blob: 0dd0962e06fdb301337c28f7769636417c28fc53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart' as argslib;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'localizations_utils.dart';
const String defaultFileTemplate = '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter_localizations/flutter_localizations.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'messages_all.dart';
/// Callers can lookup localized strings with an instance of @className returned
/// by `@className.of(context)`.
/// Applications need to include `@className.delegate()` in their app\'s
/// localizationDelegates list, and the locales they support in the app\'s
/// supportedLocales list. For example:
/// ```
/// import '@importFile';
/// return MaterialApp(
/// localizationsDelegates: @className.localizationsDelegates,
/// supportedLocales: @className.supportedLocales,
/// home: MyApplicationHome(),
/// );
/// ```
/// ## Update pubspec.yaml
/// Please make sure to update your pubspec.yaml to include the following
/// packages:
/// ```
/// dependencies:
/// # Internationalization support.
/// flutter_localizations:
/// sdk: flutter
/// intl: 0.16.0
/// intl_translation: 0.17.7
/// # rest of dependencies
/// ```
/// ## iOS Applications
/// iOS applications define key application metadata, including supported
/// locales, in an Info.plist file that is built into the application bundle.
/// To configure the locales supported by your app, you’ll need to edit this
/// file.
/// First, open your project’s ios/Runner.xcworkspace Xcode workspace file.
/// Then, in the Project Navigator, open the Info.plist file under the Runner
/// project’s Runner folder.
/// Next, select the Information Property List item, select Add Item from the
/// Editor menu, then select Localizations from the pop-up menu.
/// Select and expand the newly-created Localizations item then, for each
/// locale your application supports, add a new item and select the locale
/// you wish to add from the pop-up menu in the Value field. This list should
/// be consistent with the languages listed in the @className.supportedLocales
/// property.
class @className {
@className(Locale locale) : _localeName = Intl.canonicalizedLocale(locale.toString());
final String _localeName;
static Future<@className> load(Locale locale) {
return initializeMessages(locale.toString())
.then<@className>((_) => @className(locale));
static @className of(BuildContext context) {
return Localizations.of<@className>(context, @className);
static const LocalizationsDelegate<@className> delegate = _@classNameDelegate();
/// A list of this localizations delegate along with the default localizations
/// delegates.
/// Returns a list of localizations delegates containing this delegate along with
/// GlobalMaterialLocalizations.delegate, GlobalCupertinoLocalizations.delegate,
/// and GlobalWidgetsLocalizations.delegate.
static const List<LocalizationsDelegate<dynamic>> localizationsDelegates = <LocalizationsDelegate<dynamic>>[
/// A list of this localizations delegate's supported locales.
class _@classNameDelegate extends LocalizationsDelegate<@className> {
const _@classNameDelegate();
Future<@className> load(Locale locale) => @className.load(locale);
bool isSupported(Locale locale) => <String>[@supportedLanguageCodes].contains(locale.languageCode);
bool shouldReload(_@classNameDelegate old) => false;
const String getterMethodTemplate = '''
String get @methodName {
return Intl.message(
locale: _localeName,
const String simpleMethodTemplate = '''
String @methodName(@methodParameters) {
return Intl.message(
locale: _localeName,
const String pluralMethodTemplate = '''
String @methodName(@methodParameters) {
return Intl.plural(
int sortFilesByPath (FileSystemEntity a, FileSystemEntity b) {
return a.path.compareTo(b.path);
List<String> genMethodParameters(Map<String, dynamic> bundle, String key, String type) {
final Map<String, dynamic> attributesMap = bundle['@$key'];
if (attributesMap != null && attributesMap.containsKey('placeholders')) {
final Map<String, dynamic> placeholders = attributesMap['placeholders'];
return parameter) => '$type $parameter').toList();
return <String>[];
List<String> genIntlMethodArgs(Map<String, dynamic> bundle, String key) {
final List<String> attributes = <String>['name: \'$key\''];
final Map<String, dynamic> attributesMap = bundle['@$key'];
if (attributesMap != null) {
if (attributesMap.containsKey('description')) {
final String description = attributesMap['description'];
attributes.add('desc: ${generateString(description)}');
if (attributesMap.containsKey('placeholders')) {
final Map<String, dynamic> placeholders = attributesMap['placeholders'];
if (placeholders.isNotEmpty) {
final String args = placeholders.keys.join(', ');
attributes.add('args: <Object>[$args]');
return attributes;
String genSimpleMethod(Map<String, dynamic> bundle, String key) {
String genSimpleMethodMessage(Map<String, dynamic> bundle, String key) {
String message = bundle[key];
final Map<String, dynamic> attributesMap = bundle['@$key'];
final Map<String, dynamic> placeholders = attributesMap['placeholders'];
for (String placeholder in placeholders.keys)
message = message.replaceAll('{$placeholder}', '\$$placeholder');
return generateString(message);
final Map<String, dynamic> attributesMap = bundle['@$key'];
if (attributesMap == null)
'Resource attribute "@$key" was not found. Please ensure that each '
'resource id has a corresponding resource attribute.'
if (attributesMap.containsKey('placeholders')) {
return simpleMethodTemplate
.replaceAll('@methodName', key)
.replaceAll('@methodParameters', genMethodParameters(bundle, key, 'Object').join(', '))
.replaceAll('@message', '${genSimpleMethodMessage(bundle, key)}')
.replaceAll('@intlMethodArgs', genIntlMethodArgs(bundle, key).join(',\n '));
return getterMethodTemplate
.replaceAll('@methodName', key)
.replaceAll('@message', '${generateString(bundle[key])}')
.replaceAll('@intlMethodArgs', genIntlMethodArgs(bundle, key).join(',\n '));
String genPluralMethod(Map<String, dynamic> bundle, String key) {
final Map<String, dynamic> attributesMap = bundle['@$key'];
assert(attributesMap != null && attributesMap.containsKey('placeholders'));
final Iterable<String> placeholders = attributesMap['placeholders'].keys;
// To make it easier to parse the plurals message, temporarily replace each
// "{placeholder}" parameter with "#placeholder#".
String message = bundle[key];
for (String placeholder in placeholders)
message = message.replaceAll('{$placeholder}', '#$placeholder#');
final Map<String, String> pluralIds = <String, String>{
'=0': 'zero',
'=1': 'one',
'=2': 'two',
'few': 'few',
'many': 'many',
'other': 'other'
final List<String> methodArgs = <String>[
'locale: _localeName',
...genIntlMethodArgs(bundle, key),
for(String pluralKey in pluralIds.keys) {
final RegExp expRE = RegExp('($pluralKey){([^}]+)}');
final RegExpMatch match = expRE.firstMatch(message);
if (match.groupCount == 2) {
String argValue =;
for (String placeholder in placeholders)
argValue = argValue.replaceAll('#$placeholder#', '\$$placeholder');
methodArgs.add("${pluralIds[pluralKey]}: '$argValue'");
return pluralMethodTemplate
.replaceAll('@methodName', key)
.replaceAll('@methodParameters', genMethodParameters(bundle, key, 'int').join(', '))
.replaceAll('@intlMethodArgs', methodArgs.join(',\n '));
String genSupportedLocaleProperty(Set<LocaleInfo> supportedLocales) {
const String prefix = 'static const List<Locale> supportedLocales = <Locale>[\n Locale(''';
const String suffix = '),\n ];';
String resultingProperty = prefix;
for (LocaleInfo locale in supportedLocales) {
final String languageCode = locale.languageCode;
final String countryCode = locale.countryCode;
resultingProperty += '\'$languageCode\'';
if (countryCode != null)
resultingProperty += ', \'$countryCode\'';
resultingProperty += '),\n Locale(';
resultingProperty = resultingProperty.substring(0, resultingProperty.length - '),\n Locale('.length);
resultingProperty += suffix;
return resultingProperty;
bool _isValidClassName(String className) {
// Dart class name cannot contain non-alphanumeric symbols
if (className.contains(RegExp(r'[^a-zA-Z\d]')))
return false;
// Dart class name must start with upper case character
if (className[0].contains(RegExp(r'[a-z]')))
return false;
// Dart class name cannot start with a number
if (className[0].contains(RegExp(r'\d')))
return false;
return true;
bool _isValidGetterAndMethodName(String name) {
// Dart getter and method name cannot contain non-alphanumeric symbols
if (name.contains(RegExp(r'[^a-zA-Z\d]')))
return false;
// Dart class name must start with lower case character
if (name[0].contains(RegExp(r'[A-Z]')))
return false;
// Dart class name cannot start with a number
if (name[0].contains(RegExp(r'\d')))
return false;
return true;
bool _isDirectoryReadableAndWritable(String statString) {
if (statString[0] == '-' || statString[1] == '-')
return false;
return true;
String _importFilePath(String path, String fileName) {
final String replaceLib = path.replaceAll('lib/', '');
return '$replaceLib/$fileName';
Future<void> main(List<String> arguments) async {
final argslib.ArgParser parser = argslib.ArgParser();
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
help: 'Print this help message.',
defaultsTo: path.join('lib', 'l10n'),
help: 'The directory where all localization files should reside. For '
'example, the template and translated arb files should be located here. '
'Also, the generated output messages Dart files for each locale and the '
'generated localizations classes will be created here.',
defaultsTo: 'app_en.arb',
help: 'The template arb file that will be used as the basis for '
'generating the Dart localization and messages files.',
defaultsTo: 'app_localizations.dart',
help: 'The filename for the output localization and localizations '
'delegate classes.',
defaultsTo: 'AppLocalizations',
help: 'The Dart class name to use for the output localization and '
'localizations delegate classes.',
final argslib.ArgResults results = parser.parse(arguments);
if (results['help'] == true) {
final String arbPathString = results['arb-dir'];
final String outputFileString = results['output-localization-file'];
final Directory l10nDirectory = Directory(arbPathString);
final File templateArbFile = File(path.join(l10nDirectory.path, results['template-arb-file']));
final File outputFile = File(path.join(l10nDirectory.path, outputFileString));
final String stringsClassName = results['output-class'];
if (!l10nDirectory.existsSync())
"The 'arb-dir' directory, $l10nDirectory, does not exist.\n"
'Make sure that the correct path was provided.'
final String l10nDirectoryStatModeString = l10nDirectory.statSync().modeString();
if (!_isDirectoryReadableAndWritable(l10nDirectoryStatModeString))
"The 'arb-dir' directory, $l10nDirectory, doesn't allow reading and writing.\n"
'Please ensure that the user has read and write permissions.'
final String templateArbFileStatModeString = templateArbFile.statSync().modeString();
if (templateArbFileStatModeString[0] == '-')
"The 'template-arb-file', $templateArbFile, is not readable.\n"
'Please ensure that the user has read permissions.'
if (!_isValidClassName(stringsClassName))
"The 'output-class', $stringsClassName, is not valid Dart class name.\n"
final List<String> arbFilenames = <String>[];
final Set<String> supportedLanguageCodes = <String>{};
final Set<LocaleInfo> supportedLocales = <LocaleInfo>{};
for (FileSystemEntity entity in l10nDirectory.listSync().toList()..sort(sortFilesByPath)) {
final String entityPath = entity.path;
if (FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(entityPath)) {
final RegExp arbFilenameRE = RegExp(r'(\w+)\.arb$');
if (arbFilenameRE.hasMatch(entityPath)) {
final File arbFile = File(entityPath);
final Map<String, dynamic> arbContents = json.decode(arbFile.readAsStringSync());
String localeString = arbContents['@@locale'];
if (localeString == null) {
final RegExp arbFilenameLocaleRE = RegExp(r'^[^_]*_(\w+)\.arb$');
final RegExpMatch arbFileMatch = arbFilenameLocaleRE.firstMatch(entityPath);
if (arbFileMatch == null) {
"The following .arb file's locale could not be determined: \n"
'$entityPath \n'
"Make sure that the locale is specified in the '@@locale' "
'property or as part of the filename (ie. file_en.arb)'
localeString = arbFilenameLocaleRE.firstMatch(entityPath)[1];
final LocaleInfo localeInfo = LocaleInfo.fromString(localeString);
if (supportedLocales.contains(localeInfo))
'Multiple arb files with the same locale detected. \n'
'Ensure that there is exactly one arb file for each locale.'
final List<String> classMethods = <String>[];
Map<String, dynamic> bundle;
try {
bundle = json.decode(templateArbFile.readAsStringSync());
} on FileSystemException catch (e) {
exitWithError('Unable to read input arb file: $e');
} on FormatException catch (e) {
exitWithError('Unable to parse arb file: $e');
final RegExp pluralValueRE = RegExp(r'^\s*\{[\w\s,]*,\s*plural\s*,');
for (String key in bundle.keys.toList()..sort()) {
if (key.startsWith('@'))
if (!_isValidGetterAndMethodName(key))
'Invalid key format: $key \n It has to be in camel case, cannot start '
'with a number, and cannot contain non-alphanumeric characters.'
if (pluralValueRE.hasMatch(bundle[key]))
classMethods.add(genPluralMethod(bundle, key));
classMethods.add(genSimpleMethod(bundle, key));
.replaceAll('@className', stringsClassName)
.replaceAll('@classMethods', classMethods.join('\n'))
.replaceAll('@importFile', _importFilePath(arbPathString, outputFileString))
.replaceAll('@supportedLocales', genSupportedLocaleProperty(supportedLocales))
.replaceAll('@supportedLanguageCodes', supportedLanguageCodes.toList().join(', '))
final ProcessResult pubGetResult = await'flutter', <String>['pub', 'get']);
if (pubGetResult.exitCode != 0) {
final ProcessResult generateFromArbResult = await'flutter', <String>[
if (generateFromArbResult.exitCode != 0) {