.
final path.Context urlContext = path.url;
/// Convert `foo_bar` to `fooBar`.
String camelCase(String str) {
int index = str.indexOf('_');
while (index != -1 && index < str.length - 2) {
str = str.substring(0, index) +
str.substring(index + 1, index + 2).toUpperCase() +
str.substring(index + 2);
index = str.indexOf('_');
return str;
/// Convert `fooBar` to `foo-bar`.
String kebabCase(String str) {
return snakeCase(str, '-');
final RegExp _upperRegex = RegExp(r'[A-Z]');
/// Convert `fooBar` to `foo_bar`.
String snakeCase(String str, [ String sep = '_' ]) {
return str.replaceAllMapped(_upperRegex,
(Match m) => '${m.start == 0 ? '' : sep}${m[0]!.toLowerCase()}');
abstract interface class CliEnum implements Enum {
String get cliName;
String get helpText;
static Map<String, String> allowedHelp<T extends CliEnum>(List<T> values) =>
Map<String, String>.fromEntries(
(T e) => MapEntry<String, String>(e.cliName, e.helpText),
/// Converts `fooBar` to `FooBar`.
/// This uses [toBeginningOfSentenceCase](,
/// with the input and return value of non-nullable.
String sentenceCase(String str, [String? locale]) {
if (str.isEmpty) {
return str;
// TODO(christopherfujino): Remove this check after the next release of intl
return ArgumentError.checkNotNull(toBeginningOfSentenceCase(str, locale));
/// Converts `foo_bar` to `Foo Bar`.
String snakeCaseToTitleCase(String snakeCaseString) {
return snakeCaseString.split('_').map(camelCase).map(sentenceCase).join(' ');
/// Return the plural of the given word (`cat(s)`).
String pluralize(String word, int count) => count == 1 ? word : '${word}s';
String toPrettyJson(Object jsonable) {
final String value = const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(jsonable);
return '$value\n';
final NumberFormat kSecondsFormat = NumberFormat('0.0');
final NumberFormat kMillisecondsFormat = NumberFormat.decimalPattern();
String getElapsedAsSeconds(Duration duration) {
final double seconds = duration.inMilliseconds / Duration.millisecondsPerSecond;
return '${kSecondsFormat.format(seconds)}s';
String getElapsedAsMilliseconds(Duration duration) {
return '${kMillisecondsFormat.format(duration.inMilliseconds)}ms';
/// Return a String - with units - for the size in MB of the given number of bytes.
String getSizeAsMB(int bytesLength) {
return '${(bytesLength / (1024 * 1024)).toStringAsFixed(1)}MB';
/// A class to maintain a list of items, fire events when items are added or
/// removed, and calculate a diff of changes when a new list of items is
/// available.
class ItemListNotifier<T> {
ItemListNotifier(): _items = <T>{};
ItemListNotifier.from(List<T> items) : _items = Set<T>.of(items);
Set<T> _items;
final StreamController<T> _addedController = StreamController<T>.broadcast();
final StreamController<T> _removedController = StreamController<T>.broadcast();
Stream<T> get onAdded =>;
Stream<T> get onRemoved =>;
List<T> get items => _items.toList();
void updateWithNewList(List<T> updatedList) {
final Set<T> updatedSet = Set<T>.of(updatedList);
final Set<T> addedItems = updatedSet.difference(_items);
final Set<T> removedItems = _items.difference(updatedSet);
_items = updatedSet;
void removeItem(T item) {
if (_items.remove(item)) {
/// Close the streams.
void dispose() {
class SettingsFile {
SettingsFile.parse(String contents) {
for (String line in contents.split('\n')) {
line = line.trim();
if (line.startsWith('#') || line.isEmpty) {
final int index = line.indexOf('=');
if (index != -1) {
values[line.substring(0, index)] = line.substring(index + 1);
factory SettingsFile.parseFromFile(File file) {
return SettingsFile.parse(file.readAsStringSync());
final Map<String, String> values = <String, String>{};
void writeContents(File file) {
file.parent.createSync(recursive: true);
file.writeAsStringSync(<String>((String key) {
return '$key=${values[key]}';
/// Given a data structure which is a Map of String to dynamic values, return
/// the same structure (`Map<String, dynamic>`) with the correct runtime types.
Map<String, Object?>? castStringKeyedMap(Object? untyped) {
final Map<dynamic, dynamic>? map = untyped as Map<dynamic, dynamic>?;
return map?.cast<String, Object?>();
/// Smallest column that will be used for text wrapping. If the requested column
/// width is smaller than this, then this is what will be used.
const int kMinColumnWidth = 10;
/// Wraps a block of text into lines no longer than [columnWidth].
/// Tries to split at whitespace, but if that's not good enough to keep it under
/// the limit, then it splits in the middle of a word. If [columnWidth] (minus
/// any indent) is smaller than [kMinColumnWidth], the text is wrapped at that
/// [kMinColumnWidth] instead.
/// Preserves indentation (leading whitespace) for each line (delimited by '\n')
/// in the input, and will indent wrapped lines that same amount, adding
/// [indent] spaces in addition to any existing indent.
/// If [hangingIndent] is supplied, then that many additional spaces will be
/// added to each line, except for the first line. The [hangingIndent] is added
/// to the specified [indent], if any. This is useful for wrapping
/// text with a heading prefix (e.g. "Usage: "):
/// ```dart
/// String prefix = "Usage: ";
/// print(prefix + wrapText(invocation, indent: 2, hangingIndent: prefix.length, columnWidth: 40));
/// ```
/// yields:
/// ```
/// Usage: app main_command <subcommand>
/// [arguments]
/// ```
/// If [outputPreferences.wrapText] is false, then the text will be returned
/// unchanged. If [shouldWrap] is specified, then it overrides the
/// [outputPreferences.wrapText] setting.
/// If the amount of indentation (from the text, [indent], and [hangingIndent])
/// is such that less than [kMinColumnWidth] characters can fit in the
/// [columnWidth], then the indent is truncated to allow the text to fit.
String wrapText(String text, {
required int columnWidth,
required bool shouldWrap,
int? hangingIndent,
int? indent,
}) {
assert(columnWidth >= 0);
if (text.isEmpty) {
return '';
indent ??= 0;
hangingIndent ??= 0;
final List<String> splitText = text.split('\n');
final List<String> result = <String>[];
for (final String line in splitText) {
String trimmedText = line.trimLeft();
final String leadingWhitespace = line.substring(0, line.length - trimmedText.length);
List<String> notIndented;
if (hangingIndent != 0) {
// When we have a hanging indent, we want to wrap the first line at one
// width, and the rest at another (offset by hangingIndent), so we wrap
// them twice and recombine.
final List<String> firstLineWrap = _wrapTextAsLines(
columnWidth: columnWidth - leadingWhitespace.length - indent,
shouldWrap: shouldWrap,
notIndented = <String>[firstLineWrap.removeAt(0)];
trimmedText = trimmedText.substring(notIndented[0].length).trimLeft();
if (trimmedText.isNotEmpty) {
columnWidth: columnWidth - leadingWhitespace.length - indent - hangingIndent,
shouldWrap: shouldWrap,
} else {
notIndented = _wrapTextAsLines(
columnWidth: columnWidth - leadingWhitespace.length - indent,
shouldWrap: shouldWrap,
String? hangingIndentString;
final String indentString = ' ' * indent;
(String line) {
// Don't return any lines with just whitespace on them.
if (line.isEmpty) {
return '';
String truncatedIndent = '$indentString${hangingIndentString ?? ''}$leadingWhitespace';
if (truncatedIndent.length > columnWidth - kMinColumnWidth) {
truncatedIndent = truncatedIndent.substring(0, math.max(columnWidth - kMinColumnWidth, 0));
final String result = '$truncatedIndent$line';
hangingIndentString ??= ' ' * hangingIndent!;
return result;
return result.join('\n');
// Used to represent a run of ANSI control sequences next to a visible
// character.
class _AnsiRun {
_AnsiRun(this.original, this.character);
String original;
String character;
/// Wraps a block of text into lines no longer than [columnWidth], starting at the
/// [start] column, and returning the result as a list of strings.
/// Tries to split at whitespace, but if that's not good enough to keep it
/// under the limit, then splits in the middle of a word. Preserves embedded
/// newlines, but not indentation (it trims whitespace from each line).
/// If [columnWidth] is not specified, then the column width will be the width of the
/// terminal window by default. If the stdout is not a terminal window, then the
/// default will be [outputPreferences.wrapColumn].
/// The [columnWidth] is clamped to [kMinColumnWidth] at minimum (so passing negative
/// widths is fine, for instance).
/// If [outputPreferences.wrapText] is false, then the text will be returned
/// split at the newlines, but not wrapped. If [shouldWrap] is specified,
/// then it overrides the [outputPreferences.wrapText] setting.
List<String> _wrapTextAsLines(String text, {
int start = 0,
required int columnWidth,
required bool shouldWrap,
}) {
if (text.isEmpty) {
return <String>[''];
assert(start >= 0);
// Splits a string so that the resulting list has the same number of elements
// as there are visible characters in the string, but elements may include one
// or more adjacent ANSI sequences. Joining the list elements again will
// reconstitute the original string. This is useful for manipulating "visible"
// characters in the presence of ANSI control codes.
List<_AnsiRun> splitWithCodes(String input) {
final RegExp characterOrCode = RegExp('(\u001b\\[[0-9;]*m|.)', multiLine: true);
List<_AnsiRun> result = <_AnsiRun>[];
final StringBuffer current = StringBuffer();
for (final Match match in characterOrCode.allMatches(input)) {
if (match[0]!.length < 4) {
// This is a regular character, write it out.
result.add(_AnsiRun(current.toString(), match[0]!));
// If there's something accumulated, then it must be an ANSI sequence, so
// add it to the end of the last entry so that we don't lose it.
if (current.isNotEmpty) {
if (result.isNotEmpty) {
result.last.original += current.toString();
} else {
// If there is nothing in the string besides control codes, then just
// return them as the only entry.
result = <_AnsiRun>[_AnsiRun(current.toString(), '')];
return result;
String joinRun(List<_AnsiRun> list, int start, [ int? end ]) {
return list.sublist(start, end).map<String>((_AnsiRun run) => run.original).join().trim();
final List<String> result = <String>[];
final int effectiveLength = math.max(columnWidth - start, kMinColumnWidth);
for (final String line in text.split('\n')) {
// If the line is short enough, even with ANSI codes, then we can just add
// it and move on.
if (line.length <= effectiveLength || !shouldWrap) {
final List<_AnsiRun> splitLine = splitWithCodes(line);
if (splitLine.length <= effectiveLength) {
int currentLineStart = 0;
int? lastWhitespace;
// Find the start of the current line.
for (int index = 0; index < splitLine.length; ++index) {
if (splitLine[index].character.isNotEmpty && _isWhitespace(splitLine[index])) {
lastWhitespace = index;
if (index - currentLineStart >= effectiveLength) {
// Back up to the last whitespace, unless there wasn't any, in which
// case we just split where we are.
if (lastWhitespace != null) {
index = lastWhitespace;
result.add(joinRun(splitLine, currentLineStart, index));
// Skip any intervening whitespace.
while (index < splitLine.length && _isWhitespace(splitLine[index])) {
currentLineStart = index;
lastWhitespace = null;
result.add(joinRun(splitLine, currentLineStart));
return result;
/// Returns true if the code unit at [index] in [text] is a whitespace
/// character.
/// Based on:
bool _isWhitespace(_AnsiRun run) {
final int rune = run.character.isNotEmpty ? run.character.codeUnitAt(0) : 0x0;
return rune >= 0x0009 && rune <= 0x000D ||
rune == 0x0020 ||
rune == 0x0085 ||
rune == 0x1680 ||
rune == 0x180E ||
rune >= 0x2000 && rune <= 0x200A ||
rune == 0x2028 ||
rune == 0x2029 ||
rune == 0x202F ||
rune == 0x205F ||
rune == 0x3000 ||
rune == 0xFEFF;
final RegExp _interpolationRegex = RegExp(r'\$\{([^}]*)\}');
/// Given a string that possibly contains string interpolation sequences
/// (so for example, something like `ping -n 1 ${host}`), replace all those
/// interpolation sequences with the matching value given in [replacementValues].
/// If the value could not be found inside [replacementValues], an empty
/// string will be substituted instead.
/// However, if the dollar sign inside the string is preceded with a backslash,
/// the sequences won't be substituted at all.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// final interpolated = _interpolateString(r'ping -n 1 ${host}', {'host': 'raspberrypi'});
/// print(interpolated); // will print 'ping -n 1 raspberrypi'
/// final interpolated2 = _interpolateString(r'ping -n 1 ${_host}', {'host': 'raspberrypi'});
/// print(interpolated2); // will print 'ping -n 1 '
/// ```
String interpolateString(String toInterpolate, Map<String, String> replacementValues) {
return toInterpolate.replaceAllMapped(_interpolationRegex, (Match match) {
/// The name of the variable to be inserted into the string.
/// Example: If the source string is 'ping -n 1 ${host}',
/// `name` would be 'host'
final String name =!;
return replacementValues.containsKey(name) ? replacementValues[name]! : '';
/// Given a list of strings possibly containing string interpolation sequences
/// (so for example, something like `['ping', '-n', '1', '${host}']`), replace
/// all those interpolation sequences with the matching value given in [replacementValues].
/// If the value could not be found inside [replacementValues], an empty
/// string will be substituted instead.
/// However, if the dollar sign inside the string is preceded with a backslash,
/// the sequences won't be substituted at all.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// final interpolated = _interpolateString(['ping', '-n', '1', r'${host}'], {'host': 'raspberrypi'});
/// print(interpolated); // will print '[ping, -n, 1, raspberrypi]'
/// final interpolated2 = _interpolateString(['ping', '-n', '1', r'${_host}'], {'host': 'raspberrypi'});
/// print(interpolated2); // will print '[ping, -n, 1, ]'
/// ```
List<String> interpolateStringList(List<String> toInterpolate, Map<String, String> replacementValues) {
return s) => interpolateString(s, replacementValues)).toList();
/// Returns the first line-based match for [regExp] in [file].
/// Assumes UTF8 encoding.
Match? firstMatchInFile(File file, RegExp regExp) {
if (!file.existsSync()) {
return null;
for (final String line in file.readAsLinesSync()) {
final Match? match = regExp.firstMatch(line);
if (match != null) {
return match;
return null;