blob: b674584e984315395f8c42a3471476886fcc3145 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'finders.dart';
/// Asserts that the [Finder] matches no widgets in the widget tree.
/// ## Sample code
/// ```dart
/// expect(find.text('Save'), findsNothing);
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [findsWidgets], when you want the finder to find one or more widgets.
/// * [findsOneWidget], when you want the finder to find exactly one widget.
/// * [findsNWidgets], when you want the finder to find a specific number of widgets.
const Matcher findsNothing = const _FindsWidgetMatcher(null, 0);
/// Asserts that the [Finder] locates at least one widget in the widget tree.
/// ## Sample code
/// ```dart
/// expect(find.text('Save'), findsWidgets);
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [findsNothing], when you want the finder to not find anything.
/// * [findsOneWidget], when you want the finder to find exactly one widget.
/// * [findsNWidgets], when you want the finder to find a specific number of widgets.
const Matcher findsWidgets = const _FindsWidgetMatcher(1, null);
/// Asserts that the [Finder] locates at exactly one widget in the widget tree.
/// ## Sample code
/// ```dart
/// expect(find.text('Save'), findsOneWidget);
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [findsNothing], when you want the finder to not find anything.
/// * [findsWidgets], when you want the finder to find one or more widgets.
/// * [findsNWidgets], when you want the finder to find a specific number of widgets.
const Matcher findsOneWidget = const _FindsWidgetMatcher(1, 1);
/// Asserts that the [Finder] locates the specified number of widgets in the widget tree.
/// ## Sample code
/// ```dart
/// expect(find.text('Save'), findsNWidgets(2));
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [findsNothing], when you want the finder to not find anything.
/// * [findsWidgets], when you want the finder to find one or more widgets.
/// * [findsOneWidget], when you want the finder to find exactly one widget.
Matcher findsNWidgets(int n) => new _FindsWidgetMatcher(n, n);
/// Asserts that the [Finder] locates the a single widget that has at
/// least one [Offstage] widget ancestor.
/// It's important to use a full finder, since by default finders exclude
/// offstage widgets.
/// ## Sample code
/// ```dart
/// expect(find.text('Save', skipOffstage: false), isOffstage);
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [isOnstage], the opposite.
const Matcher isOffstage = const _IsOffstage();
/// Asserts that the [Finder] locates the a single widget that has no
/// [Offstage] widget ancestors.
/// See also:
/// * [isOffstage], the opposite.
const Matcher isOnstage = const _IsOnstage();
/// Asserts that the [Finder] locates the a single widget that has at
/// least one [Card] widget ancestor.
/// See also:
/// * [isNotInCard], the opposite.
const Matcher isInCard = const _IsInCard();
/// Asserts that the [Finder] locates the a single widget that has no
/// [Card] widget ancestors.
/// This is equivalent to `isNot(isInCard)`.
/// See also:
/// * [isInCard], the opposite.
const Matcher isNotInCard = const _IsNotInCard();
/// Asserts that an object's toString() is a plausible one-line description.
/// Specifically, this matcher checks that the string does not contains newline
/// characters, and does not have leading or trailing whitespace, is not
/// empty, and does not contain the default `Instance of ...` string.
const Matcher hasOneLineDescription = const _HasOneLineDescription();
/// Asserts that an object's toStringDeep() is a plausible multi-line
/// description.
/// Specifically, this matcher checks that an object's
/// `toStringDeep(prefixLineOne, prefixOtherLines)`:
/// * Does not have leading or trailing whitespace.
/// * Does not contain the default `Instance of ...` string.
/// * The last line has characters other than tree connector characters and
/// whitespace. For example: the line ` │ ║ ╎` has only tree connector
/// characters and whitespace.
/// * Does not contain lines with trailing white space.
/// * Has multiple lines.
/// * The first line starts with `prefixLineOne`
/// * All subsequent lines start with `prefixOtherLines`.
const Matcher hasAGoodToStringDeep = const _HasGoodToStringDeep();
/// A matcher for functions that throw [FlutterError].
/// This is equivalent to `throwsA(const isInstanceOf<FlutterError>())`.
/// See also:
/// * [throwsAssertionError], to test if a function throws any [AssertionError].
/// * [throwsArgumentError], to test if a functions throws an [ArgumentError].
/// * [isFlutterError], to test if any object is a [FlutterError].
Matcher throwsFlutterError = throwsA(isFlutterError);
/// A matcher for functions that throw [AssertionError].
/// This is equivalent to `throwsA(const isInstanceOf<AssertionError>())`.
/// See also:
/// * [throwsFlutterError], to test if a function throws a [FlutterError].
/// * [throwsArgumentError], to test if a functions throws an [ArgumentError].
/// * [isAssertionError], to test if any object is any kind of [AssertionError].
Matcher throwsAssertionError = throwsA(isAssertionError);
/// A matcher for [FlutterError].
/// This is equivalent to `const isInstanceOf<FlutterError>()`.
/// See also:
/// * [throwsFlutterError], to test if a function throws a [FlutterError].
/// * [isAssertionError], to test if any object is any kind of [AssertionError].
const Matcher isFlutterError = const isInstanceOf<FlutterError>();
/// A matcher for [AssertionError].
/// This is equivalent to `const isInstanceOf<AssertionError>()`.
/// See also:
/// * [throwsAssertionError], to test if a function throws any [AssertionError].
/// * [isFlutterError], to test if any object is a [FlutterError].
const Matcher isAssertionError = const isInstanceOf<AssertionError>();
/// Asserts that two [double]s are equal, within some tolerated error.
/// Two values are considered equal if the difference between them is within
/// 1e-10 of the larger one. This is an arbitrary value which can be adjusted
/// using the `epsilon` argument. This matcher is intended to compare floating
/// point numbers that are the result of different sequences of operations, such
/// that they may have accumulated slightly different errors.
/// See also:
/// * [closeTo], which is identical except that the epsilon argument is
/// required and not named.
/// * [inInclusiveRange], which matches if the argument is in a specified
/// range.
Matcher moreOrLessEquals(double value, { double epsilon: 1e-10 }) {
return new _MoreOrLessEquals(value, epsilon);
/// Asserts that two [String]s are equal after normalizing likely hash codes.
/// A `#` followed by 5 hexadecimal digits is assumed to be a short hash code
/// and is normalized to #00000.
/// See Also:
/// * [describeIdentity], a method that generates short descriptions of objects
/// with ids that match the pattern #[0-9a-f]{5}.
/// * [shortHash], a method that generates a 5 character long hexadecimal
/// [String] based on [Object.hashCode].
/// * [TreeDiagnosticsMixin.toStringDeep], a method that returns a [String]
/// typically containing multiple hash codes.
Matcher equalsIgnoringHashCodes(String value) {
return new _EqualsIgnoringHashCodes(value);
/// A matcher for [MethodCall]s, asserting that it has the specified
/// method [name] and [arguments].
/// Arguments checking implements deep equality for [List] and [Map] types.
Matcher isMethodCall(String name, {@required dynamic arguments}) {
return new _IsMethodCall(name, arguments);
class _FindsWidgetMatcher extends Matcher {
const _FindsWidgetMatcher(this.min, this.max);
final int min;
final int max;
bool matches(covariant Finder finder, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
assert(min != null || max != null);
assert(min == null || max == null || min <= max);
matchState[Finder] = finder;
int count = 0;
final Iterator<Element> iterator = finder.evaluate().iterator;
if (min != null) {
while (count < min && iterator.moveNext())
count += 1;
if (count < min)
return false;
if (max != null) {
while (count <= max && iterator.moveNext())
count += 1;
if (count > max)
return false;
return true;
Description describe(Description description) {
assert(min != null || max != null);
if (min == max) {
if (min == 1)
return description.add('exactly one matching node in the widget tree');
return description.add('exactly $min matching nodes in the widget tree');
if (min == null) {
if (max == 0)
return description.add('no matching nodes in the widget tree');
if (max == 1)
return description.add('at most one matching node in the widget tree');
return description.add('at most $max matching nodes in the widget tree');
if (max == null) {
if (min == 1)
return description.add('at least one matching node in the widget tree');
return description.add('at least $min matching nodes in the widget tree');
return description.add('between $min and $max matching nodes in the widget tree (inclusive)');
Description describeMismatch(
dynamic item,
Description mismatchDescription,
Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState,
bool verbose
) {
final Finder finder = matchState[Finder];
final int count = finder.evaluate().length;
if (count == 0) {
assert(min != null && min > 0);
if (min == 1 && max == 1)
return mismatchDescription.add('means none were found but one was expected');
return mismatchDescription.add('means none were found but some were expected');
if (max == 0) {
if (count == 1)
return mismatchDescription.add('means one was found but none were expected');
return mismatchDescription.add('means some were found but none were expected');
if (min != null && count < min)
return mismatchDescription.add('is not enough');
assert(max != null && count > min);
return mismatchDescription.add('is too many');
bool _hasAncestorMatching(Finder finder, bool predicate(Widget widget)) {
final Iterable<Element> nodes = finder.evaluate();
if (nodes.length != 1)
return false;
bool result = false;
nodes.single.visitAncestorElements((Element ancestor) {
if (predicate(ancestor.widget)) {
result = true;
return false;
return true;
return result;
bool _hasAncestorOfType(Finder finder, Type targetType) {
return _hasAncestorMatching(finder, (Widget widget) => widget.runtimeType == targetType);
class _IsOffstage extends Matcher {
const _IsOffstage();
bool matches(covariant Finder finder, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
return _hasAncestorMatching(finder, (Widget widget) {
if (widget is Offstage)
return widget.offstage;
return false;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('offstage');
class _IsOnstage extends Matcher {
const _IsOnstage();
bool matches(covariant Finder finder, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
final Iterable<Element> nodes = finder.evaluate();
if (nodes.length != 1)
return false;
bool result = true;
nodes.single.visitAncestorElements((Element ancestor) {
final Widget widget = ancestor.widget;
if (widget is Offstage) {
result = !widget.offstage;
return false;
return true;
return result;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('onstage');
class _IsInCard extends Matcher {
const _IsInCard();
bool matches(covariant Finder finder, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) => _hasAncestorOfType(finder, Card);
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('in card');
class _IsNotInCard extends Matcher {
const _IsNotInCard();
bool matches(covariant Finder finder, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) => !_hasAncestorOfType(finder, Card);
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('not in card');
class _HasOneLineDescription extends Matcher {
const _HasOneLineDescription();
bool matches(Object object, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
final String description = object.toString();
return description.isNotEmpty
&& !description.contains('\n')
&& !description.contains('Instance of ')
&& description.trim() == description;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('one line description');
class _EqualsIgnoringHashCodes extends Matcher {
_EqualsIgnoringHashCodes(String v) : _value = _normalize(v);
final String _value;
static final Object _mismatchedValueKey = new Object();
static String _normalize(String s) {
return s.replaceAll(new RegExp(r'#[0-9a-f]{5}'), '#00000');
bool matches(dynamic object, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
final String description = _normalize(object);
if (_value != description) {
matchState[_mismatchedValueKey] = description;
return false;
return true;
Description describe(Description description) {
return description.add('multi line description equals $_value');
Description describeMismatch(
dynamic item,
Description mismatchDescription,
Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState,
bool verbose
) {
if (matchState.containsKey(_mismatchedValueKey)) {
final String actualValue = matchState[_mismatchedValueKey];
// Leading whitespace is added so that lines in the multi-line
// description returned by addDescriptionOf are all indented equally
// which makes the output easier to read for this case.
return mismatchDescription
.add('expected normalized value\n ')
.add('\nbut got\n ')
return mismatchDescription;
/// Returns true if [c] represents a whitespace code unit.
bool _isWhitespace(int c) => (c <= 0x000D && c >= 0x0009) || c == 0x0020;
/// Returns true if [c] represents a vertical line Unicode line art code unit.
/// See []. This method only
/// specifies vertical line art code units currently used by Flutter line art.
/// There are other line art characters that technically also represent vertical
/// lines.
bool _isVerticalLine(int c) {
return c == 0x2502 || c == 0x2503 || c == 0x2551 || c == 0x254e;
/// Returns whether a [line] is all vertical tree connector characters.
/// Example vertical tree connector characters: `│ ║ ╎`.
/// The last line of a text tree contains only vertical tree connector
/// characters indicates a poorly formatted tree.
bool _isAllTreeConnectorCharacters(String line) {
for (int i = 0; i < line.length; ++i) {
final int c = line.codeUnitAt(i);
if (!_isWhitespace(c) && !_isVerticalLine(c))
return false;
return true;
class _HasGoodToStringDeep extends Matcher {
const _HasGoodToStringDeep();
static final Object _toStringDeepErrorDescriptionKey = new Object();
bool matches(dynamic object, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
final List<String> issues = <String>[];
String description = object.toStringDeep();
if (description.endsWith('\n')) {
// Trim off trailing \n as the remaining calculations assume
// the description does not end with a trailing \n.
description = description.substring(0, description.length - 1);
} else {
issues.add('Not terminated with a line break.');
if (description.trim() != description)
issues.add('Has trailing whitespace.');
final List<String> lines = description.split('\n');
if (lines.length < 2)
issues.add('Does not have multiple lines.');
if (description.contains('Instance of '))
issues.add('Contains text "Instance of ".');
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
final String line = lines[i];
if (line.isEmpty)
issues.add('Line ${i+1} is empty.');
if (line.trimRight() != line)
issues.add('Line ${i+1} has trailing whitespace.');
if (_isAllTreeConnectorCharacters(lines.last))
issues.add('Last line is all tree connector characters.');
// If a toStringDeep method doesn't properly handle nested values that
// contain line breaks it can fail to add the required prefixes to all
// lined when toStringDeep is called specifying prefixes.
const String prefixLineOne = 'PREFIX_LINE_ONE____';
const String prefixOtherLines = 'PREFIX_OTHER_LINES_';
final List<String> prefixIssues = <String>[];
String descriptionWithPrefixes =
object.toStringDeep(prefixLineOne: prefixLineOne, prefixOtherLines: prefixOtherLines);
if (descriptionWithPrefixes.endsWith('\n')) {
// Trim off trailing \n as the remaining calculations assume
// the description does not end with a trailing \n.
descriptionWithPrefixes = descriptionWithPrefixes.substring(
0, descriptionWithPrefixes.length - 1);
final List<String> linesWithPrefixes = descriptionWithPrefixes.split('\n');
if (!linesWithPrefixes.first.startsWith(prefixLineOne))
prefixIssues.add('First line does not contain expected prefix.');
for (int i = 1; i < linesWithPrefixes.length; ++i) {
if (!linesWithPrefixes[i].startsWith(prefixOtherLines))
prefixIssues.add('Line ${i+1} does not contain the expected prefix.');
final StringBuffer errorDescription = new StringBuffer();
if (issues.isNotEmpty) {
errorDescription.writeln('Bad toStringDeep():');
errorDescription.writeAll(issues, '\n');
if (prefixIssues.isNotEmpty) {
'Bad toStringDeep(prefixLineOne: "$prefixLineOne", prefixOtherLines: "$prefixOtherLines"):');
errorDescription.writeAll(prefixIssues, '\n');
if (errorDescription.isNotEmpty) {
matchState[_toStringDeepErrorDescriptionKey] =
return false;
return true;
Description describeMismatch(
dynamic item,
Description mismatchDescription,
Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState,
bool verbose
) {
if (matchState.containsKey(_toStringDeepErrorDescriptionKey)) {
return mismatchDescription.add(
return mismatchDescription;
Description describe(Description description) {
return description.add('multi line description');
/// Computes the distance between two values.
/// The distance should be a metric in a metric space (see
/// Specifically, if `f` is a
/// distance function then the following conditions should hold:
/// - f(a, b) >= 0
/// - f(a, b) == 0 if and only if a == b
/// - f(a, b) == f(b, a)
/// - f(a, c) <= f(a, b) + f(b, c), known as triangle inequality
/// This makes it useful for comparing numbers, [Color]s, [Offset]s and other
/// sets of value for which a metric space is defined.
typedef num DistanceFunction<T>(T a, T b);
/// The type of a union of instances of [DistanceFunction<T>] for various types
/// T.
/// This type is used to describe a collection of [DistanceFunction<T>]
/// functions which have (potentially) unrelated argument types. Since the
/// argument types of the functions may be unrelated, the only thing that the
/// type system can statically assume about them is that they accept null (since
/// all types in Dart are nullable).
/// Calling an instance of this type must either be done dynamically, or by
/// first casting it to a [DistanceFunction<T>] for some concrete T.
typedef num AnyDistanceFunction(Null a, Null b);
const Map<Type, AnyDistanceFunction> _kStandardDistanceFunctions = const <Type, AnyDistanceFunction>{
Color: _maxComponentColorDistance,
Offset: _offsetDistance,
int: _intDistance,
double: _doubleDistance,
Rect: _rectDistance,
int _intDistance(int a, int b) => (b - a).abs();
double _doubleDistance(double a, double b) => (b - a).abs();
double _offsetDistance(Offset a, Offset b) => (b - a).distance;
double _maxComponentColorDistance(Color a, Color b) {
int delta = math.max<int>(( -, ( -;
delta = math.max<int>(delta, ( -;
delta = math.max<int>(delta, (a.alpha - b.alpha).abs());
return delta.toDouble();
double _rectDistance(Rect a, Rect b) {
double delta = math.max<double>((a.left - b.left).abs(), ( -;
delta = math.max<double>(delta, (a.right - b.right).abs());
delta = math.max<double>(delta, (a.bottom - b.bottom).abs());
return delta;
/// Asserts that two values are within a certain distance from each other.
/// The distance is computed by a [DistanceFunction].
/// If `distanceFunction` is null, a standard distance function is used for the
/// `runtimeType` of the `from` argument. Standard functions are defined for
/// the following types:
/// * [Color], whose distance is the maximum component-wise delta.
/// * [Offset], whose distance is the Euclidean distance computed using the
/// method [Offset.distance].
/// * [int], whose distance is the absolute difference between two integers.
/// * [double], whose distance is the absolute difference between two doubles.
/// See also:
/// * [moreOrLessEquals], which is similar to this function, but specializes in
/// [double]s and has an optional `epsilon` parameter.
/// * [closeTo], which specializes in numbers only.
Matcher within<T>({
@required num distance,
@required T from,
DistanceFunction<T> distanceFunction,
}) {
distanceFunction ??= _kStandardDistanceFunctions[from.runtimeType];
if (distanceFunction == null) {
throw new ArgumentError(
'The specified distanceFunction was null, and a standard distance '
'function was not found for type ${from.runtimeType} of the provided '
'`from` argument.'
return new _IsWithinDistance<T>(distanceFunction, from, distance);
class _IsWithinDistance<T> extends Matcher {
const _IsWithinDistance(this.distanceFunction, this.value, this.epsilon);
final DistanceFunction<T> distanceFunction;
final T value;
final num epsilon;
bool matches(Object object, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
if (object is! T)
return false;
if (object == value)
return true;
final T test = object;
final num distance = distanceFunction(test, value);
if (distance < 0) {
throw new ArgumentError(
'Invalid distance function was used to compare a ${value.runtimeType} '
'to a ${object.runtimeType}. The function must return a non-negative '
'double value, but it returned $distance.'
matchState['distance'] = distance;
return distance <= epsilon;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('$value (±$epsilon)');
Description describeMismatch(
Object object,
Description mismatchDescription,
Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState,
bool verbose,
) {
mismatchDescription.add('was ${matchState['distance']} away from the desired value.');
return mismatchDescription;
class _MoreOrLessEquals extends Matcher {
const _MoreOrLessEquals(this.value, this.epsilon);
final double value;
final double epsilon;
bool matches(Object object, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
if (object is! double)
return false;
if (object == value)
return true;
final double test = object;
return (test - value).abs() <= epsilon;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('$value (±$epsilon)');
class _IsMethodCall extends Matcher {
const _IsMethodCall(, this.arguments);
final String name;
final dynamic arguments;
bool matches(dynamic item, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
if (item is! MethodCall)
return false;
if (item.method != name)
return false;
return _deepEquals(item.arguments, arguments);
bool _deepEquals(dynamic a, dynamic b) {
if (a == b)
return true;
if (a is List)
return b is List && _deepEqualsList(a, b);
if (a is Map)
return b is Map && _deepEqualsMap(a, b);
return false;
bool _deepEqualsList(List<dynamic> a, List<dynamic> b) {
if (a.length != b.length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (!_deepEquals(a[i], b[i]))
return false;
return true;
bool _deepEqualsMap(Map<dynamic, dynamic> a, Map<dynamic, dynamic> b) {
if (a.length != b.length)
return false;
for (dynamic key in a.keys) {
if (!b.containsKey(key) || !_deepEquals(a[key], b[key]))
return false;
return true;
Description describe(Description description) {
return description
.add('has method name: ').addDescriptionOf(name)
.add(' with arguments: ').addDescriptionOf(arguments);
/// Asserts that a [Finder] locates a single object whose root RenderObject
/// is a [RenderClipRect] with no clipper set, or an equivalent
/// [RenderClipPath].
const Matcher clipsWithBoundingRect = const _ClipsWithBoundingRect();
/// Asserts that a [Finder] locates a single object whose root RenderObject
/// is a [RenderClipRRect] with no clipper set, and border radius equals to
/// [borderRadius], or an equivalent [RenderClipPath].
Matcher clipsWithBoundingRRect({@required BorderRadius borderRadius}) {
return new _ClipsWithBoundingRRect(borderRadius: borderRadius);
/// Asserts that a [Finder] locates a single object whose root RenderObject
/// is a [RenderClipPath] with a [ShapeBorderClipper] that clips to
/// [shape].
Matcher clipsWithShapeBorder({@required ShapeBorder shape}) {
return new _ClipsWithShapeBorder(shape: shape);
/// Asserts that a [Finder] locates a single object whose root RenderObject
/// is a [RenderPhysicalModel] or a [RenderPhysicalShape].
/// - If the render object is a [RenderPhysicalModel]
/// - If [shape] is non null asserts that [RenderPhysicalModel.shape] is equal to
/// [shape].
/// - If [borderRadius] is non null asserts that [RenderPhysicalModel.borderRadius] is equal to
/// [borderRadius].
/// - If [elevation] is non null asserts that [RenderPhysicalModel.elevation] is equal to
/// [elevation].
/// - If the render object is a [RenderPhysicalShape]
/// - If [borderRadius] is non null asserts that the shape is a rounded
/// rectangle with this radius.
/// - If [borderRadius] is null, asserts that the shape is equivalent to
/// [shape].
/// - If [elevation] is non null asserts that [RenderPhysicalModel.elevation] is equal to
/// [elevation].
Matcher rendersOnPhysicalModel({
BoxShape shape,
BorderRadius borderRadius,
double elevation,
}) {
return new _RendersOnPhysicalModel(
shape: shape,
borderRadius: borderRadius,
elevation: elevation,
/// Asserts that a [Finder] locates a single object whose root RenderObject
/// is [RenderPhysicalShape] that uses a [ShapeBorderClipper] that clips to
/// [shape] as its clipper.
/// If [elevation] is non null asserts that [RenderPhysicalShape.elevation] is
/// equal to [elevation].
Matcher rendersOnPhysicalShape({
ShapeBorder shape,
double elevation,
}) {
return new _RendersOnPhysicalShape(
shape: shape,
elevation: elevation,
abstract class _MatchRenderObject<M extends RenderObject, T extends RenderObject> extends Matcher {
const _MatchRenderObject();
bool renderObjectMatchesT(Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState, T renderObject);
bool renderObjectMatchesM(Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState, M renderObject);
bool matches(covariant Finder finder, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
final Iterable<Element> nodes = finder.evaluate();
if (nodes.length != 1)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'did not have a exactly one child element');
final RenderObject renderObject = nodes.single.renderObject;
if (renderObject.runtimeType == T)
return renderObjectMatchesT(matchState, renderObject);
if (renderObject.runtimeType == M)
return renderObjectMatchesM(matchState, renderObject);
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'had a root render object of type: ${renderObject.runtimeType}');
bool failWithDescription(Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState, String description) {
matchState['failure'] = description;
return false;
Description describeMismatch(
dynamic item,
Description mismatchDescription,
Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState,
bool verbose
) {
return mismatchDescription.add(matchState['failure']);
class _RendersOnPhysicalModel extends _MatchRenderObject<RenderPhysicalShape, RenderPhysicalModel> {
const _RendersOnPhysicalModel({
final BoxShape shape;
final BorderRadius borderRadius;
final double elevation;
bool renderObjectMatchesT(Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState, RenderPhysicalModel renderObject) {
if (shape != null && renderObject.shape != shape)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'had shape: ${renderObject.shape}');
if (borderRadius != null && renderObject.borderRadius != borderRadius)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'had borderRadius: ${renderObject.borderRadius}');
if (elevation != null && renderObject.elevation != elevation)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'had elevation: ${renderObject.elevation}');
return true;
bool renderObjectMatchesM(Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState, RenderPhysicalShape renderObject) {
if (renderObject.clipper.runtimeType != ShapeBorderClipper)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'clipper was: ${renderObject.clipper}');
final ShapeBorderClipper shapeClipper = renderObject.clipper;
if (borderRadius != null && !assertRoundedRectangle(shapeClipper, borderRadius, matchState))
return false;
if (
borderRadius == null
&& shape == BoxShape.rectangle
&& !assertRoundedRectangle(shapeClipper,, matchState)
return false;
if (
borderRadius == null
&& shape ==
&& !assertCircle(shapeClipper, matchState)
return false;
if (elevation != null && renderObject.elevation != elevation)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'had elevation: ${renderObject.elevation}');
return true;
bool assertRoundedRectangle(ShapeBorderClipper shapeClipper, BorderRadius borderRadius, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
if (shapeClipper.shape.runtimeType != RoundedRectangleBorder)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'had shape border: ${shapeClipper.shape}');
final RoundedRectangleBorder border = shapeClipper.shape;
if (border.borderRadius != borderRadius)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'had borderRadius: ${border.borderRadius}');
return true;
bool assertCircle(ShapeBorderClipper shapeClipper, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
if (shapeClipper.shape.runtimeType != CircleBorder)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'had shape border: ${shapeClipper.shape}');
return true;
Description describe(Description description) {
description.add('renders on a physical model');
if (shape != null)
description.add(' with shape $shape');
if (borderRadius != null)
description.add(' with borderRadius $borderRadius');
if (elevation != null)
description.add(' with elevation $elevation');
return description;
class _RendersOnPhysicalShape extends _MatchRenderObject<RenderPhysicalShape, Null> {
const _RendersOnPhysicalShape({
final ShapeBorder shape;
final double elevation;
bool renderObjectMatchesM(Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState, RenderPhysicalShape renderObject) {
if (renderObject.clipper.runtimeType != ShapeBorderClipper)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'clipper was: ${renderObject.clipper}');
final ShapeBorderClipper shapeClipper = renderObject.clipper;
if (shapeClipper.shape != shape)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'shape was: ${shapeClipper.shape}');
if (elevation != null && renderObject.elevation != elevation)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'had elevation: ${renderObject.elevation}');
return true;
bool renderObjectMatchesT(Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState, RenderPhysicalModel renderObject) {
return false;
Description describe(Description description) {
description.add('renders on a physical model with shape $shape');
if (elevation != null)
description.add(' with elevation $elevation');
return description;
class _ClipsWithBoundingRect extends _MatchRenderObject<RenderClipPath, RenderClipRect> {
const _ClipsWithBoundingRect();
bool renderObjectMatchesT(Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState, RenderClipRect renderObject) {
if (renderObject.clipper != null)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'had a non null clipper ${renderObject.clipper}');
return true;
bool renderObjectMatchesM(Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState, RenderClipPath renderObject) {
if (renderObject.clipper.runtimeType != ShapeBorderClipper)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'clipper was: ${renderObject.clipper}');
final ShapeBorderClipper shapeClipper = renderObject.clipper;
if (shapeClipper.shape.runtimeType != RoundedRectangleBorder)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'shape was: ${shapeClipper.shape}');
final RoundedRectangleBorder border = shapeClipper.shape;
if (border.borderRadius !=
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'borderRadius was: ${border.borderRadius}');
return true;
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('clips with bounding rectangle');
class _ClipsWithBoundingRRect extends _MatchRenderObject<RenderClipPath, RenderClipRRect> {
const _ClipsWithBoundingRRect({@required this.borderRadius});
final BorderRadius borderRadius;
bool renderObjectMatchesT(Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState, RenderClipRRect renderObject) {
if (renderObject.clipper != null)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'had a non null clipper ${renderObject.clipper}');
if (renderObject.borderRadius != borderRadius)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'had borderRadius: ${renderObject.borderRadius}');
return true;
bool renderObjectMatchesM(Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState, RenderClipPath renderObject) {
if (renderObject.clipper.runtimeType != ShapeBorderClipper)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'clipper was: ${renderObject.clipper}');
final ShapeBorderClipper shapeClipper = renderObject.clipper;
if (shapeClipper.shape.runtimeType != RoundedRectangleBorder)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'shape was: ${shapeClipper.shape}');
final RoundedRectangleBorder border = shapeClipper.shape;
if (border.borderRadius != borderRadius)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'had borderRadius: ${border.borderRadius}');
return true;
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('clips with bounding rounded rectangle with borderRadius: $borderRadius');
class _ClipsWithShapeBorder extends _MatchRenderObject<RenderClipPath, Null> {
const _ClipsWithShapeBorder({@required this.shape});
final ShapeBorder shape;
bool renderObjectMatchesM(Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState, RenderClipPath renderObject) {
if (renderObject.clipper.runtimeType != ShapeBorderClipper)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'clipper was: ${renderObject.clipper}');
final ShapeBorderClipper shapeClipper = renderObject.clipper;
if (shapeClipper.shape != shape)
return failWithDescription(matchState, 'shape was: ${shapeClipper.shape}');
return true;
bool renderObjectMatchesT(Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState, RenderClipRRect renderObject) {
return false;
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('clips with shape: $shape');