blob: 54810d871145b6f668c837da7547492869b51861 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/memory.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/android/android_device.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/android/application_package.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/application_package.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/build_info.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/cache.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/commands/install.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/ios/application_package.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/ios/devices.dart';
import 'package:test/fake.dart';
import '../../src/common.dart';
import '../../src/context.dart';
import '../../src/test_flutter_command_runner.dart';
void main() {
group('install', () {
setUpAll(() {
late FileSystem fileSystem;
setUp(() {
fileSystem = MemoryFileSystem.test();
fileSystem.file('pubspec.yaml').createSync(recursive: true);
testUsingContext('returns 0 when Android is connected and ready for an install', () async {
final InstallCommand command = InstallCommand();
command.applicationPackages = FakeApplicationPackageFactory(FakeAndroidApk());
final FakeAndroidDevice device = FakeAndroidDevice();
await createTestCommandRunner(command).run(<String>['install']);
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Cache: () => Cache.test(processManager: FakeProcessManager.any()),
FileSystem: () => fileSystem,
ProcessManager: () => FakeProcessManager.any(),
testUsingContext('returns 1 when targeted device is not Android with --device-user', () async {
final InstallCommand command = InstallCommand();
command.applicationPackages = FakeApplicationPackageFactory(FakeAndroidApk());
final FakeIOSDevice device = FakeIOSDevice();
expect(() async => createTestCommandRunner(command).run(<String>['install', '--device-user', '10']),
throwsToolExit(message: '--device-user is only supported for Android'));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Cache: () => Cache.test(processManager: FakeProcessManager.any()),
FileSystem: () => fileSystem,
ProcessManager: () => FakeProcessManager.any(),
testUsingContext('returns 0 when iOS is connected and ready for an install', () async {
final InstallCommand command = InstallCommand();
command.applicationPackages = FakeApplicationPackageFactory(FakeIOSApp());
final FakeIOSDevice device = FakeIOSDevice();
await createTestCommandRunner(command).run(<String>['install']);
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Cache: () => Cache.test(processManager: FakeProcessManager.any()),
FileSystem: () => fileSystem,
ProcessManager: () => FakeProcessManager.any(),
testUsingContext('fails when prebuilt binary not found', () async {
final InstallCommand command = InstallCommand();
command.applicationPackages = FakeApplicationPackageFactory(FakeAndroidApk());
final FakeAndroidDevice device = FakeAndroidDevice();
expect(() async => createTestCommandRunner(command).run(<String>['install', '--use-application-binary', 'bogus']),
throwsToolExit(message: 'Prebuilt binary bogus does not exist'));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Cache: () => Cache.test(processManager: FakeProcessManager.any()),
FileSystem: () => fileSystem,
ProcessManager: () => FakeProcessManager.any(),
testUsingContext('succeeds using prebuilt binary', () async {
final InstallCommand command = InstallCommand();
command.applicationPackages = FakeApplicationPackageFactory(FakeAndroidApk());
final FakeAndroidDevice device = FakeAndroidDevice();
fileSystem.file('binary').createSync(recursive: true);
await createTestCommandRunner(command).run(<String>['install', '--use-application-binary', 'binary']);
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Cache: () => Cache.test(processManager: FakeProcessManager.any()),
FileSystem: () => fileSystem,
ProcessManager: () => FakeProcessManager.any(),
class FakeApplicationPackageFactory extends Fake implements ApplicationPackageFactory {
final ApplicationPackage app;
Future<ApplicationPackage> getPackageForPlatform(TargetPlatform platform, {BuildInfo? buildInfo, File? applicationBinary}) async {
return app;
class FakeIOSApp extends Fake implements IOSApp { }
class FakeAndroidApk extends Fake implements AndroidApk { }
// Unfortunately Device, despite not being immutable, has an `operator ==`.
// Until we fix that, we have to also ignore related lints here.
// ignore: avoid_implementing_value_types
class FakeIOSDevice extends Fake implements IOSDevice {
Future<TargetPlatform> get targetPlatform async => TargetPlatform.ios;
Future<bool> isAppInstalled(
IOSApp app, {
String? userIdentifier,
}) async => false;
Future<bool> installApp(
IOSApp app, {
String? userIdentifier,
}) async => true;
// Unfortunately Device, despite not being immutable, has an `operator ==`.
// Until we fix that, we have to also ignore related lints here.
// ignore: avoid_implementing_value_types
class FakeAndroidDevice extends Fake implements AndroidDevice {
Future<TargetPlatform> get targetPlatform async => TargetPlatform.android_arm;
Future<bool> isAppInstalled(
AndroidApk app, {
String? userIdentifier,
}) async => false;
Future<bool> installApp(
AndroidApk app, {
String? userIdentifier,
}) async => true;