blob: ceb05ac499cf191e52ce0c37ee1555ced855f71f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:package_config/package_config.dart';
import '../../artifacts.dart';
import '../../base/file_system.dart';
import '../../base/io.dart';
import '../../build_info.dart';
import '../../cache.dart';
import '../../convert.dart';
import '../../dart/language_version.dart';
import '../../dart/package_map.dart';
import '../../flutter_plugins.dart';
import '../../globals.dart' as globals;
import '../../project.dart';
import '../../web/compile.dart';
import '../../web/file_generators/flutter_js.dart' as flutter_js;
import '../../web/file_generators/flutter_service_worker_js.dart';
import '../../web/file_generators/main_dart.dart' as main_dart;
import '../../web/file_generators/wasm_bootstrap.dart' as wasm_bootstrap;
import '../build_system.dart';
import '../depfile.dart';
import '../exceptions.dart';
import 'assets.dart';
import 'localizations.dart';
import 'shader_compiler.dart';
/// Whether the application has web plugins.
const String kHasWebPlugins = 'HasWebPlugins';
/// An override for the dart2js build mode.
/// Valid values are O1 (lowest, profile default) to O4 (highest, release default).
const String kDart2jsOptimization = 'Dart2jsOptimization';
/// If `--dump-info` should be passed to dart2js.
const String kDart2jsDumpInfo = 'Dart2jsDumpInfo';
// If `--no-frequency-based-minification` should be based to dart2js
const String kDart2jsNoFrequencyBasedMinification = 'Dart2jsNoFrequencyBasedMinification';
/// Whether to disable dynamic generation code to satisfy csp policies.
const String kCspMode = 'cspMode';
/// Base href to set in index.html in flutter build command
const String kBaseHref = 'baseHref';
/// Placeholder for base href
const String kBaseHrefPlaceholder = r'$FLUTTER_BASE_HREF';
/// The caching strategy to use for service worker generation.
const String kServiceWorkerStrategy = 'ServiceWorkerStrategy';
/// Whether the dart2js build should output source maps.
const String kSourceMapsEnabled = 'SourceMaps';
/// Whether the dart2js native null assertions are enabled.
const String kNativeNullAssertions = 'NativeNullAssertions';
const String kOfflineFirst = 'offline-first';
const String kNoneWorker = 'none';
/// Convert a [value] into a [ServiceWorkerStrategy].
ServiceWorkerStrategy _serviceWorkerStrategyFromString(String? value) {
switch (value) {
case kNoneWorker:
return ServiceWorkerStrategy.none;
// offline-first is the default value for any invalid requests.
return ServiceWorkerStrategy.offlineFirst;
/// Generates an entry point for a web target.
// Keep this in sync with build_runner/resident_web_runner.dart
class WebEntrypointTarget extends Target {
const WebEntrypointTarget();
String get name => 'web_entrypoint';
List<Target> get dependencies => const <Target>[];
List<Source> get inputs => const <Source>[
List<Source> get outputs => const <Source>[
Future<void> build(Environment environment) async {
final String? targetFile = environment.defines[kTargetFile];
final Uri importUri = environment.fileSystem.file(targetFile).absolute.uri;
// TODO(zanderso): support configuration of this file.
const String packageFile = '.packages';
final PackageConfig packageConfig = await loadPackageConfigWithLogging(
logger: environment.logger,
final FlutterProject flutterProject = FlutterProject.current();
final LanguageVersion languageVersion = determineLanguageVersion(
// Use the PackageConfig to find the correct package-scheme import path
// for the user application. If the application has a mix of package-scheme
// and relative imports for a library, then importing the entrypoint as a
// file-scheme will cause said library to be recognized as two distinct
// libraries. This can cause surprising behavior as types from that library
// will be considered distinct from each other.
// By construction, this will only be null if the .packages file does not
// have an entry for the user's application or if the main file is
// outside of the lib/ directory.
final String importedEntrypoint = packageConfig.toPackageUri(importUri)?.toString()
?? importUri.toString();
await injectBuildTimePluginFiles(flutterProject, webPlatform: true, destination: environment.buildDir);
// The below works because `injectBuildTimePluginFiles` is configured to write
// the web_plugin_registrant.dart file alongside the generated main.dart
const String generatedImport = 'web_plugin_registrant.dart';
final String contents = main_dart.generateMainDartFile(importedEntrypoint,
languageVersion: languageVersion,
pluginRegistrantEntrypoint: generatedImport,
/// Compiles a web entry point with dart2js.
abstract class Dart2WebTarget extends Target {
const Dart2WebTarget(this.webRenderer);
final WebRendererMode webRenderer;
Source get compilerSnapshot;
List<Target> get dependencies => const <Target>[
List<Source> get inputs => <Source>[
const Source.hostArtifact(HostArtifact.flutterWebSdk),
const Source.artifact(Artifact.engineDartBinary),
const Source.pattern('{BUILD_DIR}/main.dart'),
const Source.pattern('{PROJECT_DIR}/.dart_tool/package_config_subset'),
List<Source> get outputs => const <Source>[];
String _collectOutput(ProcessResult result) {
final String stdout = result.stdout is List<int>
? utf8.decode(result.stdout as List<int>)
: result.stdout as String;
final String stderr = result.stderr is List<int>
? utf8.decode(result.stderr as List<int>)
: result.stderr as String;
return stdout + stderr;
class Dart2JSTarget extends Dart2WebTarget {
String get name => 'dart2js';
Source get compilerSnapshot => const Source.artifact(Artifact.dart2jsSnapshot);
List<String> get depfiles => const <String>[
Future<void> build(Environment environment) async {
final String? buildModeEnvironment = environment.defines[kBuildMode];
if (buildModeEnvironment == null) {
throw MissingDefineException(kBuildMode, name);
final BuildMode buildMode = getBuildModeForName(buildModeEnvironment);
final bool sourceMapsEnabled = environment.defines[kSourceMapsEnabled] == 'true';
final bool nativeNullAssertions = environment.defines[kNativeNullAssertions] == 'true';
final Artifacts artifacts = globals.artifacts!;
final String platformBinariesPath = getWebPlatformBinariesDirectory(artifacts, webRenderer).path;
final List<String> sharedCommandOptions = <String>[
artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.engineDartBinary, platform: TargetPlatform.web_javascript),
artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.dart2jsSnapshot, platform: TargetPlatform.web_javascript),
...decodeCommaSeparated(environment.defines, kExtraFrontEndOptions),
if (nativeNullAssertions)
if (buildMode == BuildMode.profile)
for (final String dartDefine in decodeDartDefines(environment.defines, kDartDefines))
if (!sourceMapsEnabled)
final List<String> compilationArgs = <String>[
environment.buildDir.childFile('main.dart').path, // dartfile
globals.printTrace('compiling dart code to kernel with command "${compilationArgs.join(' ')}"');
// Run the dart2js compilation in two stages, so that icon tree shaking can
// parse the kernel file for web builds.
final ProcessResult kernelResult = await;
if (kernelResult.exitCode != 0) {
throw Exception(_collectOutput(kernelResult));
final String? dart2jsOptimization = environment.defines[kDart2jsOptimization];
final bool dumpInfo = environment.defines[kDart2jsDumpInfo] == 'true';
final bool noFrequencyBasedMinification = environment.defines[kDart2jsNoFrequencyBasedMinification] == 'true';
final File outputJSFile = environment.buildDir.childFile('main.dart.js');
final bool csp = environment.defines[kCspMode] == 'true';
final ProcessResult javaScriptResult = await<String>[
if (dart2jsOptimization != null) '-$dart2jsOptimization' else '-O4',
if (buildMode == BuildMode.profile) '--no-minify',
if (dumpInfo) '--dump-info',
if (noFrequencyBasedMinification) '--no-frequency-based-minification',
if (csp) '--csp',
environment.buildDir.childFile('app.dill').path, // dartfile
if (javaScriptResult.exitCode != 0) {
throw Exception(_collectOutput(javaScriptResult));
final File dart2jsDeps = environment.buildDir
if (!dart2jsDeps.existsSync()) {
globals.printWarning('Warning: dart2js did not produced expected deps list at '
final DepfileService depfileService = DepfileService(
fileSystem: globals.fs,
logger: globals.logger,
final Depfile depfile = depfileService.parseDart2js(
class Dart2WasmTarget extends Dart2WebTarget {
Future<void> build(Environment environment) async {
final String? buildModeEnvironment = environment.defines[kBuildMode];
if (buildModeEnvironment == null) {
throw MissingDefineException(kBuildMode, name);
final BuildMode buildMode = getBuildModeForName(buildModeEnvironment);
final Artifacts artifacts = globals.artifacts!;
final File outputWasmFile = environment.buildDir.childFile('main.dart.wasm');
final String dartSdkPath = artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.engineDartSdkPath, platform: TargetPlatform.web_javascript);
final String dartSdkRoot =;
final List<String> compilationArgs = <String>[
artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.engineDartAotRuntime, platform: TargetPlatform.web_javascript),
artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.dart2wasmSnapshot, platform: TargetPlatform.web_javascript),
if (buildMode == BuildMode.profile)
...decodeCommaSeparated(environment.defines, kExtraFrontEndOptions),
for (final String dartDefine in decodeDartDefines(environment.defines, kDartDefines))
environment.buildDir.childFile('main.dart').path, // dartfile
final ProcessResult compileResult = await;
if (compileResult.exitCode != 0) {
throw Exception(_collectOutput(compileResult));
Source get compilerSnapshot => const Source.artifact(Artifact.dart2wasmSnapshot);
String get name => 'dart2wasm';
List<Source> get outputs => const <Source>[
// TODO(jacksongardner): override `depfiles` once dart2wasm begins producing
// them:
/// Unpacks the dart2js or dart2wasm compilation and resources to a given
/// output directory.
class WebReleaseBundle extends Target {
const WebReleaseBundle(this.webRenderer, this.isWasm);
final WebRendererMode webRenderer;
final bool isWasm;
String get outputFileNameNoSuffix => 'main.dart';
String get outputFileName => '$outputFileNameNoSuffix${isWasm ? '.wasm' : '.js'}';
String get wasmJSRuntimeFileName => '$outputFileNameNoSuffix.mjs';
String get name => 'web_release_bundle';
List<Target> get dependencies => <Target>[
if (isWasm) Dart2WasmTarget(webRenderer) else Dart2JSTarget(webRenderer),
List<Source> get inputs => <Source>[
const Source.pattern('{PROJECT_DIR}/pubspec.yaml'),
if (isWasm) Source.pattern('{BUILD_DIR}/$wasmJSRuntimeFileName'),
List<Source> get outputs => <Source>[
if (isWasm) Source.pattern('{OUTPUT_DIR}/$wasmJSRuntimeFileName'),
List<String> get depfiles => const <String>[
bool shouldCopy(String name) =>
// Do not copy the deps file.
(name.contains(outputFileName) && !name.endsWith('.deps')) ||
(isWasm && name == wasmJSRuntimeFileName);
Future<void> build(Environment environment) async {
for (final File outputFile in environment.buildDir.listSync(recursive: true).whereType<File>()) {
final String basename = globals.fs.path.basename(outputFile.path);
if (shouldCopy(basename)) {
if (isWasm) {
// TODO(jacksongardner): Enable icon tree shaking once dart2wasm can do a two-phase compile.
environment.defines[kIconTreeShakerFlag] = 'false';
createVersionFile(environment, environment.defines);
final Directory outputDirectory = environment.outputDir.childDirectory('assets');
outputDirectory.createSync(recursive: true);
final Depfile depfile = await copyAssets(
targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.web_javascript,
shaderTarget: ShaderTarget.sksl,
final DepfileService depfileService = DepfileService(
fileSystem: globals.fs,
logger: globals.logger,
final Directory webResources = environment.projectDir
final List<File> inputResourceFiles = webResources
.listSync(recursive: true)
// Copy other resource files out of web/ directory.
final List<File> outputResourcesFiles = <File>[];
for (final File inputFile in inputResourceFiles) {
final File outputFile = globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(
globals.fs.path.relative(inputFile.path, from: webResources.path)));
if (!outputFile.parent.existsSync()) {
outputFile.parent.createSync(recursive: true);
// insert a random hash into the requests for service_worker.js. This is not a content hash,
// because it would need to be the hash for the entire bundle and not just the resource
// in question.
if (environment.fileSystem.path.basename(inputFile.path) == 'index.html') {
final String randomHash = Random().nextInt(4294967296).toString();
String resultString = inputFile.readAsStringSync()
'var serviceWorkerVersion = null',
"var serviceWorkerVersion = '$randomHash'",
// This is for legacy index.html that still use the old service
// worker loading mechanism.
final String? baseHref = environment.defines[kBaseHref];
if (resultString.contains(kBaseHrefPlaceholder) && baseHref == null) {
resultString = resultString.replaceAll(kBaseHrefPlaceholder, '/');
} else if (resultString.contains(kBaseHrefPlaceholder) && baseHref != null) {
resultString = resultString.replaceAll(kBaseHrefPlaceholder, baseHref);
final Depfile resourceFile = Depfile(inputResourceFiles, outputResourcesFiles);
/// Create version.json file that contains data about version for package_info
void createVersionFile(Environment environment, Map<String, String> defines) {
final Map<String, dynamic> versionInfo =
as Map<String, dynamic>;
if (defines.containsKey(kBuildNumber)) {
versionInfo['build_number'] = defines[kBuildNumber];
if (defines.containsKey(kBuildName)) {
versionInfo['version'] = defines[kBuildName];
/// Static assets provided by the Flutter SDK that do not change, such as
/// CanvasKit.
/// These assets can be cached forever and are only invalidated when the
/// Flutter SDK is upgraded to a new version.
class WebBuiltInAssets extends Target {
const WebBuiltInAssets(this.fileSystem, this.cache, this.isWasm);
final FileSystem fileSystem;
final Cache cache;
final bool isWasm;
String get name => 'web_static_assets';
List<Target> get dependencies => const <Target>[];
List<String> get depfiles => const <String>[];
List<Source> get inputs => const <Source>[];
List<Source> get outputs => const <Source>[];
Future<void> build(Environment environment) async {
// TODO(yjbanov):
// Update this when we start building CanvasKit from sources. In the
// meantime, get the Web SDK directory from cache rather than through
// Artifacts. The latter is sensitive to `--local-engine`, which changes
// the directory to point to ENGINE/src/out. However, CanvasKit is not yet
// built as part of the engine, but fetched from CIPD, and so it won't be
// found in ENGINE/src/out.
final Directory flutterWebSdk = cache.getWebSdkDirectory();
final Directory canvasKitDirectory = flutterWebSdk.childDirectory('canvaskit');
for (final File file in canvasKitDirectory.listSync(recursive: true).whereType<File>()) {
final String relativePath = fileSystem.path.relative(file.path, from: canvasKitDirectory.path);
final String targetPath = fileSystem.path.join(environment.outputDir.path, 'canvaskit', relativePath);
if (isWasm) {
final File bootstrapFile = environment.outputDir.childFile('main.dart.js');
// Write the flutter.js file
final File flutterJsFile = environment.outputDir.childFile('flutter.js');
/// Generate a service worker for a web target.
class WebServiceWorker extends Target {
const WebServiceWorker(this.fileSystem, this.cache, this.webRenderer, this.isWasm);
final FileSystem fileSystem;
final Cache cache;
final WebRendererMode webRenderer;
final bool isWasm;
String get name => 'web_service_worker';
List<Target> get dependencies => <Target>[
if (isWasm) Dart2WasmTarget(webRenderer) else Dart2JSTarget(webRenderer),
WebReleaseBundle(webRenderer, isWasm),
WebBuiltInAssets(fileSystem, cache, isWasm),
List<String> get depfiles => const <String>[
List<Source> get inputs => const <Source>[];
List<Source> get outputs => const <Source>[];
Future<void> build(Environment environment) async {
final List<File> contents = environment.outputDir
.listSync(recursive: true)
.where((File file) => !file.path.endsWith('flutter_service_worker.js')
&& !globals.fs.path.basename(file.path).startsWith('.'))
final Map<String, String> urlToHash = <String, String>{};
for (final File file in contents) {
// Do not force caching of source maps.
if (file.path.endsWith('') ||
file.path.endsWith('')) {
final String url = globals.fs.path.toUri(
from: environment.outputDir.path),
final String hash = md5.convert(await file.readAsBytes()).toString();
urlToHash[url] = hash;
// Add an additional entry for the base URL.
if (globals.fs.path.basename(url) == 'index.html') {
urlToHash['/'] = hash;
final File serviceWorkerFile = environment.outputDir
final Depfile depfile = Depfile(contents, <File>[serviceWorkerFile]);
final ServiceWorkerStrategy serviceWorkerStrategy = _serviceWorkerStrategyFromString(
final String serviceWorker = generateServiceWorker(
if (urlToHash.containsKey('assets/AssetManifest.json'))
if (urlToHash.containsKey('assets/FontManifest.json'))
serviceWorkerStrategy: serviceWorkerStrategy,
final DepfileService depfileService = DepfileService(
fileSystem: globals.fs,
logger: globals.logger,