blob: ea9f515766031041d33ca4b9b5bde7512e8fad4f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'finders.dart';
/// Asserts that the [Finder] matches no widgets in the widget tree.
/// ## Sample code
/// ```dart
/// expect(find.text('Save'), findsNothing);
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [findsWidgets], when you want the finder to find one or more widgets.
/// * [findsOneWidget], when you want the finder to find exactly one widget.
/// * [findsNWidgets], when you want the finder to find a specific number of widgets.
const Matcher findsNothing = const _FindsWidgetMatcher(null, 0);
/// Asserts that the [Finder] locates at least one widget in the widget tree.
/// ## Sample code
/// ```dart
/// expect(find.text('Save'), findsWidgets);
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [findsNothing], when you want the finder to not find anything.
/// * [findsOneWidget], when you want the finder to find exactly one widget.
/// * [findsNWidgets], when you want the finder to find a specific number of widgets.
const Matcher findsWidgets = const _FindsWidgetMatcher(1, null);
/// Asserts that the [Finder] locates at exactly one widget in the widget tree.
/// ## Sample code
/// ```dart
/// expect(find.text('Save'), findsOneWidget);
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [findsNothing], when you want the finder to not find anything.
/// * [findsWidgets], when you want the finder to find one or more widgets.
/// * [findsNWidgets], when you want the finder to find a specific number of widgets.
const Matcher findsOneWidget = const _FindsWidgetMatcher(1, 1);
/// Asserts that the [Finder] locates the specified number of widgets in the widget tree.
/// ## Sample code
/// ```dart
/// expect(find.text('Save'), findsNWidgets(2));
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [findsNothing], when you want the finder to not find anything.
/// * [findsWidgets], when you want the finder to find one or more widgets.
/// * [findsOneWidget], when you want the finder to find exactly one widget.
Matcher findsNWidgets(int n) => new _FindsWidgetMatcher(n, n);
/// Asserts that the [Finder] locates the a single widget that has at
/// least one [Offstage] widget ancestor.
/// It's important to use a full finder, since by default finders exclude
/// offstage widgets.
/// ## Sample code
/// ```dart
/// expect(find.text('Save', skipOffstage: false), isOffstage);
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [isOnstage], the opposite.
const Matcher isOffstage = const _IsOffstage();
/// Asserts that the [Finder] locates the a single widget that has no
/// [Offstage] widget ancestors.
/// See also:
/// * [isOffstage], the opposite.
const Matcher isOnstage = const _IsOnstage();
/// Asserts that the [Finder] locates the a single widget that has at
/// least one [Card] widget ancestor.
/// See also:
/// * [isNotInCard], the opposite.
const Matcher isInCard = const _IsInCard();
/// Asserts that the [Finder] locates the a single widget that has no
/// [Card] widget ancestors.
/// This is equivalent to `isNot(isInCard)`.
/// See also:
/// * [isInCard], the opposite.
const Matcher isNotInCard = const _IsNotInCard();
/// Asserts that an object's toString() is a plausible one-line description.
/// Specifically, this matcher checks that the string does not contains newline
/// characters, and does not have leading or trailing whitespace, is not
/// empty, and does not contain the default `Instance of ...` string.
const Matcher hasOneLineDescription = const _HasOneLineDescription();
/// A matcher for functions that throw [FlutterError].
/// This is equivalent to `throwsA(const isInstanceOf<FlutterError>())`.
/// See also:
/// * [throwsAssertionError], to test if a function throws any [AssertionError].
/// * [isFlutterError], to test if any object is a [FlutterError].
/// * [isAssertionError], to test if any object is any kind of [AssertionError].
Matcher throwsFlutterError = throwsA(isFlutterError);
/// A matcher for functions that throw [AssertionError].
/// This is equivalent to `throwsA(const isInstanceOf<AssertionError>())`.
/// See also:
/// * [throwsFlutterError], to test if a function throws a [FlutterError].
/// * [isFlutterError], to test if any object is a [FlutterError].
/// * [isAssertionError], to test if any object is any kind of [AssertionError].
Matcher throwsAssertionError = throwsA(isAssertionError);
/// A matcher for [FlutterError].
/// This is equivalent to `const isInstanceOf<FlutterError>()`.
/// See also:
/// * [throwsFlutterError], to test if a function throws a [FlutterError].
/// * [throwsAssertionError], to test if a function throws any [AssertionError].
/// * [isAssertionError], to test if any object is any kind of [AssertionError].
const Matcher isFlutterError = const isInstanceOf<FlutterError>();
/// A matcher for [AssertionError].
/// This is equivalent to `const isInstanceOf<AssertionError>()`.
/// See also:
/// * [throwsFlutterError], to test if a function throws a [FlutterError].
/// * [throwsAssertionError], to test if a function throws any [AssertionError].
/// * [isFlutterError], to test if any object is a [FlutterError].
const Matcher isAssertionError = const isInstanceOf<AssertionError>();
/// Asserts that two [double]s are equal, within some tolerated error.
/// Two values are considered equal if the difference between them is within
/// 1e-10 of the larger one. This is an arbitrary value which can be adjusted
/// using the `epsilon` argument. This matcher is intended to compare floating
/// point numbers that are the result of different sequences of operations, such
/// that they may have accumulated slightly different errors.
/// See also:
/// * [closeTo], which is identical except that the epsilon argument is
/// required and not named.
/// * [inInclusiveRange], which matches if the argument is in a specified
/// range.
Matcher moreOrLessEquals(double value, { double epsilon: 1e-10 }) {
return new _MoreOrLessEquals(value, epsilon);
class _FindsWidgetMatcher extends Matcher {
const _FindsWidgetMatcher(this.min, this.max);
final int min;
final int max;
bool matches(covariant Finder finder, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
assert(min != null || max != null);
assert(min == null || max == null || min <= max);
matchState[Finder] = finder;
int count = 0;
final Iterator<Element> iterator = finder.evaluate().iterator;
if (min != null) {
while (count < min && iterator.moveNext())
count += 1;
if (count < min)
return false;
if (max != null) {
while (count <= max && iterator.moveNext())
count += 1;
if (count > max)
return false;
return true;
Description describe(Description description) {
assert(min != null || max != null);
if (min == max) {
if (min == 1)
return description.add('exactly one matching node in the widget tree');
return description.add('exactly $min matching nodes in the widget tree');
if (min == null) {
if (max == 0)
return description.add('no matching nodes in the widget tree');
if (max == 1)
return description.add('at most one matching node in the widget tree');
return description.add('at most $max matching nodes in the widget tree');
if (max == null) {
if (min == 1)
return description.add('at least one matching node in the widget tree');
return description.add('at least $min matching nodes in the widget tree');
return description.add('between $min and $max matching nodes in the widget tree (inclusive)');
Description describeMismatch(
dynamic item,
Description mismatchDescription,
Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState,
bool verbose
) {
final Finder finder = matchState[Finder];
final int count = finder.evaluate().length;
if (count == 0) {
assert(min != null && min > 0);
if (min == 1 && max == 1)
return mismatchDescription.add('means none were found but one was expected');
return mismatchDescription.add('means none were found but some were expected');
if (max == 0) {
if (count == 1)
return mismatchDescription.add('means one was found but none were expected');
return mismatchDescription.add('means some were found but none were expected');
if (min != null && count < min)
return mismatchDescription.add('is not enough');
assert(max != null && count > min);
return mismatchDescription.add('is too many');
bool _hasAncestorMatching(Finder finder, bool predicate(Widget widget)) {
final Iterable<Element> nodes = finder.evaluate();
if (nodes.length != 1)
return false;
bool result = false;
nodes.single.visitAncestorElements((Element ancestor) {
if (predicate(ancestor.widget)) {
result = true;
return false;
return true;
return result;
bool _hasAncestorOfType(Finder finder, Type targetType) {
return _hasAncestorMatching(finder, (Widget widget) => widget.runtimeType == targetType);
class _IsOffstage extends Matcher {
const _IsOffstage();
bool matches(covariant Finder finder, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
return _hasAncestorMatching(finder, (Widget widget) {
if (widget is Offstage)
return widget.offstage;
return false;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('offstage');
class _IsOnstage extends Matcher {
const _IsOnstage();
bool matches(covariant Finder finder, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
final Iterable<Element> nodes = finder.evaluate();
if (nodes.length != 1)
return false;
bool result = true;
nodes.single.visitAncestorElements((Element ancestor) {
final Widget widget = ancestor.widget;
if (widget is Offstage) {
result = !widget.offstage;
return false;
return true;
return result;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('onstage');
class _IsInCard extends Matcher {
const _IsInCard();
bool matches(covariant Finder finder, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) => _hasAncestorOfType(finder, Card);
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('in card');
class _IsNotInCard extends Matcher {
const _IsNotInCard();
bool matches(covariant Finder finder, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) => !_hasAncestorOfType(finder, Card);
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('not in card');
class _HasOneLineDescription extends Matcher {
const _HasOneLineDescription();
bool matches(Object object, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
final String description = object.toString();
return description.isNotEmpty
&& !description.contains('\n')
&& !description.contains('Instance of ')
&& description.trim() == description;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('one line description');
class _MoreOrLessEquals extends Matcher {
const _MoreOrLessEquals(this.value, this.epsilon);
final double value;
final double epsilon;
bool matches(Object object, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
if (object is! double)
return false;
if (object == value)
return true;
final double test = object;
return (test - value).abs() <= epsilon;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('$value (±$epsilon)');