blob: 4eb0bf9742a1760da44eb7cdced11bece59c497f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import '../analyze.dart';
import 'common.dart';
typedef AsyncVoidCallback = Future<void> Function();
Future<String> capture(AsyncVoidCallback callback, { int exitCode = 0 }) async {
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
final PrintCallback oldPrint = print;
try {
print = (Object line) {
try {
await callback();
expect(exitCode, 0);
} on ExitException catch (error) {
expect(error.exitCode, exitCode);
} finally {
print = oldPrint;
return buffer.toString();
void main() {
test('analyze.dart - verifyDeprecations', () async {
final String result = await capture(() => verifyDeprecations(path.join('test', 'analyze-test-input', 'root')), exitCode: 1);
'test/analyze-test-input/root/packages/foo/deprecation.dart:12: Deprecation notice does not match required pattern.\n'
'test/analyze-test-input/root/packages/foo/deprecation.dart:18: Deprecation notice should be a grammatically correct sentence and start with a capital letter; see style guide.\n'
'test/analyze-test-input/root/packages/foo/deprecation.dart:25: Deprecation notice should be a grammatically correct sentence and end with a period.\n'
'test/analyze-test-input/root/packages/foo/deprecation.dart:29: Deprecation notice does not match required pattern.\n'
'test/analyze-test-input/root/packages/foo/deprecation.dart:32: Deprecation notice does not match required pattern.\n'
'test/analyze-test-input/root/packages/foo/deprecation.dart:37: Deprecation notice does not match required pattern.\n'
'test/analyze-test-input/root/packages/foo/deprecation.dart:41: Deprecation notice does not match required pattern.\n'
'test/analyze-test-input/root/packages/foo/deprecation.dart:48: End of deprecation notice does not match required pattern.\n'
'test/analyze-test-input/root/packages/foo/deprecation.dart:51: Unexpected deprecation notice indent.\n'
.replaceAll('/', Platform.isWindows ? '\\' : '/')
test('analyze.dart - verifyNoMissingLicense', () async {
final String result = await capture(() => verifyNoMissingLicense(path.join('test', 'analyze-test-input', 'root')), exitCode: 1);
'The following 1 file does not have the right license header:\n'
.replaceAll('/', Platform.isWindows ? '\\' : '/')
'The expected license header is:\n'
'// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.\n'
'// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\n'
'// found in the LICENSE file.\n'
'...followed by a blank line.\n'