blob: 3b0407b6d030a803c142a393772c191affd9669d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@import Foundation;
@class UIImage;
typedef void (^FLTIntegrationTestResults)(NSString *testName, BOOL success, NSString *_Nullable failureMessage);
@interface FLTIntegrationTestRunner : NSObject
* Any screenshots captured by the plugin.
@property (copy, readonly) NSDictionary<NSString *, UIImage *> *capturedScreenshotsByName;
Start dart tests and wait for results.
@param testResult Will be called once per every completed dart test.
- (void)testIntegrationTestWithResults:(NS_NOESCAPE FLTIntegrationTestResults)testResult;
DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("Use FLTIntegrationTestRunner instead.")
@interface IntegrationTestIosTest : NSObject
Initate dart tests and wait for results.
@param testResult Will be set to a string describing the results.
@returns @c YES if all tests succeeded.
- (BOOL)testIntegrationTest:(NSString *_Nullable *_Nullable)testResult;