blob: 9cdbd09ac7a18c17ffd228a8277a01941563e45f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show LineSplitter;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'io.dart';
import 'terminal.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
const int kDefaultStatusPadding = 59;
abstract class Logger {
bool get isVerbose => false;
bool quiet = false;
bool get supportsColor => terminal.supportsColor;
set supportsColor(bool value) {
terminal.supportsColor = value;
/// Display an error level message to the user. Commands should use this if they
/// fail in some way.
void printError(String message, { StackTrace stackTrace, bool emphasis: false });
/// Display normal output of the command. This should be used for things like
/// progress messages, success messages, or just normal command output.
void printStatus(
String message,
{ bool emphasis: false, bool newline: true, String ansiAlternative, int indent }
/// Use this for verbose tracing output. Users can turn this output on in order
/// to help diagnose issues with the toolchain or with their setup.
void printTrace(String message);
/// Start an indeterminate progress display.
/// [message] is the message to display to the user; [progressId] provides an ID which can be
/// used to identify this type of progress (`hot.reload`, `hot.restart`, ...).
/// [progressIndicatorPadding] can optionally be used to specify spacing
/// between the [message] and the progress indicator.
Status startProgress(
String message, {
String progressId,
bool expectSlowOperation: false,
int progressIndicatorPadding: kDefaultStatusPadding,
typedef void _FinishCallback();
class StdoutLogger extends Logger {
Status _status;
bool get isVerbose => false;
void printError(String message, { StackTrace stackTrace, bool emphasis: false }) {
_status = null;
if (emphasis)
message = terminal.bolden(message);
if (stackTrace != null)
void printStatus(
String message,
{ bool emphasis: false, bool newline: true, String ansiAlternative, int indent }
) {
_status = null;
if (terminal.supportsColor && ansiAlternative != null)
message = ansiAlternative;
if (emphasis)
message = terminal.bolden(message);
if (indent != null && indent > 0)
message = LineSplitter.split(message).map((String line) => ' ' * indent + line).join('\n');
if (newline)
message = '$message\n';
void writeToStdOut(String message) {
void printTrace(String message) { }
Status startProgress(
String message, {
String progressId,
bool expectSlowOperation: false,
int progressIndicatorPadding: 59,
}) {
if (_status != null) {
// Ignore nested progresses; return a no-op status object.
return new Status()..start();
if (terminal.supportsColor) {
_status = new AnsiStatus(message, expectSlowOperation, () { _status = null; }, progressIndicatorPadding)..start();
} else {
_status = new Status()..start();
return _status;
/// A [StdoutLogger] which replaces Unicode characters that cannot be printed to
/// the Windows console with alternative symbols.
/// By default, Windows uses either "Consolas" or "Lucida Console" as fonts to
/// render text in the console. Both fonts only have a limited character set.
/// Unicode characters, that are not available in either of the two default
/// fonts, should be replaced by this class with printable symbols. Otherwise,
/// they will show up as the unrepresentable character symbol '�'.
class WindowsStdoutLogger extends StdoutLogger {
void writeToStdOut(String message) {
// TODO(jcollins-g): wrong abstraction layer for this, move to [Stdio].
.replaceAll('✗', 'X')
.replaceAll('✓', '√')
class BufferLogger extends Logger {
bool get isVerbose => false;
final StringBuffer _error = new StringBuffer();
final StringBuffer _status = new StringBuffer();
final StringBuffer _trace = new StringBuffer();
String get errorText => _error.toString();
String get statusText => _status.toString();
String get traceText => _trace.toString();
void printError(String message, { StackTrace stackTrace, bool emphasis: false }) {
void printStatus(
String message,
{ bool emphasis: false, bool newline: true, String ansiAlternative, int indent }
) {
if (newline)
void printTrace(String message) => _trace.writeln(message);
Status startProgress(
String message, {
String progressId,
bool expectSlowOperation: false,
int progressIndicatorPadding: kDefaultStatusPadding,
}) {
return new Status();
/// Clears all buffers.
void clear() {
class VerboseLogger extends Logger {
: assert(terminal != null) {
final Logger parent;
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
bool get isVerbose => true;
void printError(String message, { StackTrace stackTrace, bool emphasis: false }) {
_emit(_LogType.error, message, stackTrace);
void printStatus(
String message,
{ bool emphasis: false, bool newline: true, String ansiAlternative, int indent }
) {
_emit(_LogType.status, message);
void printTrace(String message) {
_emit(_LogType.trace, message);
Status startProgress(
String message, {
String progressId,
bool expectSlowOperation: false,
int progressIndicatorPadding: kDefaultStatusPadding,
}) {
return new Status();
void _emit(_LogType type, String message, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
if (message.trim().isEmpty)
final int millis = stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds;
String prefix;
const int prefixWidth = 8;
if (millis == 0) {
prefix = ''.padLeft(prefixWidth);
} else {
prefix = '+$millis ms'.padLeft(prefixWidth);
if (millis >= 100)
prefix = terminal.bolden(prefix);
prefix = '[$prefix] ';
final String indent = ''.padLeft(prefix.length);
final String indentMessage = message.replaceAll('\n', '\n$indent');
if (type == _LogType.error) {
parent.printError(prefix + terminal.bolden(indentMessage));
if (stackTrace != null)
parent.printError(indent + stackTrace.toString().replaceAll('\n', '\n$indent'));
} else if (type == _LogType.status) {
parent.printStatus(prefix + terminal.bolden(indentMessage));
} else {
parent.printStatus(prefix + indentMessage);
enum _LogType {
/// A [Status] class begins when start is called, and may produce progress
/// information asynchronously.
/// When stop is called, summary information supported by this class is printed.
/// If cancel is called, no summary information is displayed.
/// The base class displays nothing at all.
class Status {
bool _isStarted = false;
factory Status.withSpinner() {
if (terminal.supportsColor)
return new AnsiSpinner()..start();
return new Status()..start();
/// Display summary information for this spinner; called by [stop].
void summaryInformation() {}
/// Call to start spinning. Call this method via super at the beginning
/// of a subclass [start] method.
void start() {
_isStarted = true;
/// Call to stop spinning and delete the spinner. Print summary information,
/// if applicable to the spinner.
void stop() {
if (_isStarted) {
/// Call to cancel the spinner without printing any summary output. Call
/// this method via super at the end of a subclass [cancel] method.
void cancel() {
_isStarted = false;
/// An [AnsiSpinner] is a simple animation that does nothing but implement an
/// ASCII spinner. When stopped or canceled, the animation erases itself.
class AnsiSpinner extends Status {
int ticks = 0;
Timer timer;
static final List<String> _progress = <String>['-', r'\', '|', r'/'];
void _callback(Timer _) {
stdout.write('\b${_progress[ticks++ % _progress.length]}');
void start() {
stdout.write(' ');
timer = new Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 100), _callback);
/// Clears the spinner. After cancel, the cursor will be one space right
/// of where it was when [start] was called (assuming no other input).
void cancel() {
if (timer?.isActive == true) {
// Many terminals do not interpret backspace as deleting a character,
// but rather just moving the cursor back one.
stdout.write('\b \b');
/// Constructor writes [message] to [stdout] with padding, then starts as an
/// [AnsiSpinner]. On [cancel] or [stop], will call [onFinish].
/// On [stop], will additionally print out summary information in
/// milliseconds if [expectSlowOperation] is false, as seconds otherwise.
class AnsiStatus extends AnsiSpinner {
AnsiStatus(this.message, this.expectSlowOperation, this.onFinish, this.padding);
final String message;
final bool expectSlowOperation;
final _FinishCallback onFinish;
final int padding;
Stopwatch stopwatch;
bool _finished = false;
/// Writes [message] to [stdout] with padding, then begins spinning.
void start() {
stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
stdout.write('${message.padRight(padding)} ');
/// Calls onFinish.
void stop() {
if (!_finished) {
_finished = true;
/// Backs up 4 characters and prints a (minimum) 5 character padded time. If
/// [expectSlowOperation] is true, the time is in seconds; otherwise,
/// milliseconds. Only backs up 4 characters because [super.cancel] backs
/// up one.
/// Example: '\b\b\b\b 0.5s', '\b\b\b\b150ms', '\b\b\b\b1600ms'
void summaryInformation() {
if (expectSlowOperation) {
} else {
/// Calls [onFinish].
void cancel() {
if (!_finished) {
_finished = true;