blob: 920ebaf3fec76d1ce8de12e1bec4ea36fc9b4fd3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'framework.dart';
// Examples can assume:
// TooltipThemeData data = const TooltipThemeData();
/// An [InheritedWidget] that defines visual properties like colors
/// and text styles, which the [child]'s subtree depends on.
/// The [wrap] method is used by [captureAll] and [CapturedThemes.wrap] to
/// construct a widget that will wrap a child in all of the inherited themes
/// which are present in a specified part of the widget tree.
/// A widget that's shown in a different context from the one it's built in,
/// like the contents of a new route or an overlay, will be able to see the
/// ancestor inherited themes of the context it was built in.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example demonstrates how `InheritedTheme.capture()` can be used
/// to wrap the contents of a new route with the inherited themes that
/// are present when the route was built - but are not present when route
/// is actually shown.
/// If the same code is run without `InheritedTheme.capture(), the
/// new route's Text widget will inherit the "something must be wrong"
/// fallback text style, rather than the default text style defined in MyApp.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/inherited_theme/inherited_theme.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
abstract class InheritedTheme extends InheritedWidget {
/// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
const InheritedTheme({
required super.child,
/// Return a copy of this inherited theme with the specified [child].
/// This implementation for [TooltipTheme] is typical:
/// ```dart
/// Widget wrap(BuildContext context, Widget child) {
/// return TooltipTheme(data: data, child: child);
/// }
/// ```
Widget wrap(BuildContext context, Widget child);
/// Returns a widget that will [wrap] `child` in all of the inherited themes
/// which are present between `context` and the specified `to`
/// [BuildContext].
/// The `to` context must be an ancestor of `context`. If `to` is not
/// specified, all inherited themes up to the root of the widget tree are
/// captured.
/// After calling this method, the themes present between `context` and `to`
/// are frozen for the provided `child`. If the themes (or their theme data)
/// change in the original subtree, those changes will not be visible to
/// the wrapped `child` - unless this method is called again to re-wrap the
/// child.
static Widget captureAll(BuildContext context, Widget child, {BuildContext? to}) {
assert(child != null);
assert(context != null);
return capture(from: context, to: to).wrap(child);
/// Returns a [CapturedThemes] object that includes all the [InheritedTheme]s
/// between the given `from` and `to` [BuildContext]s.
/// The `to` context must be an ancestor of the `from` context. If `to` is
/// null, all ancestor inherited themes of `from` up to the root of the
/// widget tree are captured.
/// After calling this method, the themes present between `from` and `to` are
/// frozen in the returned [CapturedThemes] object. If the themes (or their
/// theme data) change in the original subtree, those changes will not be
/// applied to the themes captured in the [CapturedThemes] object - unless
/// this method is called again to re-capture the updated themes.
/// To wrap a [Widget] in the captured themes, call [CapturedThemes.wrap].
/// This method can be expensive if there are many widgets between `from` and
/// `to` (it walks the element tree between those nodes).
static CapturedThemes capture({ required BuildContext from, required BuildContext? to }) {
assert(from != null);
if (from == to) {
// Nothing to capture.
return CapturedThemes._(const <InheritedTheme>[]);
final List<InheritedTheme> themes = <InheritedTheme>[];
final Set<Type> themeTypes = <Type>{};
late bool debugDidFindAncestor;
assert(() {
debugDidFindAncestor = to == null;
return true;
from.visitAncestorElements((Element ancestor) {
if (ancestor == to) {
assert(() {
debugDidFindAncestor = true;
return true;
return false;
if (ancestor is InheritedElement && ancestor.widget is InheritedTheme) {
final InheritedTheme theme = ancestor.widget as InheritedTheme;
final Type themeType = theme.runtimeType;
// Only remember the first theme of any type. This assumes
// that inherited themes completely shadow ancestors of the
// same type.
if (!themeTypes.contains(themeType)) {
return true;
assert(debugDidFindAncestor, 'The provided `to` context must be an ancestor of the `from` context.');
return CapturedThemes._(themes);
/// Stores a list of captured [InheritedTheme]s that can be wrapped around a
/// child [Widget].
/// Used as return type by [InheritedTheme.capture].
class CapturedThemes {
final List<InheritedTheme> _themes;
/// Wraps a `child` [Widget] in the [InheritedTheme]s captured in this object.
Widget wrap(Widget child) {
return _CaptureAll(themes: _themes, child: child);
class _CaptureAll extends StatelessWidget {
const _CaptureAll({
required this.themes,
required this.child,
}) : assert(themes != null), assert(child != null);
final List<InheritedTheme> themes;
final Widget child;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Widget wrappedChild = child;
for (final InheritedTheme theme in themes) {
wrappedChild = theme.wrap(context, wrappedChild);
return wrappedChild;