blob: 5eed616f5ef1c5f5941a1f94b80274a79b1db4aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:package_config/package_config.dart';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import 'package:usage/uuid/uuid.dart';
import 'artifacts.dart';
import 'base/common.dart';
import 'base/file_system.dart';
import 'base/io.dart';
import 'base/logger.dart';
import 'base/platform.dart';
import 'build_info.dart';
import 'convert.dart';
/// The target model describes the set of core libraries that are available within
/// the SDK.
class TargetModel {
/// Parse a [TargetModel] from a raw string.
/// Throws an exception if passed a value other than 'flutter',
/// 'flutter_runner', 'vm', or 'dartdevc'.
factory TargetModel(String rawValue) {
switch (rawValue) {
case 'flutter':
return flutter;
case 'flutter_runner':
return flutterRunner;
case 'vm':
return vm;
case 'dartdevc':
return dartdevc;
throw Exception('Unexpected target model $rawValue');
const TargetModel._(this._value);
/// The Flutter patched Dart SDK.
static const TargetModel flutter = TargetModel._('flutter');
/// The Fuchsia patched SDK.
static const TargetModel flutterRunner = TargetModel._('flutter_runner');
/// The Dart VM.
static const TargetModel vm = TargetModel._('vm');
/// The development compiler for JavaScript.
static const TargetModel dartdevc = TargetModel._('dartdevc');
final String _value;
String toString() => _value;
class CompilerOutput {
const CompilerOutput(this.outputFilename, this.errorCount, this.sources, {this.expressionData});
final String outputFilename;
final int errorCount;
final List<Uri> sources;
/// This field is only non-null for expression compilation requests.
final Uint8List? expressionData;
enum StdoutState { CollectDiagnostic, CollectDependencies }
/// Handles stdin/stdout communication with the frontend server.
class StdoutHandler {
required Logger logger,
required FileSystem fileSystem,
}) : _logger = logger,
_fileSystem = fileSystem {
final Logger _logger;
final FileSystem _fileSystem;
String? boundaryKey;
StdoutState state = StdoutState.CollectDiagnostic;
Completer<CompilerOutput?>? compilerOutput;
final List<Uri> sources = <Uri>[];
bool _suppressCompilerMessages = false;
bool _expectSources = true;
bool _readFile = false;
void handler(String message) {
const String kResultPrefix = 'result ';
if (boundaryKey == null && message.startsWith(kResultPrefix)) {
boundaryKey = message.substring(kResultPrefix.length);
final String? messageBoundaryKey = boundaryKey;
if (messageBoundaryKey != null && message.startsWith(messageBoundaryKey)) {
if (_expectSources) {
if (state == StdoutState.CollectDiagnostic) {
state = StdoutState.CollectDependencies;
if (message.length <= messageBoundaryKey.length) {
final int spaceDelimiter = message.lastIndexOf(' ');
final String fileName = message.substring(messageBoundaryKey.length + 1, spaceDelimiter);
final int errorCount = int.parse(message.substring(spaceDelimiter + 1).trim());
Uint8List? expressionData;
if (_readFile) {
expressionData = _fileSystem.file(fileName).readAsBytesSync();
final CompilerOutput output = CompilerOutput(
expressionData: expressionData,
if (state == StdoutState.CollectDiagnostic) {
if (!_suppressCompilerMessages) {
} else {
} else {
assert(state == StdoutState.CollectDependencies);
switch (message[0]) {
case '+':
case '-':
_logger.printTrace('Unexpected prefix for $message uri - ignoring');
// This is needed to get ready to process next compilation result output,
// with its own boundary key and new completer.
void reset({ bool suppressCompilerMessages = false, bool expectSources = true, bool readFile = false }) {
boundaryKey = null;
compilerOutput = Completer<CompilerOutput?>();
_suppressCompilerMessages = suppressCompilerMessages;
_expectSources = expectSources;
_readFile = readFile;
state = StdoutState.CollectDiagnostic;
/// List the preconfigured build options for a given build mode.
List<String> buildModeOptions(BuildMode mode, List<String> dartDefines) {
switch (mode) {
case BuildMode.debug:
return <String>[
// These checks allow the CLI to override the value of this define for unit
// testing the framework.
if (!dartDefines.any((String define) => define.startsWith('dart.vm.profile')))
if (!dartDefines.any((String define) => define.startsWith('dart.vm.product')))
case BuildMode.profile:
return <String>[
// These checks allow the CLI to override the value of this define for
// benchmarks with most timeline traces disabled.
if (!dartDefines.any((String define) => define.startsWith('dart.vm.profile')))
if (!dartDefines.any((String define) => define.startsWith('dart.vm.product')))
case BuildMode.release:
return <String>[
throw Exception('Unknown BuildMode: $mode');
/// A compiler interface for producing single (non-incremental) kernel files.
class KernelCompiler {
required FileSystem fileSystem,
required Logger logger,
required ProcessManager processManager,
required Artifacts artifacts,
required List<String> fileSystemRoots,
String? fileSystemScheme,
@visibleForTesting StdoutHandler? stdoutHandler,
}) : _logger = logger,
_fileSystem = fileSystem,
_artifacts = artifacts,
_processManager = processManager,
_fileSystemScheme = fileSystemScheme,
_fileSystemRoots = fileSystemRoots,
_stdoutHandler = stdoutHandler ?? StdoutHandler(logger: logger, fileSystem: fileSystem);
final FileSystem _fileSystem;
final Artifacts _artifacts;
final ProcessManager _processManager;
final Logger _logger;
final String? _fileSystemScheme;
final List<String> _fileSystemRoots;
final StdoutHandler _stdoutHandler;
Future<CompilerOutput?> compile({
required String sdkRoot,
String? mainPath,
String? outputFilePath,
String? depFilePath,
TargetModel targetModel = TargetModel.flutter,
bool linkPlatformKernelIn = false,
bool aot = false,
List<String>? extraFrontEndOptions,
List<String>? fileSystemRoots,
String? fileSystemScheme,
String? initializeFromDill,
String? platformDill,
Directory? buildDir,
bool checkDartPluginRegistry = false,
required String? packagesPath,
required BuildMode buildMode,
required bool trackWidgetCreation,
required List<String> dartDefines,
required PackageConfig packageConfig,
}) async {
final String frontendServer = _artifacts.getArtifactPath(
// This is a URI, not a file path, so the forward slash is correct even on Windows.
if (!sdkRoot.endsWith('/')) {
sdkRoot = '$sdkRoot/';
final String engineDartPath = _artifacts.getHostArtifact(HostArtifact.engineDartBinary).path;
if (!_processManager.canRun(engineDartPath)) {
throwToolExit('Unable to find Dart binary at $engineDartPath');
String? mainUri;
final File mainFile = _fileSystem.file(mainPath);
final Uri mainFileUri = mainFile.uri;
if (packagesPath != null) {
mainUri = packageConfig.toPackageUri(mainFileUri)?.toString();
mainUri ??= toMultiRootPath(mainFileUri, _fileSystemScheme, _fileSystemRoots, _fileSystem.path.separator == r'\');
if (outputFilePath != null && !_fileSystem.isFileSync(outputFilePath)) {
_fileSystem.file(outputFilePath).createSync(recursive: true);
if (buildDir != null && checkDartPluginRegistry) {
// Check if there's a Dart plugin registrant.
// This is contained in the file `generated_main.dart` under `.dart_tools/flutter_build/`.
final File newMainDart = buildDir.parent.childFile('generated_main.dart');
if (newMainDart.existsSync()) {
mainUri = newMainDart.path;
final List<String> command = <String>[
for (final Object dartDefine in dartDefines)
...buildModeOptions(buildMode, dartDefines),
if (trackWidgetCreation) '--track-widget-creation',
if (!linkPlatformKernelIn) '--no-link-platform',
if (aot) ...<String>[
if (packagesPath != null) ...<String>[
if (outputFilePath != null) ...<String>[
if (depFilePath != null && (fileSystemRoots == null || fileSystemRoots.isEmpty)) ...<String>[
if (fileSystemRoots != null)
for (final String root in fileSystemRoots) ...<String>[
if (fileSystemScheme != null) ...<String>[
if (initializeFromDill != null) ...<String>[
if (platformDill != null) ...<String>[
_logger.printTrace(command.join(' '));
final Process server = await _processManager.start(command);
.transform<String>(const LineSplitter())
final int exitCode = await server.exitCode;
if (exitCode == 0) {
return _stdoutHandler.compilerOutput?.future;
return null;
/// Class that allows to serialize compilation requests to the compiler.
abstract class _CompilationRequest {
Completer<CompilerOutput?> completer;
Future<CompilerOutput?> _run(DefaultResidentCompiler compiler);
Future<void> run(DefaultResidentCompiler compiler) async {
completer.complete(await _run(compiler));
class _RecompileRequest extends _CompilationRequest {
Completer<CompilerOutput?> completer,
) : super(completer);
Uri mainUri;
List<Uri>? invalidatedFiles;
String outputPath;
PackageConfig packageConfig;
bool suppressErrors;
Future<CompilerOutput?> _run(DefaultResidentCompiler compiler) async =>
class _CompileExpressionRequest extends _CompilationRequest {
Completer<CompilerOutput?> completer,
) : super(completer);
String expression;
List<String>? definitions;
List<String>? typeDefinitions;
String? libraryUri;
String? klass;
bool isStatic;
Future<CompilerOutput?> _run(DefaultResidentCompiler compiler) async =>
class _CompileExpressionToJsRequest extends _CompilationRequest {
Completer<CompilerOutput?> completer,
) : super(completer);
final String? libraryUri;
final int line;
final int column;
final Map<String, String>? jsModules;
final Map<String, String>? jsFrameValues;
final String? moduleName;
final String? expression;
Future<CompilerOutput?> _run(DefaultResidentCompiler compiler) async =>
class _RejectRequest extends _CompilationRequest {
_RejectRequest(Completer<CompilerOutput?> completer) : super(completer);
Future<CompilerOutput?> _run(DefaultResidentCompiler compiler) async =>
/// Wrapper around incremental frontend server compiler, that communicates with
/// server via stdin/stdout.
/// The wrapper is intended to stay resident in memory as user changes, reloads,
/// restarts the Flutter app.
abstract class ResidentCompiler {
factory ResidentCompiler(String sdkRoot, {
required BuildMode buildMode,
required Logger logger,
required ProcessManager processManager,
required Artifacts artifacts,
required Platform platform,
required FileSystem fileSystem,
bool testCompilation,
bool trackWidgetCreation,
String packagesPath,
List<String> fileSystemRoots,
String? fileSystemScheme,
String initializeFromDill,
bool assumeInitializeFromDillUpToDate,
TargetModel targetModel,
bool unsafePackageSerialization,
List<String> extraFrontEndOptions,
String platformDill,
List<String>? dartDefines,
String librariesSpec,
}) = DefaultResidentCompiler;
// TODO(zanderso): find a better way to configure additional file system
// roots from the runner.
// See:
void addFileSystemRoot(String root);
/// If invoked for the first time, it compiles Dart script identified by
/// [mainPath], [invalidatedFiles] list is ignored.
/// On successive runs [invalidatedFiles] indicates which files need to be
/// recompiled. If [mainPath] is [null], previously used [mainPath] entry
/// point that is used for recompilation.
/// Binary file name is returned if compilation was successful, otherwise
/// null is returned.
/// If [checkDartPluginRegistry] is true, it is the caller's responsibility
/// to ensure that the generated registrant file has been updated such that
/// it is wrapping [mainUri].
Future<CompilerOutput?> recompile(
Uri mainUri,
List<Uri>? invalidatedFiles, {
required String outputPath,
required PackageConfig packageConfig,
required FileSystem fs,
String? projectRootPath,
bool suppressErrors = false,
bool checkDartPluginRegistry = false,
Future<CompilerOutput?> compileExpression(
String expression,
List<String>? definitions,
List<String>? typeDefinitions,
String? libraryUri,
String? klass,
bool isStatic,
/// Compiles [expression] in [libraryUri] at [line]:[column] to JavaScript
/// in [moduleName].
/// Values listed in [jsFrameValues] are substituted for their names in the
/// [expression].
/// Ensures that all [jsModules] are loaded and accessible inside the
/// expression.
/// Example values of parameters:
/// [moduleName] is of the form '/packages/hello_world_main.dart'
/// [jsFrameValues] is a map from js variable name to its primitive value
/// or another variable name, for example
/// { 'x': '1', 'y': 'y', 'o': 'null' }
/// [jsModules] is a map from variable name to the module name, where
/// variable name is the name originally used in JavaScript to contain the
/// module object, for example:
/// { 'dart':'dart_sdk', 'main': '/packages/hello_world_main.dart' }
/// Returns a [CompilerOutput] including the name of the file containing the
/// compilation result and a number of errors.
Future<CompilerOutput?> compileExpressionToJs(
String libraryUri,
int line,
int column,
Map<String, String> jsModules,
Map<String, String> jsFrameValues,
String moduleName,
String expression,
/// Should be invoked when results of compilation are accepted by the client.
/// Either [accept] or [reject] should be called after every [recompile] call.
void accept();
/// Should be invoked when results of compilation are rejected by the client.
/// Either [accept] or [reject] should be called after every [recompile] call.
Future<CompilerOutput?> reject();
/// Should be invoked when frontend server compiler should forget what was
/// accepted previously so that next call to [recompile] produces complete
/// kernel file.
void reset();
Future<Object> shutdown();
class DefaultResidentCompiler implements ResidentCompiler {
String sdkRoot, {
required this.buildMode,
required Logger logger,
required ProcessManager processManager,
required Artifacts artifacts,
required Platform platform,
required FileSystem fileSystem,
this.testCompilation = false,
this.trackWidgetCreation = true,
List<String> fileSystemRoots = const <String>[],
this.assumeInitializeFromDillUpToDate = false,
this.targetModel = TargetModel.flutter,
this.unsafePackageSerialization = false,
List<String>? dartDefines,
@visibleForTesting StdoutHandler? stdoutHandler,
}) : assert(sdkRoot != null),
_logger = logger,
_processManager = processManager,
_artifacts = artifacts,
_stdoutHandler = stdoutHandler ?? StdoutHandler(logger: logger, fileSystem: fileSystem),
_platform = platform,
dartDefines = dartDefines ?? const <String>[],
// This is a URI, not a file path, so the forward slash is correct even on Windows.
sdkRoot = sdkRoot.endsWith('/') ? sdkRoot : '$sdkRoot/',
// Make a copy, we might need to modify it later.
fileSystemRoots = List<String>.from(fileSystemRoots);
final Logger _logger;
final ProcessManager _processManager;
final Artifacts _artifacts;
final Platform _platform;
final bool testCompilation;
final BuildMode buildMode;
final bool trackWidgetCreation;
final String? packagesPath;
final TargetModel targetModel;
final List<String> fileSystemRoots;
final String? fileSystemScheme;
final String? initializeFromDill;
final bool assumeInitializeFromDillUpToDate;
final bool unsafePackageSerialization;
final List<String>? extraFrontEndOptions;
final List<String> dartDefines;
final String? librariesSpec;
void addFileSystemRoot(String root) {
/// The path to the root of the Dart SDK used to compile.
/// This is used to resolve the [platformDill].
final String sdkRoot;
/// The path to the platform dill file.
/// This does not need to be provided for the normal Flutter workflow.
final String? platformDill;
Process? _server;
final StdoutHandler _stdoutHandler;
bool _compileRequestNeedsConfirmation = false;
final StreamController<_CompilationRequest> _controller = StreamController<_CompilationRequest>();
Future<CompilerOutput?> recompile(
Uri mainUri,
List<Uri>? invalidatedFiles, {
required String outputPath,
required PackageConfig packageConfig,
bool suppressErrors = false,
bool checkDartPluginRegistry = false,
String? projectRootPath,
FileSystem? fs,
}) async {
assert(outputPath != null);
if (!_controller.hasListener) {;
// `generated_main.dart` contains the Dart plugin registry.
if (checkDartPluginRegistry && projectRootPath != null && fs != null) {
final File generatedMainDart = fs.file(
if (generatedMainDart != null && generatedMainDart.existsSync()) {
mainUri = generatedMainDart.uri;
final Completer<CompilerOutput?> completer = Completer<CompilerOutput?>();
_RecompileRequest(completer, mainUri, invalidatedFiles, outputPath, packageConfig, suppressErrors)
return completer.future;
Future<CompilerOutput?> _recompile(_RecompileRequest request) async {
_compileRequestNeedsConfirmation = true;
_stdoutHandler._suppressCompilerMessages = request.suppressErrors;
final String mainUri = request.packageConfig.toPackageUri(request.mainUri)?.toString() ??
toMultiRootPath(request.mainUri, fileSystemScheme, fileSystemRoots, _platform.isWindows);
final Process? server = _server;
if (server == null) {
return _compile(mainUri, request.outputPath);
final String inputKey = Uuid().generateV4();
server.stdin.writeln('recompile $mainUri $inputKey');
_logger.printTrace('<- recompile $mainUri $inputKey');
final List<Uri>? invalidatedFiles = request.invalidatedFiles;
if (invalidatedFiles != null) {
for (final Uri fileUri in invalidatedFiles) {
String message;
if (fileUri.scheme == 'package') {
message = fileUri.toString();
} else {
message = request.packageConfig.toPackageUri(fileUri)?.toString() ??
toMultiRootPath(fileUri, fileSystemScheme, fileSystemRoots, _platform.isWindows);
_logger.printTrace('<- $inputKey');
return _stdoutHandler.compilerOutput?.future;
final List<_CompilationRequest> _compilationQueue = <_CompilationRequest>[];
Future<void> _handleCompilationRequest(_CompilationRequest request) async {
final bool isEmpty = _compilationQueue.isEmpty;
// Only trigger processing if queue was empty - i.e. no other requests
// are currently being processed. This effectively enforces "one
// compilation request at a time".
if (isEmpty) {
while (_compilationQueue.isNotEmpty) {
final _CompilationRequest request = _compilationQueue.first;
Future<CompilerOutput?> _compile(
String scriptUri,
String? outputPath,
) async {
final String frontendServer = _artifacts.getArtifactPath(
final List<String> command = <String>[
if (testCompilation)
// TODO(zanderso): remove once this becomes the default behavior
// in the frontend_server.
// TODO(annagrin): remove once this becomes the default behavior
// in the frontend_server.
for (final Object dartDefine in dartDefines)
if (outputPath != null) ...<String>[
if (librariesSpec != null) ...<String>[
if (packagesPath != null) ...<String>[
...buildModeOptions(buildMode, dartDefines),
if (trackWidgetCreation) '--track-widget-creation',
if (fileSystemRoots != null)
for (final String root in fileSystemRoots) ...<String>[
if (fileSystemScheme != null) ...<String>[
if (initializeFromDill != null) ...<String>[
if (assumeInitializeFromDillUpToDate) '--assume-initialize-from-dill-up-to-date',
if (platformDill != null) ...<String>[
if (unsafePackageSerialization == true) '--unsafe-package-serialization',
_logger.printTrace(command.join(' '));
_server = await _processManager.start(command);
.transform<String>(const LineSplitter())
onDone: () {
// when outputFilename future is not completed, but stdout is closed
// process has died unexpectedly.
if (_stdoutHandler.compilerOutput?.isCompleted == false) {
throwToolExit('the Dart compiler exited unexpectedly.');
.transform<String>(const LineSplitter())
unawaited(_server?.exitCode.then((int code) {
if (code != 0) {
throwToolExit('the Dart compiler exited unexpectedly.');
_server?.stdin.writeln('compile $scriptUri');
_logger.printTrace('<- compile $scriptUri');
return _stdoutHandler.compilerOutput?.future;
Future<CompilerOutput?> compileExpression(
String expression,
List<String>? definitions,
List<String>? typeDefinitions,
String? libraryUri,
String? klass,
bool isStatic,
) async {
if (!_controller.hasListener) {;
final Completer<CompilerOutput?> completer = Completer<CompilerOutput?>();
final _CompileExpressionRequest request = _CompileExpressionRequest(
completer, expression, definitions, typeDefinitions, libraryUri, klass, isStatic);
return completer.future;
Future<CompilerOutput?> _compileExpression(_CompileExpressionRequest request) async {
_stdoutHandler.reset(suppressCompilerMessages: true, expectSources: false, readFile: true);
// 'compile-expression' should be invoked after compiler has been started,
// program was compiled.
final Process? server = _server;
if (server == null) {
return null;
final String inputKey = Uuid().generateV4();
..writeln('compile-expression $inputKey')
..writeln(request.libraryUri ?? '')
..writeln(request.klass ?? '')
return _stdoutHandler.compilerOutput?.future;
Future<CompilerOutput?> compileExpressionToJs(
String libraryUri,
int line,
int column,
Map<String, String> jsModules,
Map<String, String> jsFrameValues,
String moduleName,
String expression,
) {
if (!_controller.hasListener) {;
final Completer<CompilerOutput?> completer = Completer<CompilerOutput?>();
completer, libraryUri, line, column, jsModules, jsFrameValues, moduleName, expression)
return completer.future;
Future<CompilerOutput?> _compileExpressionToJs(_CompileExpressionToJsRequest request) async {
_stdoutHandler.reset(suppressCompilerMessages: true, expectSources: false);
// 'compile-expression-to-js' should be invoked after compiler has been started,
// program was compiled.
final Process? server = _server;
if (server == null) {
return null;
final String inputKey = Uuid().generateV4();
..writeln('compile-expression-to-js $inputKey')
..writeln(request.libraryUri ?? '')
request.jsModules?.forEach((String k, String v) { server.stdin.writeln('$k:$v'); });
request.jsFrameValues?.forEach((String k, String v) { server.stdin.writeln('$k:$v'); });
..writeln(request.moduleName ?? '')
..writeln(request.expression ?? '');
return _stdoutHandler.compilerOutput?.future;
void accept() {
if (_compileRequestNeedsConfirmation) {
_logger.printTrace('<- accept');
_compileRequestNeedsConfirmation = false;
Future<CompilerOutput?> reject() {
if (!_controller.hasListener) {;
final Completer<CompilerOutput?> completer = Completer<CompilerOutput?>();
return completer.future;
Future<CompilerOutput?> _reject() async {
if (!_compileRequestNeedsConfirmation) {
return Future<CompilerOutput?>.value();
_stdoutHandler.reset(expectSources: false);
_logger.printTrace('<- reject');
_compileRequestNeedsConfirmation = false;
return _stdoutHandler.compilerOutput?.future;
void reset() {
_logger.printTrace('<- reset');
Future<Object> shutdown() async {
// Server was never successfully created.
final Process? server = _server;
if (server == null) {
return 0;
_logger.printTrace('killing pid ${}');
return server.exitCode;
/// Convert a file URI into a multi-root scheme URI if provided, otherwise
/// return unmodified.
String toMultiRootPath(Uri fileUri, String? scheme, List<String> fileSystemRoots, bool windows) {
if (scheme == null || fileSystemRoots.isEmpty || fileUri.scheme != 'file') {
return fileUri.toString();
final String filePath = fileUri.toFilePath(windows: windows);
for (final String fileSystemRoot in fileSystemRoots) {
if (filePath.startsWith(fileSystemRoot)) {
return '$scheme://${filePath.substring(fileSystemRoot.length)}';
return fileUri.toString();