blob: d86bf9ba2b2d25ee5c59480e520a7a99c74cb671 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show json;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../application_package.dart';
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/context.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/fingerprint.dart';
import '../base/io.dart';
import '../base/logger.dart';
import '../base/os.dart';
import '../base/platform.dart';
import '../base/process.dart';
import '../base/process_manager.dart';
import '../base/utils.dart';
import '../build_info.dart';
import '../globals.dart';
import '../plugins.dart';
import '../project.dart';
import '../services.dart';
import 'cocoapods.dart';
import 'code_signing.dart';
import 'xcodeproj.dart';
const int kXcodeRequiredVersionMajor = 9;
const int kXcodeRequiredVersionMinor = 0;
IMobileDevice get iMobileDevice => context[IMobileDevice];
PlistBuddy get plistBuddy => context[PlistBuddy];
Xcode get xcode => context[Xcode];
class PlistBuddy {
const PlistBuddy();
static const String path = '/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy';
Future<ProcessResult> run(List<String> args) =><String>[path]..addAll(args));
/// A property list is a key-value representation commonly used for
/// configuration on macOS/iOS systems.
class PropertyList {
const PropertyList(this.plistPath);
final String plistPath;
/// Prints the specified key, or returns null if not present.
Future<String> read(String key) async {
final ProcessResult result = await _runCommand('Print $key');
if (result.exitCode == 0)
return result.stdout.trim();
return null;
/// Adds [key]. Has no effect if the key already exists.
Future<void> addString(String key, String value) async {
await _runCommand('Add $key string $value');
/// Updates [key] with the new [value]. Has no effect if the key does not exist.
Future<void> update(String key, String value) async {
await _runCommand('Set $key $value');
/// Deletes [key].
Future<void> delete(String key) async {
await _runCommand('Delete $key');
/// Deletes the content of the property list and creates a new root of the specified type.
Future<void> clearToDict() async {
await _runCommand('Clear dict');
Future<ProcessResult> _runCommand(String command) async {
return await<String>['-c', command, plistPath]);
class IMobileDevice {
const IMobileDevice();
bool get isInstalled => exitsHappy(<String>['idevice_id', '-h']);
/// Returns true if libimobiledevice is installed and working as expected.
/// Older releases of libimobiledevice fail to work with iOS 10.3 and above.
Future<bool> get isWorking async {
if (!isInstalled)
return false;
// If no device is attached, we're unable to detect any problems. Assume all is well.
final ProcessResult result = (await runAsync(<String>['idevice_id', '-l'])).processResult;
if (result.exitCode != 0 || result.stdout.isEmpty)
return true;
// Check that we can look up the names of any attached devices.
return await exitsHappyAsync(<String>['idevicename']);
Future<String> getAvailableDeviceIDs() async {
try {
final ProcessResult result = await<String>['idevice_id', '-l']);
if (result.exitCode != 0)
throw ToolExit('idevice_id returned an error:\n${result.stderr}');
return result.stdout;
} on ProcessException {
throw ToolExit('Failed to invoke idevice_id. Run flutter doctor.');
Future<String> getInfoForDevice(String deviceID, String key) async {
try {
final ProcessResult result = await<String>['ideviceinfo', '-u', deviceID, '-k', key, '--simple']);
if (result.exitCode != 0)
throw ToolExit('idevice_id returned an error:\n${result.stderr}');
return result.stdout.trim();
} on ProcessException {
throw ToolExit('Failed to invoke idevice_id. Run flutter doctor.');
/// Starts `idevicesyslog` and returns the running process.
Future<Process> startLogger() => runCommand(<String>['idevicesyslog']);
/// Captures a screenshot to the specified outputFile.
Future<void> takeScreenshot(File outputFile) {
return runCheckedAsync(<String>['idevicescreenshot', outputFile.path]);
class Xcode {
bool get isInstalledAndMeetsVersionCheck => isInstalled && isVersionSatisfactory;
String _xcodeSelectPath;
String get xcodeSelectPath {
if (_xcodeSelectPath == null) {
try {
_xcodeSelectPath = processManager.runSync(<String>['/usr/bin/xcode-select', '--print-path']).stdout.trim();
} on ProcessException {
// Ignore: return null below.
return _xcodeSelectPath;
bool get isInstalled {
if (xcodeSelectPath == null || xcodeSelectPath.isEmpty)
return false;
return xcodeProjectInterpreter.isInstalled;
int get majorVersion => xcodeProjectInterpreter.majorVersion;
int get minorVersion => xcodeProjectInterpreter.minorVersion;
String get versionText => xcodeProjectInterpreter.versionText;
bool _eulaSigned;
/// Has the EULA been signed?
bool get eulaSigned {
if (_eulaSigned == null) {
try {
final ProcessResult result = processManager.runSync(<String>['/usr/bin/xcrun', 'clang']);
if (result.stdout != null && result.stdout.contains('license'))
_eulaSigned = false;
else if (result.stderr != null && result.stderr.contains('license'))
_eulaSigned = false;
_eulaSigned = true;
} on ProcessException {
_eulaSigned = false;
return _eulaSigned;
bool _isSimctlInstalled;
/// Verifies that simctl is installed by trying to run it.
bool get isSimctlInstalled {
if (_isSimctlInstalled == null) {
try {
// This command will error if additional components need to be installed in
// xcode 9.2 and above.
final ProcessResult result = processManager.runSync(<String>['/usr/bin/xcrun', 'simctl', 'list']);
_isSimctlInstalled = result.stderr == null || result.stderr == '';
} on ProcessException {
_isSimctlInstalled = false;
return _isSimctlInstalled;
bool get isVersionSatisfactory {
if (!xcodeProjectInterpreter.isInstalled)
return false;
if (majorVersion > kXcodeRequiredVersionMajor)
return true;
if (majorVersion == kXcodeRequiredVersionMajor)
return minorVersion >= kXcodeRequiredVersionMinor;
return false;
Future<RunResult> cc(List<String> args) {
return runCheckedAsync(<String>['xcrun', 'cc']..addAll(args));
Future<RunResult> clang(List<String> args) {
return runCheckedAsync(<String>['xcrun', 'clang']..addAll(args));
String getSimulatorPath() {
if (xcodeSelectPath == null)
return null;
final List<String> searchPaths = <String>[
fs.path.join(xcodeSelectPath, 'Applications', ''),
return searchPaths.where((String p) => p != null).firstWhere(
(String p) =>,
orElse: () => null,
/// Sets the Xcode system.
/// Xcode 10 added a new (default) build system with better performance and
/// stricter checks. Flutter apps without plugins build fine under the new
/// system, but it causes build breakages in projects with CocoaPods enabled.
/// This affects Flutter apps with plugins.
/// Once Flutter has been updated to be fully compliant with the new build
/// system, this can be removed.
// TODO(cbracken): remove when is fixed.
Future<void> setXcodeWorkspaceBuildSystem({
@required Directory workspaceDirectory,
@required File workspaceSettings,
@required bool modern,
}) async {
// If this isn't a workspace, we're not using CocoaPods and can use the new
// build system.
if (!workspaceDirectory.existsSync())
final PropertyList plist = PropertyList(workspaceSettings.path);
if (!workspaceSettings.existsSync()) {
workspaceSettings.parent.createSync(recursive: true);
await plist.clearToDict();
const String kBuildSystemType = 'BuildSystemType';
if (modern) {
printTrace('Using new Xcode build system.');
await plist.delete(kBuildSystemType);
} else {
printTrace('Using legacy Xcode build system.');
if (await == null) {
await plist.addString(kBuildSystemType, 'Original');
} else {
await plist.update(kBuildSystemType, 'Original');
Future<XcodeBuildResult> buildXcodeProject({
BuildableIOSApp app,
BuildInfo buildInfo,
String targetOverride,
bool buildForDevice,
bool codesign = true,
bool usesTerminalUi = true,
}) async {
if (!await upgradePbxProjWithFlutterAssets(app.project))
return XcodeBuildResult(success: false);
if (!_checkXcodeVersion())
return XcodeBuildResult(success: false);
// TODO(cbracken) remove when is fixed.
await setXcodeWorkspaceBuildSystem(
workspaceDirectory: app.project.xcodeWorkspace,
workspaceSettings: app.project.xcodeWorkspaceSharedSettings,
modern: false,
final XcodeProjectInfo projectInfo = xcodeProjectInterpreter.getInfo(app.project.hostAppRoot.path);
if (!projectInfo.targets.contains('Runner')) {
printError('The Xcode project does not define target "Runner" which is needed by Flutter tooling.');
printError('Open Xcode to fix the problem:');
printError(' open ios/Runner.xcworkspace');
return XcodeBuildResult(success: false);
final String scheme = projectInfo.schemeFor(buildInfo);
if (scheme == null) {
if (projectInfo.definesCustomSchemes) {
printError('The Xcode project defines schemes: ${projectInfo.schemes.join(', ')}');
printError('You must specify a --flavor option to select one of them.');
} else {
printError('The Xcode project does not define custom schemes.');
printError('You cannot use the --flavor option.');
return XcodeBuildResult(success: false);
final String configuration = projectInfo.buildConfigurationFor(buildInfo, scheme);
if (configuration == null) {
printError('The Xcode project defines build configurations: ${projectInfo.buildConfigurations.join(', ')}');
printError('Flutter expects a build configuration named ${XcodeProjectInfo.expectedBuildConfigurationFor(buildInfo, scheme)} or similar.');
printError('Open Xcode to fix the problem:');
printError(' open ios/Runner.xcworkspace');
return XcodeBuildResult(success: false);
Map<String, String> autoSigningConfigs;
if (codesign && buildForDevice)
autoSigningConfigs = await getCodeSigningIdentityDevelopmentTeam(iosApp: app, usesTerminalUi: usesTerminalUi);
// Before the build, all service definitions must be updated and the dylibs
// copied over to a location that is suitable for Xcodebuild to find them.
await _addServicesToBundle(app.project.hostAppRoot);
final FlutterProject project = await FlutterProject.current();
await updateGeneratedXcodeProperties(
project: project,
targetOverride: targetOverride,
buildInfo: buildInfo,
if (hasPlugins(project) || (project.isModule && project.ios.podfile.existsSync())) {
// If the Xcode project, Podfile, or Generated.xcconfig have changed since
// last run, pods should be updated.
final Fingerprinter fingerprinter = Fingerprinter(
fingerprintPath: fs.path.join(getIosBuildDirectory(), 'pod_inputs.fingerprint'),
paths: <String>[
properties: <String, String>{},
final bool didPodInstall = await cocoaPods.processPods(
iosProject: project.ios,
iosEngineDir: flutterFrameworkDir(buildInfo.mode),
isSwift: project.ios.isSwift,
dependenciesChanged: !await fingerprinter.doesFingerprintMatch()
if (didPodInstall)
await fingerprinter.writeFingerprint();
final List<String> buildCommands = <String>[
'-configuration', configuration,
if (logger.isVerbose) {
// An environment variable to be passed to determining
// whether to echo back executed commands.
} else {
// This will print warnings and errors only.
if (autoSigningConfigs != null) {
for (MapEntry<String, String> signingConfig in autoSigningConfigs.entries) {
final List<FileSystemEntity> contents = app.project.hostAppRoot.listSync();
for (FileSystemEntity entity in contents) {
if (fs.path.extension(entity.path) == '.xcworkspace') {
'-workspace', fs.path.basename(entity.path),
'-scheme', scheme,
if (buildForDevice) {
buildCommands.addAll(<String>['-sdk', 'iphoneos']);
} else {
buildCommands.addAll(<String>['-sdk', 'iphonesimulator', '-arch', 'x86_64']);
if (!codesign) {
Status buildSubStatus;
Status initialBuildStatus;
Directory tempDir;
if (logger.hasTerminal) {
tempDir = fs.systemTempDirectory.createTempSync('flutter_build_log_pipe.');
final File scriptOutputPipeFile = tempDir.childFile('pipe_to_stdout');
Future<void> listenToScriptOutputLine() async {
final List<String> lines = await scriptOutputPipeFile.readAsLines();
for (String line in lines) {
if (line == 'done') {
buildSubStatus = null;
} else {
buildSubStatus = logger.startProgress(
expectSlowOperation: true,
progressIndicatorPadding: kDefaultStatusPadding - 7,
return listenToScriptOutputLine();
// Trigger the start of the pipe -> stdout loop. Ignore exceptions.
listenToScriptOutputLine(); // ignore: unawaited_futures
final Stopwatch buildStopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
initialBuildStatus = logger.startProgress('Starting Xcode build...');
final RunResult buildResult = await runAsync(
workingDirectory: app.project.hostAppRoot.path,
allowReentrantFlutter: true
// Free pipe file.
tempDir?.deleteSync(recursive: true);
'Xcode build done.'.padRight(kDefaultStatusPadding + 1)
+ '${getElapsedAsSeconds(buildStopwatch.elapsed).padLeft(5)}',
// Run -showBuildSettings again but with the exact same parameters as the build.
final Map<String, String> buildSettings = parseXcodeBuildSettings(runCheckedSync(
// Undocumented behaviour: xcodebuild craps out if -showBuildSettings
// is used together with -allowProvisioningUpdates or
// -allowProvisioningDeviceRegistration and freezes forever.
.where((String buildCommand) {
return !const <String>[
workingDirectory: app.project.hostAppRoot.path,
if (buildResult.exitCode != 0) {
printStatus('Failed to build iOS app');
if (buildResult.stderr.isNotEmpty) {
printStatus('Error output from Xcode build:\n↳');
printStatus(buildResult.stderr, indent: 4);
if (buildResult.stdout.isNotEmpty) {
printStatus('Xcode\'s output:\n↳');
printStatus(buildResult.stdout, indent: 4);
return XcodeBuildResult(
success: false,
stdout: buildResult.stdout,
stderr: buildResult.stderr,
xcodeBuildExecution: XcodeBuildExecution(
buildCommands: buildCommands,
appDirectory: app.project.hostAppRoot.path,
buildForPhysicalDevice: buildForDevice,
buildSettings: buildSettings,
} else {
final String expectedOutputDirectory = fs.path.join(
String outputDir;
if (fs.isDirectorySync(expectedOutputDirectory)) {
// Copy app folder to a place where other tools can find it without knowing
// the BuildInfo.
outputDir = expectedOutputDirectory.replaceFirst('/$configuration-', '/');
if (fs.isDirectorySync(outputDir)) {
// Previous output directory might have incompatible artifacts
// (for example, kernel binary files produced from previous run). true);
} else {
printError('Build succeeded but the expected app at $expectedOutputDirectory not found');
return XcodeBuildResult(success: true, output: outputDir);
String readGeneratedXcconfig(String appPath) {
final String generatedXcconfigPath =
fs.path.join(fs.currentDirectory.path, appPath, 'Flutter', 'Generated.xcconfig');
final File generatedXcconfigFile = fs.file(generatedXcconfigPath);
if (!generatedXcconfigFile.existsSync())
return null;
return generatedXcconfigFile.readAsStringSync();
Future<Null> diagnoseXcodeBuildFailure(XcodeBuildResult result) async {
if (result.xcodeBuildExecution != null &&
result.xcodeBuildExecution.buildForPhysicalDevice &&
result.stdout?.contains('BCEROR') == true &&
// May need updating if Xcode changes its outputs.
result.stdout?.contains('Xcode couldn\'t find a provisioning profile matching') == true) {
printError(noProvisioningProfileInstruction, emphasis: true);
// Make sure the user has specified one of:
// * DEVELOPMENT_TEAM (automatic signing)
// * PROVISIONING_PROFILE (manual signing)
if (result.xcodeBuildExecution != null &&
result.xcodeBuildExecution.buildForPhysicalDevice &&
) {
printError(noDevelopmentTeamInstruction, emphasis: true);
if (result.xcodeBuildExecution != null &&
result.xcodeBuildExecution.buildForPhysicalDevice &&
result.xcodeBuildExecution.buildSettings['PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER']?.contains('com.example') == true) {
printError('It appears that your application still contains the default signing identifier.');
printError("Try replacing 'com.example' with your signing id in Xcode:");
printError(' open ios/Runner.xcworkspace');
if (result.stdout?.contains('Code Sign error') == true) {
printError('It appears that there was a problem signing your application prior to installation on the device.');
printError('Verify that the Bundle Identifier in your project is your signing id in Xcode');
printError(' open ios/Runner.xcworkspace');
printError("Also try selecting 'Product > Build' to fix the problem:");
class XcodeBuildResult {
@required this.success,
final bool success;
final String output;
final String stdout;
final String stderr;
/// The invocation of the build that resulted in this result instance.
final XcodeBuildExecution xcodeBuildExecution;
/// Describes an invocation of a Xcode build command.
class XcodeBuildExecution {
@required this.buildCommands,
@required this.appDirectory,
@required this.buildForPhysicalDevice,
@required this.buildSettings,
/// The original list of Xcode build commands used to produce this build result.
final List<String> buildCommands;
final String appDirectory;
final bool buildForPhysicalDevice;
/// The build settings corresponding to the [buildCommands] invocation.
final Map<String, String> buildSettings;
const String _xcodeRequirement = 'Xcode $kXcodeRequiredVersionMajor.$kXcodeRequiredVersionMinor or greater is required to develop for iOS.';
bool _checkXcodeVersion() {
if (!platform.isMacOS)
return false;
if (!xcodeProjectInterpreter.isInstalled) {
printError('Cannot find "xcodebuild". $_xcodeRequirement');
return false;
if (!xcode.isVersionSatisfactory) {
printError('Found "${xcodeProjectInterpreter.versionText}". $_xcodeRequirement');
return false;
return true;
Future<Null> _addServicesToBundle(Directory bundle) async {
final List<Map<String, String>> services = <Map<String, String>>[];
printTrace('Trying to resolve native pub services.');
// Step 1: Parse the service configuration yaml files present in the service
// pub packages.
await parseServiceConfigs(services);
printTrace('Found ${services.length} service definition(s).');
// Step 2: Copy framework dylibs to the correct spot for xcodebuild to pick up.
final Directory frameworksDirectory =, 'Frameworks'));
await _copyServiceFrameworks(services, frameworksDirectory);
// Step 3: Copy the service definitions manifest at the correct spot for
// xcodebuild to pick up.
final File manifestFile = fs.file(fs.path.join(bundle.path, 'ServiceDefinitions.json'));
_copyServiceDefinitionsManifest(services, manifestFile);
Future<Null> _copyServiceFrameworks(List<Map<String, String>> services, Directory frameworksDirectory) async {
printTrace("Copying service frameworks to '${fs.path.absolute(frameworksDirectory.path)}'.");
frameworksDirectory.createSync(recursive: true);
for (Map<String, String> service in services) {
final String dylibPath = await getServiceFromUrl(service['ios-framework'], service['root'], service['name']);
final File dylib = fs.file(dylibPath);
printTrace('Copying ${dylib.path} into bundle.');
if (!dylib.existsSync()) {
printError("The service dylib '${dylib.path}' does not exist.");
// Shell out so permissions on the dylib are preserved.
await runCheckedAsync(<String>['/bin/cp', dylib.path, frameworksDirectory.path]);
void _copyServiceDefinitionsManifest(List<Map<String, String>> services, File manifest) {
printTrace("Creating service definitions manifest at '${manifest.path}'");
final List<Map<String, String>> jsonServices =<String, String> service) => <String, String>{
'name': service['name'],
// Since we have already moved it to the Frameworks directory. Strip away
// the directory and basenames.
'framework': fs.path.basenameWithoutExtension(service['ios-framework'])
final Map<String, dynamic> jsonObject = <String, dynamic>{ 'services' : jsonServices };
manifest.writeAsStringSync(json.encode(jsonObject), mode: FileMode.write, flush: true);
Future<bool> upgradePbxProjWithFlutterAssets(IosProject project) async {
final File xcodeProjectFile = project.xcodeProjectInfoFile;
assert(await xcodeProjectFile.exists());
final List<String> lines = await xcodeProjectFile.readAsLines();
if (lines.any((String line) => line.contains('flutter_assets in Resources')))
return true;
const String l1 = ' 3B3967161E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3B3967151E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist */; };';
const String l2 = ' 2D5378261FAA1A9400D5DBA9 /* flutter_assets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 2D5378251FAA1A9400D5DBA9 /* flutter_assets */; };';
const String l3 = ' 3B3967151E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; name = AppFrameworkInfo.plist; path = Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; };';
const String l4 = ' 2D5378251FAA1A9400D5DBA9 /* flutter_assets */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder; name = flutter_assets; path = Flutter/flutter_assets; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };';
const String l5 = ' 3B3967151E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist */,';
const String l6 = ' 2D5378251FAA1A9400D5DBA9 /* flutter_assets */,';
const String l7 = ' 3B3967161E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist in Resources */,';
const String l8 = ' 2D5378261FAA1A9400D5DBA9 /* flutter_assets in Resources */,';
printStatus("Upgrading project.pbxproj of ${project.hostAppBundleName}' to include the "
"'flutter_assets' directory");
if (!lines.contains(l1) || !lines.contains(l3) ||
!lines.contains(l5) || !lines.contains(l7)) {
printError('Automatic upgrade of project.pbxproj failed.');
printError(' To manually upgrade, open ${xcodeProjectFile.path}:');
printError(' Add the following line in the "PBXBuildFile" section');
printError(' Add the following line in the "PBXFileReference" section');
printError(' Add the following line in the "children" list of the "Flutter" group in the "PBXGroup" section');
printError(' Add the following line in the "files" list of "Resources" in the "PBXResourcesBuildPhase" section');
return false;
lines.insert(lines.indexOf(l1) + 1, l2);
lines.insert(lines.indexOf(l3) + 1, l4);
lines.insert(lines.indexOf(l5) + 1, l6);
lines.insert(lines.indexOf(l7) + 1, l8);
const String l9 = ' 9740EEBB1CF902C7004384FC /* app.flx in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9740EEB71CF902C7004384FC /* app.flx */; };';
const String l10 = ' 9740EEB71CF902C7004384FC /* app.flx */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; name = app.flx; path = Flutter/app.flx; sourceTree = "<group>"; };';
const String l11 = ' 9740EEB71CF902C7004384FC /* app.flx */,';
const String l12 = ' 9740EEBB1CF902C7004384FC /* app.flx in Resources */,';
if (lines.contains(l9)) {
printStatus('Removing app.flx from project.pbxproj since it has been '
'replaced with flutter_assets.');
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
await xcodeProjectFile.writeAsString(buffer.toString());
return true;