blob: ae254b4a0ed71221dc689d1031686da588728d90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
export 'dart:ui' show Point;
class TestPointer {
TestPointer([ this.pointer = 1 ]);
int pointer;
bool isDown = false;
Point location;
PointerDownEvent down(Point newLocation, { Duration timeStamp: const Duration() }) {
isDown = true;
location = newLocation;
return new PointerDownEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
pointer: pointer,
position: location
PointerMoveEvent move(Point newLocation, { Duration timeStamp: const Duration() }) {
Offset delta = newLocation - location;
location = newLocation;
return new PointerMoveEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
pointer: pointer,
position: newLocation,
delta: delta
PointerUpEvent up({ Duration timeStamp: const Duration() }) {
isDown = false;
return new PointerUpEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
pointer: pointer,
position: location
PointerCancelEvent cancel({ Duration timeStamp: const Duration() }) {
isDown = false;
return new PointerCancelEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
pointer: pointer,
position: location