blob: 609c6bc70b1b20e52617eb8f5a8ca8bc48598e4c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'test_async_utils.dart';
export 'dart:ui' show Offset;
/// A class for generating coherent artificial pointer events.
/// You can use this to manually simulate individual events, but the simplest
/// way to generate coherent gestures is to use [TestGesture].
class TestPointer {
/// Creates a [TestPointer]. By default, the pointer identifier used is 1,
/// however this can be overridden by providing an argument to the
/// constructor.
/// Multiple [TestPointer]s created with the same pointer identifier will
/// interfere with each other if they are used in parallel.
this.pointer = 1,
this.kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch,
int buttons = kPrimaryButton,
: assert(kind != null),
assert(pointer != null),
assert(buttons != null),
_buttons = buttons {
switch (kind) {
case PointerDeviceKind.mouse:
_device ??= 1;
case PointerDeviceKind.stylus:
case PointerDeviceKind.invertedStylus:
case PointerDeviceKind.touch:
case PointerDeviceKind.unknown:
_device ??= 0;
/// The device identifier used for events generated by this object.
/// Set when the object is constructed. Defaults to 1 if the [kind] is
/// [PointerDeviceKind.mouse], and 0 otherwise.
int get device => _device;
int _device;
/// The pointer identifier used for events generated by this object.
/// Set when the object is constructed. Defaults to 1.
final int pointer;
/// The kind of pointer device to simulate. Defaults to
/// [PointerDeviceKind.touch].
final PointerDeviceKind kind;
/// The kind of buttons to simulate on Down and Move events. Defaults to
/// [kPrimaryButton].
int get buttons => _buttons;
int _buttons;
/// Whether the pointer simulated by this object is currently down.
/// A pointer is released (goes up) by calling [up] or [cancel].
/// Once a pointer is released, it can no longer generate events.
bool get isDown => _isDown;
bool _isDown = false;
/// The position of the last event sent by this object.
/// If no event has ever been sent by this object, returns null.
Offset get location => _location;
Offset _location;
/// If a custom event is created outside of this class, this function is used
/// to set the [isDown].
bool setDownInfo(
PointerEvent event,
Offset newLocation, {
int buttons,
}) {
_location = newLocation;
if (buttons != null)
_buttons = buttons;
switch (event.runtimeType) {
case PointerDownEvent:
_isDown = true;
case PointerUpEvent:
case PointerCancelEvent:
_isDown = false;
return isDown;
/// Create a [PointerDownEvent] at the given location.
/// By default, the time stamp on the event is []. You can give a
/// specific time stamp by passing the `timeStamp` argument.
/// By default, the set of buttons in the last down or move event is used.
/// You can give a specific set of buttons by passing the `buttons` argument.
PointerDownEvent down(
Offset newLocation, {
Duration timeStamp =,
int buttons,
}) {
_isDown = true;
_location = newLocation;
if (buttons != null)
_buttons = buttons;
return PointerDownEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
kind: kind,
device: _device,
pointer: pointer,
position: location,
buttons: _buttons,
/// Create a [PointerMoveEvent] to the given location.
/// By default, the time stamp on the event is []. You can give a
/// specific time stamp by passing the `timeStamp` argument.
/// [isDown] must be true when this is called, since move events can only
/// be generated when the pointer is down.
/// By default, the set of buttons in the last down or move event is used.
/// You can give a specific set of buttons by passing the `buttons` argument.
PointerMoveEvent move(
Offset newLocation, {
Duration timeStamp =,
int buttons,
}) {
'Move events can only be generated when the pointer is down. To '
'create a movement event simulating a pointer move when the pointer is '
'up, use hover() instead.');
final Offset delta = newLocation - location;
_location = newLocation;
if (buttons != null)
_buttons = buttons;
return PointerMoveEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
kind: kind,
device: _device,
pointer: pointer,
position: newLocation,
delta: delta,
buttons: _buttons,
/// Create a [PointerUpEvent].
/// By default, the time stamp on the event is []. You can give a
/// specific time stamp by passing the `timeStamp` argument.
/// The object is no longer usable after this method has been called.
PointerUpEvent up({ Duration timeStamp = }) {
_isDown = false;
return PointerUpEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
kind: kind,
device: _device,
pointer: pointer,
position: location,
/// Create a [PointerCancelEvent].
/// By default, the time stamp on the event is []. You can give a
/// specific time stamp by passing the `timeStamp` argument.
/// The object is no longer usable after this method has been called.
PointerCancelEvent cancel({ Duration timeStamp = }) {
_isDown = false;
return PointerCancelEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
kind: kind,
device: _device,
pointer: pointer,
position: location,
/// Create a [PointerAddedEvent] with the [PointerDeviceKind] the pointer was
/// created with.
/// By default, the time stamp on the event is []. You can give a
/// specific time stamp by passing the `timeStamp` argument.
/// [isDown] must be false, since hover events can't be sent when the pointer
/// is up.
PointerAddedEvent addPointer({
Duration timeStamp =,
}) {
assert(timeStamp != null);
return PointerAddedEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
kind: kind,
device: _device,
/// Create a [PointerRemovedEvent] with the kind the pointer was created with.
/// By default, the time stamp on the event is []. You can give a
/// specific time stamp by passing the `timeStamp` argument.
/// [isDown] must be false, since hover events can't be sent when the pointer
/// is up.
PointerRemovedEvent removePointer({
Duration timeStamp =,
}) {
assert(timeStamp != null);
return PointerRemovedEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
kind: kind,
device: _device,
/// Create a [PointerHoverEvent] to the given location.
/// By default, the time stamp on the event is []. You can give a
/// specific time stamp by passing the `timeStamp` argument.
/// [isDown] must be false, since hover events can't be sent when the pointer
/// is up.
PointerHoverEvent hover(
Offset newLocation, {
Duration timeStamp =,
}) {
assert(newLocation != null);
assert(timeStamp != null);
'Hover events can only be generated when the pointer is up. To '
'simulate movement when the pointer is down, use move() instead.');
assert(kind != PointerDeviceKind.touch, "Touch pointers can't generate hover events");
final Offset delta = location != null ? newLocation - location :;
_location = newLocation;
return PointerHoverEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
kind: kind,
device: _device,
position: newLocation,
delta: delta,
/// Create a [PointerScrollEvent] (e.g., scroll wheel scroll; not finger-drag
/// scroll) with the given delta.
/// By default, the time stamp on the event is []. You can give a
/// specific time stamp by passing the `timeStamp` argument.
PointerScrollEvent scroll(
Offset scrollDelta, {
Duration timeStamp =,
}) {
assert(scrollDelta != null);
assert(timeStamp != null);
assert(kind != PointerDeviceKind.touch, "Touch pointers can't generate pointer signal events");
return PointerScrollEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
kind: kind,
device: _device,
position: location,
scrollDelta: scrollDelta,
/// Signature for a callback that can dispatch events and returns a future that
/// completes when the event dispatch is complete.
typedef EventDispatcher = Future<void> Function(PointerEvent event, HitTestResult result);
/// Signature for callbacks that perform hit-testing at a given location.
typedef HitTester = HitTestResult Function(Offset location);
/// A class for performing gestures in tests.
/// The simplest way to create a [TestGesture] is to call
/// [WidgetTester.startGesture].
class TestGesture {
/// Create a [TestGesture] without dispatching any events from it.
/// The [TestGesture] can then be manipulated to perform future actions.
/// By default, the pointer identifier used is 1. This can be overridden by
/// providing the `pointer` argument.
/// A function to use for hit testing must be provided via the `hitTester`
/// argument, and a function to use for dispatching events must be provided
/// via the `dispatcher` argument.
/// The device `kind` defaults to [PointerDeviceKind.touch], but move events
/// when the pointer is "up" require a kind other than
/// [PointerDeviceKind.touch], like [PointerDeviceKind.mouse], for example,
/// because touch devices can't produce movement events when they are "up".
/// None of the arguments may be null. The `dispatcher` and `hitTester`
/// arguments are required.
@required EventDispatcher dispatcher,
@required HitTester hitTester,
int pointer = 1,
PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch,
int device,
int buttons = kPrimaryButton,
}) : assert(dispatcher != null),
assert(hitTester != null),
assert(pointer != null),
assert(kind != null),
assert(buttons != null),
_dispatcher = dispatcher,
_hitTester = hitTester,
_pointer = TestPointer(pointer, kind, device, buttons),
_result = null;
/// Dispatch a pointer down event at the given `downLocation`, caching the
/// hit test result.
Future<void> down(Offset downLocation) async {
return TestAsyncUtils.guard<void>(() async {
_result = _hitTester(downLocation);
return _dispatcher(_pointer.down(downLocation), _result);
/// Dispatch a pointer down event at the given `downLocation`, caching the
/// hit test result with a custom down event.
Future<void> downWithCustomEvent(Offset downLocation, PointerDownEvent event) async {
_pointer.setDownInfo(event, downLocation);
return TestAsyncUtils.guard<void>(() async {
_result = _hitTester(downLocation);
return _dispatcher(event, _result);
final EventDispatcher _dispatcher;
final HitTester _hitTester;
final TestPointer _pointer;
HitTestResult _result;
/// In a test, send a move event that moves the pointer by the given offset.
Future<void> updateWithCustomEvent(PointerEvent event, { Duration timeStamp = }) {
_pointer.setDownInfo(event, event.position);
return TestAsyncUtils.guard<void>(() {
return _dispatcher(event, _result);
/// In a test, send a pointer add event for this pointer.
Future<void> addPointer({ Duration timeStamp = }) {
return TestAsyncUtils.guard<void>(() {
return _dispatcher(_pointer.addPointer(timeStamp: timeStamp), null);
/// In a test, send a pointer remove event for this pointer.
Future<void> removePointer({ Duration timeStamp = }) {
return TestAsyncUtils.guard<void>(() {
return _dispatcher(_pointer.removePointer(timeStamp: timeStamp), null);
/// Send a move event moving the pointer by the given offset.
/// If the pointer is down, then a move event is dispatched. If the pointer is
/// up, then a hover event is dispatched. Touch devices are not able to send
/// hover events.
Future<void> moveBy(Offset offset, { Duration timeStamp = }) {
return moveTo(_pointer.location + offset, timeStamp: timeStamp);
/// Send a move event moving the pointer to the given location.
/// If the pointer is down, then a move event is dispatched. If the pointer is
/// up, then a hover event is dispatched. Touch devices are not able to send
/// hover events.
Future<void> moveTo(Offset location, { Duration timeStamp = }) {
return TestAsyncUtils.guard<void>(() {
if (_pointer._isDown) {
assert(_result != null,
'Move events with the pointer down must be preceded by a down '
'event that captures a hit test result.');
return _dispatcher(_pointer.move(location, timeStamp: timeStamp), _result);
} else {
assert(_pointer.kind != PointerDeviceKind.touch,
'Touch device move events can only be sent if the pointer is down.');
return _dispatcher(_pointer.hover(location, timeStamp: timeStamp), null);
/// End the gesture by releasing the pointer.
Future<void> up() {
return TestAsyncUtils.guard<void>(() async {
await _dispatcher(_pointer.up(), _result);
_result = null;
/// End the gesture by canceling the pointer (as would happen if the
/// system showed a modal dialog on top of the Flutter application,
/// for instance).
Future<void> cancel() {
return TestAsyncUtils.guard<void>(() async {
await _dispatcher(_pointer.cancel(), _result);
_result = null;