blob: caeffa356333e698a3b43dd926ed0714f8a97ed7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Logic for native assets shared between all host OSes.
import 'package:logging/logging.dart' as logging;
import 'package:native_assets_builder/native_assets_builder.dart' hide NativeAssetsBuildRunner;
import 'package:native_assets_builder/native_assets_builder.dart' as native_assets_builder show NativeAssetsBuildRunner;
import 'package:native_assets_cli/native_assets_cli.dart';
import 'package:package_config/package_config_types.dart';
import 'base/common.dart';
import 'base/file_system.dart';
import 'base/logger.dart';
import 'base/platform.dart';
import 'build_info.dart' as build_info;
import 'cache.dart';
import 'features.dart';
import 'globals.dart' as globals;
import 'ios/native_assets.dart';
import 'linux/native_assets.dart';
import 'macos/native_assets.dart';
import 'macos/native_assets_host.dart';
import 'resident_runner.dart';
/// Programmatic API to be used by Dart launchers to invoke native builds.
/// It enables mocking `package:native_assets_builder` package.
/// It also enables mocking native toolchain discovery via [cCompilerConfig].
abstract class NativeAssetsBuildRunner {
/// Whether the project has a `.dart_tools/package_config.json`.
/// If there is no package config, [packagesWithNativeAssets], [build], and
/// [dryRun] must not be invoked.
Future<bool> hasPackageConfig();
/// All packages in the transitive dependencies that have a `build.dart`.
Future<List<Package>> packagesWithNativeAssets();
/// Runs all [packagesWithNativeAssets] `build.dart` in dry run.
Future<DryRunResult> dryRun({
required bool includeParentEnvironment,
required LinkModePreference linkModePreference,
required OS targetOs,
required Uri workingDirectory,
/// Runs all [packagesWithNativeAssets] `build.dart`.
Future<BuildResult> build({
required bool includeParentEnvironment,
required BuildMode buildMode,
required LinkModePreference linkModePreference,
required Target target,
required Uri workingDirectory,
CCompilerConfig? cCompilerConfig,
int? targetAndroidNdkApi,
IOSSdk? targetIOSSdk,
/// The C compiler config to use for compilation.
Future<CCompilerConfig> get cCompilerConfig;
/// Uses `package:native_assets_builder` for its implementation.
class NativeAssetsBuildRunnerImpl implements NativeAssetsBuildRunner {
final Uri projectUri;
final PackageConfig packageConfig;
final FileSystem fileSystem;
final Logger logger;
late final logging.Logger _logger = logging.Logger('')
..onRecord.listen((logging.LogRecord record) {
final int levelValue = record.level.value;
final String message = record.message;
if (levelValue >= logging.Level.SEVERE.value) {
} else if (levelValue >= logging.Level.WARNING.value) {
} else if (levelValue >= logging.Level.INFO.value) {
} else {
late final Uri _dartExecutable ='bin/dart');
late final native_assets_builder.NativeAssetsBuildRunner _buildRunner = native_assets_builder.NativeAssetsBuildRunner(
logger: _logger,
dartExecutable: _dartExecutable,
Future<bool> hasPackageConfig() {
final File packageConfigJson = fileSystem
return packageConfigJson.exists();
Future<List<Package>> packagesWithNativeAssets() async {
final PackageLayout packageLayout = PackageLayout.fromPackageConfig(
return packageLayout.packagesWithNativeAssets;
Future<DryRunResult> dryRun({
required bool includeParentEnvironment,
required LinkModePreference linkModePreference,
required OS targetOs,
required Uri workingDirectory,
}) {
final PackageLayout packageLayout = PackageLayout.fromPackageConfig(
return _buildRunner.dryRun(
includeParentEnvironment: includeParentEnvironment,
linkModePreference: linkModePreference,
targetOs: targetOs,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
packageLayout: packageLayout,
Future<BuildResult> build({
required bool includeParentEnvironment,
required BuildMode buildMode,
required LinkModePreference linkModePreference,
required Target target,
required Uri workingDirectory,
CCompilerConfig? cCompilerConfig,
int? targetAndroidNdkApi,
IOSSdk? targetIOSSdk,
}) {
final PackageLayout packageLayout = PackageLayout.fromPackageConfig(
buildMode: buildMode,
cCompilerConfig: cCompilerConfig,
includeParentEnvironment: includeParentEnvironment,
linkModePreference: linkModePreference,
target: target,
targetAndroidNdkApi: targetAndroidNdkApi,
targetIOSSdk: targetIOSSdk,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
packageLayout: packageLayout,
late final Future<CCompilerConfig> cCompilerConfig = () {
if (globals.platform.isMacOS || globals.platform.isIOS) {
return cCompilerConfigMacOS();
if (globals.platform.isLinux) {
return cCompilerConfigLinux();
'Native assets feature not yet implemented for Linux, Windows and Android.',
/// Write [assets] to `native_assets.yaml` in [yamlParentDirectory].
Future<Uri> writeNativeAssetsYaml(
Iterable<Asset> assets,
Uri yamlParentDirectory,
FileSystem fileSystem,
) async {
globals.logger.printTrace('Writing native_assets.yaml.');
final String nativeAssetsDartContents = assets.toNativeAssetsFile();
final Directory parentDirectory =;
if (!await parentDirectory.exists()) {
await parentDirectory.create(recursive: true);
final File nativeAssetsFile = parentDirectory.childFile('native_assets.yaml');
await nativeAssetsFile.writeAsString(nativeAssetsDartContents);
globals.logger.printTrace('Writing ${nativeAssetsFile.path} done.');
return nativeAssetsFile.uri;
/// Select the native asset build mode for a given Flutter build mode.
BuildMode nativeAssetsBuildMode(build_info.BuildMode buildMode) {
switch (buildMode) {
case build_info.BuildMode.debug:
return BuildMode.debug;
case build_info.BuildMode.jitRelease:
case build_info.BuildMode.profile:
case build_info.BuildMode.release:
return BuildMode.release;
/// Checks whether this project does not yet have a package config file.
/// A project has no package config when `pub get` has not yet been run.
/// Native asset builds cannot be run without a package config. If there is
/// no package config, leave a logging trace about that.
Future<bool> _hasNoPackageConfig(NativeAssetsBuildRunner buildRunner) async {
final bool packageConfigExists = await buildRunner.hasPackageConfig();
if (!packageConfigExists) {
globals.logger.printTrace('No package config found. Skipping native assets compilation.');
return !packageConfigExists;
Future<bool> nativeBuildRequired(NativeAssetsBuildRunner buildRunner) async {
if (await _hasNoPackageConfig(buildRunner)) {
return false;
final List<Package> packagesWithNativeAssets = await buildRunner.packagesWithNativeAssets();
if (packagesWithNativeAssets.isEmpty) {
return false;
if (!featureFlags.isNativeAssetsEnabled) {
final String packageNames = p) =>' ');
'Package(s) $packageNames require the native assets feature to be enabled. '
'Enable using `flutter config --enable-native-assets`.',
return true;
/// Ensures that either this project has no native assets, or that native assets
/// are supported on that operating system.
/// Exits the tool if the above condition is not satisfied.
Future<void> ensureNoNativeAssetsOrOsIsSupported(
Uri workingDirectory,
String os,
FileSystem fileSystem,
NativeAssetsBuildRunner buildRunner,
) async {
if (await _hasNoPackageConfig(buildRunner)) {
final List<Package> packagesWithNativeAssets = await buildRunner.packagesWithNativeAssets();
if (packagesWithNativeAssets.isEmpty) {
final String packageNames = p) =>' ');
'Package(s) $packageNames require the native assets feature. '
'This feature has not yet been implemented for `$os`. '
'For more info see',
/// Ensure all native assets have a linkmode declared to be dynamic loading.
/// In JIT, the link mode must always be dynamic linking.
/// In AOT, the static linking has not yet been implemented in Dart:
/// Therefore, ensure all `build.dart` scripts return only dynamic libraries.
void ensureNoLinkModeStatic(List<Asset> nativeAssets) {
final Iterable<Asset> staticAssets = nativeAssets.whereLinkMode(LinkMode.static);
if (staticAssets.isNotEmpty) {
final String assetIds = a) =>', ');
'Native asset(s) $assetIds have their link mode set to static, '
'but this is not yet supported. '
'For more info see',
/// This should be the same for different archs, debug/release, etc.
/// It should work for all macOS.
Uri nativeAssetsBuildUri(Uri projectUri, OS os) {
final String buildDir = build_info.getBuildDirectory();
return projectUri.resolve('$buildDir/native_assets/$os/');
/// Gets the native asset id to dylib mapping to embed in the kernel file.
/// Run hot compiles a kernel file that is pushed to the device after hot
/// restart. We need to embed the native assets mapping in order to access
/// native assets after hot restart.
Future<Uri?> dryRunNativeAssets({
required Uri projectUri,
required FileSystem fileSystem,
required NativeAssetsBuildRunner buildRunner,
required List<FlutterDevice> flutterDevices,
}) async {
if (flutterDevices.length != 1) {
return dryRunNativeAssetsMultipeOSes(
projectUri: projectUri,
fileSystem: fileSystem,
targetPlatforms: d) => d.targetPlatform).nonNulls,
buildRunner: buildRunner,
final FlutterDevice flutterDevice = flutterDevices.single;
final build_info.TargetPlatform targetPlatform = flutterDevice.targetPlatform!;
final Uri? nativeAssetsYaml;
switch (targetPlatform) {
case build_info.TargetPlatform.darwin:
nativeAssetsYaml = await dryRunNativeAssetsMacOS(
projectUri: projectUri,
fileSystem: fileSystem,
buildRunner: buildRunner,
case build_info.TargetPlatform.ios:
nativeAssetsYaml = await dryRunNativeAssetsIOS(
projectUri: projectUri,
fileSystem: fileSystem,
buildRunner: buildRunner,
case build_info.TargetPlatform.tester:
if (const LocalPlatform().isMacOS) {
nativeAssetsYaml = await dryRunNativeAssetsMacOS(
projectUri: projectUri,
flutterTester: true,
fileSystem: fileSystem,
buildRunner: buildRunner,
} else if (const LocalPlatform().isLinux) {
nativeAssetsYaml = await dryRunNativeAssetsLinux(
projectUri: projectUri,
flutterTester: true,
fileSystem: fileSystem,
buildRunner: buildRunner,
} else {
await nativeBuildRequired(buildRunner);
nativeAssetsYaml = null;
case build_info.TargetPlatform.linux_arm64:
case build_info.TargetPlatform.linux_x64:
nativeAssetsYaml = await dryRunNativeAssetsLinux(
projectUri: projectUri,
fileSystem: fileSystem,
buildRunner: buildRunner,
case build_info.TargetPlatform.android_arm:
case build_info.TargetPlatform.android_arm64:
case build_info.TargetPlatform.android_x64:
case build_info.TargetPlatform.android_x86:
case build_info.TargetPlatform.fuchsia_arm64:
case build_info.TargetPlatform.fuchsia_x64:
case build_info.TargetPlatform.web_javascript:
case build_info.TargetPlatform.windows_x64:
await ensureNoNativeAssetsOrOsIsSupported(
nativeAssetsYaml = null;
return nativeAssetsYaml;
/// Dry run the native builds for multiple OSes.
/// Needed for `flutter run -d all`.
Future<Uri?> dryRunNativeAssetsMultipeOSes({
required NativeAssetsBuildRunner buildRunner,
required Uri projectUri,
required FileSystem fileSystem,
required Iterable<build_info.TargetPlatform> targetPlatforms,
}) async {
if (await nativeBuildRequired(buildRunner)) {
return null;
final Uri buildUri_ = buildUriMultiple(projectUri);
final Iterable<Asset> nativeAssetPaths = <Asset>[
if (targetPlatforms.contains(build_info.TargetPlatform.darwin) ||
(targetPlatforms.contains(build_info.TargetPlatform.tester) && OS.current == OS.macOS))
...await dryRunNativeAssetsMacOSInternal(fileSystem, projectUri, false, buildRunner),
if (targetPlatforms.contains(build_info.TargetPlatform.linux_arm64) ||
targetPlatforms.contains(build_info.TargetPlatform.linux_x64) ||
(targetPlatforms.contains(build_info.TargetPlatform.tester) && OS.current == OS.linux))
...await dryRunNativeAssetsLinuxInternal(fileSystem, projectUri, false, buildRunner),
if (targetPlatforms.contains(build_info.TargetPlatform.ios))
...await dryRunNativeAssetsIOSInternal(fileSystem, projectUri, buildRunner)
final Uri nativeAssetsUri = await writeNativeAssetsYaml(nativeAssetPaths, buildUri_, fileSystem);
return nativeAssetsUri;
/// With `flutter run -d all` we need a place to store the native assets
/// mapping for multiple OSes combined.
Uri buildUriMultiple(Uri projectUri) {
final String buildDir = build_info.getBuildDirectory();
return projectUri.resolve('$buildDir/native_assets/multiple/');