blob: 1a61810ef9c5236567bc42cb901b8130208780c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/logger.dart';
import '../base/platform.dart';
import '../base/terminal.dart';
import '../migrate/migrate_utils.dart';
import '../project.dart';
import '../runner/flutter_command.dart';
import 'migrate.dart';
/// Abandons the existing migration by deleting the migrate working directory.
class MigrateAbandonCommand extends FlutterCommand {
required this.logger,
required this.fileSystem,
required this.terminal,
required Platform platform,
required ProcessManager processManager,
}) : migrateUtils = MigrateUtils(
logger: logger,
fileSystem: fileSystem,
platform: platform,
processManager: processManager,
) {
help: 'Specifies the custom migration working directory used to stage '
'and edit proposed changes. This path can be absolute or relative '
'to the flutter project root. This defaults to '
valueHelp: 'path',
help: 'The root directory of the flutter project. This defaults to the '
'current working directory if omitted.',
valueHelp: 'path',
abbr: 'f',
help: 'Delete the migrate working directory without asking for confirmation.',
final Logger logger;
final FileSystem fileSystem;
final Terminal terminal;
final MigrateUtils migrateUtils;
final String name = 'abandon';
final String description = 'Deletes the current active migration working directory.';
String get category => FlutterCommandCategory.project;
Future<Set<DevelopmentArtifact>> get requiredArtifacts async => const <DevelopmentArtifact>{};
Future<FlutterCommandResult> runCommand() async {
final String? projectDirectory = stringArg('project-directory');
final FlutterProjectFactory flutterProjectFactory = FlutterProjectFactory(logger: logger, fileSystem: fileSystem);
final FlutterProject project = projectDirectory == null
? FlutterProject.current()
: flutterProjectFactory.fromDirectory(;
Directory stagingDirectory =;
final String? customStagingDirectoryPath = stringArg('staging-directory');
if (customStagingDirectoryPath != null) {
if (fileSystem.path.isAbsolute(customStagingDirectoryPath)) {
stagingDirectory =;
} else {
stagingDirectory =;
if (!stagingDirectory.existsSync()) {
logger.printError('Provided staging directory `$customStagingDirectoryPath` '
'does not exist or is not valid.');
return const FlutterCommandResult(;
if (!stagingDirectory.existsSync()) {
logger.printStatus('No migration in progress. Start a new migration with:');
printCommandText('flutter migrate start', logger);
return const FlutterCommandResult(;
logger.printStatus('\nAbandoning the existing migration will delete the '
'migration staging directory at ${stagingDirectory.path}');
final bool force = boolArg('force') ?? false;
if (!force) {
String selection = 'y';
terminal.usesTerminalUi = true;
try {
selection = await terminal.promptForCharInput(
<String>['y', 'n'],
logger: logger,
prompt: 'Are you sure you wish to continue with abandoning? (y)es, (N)o',
defaultChoiceIndex: 1,
} on StateError catch(e) {
indent: 0,
if (selection != 'y') {
return const FlutterCommandResult(ExitStatus.success);
try {
stagingDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
} on FileSystemException catch (e) {
logger.printError('Deletion failed with: $e');
logger.printError('Please manually delete the staging directory at `${stagingDirectory.path}`');
logger.printStatus('\nAbandon complete. Start a new migration with:');
printCommandText('flutter migrate start', logger);
return const FlutterCommandResult(ExitStatus.success);