blob: 10c20da60c46b85f8dd12a9f85f6fddb12981ad3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
/// A description of a [Scrollable]'s contents, useful for modeling the state
/// of its viewport.
/// This class defines a current position, [pixels], and a range of values
/// considered "in bounds" for that position. The range has a minimum value at
/// [minScrollExtent] and a maximum value at [maxScrollExtent] (inclusive). The
/// viewport scrolls in the direction and axis described by [axisDirection]
/// and [axis].
/// The [outOfRange] getter will return true if [pixels] is outside this defined
/// range. The [atEdge] getter will return true if the [pixels] position equals
/// either the [minScrollExtent] or the [maxScrollExtent].
/// The dimensions of the viewport in the given [axis] are described by
/// [viewportDimension].
/// The above values are also exposed in terms of [extentBefore],
/// [extentInside], and [extentAfter], which may be more useful for use cases
/// such as scroll bars; for example, see [Scrollbar].
/// See also:
/// * [FixedScrollMetrics], which is an immutable object that implements this
/// interface.
mixin ScrollMetrics {
/// Creates a [ScrollMetrics] that has the same properties as this object.
/// This is useful if this object is mutable, but you want to get a snapshot
/// of the current state.
/// The named arguments allow the values to be adjusted in the process. This
/// is useful to examine hypothetical situations, for example "would applying
/// this delta unmodified take the position [outOfRange]?".
ScrollMetrics copyWith({
double? minScrollExtent,
double? maxScrollExtent,
double? pixels,
double? viewportDimension,
AxisDirection? axisDirection,
}) {
return FixedScrollMetrics(
minScrollExtent: minScrollExtent ?? (hasContentDimensions ? this.minScrollExtent : null),
maxScrollExtent: maxScrollExtent ?? (hasContentDimensions ? this.maxScrollExtent : null),
pixels: pixels ?? (hasPixels ? this.pixels : null),
viewportDimension: viewportDimension ?? (hasViewportDimension ? this.viewportDimension : null),
axisDirection: axisDirection ?? this.axisDirection,
/// The minimum in-range value for [pixels].
/// The actual [pixels] value might be [outOfRange].
/// This value should typically be non-null and less than or equal to
/// [maxScrollExtent]. It can be negative infinity, if the scroll is unbounded.
double get minScrollExtent;
/// The maximum in-range value for [pixels].
/// The actual [pixels] value might be [outOfRange].
/// This value should typically be non-null and greater than or equal to
/// [minScrollExtent]. It can be infinity, if the scroll is unbounded.
double get maxScrollExtent;
/// Whether the [minScrollExtent] and the [maxScrollExtent] properties are available.
bool get hasContentDimensions;
/// The current scroll position, in logical pixels along the [axisDirection].
double get pixels;
/// Whether the [pixels] property is available.
bool get hasPixels;
/// The extent of the viewport along the [axisDirection].
double get viewportDimension;
/// Whether the [viewportDimension] property is available.
bool get hasViewportDimension;
/// The direction in which the scroll view scrolls.
AxisDirection get axisDirection;
/// The axis in which the scroll view scrolls.
Axis get axis => axisDirectionToAxis(axisDirection);
/// Whether the [pixels] value is outside the [minScrollExtent] and
/// [maxScrollExtent].
bool get outOfRange => pixels < minScrollExtent || pixels > maxScrollExtent;
/// Whether the [pixels] value is exactly at the [minScrollExtent] or the
/// [maxScrollExtent].
bool get atEdge => pixels == minScrollExtent || pixels == maxScrollExtent;
/// The quantity of content conceptually "above" the viewport in the scrollable.
/// This is the content above the content described by [extentInside].
double get extentBefore => math.max(pixels - minScrollExtent, 0.0);
/// The quantity of content conceptually "inside" the viewport in the scrollable.
/// The value is typically the height of the viewport when [outOfRange] is false.
/// It could be less if there is less content visible than the size of the
/// viewport, such as when overscrolling.
/// The value is always non-negative, and less than or equal to [viewportDimension].
double get extentInside {
assert(minScrollExtent <= maxScrollExtent);
return viewportDimension
// "above" overscroll value
- clampDouble(minScrollExtent - pixels, 0, viewportDimension)
// "below" overscroll value
- clampDouble(pixels - maxScrollExtent, 0, viewportDimension);
/// The quantity of content conceptually "below" the viewport in the scrollable.
/// This is the content below the content described by [extentInside].
double get extentAfter => math.max(maxScrollExtent - pixels, 0.0);
/// An immutable snapshot of values associated with a [Scrollable] viewport.
/// For details, see [ScrollMetrics], which defines this object's interfaces.
class FixedScrollMetrics with ScrollMetrics {
/// Creates an immutable snapshot of values associated with a [Scrollable] viewport.
required double? minScrollExtent,
required double? maxScrollExtent,
required double? pixels,
required double? viewportDimension,
required this.axisDirection,
}) : _minScrollExtent = minScrollExtent,
_maxScrollExtent = maxScrollExtent,
_pixels = pixels,
_viewportDimension = viewportDimension;
double get minScrollExtent => _minScrollExtent!;
final double? _minScrollExtent;
double get maxScrollExtent => _maxScrollExtent!;
final double? _maxScrollExtent;
bool get hasContentDimensions => _minScrollExtent != null && _maxScrollExtent != null;
double get pixels => _pixels!;
final double? _pixels;
bool get hasPixels => _pixels != null;
double get viewportDimension => _viewportDimension!;
final double? _viewportDimension;
bool get hasViewportDimension => _viewportDimension != null;
final AxisDirection axisDirection;
String toString() {
return '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'FixedScrollMetrics')}(${extentBefore.toStringAsFixed(1)}..[${extentInside.toStringAsFixed(1)}]..${extentAfter.toStringAsFixed(1)})';