blob: e47e98c65e53a9068d3957d647aaf7462b4486f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/build_system/build_system.dart';
class TestBuildSystem implements BuildSystem {
/// Create a [BuildSystem] instance that returns the provided results in order.
TestBuildSystem.list(this._results, [this._onRun])
: _exception = null,
_singleResult = null;
/// Create a [BuildSystem] instance that returns the provided result for every build
/// and buildIncremental request.
TestBuildSystem.all(this._singleResult, [this._onRun])
: _exception = null,
_results = <BuildResult>[];
/// Create a [BuildSystem] instance that always throws the provided error for every build
/// and buildIncremental request.
: _singleResult = null,
_results = <BuildResult>[],
_onRun = null;
final List<BuildResult> _results;
final BuildResult? _singleResult;
final Exception? _exception;
final void Function(Target target, Environment environment)? _onRun;
int _nextResult = 0;
Future<BuildResult> build(Target target, Environment environment, {BuildSystemConfig buildSystemConfig = const BuildSystemConfig()}) async {
if (_onRun != null) {, environment);
if (_exception != null) {
throw _exception;
if (_singleResult != null) {
return _singleResult;
if (_nextResult >= _results.length) {
throw StateError('Unexpected build request of ${}');
return _results[_nextResult++];
Future<BuildResult> buildIncremental(Target target, Environment environment, BuildResult? previousBuild) async {
if (_onRun != null) {, environment);
if (_exception != null) {
throw _exception;
if (_singleResult != null) {
return _singleResult;
if (_nextResult >= _results.length) {
throw StateError('Unexpected buildIncremental request of ${}');
return _results[_nextResult++];